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The results of 3D modeling of the formation of the accretion disks of intermediate polars are presented. A model with misaligned rotation axes of accretor and the orbit is onsidered, in which it is assumed that the white dwarf has a dipolar magnetic field with its symmetry axis inclined to the whitedwarf rotation and orbital axes. The computations show that, in the early stages of formation of the disk, the action of magnetic field is able to create the initial (seed) inclination of the disk. This inclination is then supported mainly by the dynamical pressure of the flow from the inner Lagrangian point L1. As themass of the disk increases, the inclination disappears. Under certain conditions, the disk inclination does not arise in systems with misaligned white-dwarf rotation and orbital axes. The influence of the magnetic field and asynchronous rotation of the accretor may result in the formation of spiral waves in the disk with amplitudes sufficient to be detected observationally.  相似文献   
We have performed three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical calculations of stream accretion in cataclysmic variable stars for which the white dwarf primary possesses a strong, complex magnetic field. These calculations were motivated by observations of polars: cataclysmic variables containing white dwarfs with magnetic fields sufficiently strong to prevent the formation of an accretion disk. In this case, an accretion stream flows from the L1 point and impacts directly onto one or more spots on the surface of the white dwarf. Observations indicate that the white dwarfs in some binaries possess complex (non-dipolar) magnetic fields. We performed simulations of ten polars, with the only variable being the azimuthal angle of the secondary with respect to the white dwarf. These calculations are also applicable to asynchronous polars, where the spin period of the white dwarf differs by a few percent from the orbital period. Our results are equivalent to calculating the structure of one asynchronous polar at ten different spin-orbit beat phases. Our models have an aligned dipolar plus quadrupolar magnetic field centered on the whitedwarf primary. We find that, with a sufficiently strong quadrupolar component, an accretion spot arises near the magnetic equator for slightly less than half our simulations, while a polar accretion zone is active for most of the remaining simulations. For two configurations, accretion at a dominant polar region and in an equatorial zone occurs simultaneously. Most polar studies assume that the magnetic field is dipolar, especially for single-pole accretors. We demonstrate that, with the orbital parameters and magnetic-field strengths typical of polars, the accretion flow patterns can vary widely in the case of a complex magnetic field. This may make it difficult formany polars to determine observationally whether the field is pure dipolar or is more complex, but there shoulid be indications for some systems. In particular, a complex magnetic field should be suspected if there is an accretion zone near the white dwarf’s equator (assumed to be in the orbital plane) or if there are two or more accretion regions that cannot be fitted by dipolar magnetic field. Magnetic-field constraints are expected to be substantially stronger for asynchronous polars, with clearer signs of complex field geometry due to changes in the accretion flow structure as a function of azimuthal angle. These indications become clearer in asynchronous polars because each azimuthal angle corresponds to a different spin-orbit beat phase.  相似文献   
The article presents a review of scientific problems and methods of ultraviolet astronomy, focusing on perspective scientific problems (directions) whose solution requires UV space observatories. These include reionization and the history of star formation in the Universe, searches for dark baryonic matter, physical and chemical processes in the interstellar medium and protoplanetary disks, the physics of accretion and outflows in astrophysical objects, from Active Galactic Nuclei to close binary stars, stellar activity (for both low-mass and high-mass stars), and processes occurring in the atmospheres of both planets in the solar system and exoplanets. Technological progress in UV astronomy achieved in recent years is also considered. The well advanced, international, Russian-led Spektr-UV (World Space Observatory—Ultraviolet) project is described in more detail. This project is directed at creating a major space observatory operational in the ultraviolet (115–310 nm). This observatory will provide an effective, and possibly the only, powerful means of observing in this spectral range over the next ten years, and will be an powerful tool for resolving many topical scientific problems.  相似文献   
The structures of plasma flows in close binary systems whose accretors have strong intrinsic magnetic fields are studied. A close binary system with the parameters of a typical polar is considered. The results of three-dimensional numerical simulations of the matter flow from the donor into the accretor Roche lobe are presented. Special attention is given to the flow structure in the vicinity of the inner Lagrangian point, where the accretion flow is formed. The interaction of the accretion-flow material from the donor’s envelope with the magnetic field of the accretor results in the formation of a hierarchical structure of the magnetosphere, because less dense areas of the accretion flow are stopped by the magnetic field of the white dwarf earlier than more dense regions. Taking into account this kind of magnetosphere structure can affect analysis results and interpretation of the observations.  相似文献   
Using 3D gas dynamics, we numerically simulate accretion-disk formation in typical cataclysmic variable intermediate polars with dipolar magnetic fields (B a = 105?5 × 105 G) and misaligned white-dwarf magnetic and rotation axes. Our simulations confirm that a significant misalignment of the axes results in a significant misalignment of the disk to the orbital plane. However, over time, this disk tilt disappears: early in the simulation, the initial particle positions in the rarefied tilted disk are governed solely by the magnetic field of the white dwarf. Due to the increasing disk mass and hence increasing disk gas pressure, the tilted disk eventually becomes decoupled from the magnetic field. The tidal action of the donor leads to a retrograde (i.e., nodal) precession of the tilted disk’s streamlines, and the disk becomes twisted. When the disk tilt is greater than 4°, the incoming gas stream no longer strikes the disk rim (i.e., bright shocked region). Matter is now transported over and under the disk rim to the inner regions of the disk. Over time, the increased mass of inner parts of the disk due to the action of the colinear gas stream returns the inner-disk regions to a colinear configuration. Meanwhile, the outer regions of the tilted, twisted disk become warped. Our simulations suggest that the lifetime of an intermediate polar’s tilted disk could be several tens to thousands of orbital periods.  相似文献   
Zhilkin  A. G.  Bisikalo  D. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(7):550-564

As a rule, the orbits of “hot Jupiter” exoplanets are located close to the Alfven point of the stellar wind of the host star. Many hot Jupiters could be in the sub-Alfven zone, where the magnetic pressure of the stellar wind exceeds the dynamical pressure. Therefore, the magnetic field in the wind should play an extremely important role in the process of stellar wind flowing around the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter. This must be taken into account when constructing theoretical models and interpreting observational data. Analyses show that many typical hot Jupiters should have shockless induced magnetospheres, which have no analogs in the solar system. Such magnetospheres are characterized first and foremost by the fact that there is no bow shock, and the magnetic barrier (ionopause) is formed by induced currents in upper layers of the ionosphere. This conclusion is confirmed here using three-dimensional numerical simulations of the flow of the stellar wind from the host star around the hot Jupiter HD 209458b, taking into account both the intrinsic magnetic field of the planet and the magnetic field in the wind.

