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为了解双泉金矿成矿时代及成矿环境,分别对双泉金矿含金石英脉和赋矿岩石进行采样测试分析。高精度LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法测年结果表明,双泉金矿含金石英脉加权平均206Pb/238U年龄为(303.53±0.79)Ma,代表了含金石英脉形成年龄,属晚石炭世前后挤压推覆构造体系产物。与双泉金矿主成矿期年龄对比,结合矿区成矿条件及黄铁矿、毒砂等矿物形态特征,认为该金矿的形成不是一期结果,而是经历了预富集、富集的演化历程。赋矿岩石地球化学分析结果表明,岩石的SiO2、K2O、CaO(SiO2=58.82%~89.25%,K2O=1.12%~4.47%,CaO=0.52%~4.47%)含量高,Na2O含量低(Na2O=0.43%~1.76%),A/CNK值大于1,δ值小于3.3,属过铝质、钙碱性岩石,具富钾钙、贫钠镁特点;Ba相对Rb,Th亏损,K2O含量接近活动陆缘K2O含量,TiO2含量与岛弧TiO2含量接近,推断岩体形成于活动陆缘或岛弧环境;稀土元素具弱的负Eu、负Ce异常,(La/Sm)N值较(Gd/Yb)N值大,轻稀土元素分馏程度高于重稀土元素,表明岩浆具壳幔混熔特点。东准噶尔后碰撞阶段早石炭世至二叠纪晚期发生的陆-陆碰撞造山及伸展张弛构造运动可能是造成此结果的主要构造因素。  相似文献   
备战铁矿是西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带新近发现的大型铁矿之一,矿区广泛发育下石炭统火山岩。本文对矿区火山岩进行了主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素地球化学特征分析、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年以及锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成研究,以探讨矿区大哈拉军山组火山岩产出的构造环境、备战铁矿的成岩成矿时代和火山岩的来源。矿区火山岩主要由玄武岩、玄武安山岩、安山岩、流纹岩组成,以中基性岩为主,大多为高钾钙碱性系列;微量元素和稀土元素表明矿区火山岩产出构造环境为活动陆缘火山岛弧;锆石U-Pb测试结果显示矿区南部斜长花岗斑岩的形成时代为晚石炭世早期(301±0.93Ma),成矿时代为早石炭世晚期。结合地质背景认为该铁矿至少有两期成矿期,在成因上为火山沉积后期叠加矽卡岩化的磁铁矿矿床。锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成特征表明备战铁矿的岩石来源于元古代、太古代地壳物质的部分熔融,并且源区物质在地壳中存在较长的时间。  相似文献   
In this paper, the contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil samples around three different oily sludge plants in winter were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the pollution degree with PAHs in soil samples was determined. Soil samples were collected from the agricultural soil around three different oily sludge plants (the Third Wenming Plant, the Third Mazhai Plant, and the Fourth Wener Plant) along with the leeway in Zhongyuan oil field. The distances from collected sample sites to oily sludge plants are 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 m, respectively. The results show that the contents of PAHs in soil samples decrease dramatically with the increase of the distance from the oily sludge, and that the PAHs with 2–4 rings are major pollutants in the oily sludge and soil samples. The main factors, which influenced the distribution of PAHs are discussed. Based on Nemero Index P, the classification evaluation shows that the soils around the oily sludge are heavily polluted in winter. The health risk assessment and ecological risk assessment of the soils around the oily sludge in Zhongyuan oil field in winter are analyzed.  相似文献   
高战朝 《海洋信息》2002,17(4):19-21
废弃海洋石油平台处置是近年来各沿海国家普遍关注的问题之一。国际上业已制定了有关的法规政策,对废弃海洋石油平台处置的原则和标准作了具体的规定。有关发达国家也针对本国的实际情况对海洋废弃石油平台进行了立法管理。废弃海洋石油平台拆除的方法基本上分为三种:全部拆除、部分拆除和改作它用。拆除的技术很复杂,特别是切割技术。废弃平台改作为人工渔礁在美国已有成功的经验。把废弃海洋石油平台拆除后全部运回岸上处置可能是一种趋势。  相似文献   
高战朝 《海洋信息》2005,(2):27-28,26
领海基点岛屿是划分内水、领海和200海里专属经济区等管辖海域的重要标志,加强领海基点的管理十分必要。本文简介了国内外这方面的管理情况。  相似文献   
利用呼图壁县及周边15个气象站点1961-2018年气候资料和台站地理信息数据,应用地理信息系统(ArcGIS10.0)空间分析技术将新疆1:5万DEM数据转成分辨率为(100m×100m)的数字高程,并提取对应站点上的经度、纬度、海拔高度、坡度、坡向等,通过地统计回归和反距离权重等方法构建≥10℃积温、无霜期、7月平均气温、≥35℃高温日数等指标因子与地理因子的空间分析推算模型,获取制种玉米各区划指标因子的空间分布模拟值,并将实际值与模拟值之残差部分进行空间内插订正,结合制种玉米区划指标等级,最终得到制种玉米适宜种植精细化区划。区划结果表明,全县划分为最适宜区、适宜区、次适宜区、风险区和不适宜区5个分区。最适宜种植区分布在呼图壁县北部平原地带,包括呼图壁县、十里店镇、五工台镇、园户村镇和大丰镇等广大区域;适宜区分布在中部平原地带,包括独山子乡、龙王庙村、宁州户村、二十里店村等区域;次适宜种植区靠近丘陵、低山地带,包括石梯子乡。  相似文献   
Liu  Quanhong  Wang  Zhengzhong  Li  Zhanchao  Wang  Yi 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(5):1273-1287

The transversely isotropic (TISO) constitutive and frost heave models for the freezing of fine-grained soils are more accurate than the isotropic model and simpler than the orthotropic models. First, in combination with the mesoscopic composition of freezing soils, a mechanical model for the interaction between the equivalent ice lens and the soil in frozen soils is established based on the series and parallel models in the theory of composite mechanics. Second, the TISO constitutive model together with the analytic expression of five elastic constants is provided for analysis of the freezing soils. Third, a preliminary elastoplastic model for TISO freezing soil is established based on the Hill plastic model. Fourth, the heat–moisture–deformation coupling TISO model and the hydrodynamic frost heave model are derived according to a thermodynamics equation, a soil water motion equation, and generalized Hooke’s law. Synchronization and uniformity of the TISO constitutive model and the TISO frost heave model are realized for analyzing the interaction between permafrost soils and buildings. Finally, an indoor standard frost heave test and the frost heave of a prototype canal are simulated based on the above models. The numerical results indicated that the models presented in this paper accurately described the frost heave and revealed the interaction between permafrost and buildings.

本文以新疆麦盖提灰枣为例,在基于气象观测资料开展气候品质评价的基础上,将FY-4A卫星遥感数据、高分辨率多源融合实况格点产品(ART-1km、CLDAS-V2.0、Laps)应用于农产品气候品质评价,研制了点面结合的网格化农产品气候品质评价模型,阐述了基于多源数据融合的农产品气候品质评价方法。结果表明,通过该方法可明显提高农产品气候品质评价结论的可靠性和精细化程度,同时也可解决无观测资料地区农产品气候品质评价问题。  相似文献   
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