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This study focuses on the hydrochemical characteristics of 47 water samples collected from thermal and cold springs that emerge from the Hammam Righa geothermal field, located in north-central Algeria. The aquifer that feeds these springs is mainly situated in the deeply fractured Jurassic limestone and dolomite of the Zaccar Mount. Measured discharge temperatures of the cold waters range from 16.0 to 26.5 °C and the hot waters from 32.1 to 68.2 °C. All waters exhibited a near-neutral pH of 6.0–7.6. The thermal waters had a high total dissolved solids (TDS) content of up to 2527 mg/l, while the TDS for cold waters was 659.0–852.0 mg/l. Chemical analyses suggest that two main types of water exist: hot waters in the upflow area of the Ca–Na–SO4 type (Hammam Righa) and cold waters in the recharge zone of the Ca–Na–HCO3 type (Zaccar Mount). Reservoir temperatures were estimated using silica geothermometers and fluid/mineral equilibria at 78, 92, and 95 °C for HR4, HR2, and HR1, respectively. Stable isotopic analyses of the δ18O and δD composition of the waters suggest that the thermal waters of Hammam Righa are of meteoric origin. We conclude that meteoric recharge infiltrates through the fractured dolomitic limestones of the Zaccar Mount and is conductively heated at a depth of 2.1–2.2 km. The hot waters then interact at depth with Triassic evaporites located in the hydrothermal conduit (fault), giving rise to the Ca–Na–SO4 water type. As they ascend to the surface, the thermal waters mix with shallower Mg-rich groundwater, resulting in waters that plot in the immature water field in the Na–K–Mg diagram. The mixing trend between cold groundwaters from the recharge zone area (Zaccar Mount) and hot waters in the upflow area (Hammam Righa) is apparent via a chloride-enthalpy diagram that shows a mixing ratio of 22.6 < R < 29.2 %. We summarize these results with a geothermal conceptual model of the Hammam Righa geothermal field.  相似文献   
To some extent, the sedimentary sequence with the largest groundwater reserves in northern Sahara is marked by a certain water table level, regionally known as the "Continental Intercalaire"(CI). "Continental Intercalaire"(CI) refers to "Continental Intercalary" widely distributed among three countries. Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, which have significant potential of water resources. As it is the only water resource relatively easily accessible to the inhabitants of the Sahara, it is widely developed. The physico-chemical characteristics of statistical processing in principal component analysis(PCA) and the chemical phase measurement of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer captured by "Foggaras"(traditional system irrigation composed of well system linked by a horizontal channel from their bases) and the deep drillings located in the study area were accessible. Therefore, there were some favorable conditions for comparing the chemistry of these waters with the standards of potability established by the World Health Organization. Then, the study detected the origin of excessive mineralization and the excessive content of Na, Cl, K, Mg and Ca that originated from the leaching of the clay and carbonate layers of the "Continental Intercalaire". In addition, the enrichment in NO_2~-, NO_3~- and SO_4~(2-) was due to the excessive use of fertilizer in the whole region for shallower Foggaras waters, and this study also showed the dominant chemical facies of groundwater related to the significant abundance of these mineral salts in this thick aquifer horizon.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The improvement of salt affected lands is a major environmental challenge in arid and semi arid regions all over the world. Electrokinetic treatment is one...  相似文献   
In this study we investigate the radiological hazard of naturally occurring radioactive material in Tunisian and Algerian phosphorite deposits. Eight samples of phosphorite were collected from the phosphorite mines. The Tunisian and Algerian phosphorites occur in the Late Paleocene and Lower Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian) in age (Béji Sassi 1984 and Zaïer 1999). Activity concentrations in all the samples were measured by alpha spectrometry and gamma spectrometry. Alpha spectrometry analyses show that the specific activity values of 238U, 234U and 235U in the samples of Tunisian phosphorite were 327?±?7 (321–327), 326?±?6 (325–331) and 14.50?±?0.72 (13.90–15.57) Bq kg?1, respectively. Specific activity measured by gamma spectrometry in the samples of the Tunisian and Algerian phosphorite shows a small difference. Specific activity levels of 40K, 226Ra, 232Th, 235U and 238U in the phosphorite samples from Tunisia were, respectively, 71.10?±?3.80, 391.54?±?9.39, 60.38?±?3.74, 12.72?±?0.54 and 527.42?±?49.57 Bq kg?1 and Algeria were 15.72?±?1.73, 989.65?±?12.52, 12.08?±?1.20, 47.50?±?1.52 and 1,148.78?±?7.30 Bq kg?1, respectively. The measured value of specific activity of 232Th and 40K in the Tunisian phosphorite samples is relatively higher than that found in the samples of Algerian phosphorite. The measured activity of uranium (238U) in the Tunisian phosphorite (527?±?49) Bq kg?1 is lower than in Algerian phosphorite. The measured activity of 238U in the Tunisian phosphorite samples was (527–1,315?±?65) 238U Bq kg?1 which is higher than its maximum background value of 110 Bq kg?1 in soils of the various countries of the world (Tufail et al. Radiat Meas 41:443–451, 2006). Different geological origins of phosphorites deposits are the main reason for the large spread in worldwide specific activities. The obtained results of uranium concentrations in phosphorites of different types (Algerian and Tunisian) demonstrate that the uranium concentrations are mainly governed by the phosphatic material. The present study reveals that phosphorite deposits contain natural radioactivity higher than background level.  相似文献   