The influence of the dipolar magnetic field of a “hot Jupiter” with the parameters of the object WASP-12b on the mass-loss rate from its atmosphere is investigated. The results of three-dimensional gas-dynamical and magnetohydrodynamical computations show that the presence of a magnetic moment with a strength of ~0.1 the magnetic moment of Jupiter leads to appreciable variations of the matter flow structure. For example, in the case of the exoplanet WASP-12b with its specified set of atmospheric parameters, the stream from the vicinity of the Lagrange point L1 is not stopped by the dynamical pressure of the stellar wind, and the envelope remains open. Including the effect of the magnetic field leads to a variation in this picture—the atmosphere becomes quasi-closed, with a characteristic size of order 14 planetary radii, which, in turn, substantially decreases the mass-loss rate by the exoplanet atmosphere (by~70%). This reduction of the mass-loss rate due to the influence of the magnetic fieldmakes it possible for exoplanets to form closed and quasi-closed envelopes in the presence of more strongly overflowing Roche lobes than is possible without a magnetic field.  相似文献   
A physical model and two-dimensional numerical method for computing the evolution and spectra of protostellar clouds are described. The physical model is based on a system of magneto-gas-dynamical equations, including ohmic and ambipolar diffusion, and a scheme for calculating the thermal and ionization structure of a cloud. The dust and gas temperatures are determined when calculating the thermal structure of the cloud. The results of computing the dynamical and thermal structure of the cloud are used to model the transfer of continuum and molecular-line radiation in the cloud. Results are presented for clouds in hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium. The evolution of a rotating magnetic protostellar cloud that is compressed starting from a quasi-static equilibrium state is also considered. Spectral maps for optically thick lines of linear molecules are analyzed. The influence of the magnetic field and rotation can lead to a redistribution of angular momentum in the cloud and the formation of a characteristic rotational-velocity structure. As a result, the distribution of the velocity centroid of the molecular lines can acquire an hourglass shape. It is planned in future to use the developed program package and a model for the chemical evolution of clouds to interpret and model in detail observed starless and protostellar cores.  相似文献   
We have developed a three-dimensional numerical model and applied it to simulate plasma flows in semi-detached binary systems whose accretor possesses a strong intrinsic magnetic field. The model is based on the assumption that the plasma dynamics are determined by the slow mean flow, which forms a backdrop for the rapid propagation of MHD waves. The equations describing the slow motion of matter were obtained by averaging over rapidly propagating pulsations. The numerical model includes the diffusion of magnetic field by current dissipation in turbulent vortices, magnetic buoyancy, and wave MHD turbulence. A modified three-dimensional, parallel, numerical code was used to simulate the flow structure in close binary systems with various accretor magnetic fields, from 105 to 108 G. The conditions for the formation of the accretion disk and the criteria distinguishing the two types of flow corresponding to intermediate polars and polars are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract—Currently, hot Jupiters have extended gaseous (ionospheric) envelopes extending far beyond the Roche lobe. The envelopes are loosely bound to the planet and are subject to a strong influence by stellar wind fluctuations. Since hot Jupiters are close to the parent star, the magnetic field of the stellar wind is an important factor which defines the structure of their magnetospheres. For a typical hot Jupiter, the velocity of stellar wind plasma flowing around the atmosphere is close to the Alfvén velocity. Thus, fluctuations of the stellar wind parameters (density, velocity, magnetic field) can affect conditions for the formation of the bow shock around a hot Jupiter, such as transforming the flow from sub-Alfvén to super-Alfvén regime and back. The study results of three-dimensional numerical MHD simulations confirm that, in a hot Jupiter’s envelope located near the Alfvén point of the stellar wind, both the disappearance and appearance of a detached shock can occur under the influence of a coronal mass ejection. The study also shows that this process can affect the observational manifestations of a hot Jupiter, including the radiation flux in the spectrum’s hard region.  相似文献   
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