A large number of seismic reflection lines and boreholes have been carried out in the Essaouira Basin by the oil industry. The present study concentrates on the reinterpretation of these data in the restricted area of Khemis Meskala, in order to better characterise the structure of the Cretaceous aquiferous system. The reflector corresponding to the bottom of the Vraconian formation has been identified on the different seismic sections. This horizon, which marks the base of the aquiferous system, was first digitised on time migration sections and then converted to depth sections using a suitable linear velocity law. The isobath map of the bottom of the Vraconian resulting from this study images the 3D geometrical structure of this horizon and shows that it is slightly folded in domes and basins. This document will be useful for rationalising the future hydrogeological researches that will be undertaken in the Khemis Meskala area. To cite this article: M. Jaffal et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 229–234.  相似文献   
Arabian Journal of Geosciences - The present work is concerned with the valorization of clay minerals of the Aleg formation (Coniacian-middle Campanian) in the clinker manufacturing. The studied...  相似文献   
This paper describes a multidisciplinary study approach (petrography and rock magnetism) conducted on samples collected from the study area to characterise the magnetic mineralogy and to determine if the magnetisation of both lithologies were induced or retain a remnant component. Petrophysical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses confirm bimodal aspects, particularly in basic rocks; the two magnetic modes depend essentially on the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the samples. The ultramafic rocks comprise a highly altered primary mineralogy with chromite and magnetite as magnetic phases. The second type is of mafic composition with a less altered primary mineralogy and essentially magnetite and/or (hemo-ilmenite) as a carrier of magnetic mineralisation. Sulphides are characterised by high concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb. The mineralogy is composed mainly of pyrrhotite (85% to 90%), sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and, occasionally, stannite. Monocline pyrrhotite seems to be the magnetic carrier of magnetisation in both Draa Sfar and Koudiat Aïcha. However, we suspect a different amount of hexagonal pyrrhotite as the cause of different magnetic behaviour. Paleomagnetic and thermomagnetic analyses reveal different. The calculated characteristic direction of natural remnant magnetisation for sulphides was used to model the magnetic anomaly of Draa Sfar. The proposed model match the geological features concluded from geological mapping and boreholes. Results from this work can be very useful for any modelling processes of magnetic anomalies suspected due to a sulphide mineralisation in an area with poor outcrops and no presence of boreholes information or of any geological or geochemical data.  相似文献   

La plaine de Segui-Zograta est une cuvette synclinale à remplissage Mio-Plio-Quaternaire où la nappe du Plio-Quaternaire constitue la principale source d’approvisionnement en eau pour l’abreuvement du chaptel et pour l’agriculture. Cette zone présente une hétérogénéité de répartition de la minéralisation des eaux souterraines. L’investigation des outils géochimiques basée sur l’étude des éléments majeurs, des isotopes stables (18O, 2H) et radioactifs (3H, 14C) indique la combinaison de différents processus contrôlant la minéralisation de ces eaux. Dans la partie Ouest, les eaux du Plio-Quaternaire présentent un facies de type sulfato-calco-sodique et des salinités élevées. Elles subissent l’effet de la dissolution des minéraux évaporitiques et résultent du mélange par drainance ascendante des eaux fossi des aquifères les plus profonds, à salinité élevée et à faciès chloruro-sulfato-sodique, à travers la faille d’Om Ali où leur contribution peut atteindre 96%. Dans la partie Est, ces eaux sont de type sulfato-calcique, considérées relativement moins minéralisées que celles de la partie Ouest. Elles sont issues de l’infiltration des eaux de pluie récentes et qui ont subi l’effet de l’évaporation.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic data of the Anti-Atlas Mountains show an important magnetic anomaly along the ‘Major Anti-Atlas Fault’, produced by different mafic and ultramafic rocks of a Neoproterozoic ophiolite complex. The magnetic modelling of Bou Azzer–El Graara ophiolitic suture shows a deep-seated anomaly through the upper continental crust corresponding to a north-dipping subduction. The polarity of the Pan-African subduction in the Anti-Atlas is therefore compatible with the contemporaneous Pan-African orogenic belts, where polarity of subduction dipped away from the West African Craton during the amalgamation of Western Gondwana. To cite this article: A. Soulaimani et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
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