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Propagation of seismic waves through soil layers would drastically change the frequency content and amplitude-based features of ground motions at the surface. These alterations are known as seismic site effects. Computation of site effects of high-populated areas such as large cities is of great importance (e.g., it is used in development of seismic microzonation of a region). Shiraz is one of the most populous cities of Iran and is located in a high seismic hazardous region. A representative clay site in this city is selected to assess local site effects. The time series and random vibration theory procedure in the frequency domain are implemented to analyze the aforementioned site. Furthermore, the nonlinear dynamic soil behavior is simulated by the equivalent linear method and the nonlinear method via DEEPSOIL program. Three types of soil column uncertainties such as shear wave velocity, modulus reduction, and damping ratio of soil layers as well as depth of underlying rock half-space (D bed) are considered herein. The mean amplification and standard deviation of natural logarithm of amplification factors are computed for a variety of analysis types. The results of the current study show that the computed mean and standard deviation of amplification factor in ln units by considering only V S uncertainty are in good agreement with the corresponding ones by considering V S and modulus reduction and damping ratio variabilities simultaneously for the studied site. Furthermore, it seems that the effect of bedrock depth in definition of spectral shapes of the Iranian seismic building code should be taken into account.  相似文献   
Earthquake ground-motion relationships for soil and rock sites in Iran have been developed based on the specific barrier model (SBM) used within the context of the stochastic modeling and calibrated against up-to-date Iranian strong-motion data. A total of 171 strong-motion accelerograms recorded at distances of up to 200 km from 24 earthquakes with moment magnitudes ranging from Mw 5.2 to 7.4 are used to determine the region-specific source parameters of this model. Regression analysis was conducted using the “random effects” methodology that considers both earthquake-to-earthquake (inter-event) variability and within-earthquake (intra-event) variability to effectively handle the problem of weighting observations from different earthquakes. The minimization of the error function in each iteration of the “random effects” procedure was performed using the genetic algorithm method. The residuals are examined against available Iranian strong-motion data to confirm that the model predictions are unbiased and that there are no significant residual trends with distance and magnitude. No evidence of self-similarity breakdown is observed between the source radius and its seismic moment. To verify the robustness of the results, tests were performed to confirm that the results are unchanged if the number of observations is changed by removing different randomly selected datasets from the original database. Stochastic simulations, using the derived SBM, are then performed to predict peak ground-motion and response spectra parameters for a wide range of magnitudes and distances. The stochastic SBM predictions agree well with the new empirical regression equations proposed for Iran, Europe and Middle East in the magnitude–distance ranges well represented by the data. It has been shown that the SBM of this study provides unbiased ground-motion estimates over the entire frequency range of most engineering interests (1–10 Hz) for the Iranian earthquakes. Our results are also important for the assessment of hazards in other seismically active environments in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   
The regional time- and magnitude-predictable model has been applied successfully in diverse regions of the world to describe the occurrence of main shocks. In the current study, the model has been calibrated against the historical and instrumental catalog of Iranian earthquakes. The Iranian plateau is divided into 15 seismogenic provinces; then, the interevent times for strong main shocks have been determined for each one. The empirical relations reported by Papazachos et al. (Tectonophysics 271:295–323, 1997a) for the Alpine–Himalayan belt (including Iran) were adopted except for the constant terms that were calculated separately for every seismotectonic area. By using the calibrated equations developed for the study area and taking into account the occurrence time and magnitude of the last main shocks in each seismogenic source, the time-dependent conditional probabilities of occurrence P(?t) of the next main shocks during next 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years as well as the magnitude of the expected main shocks (M f) have been estimated. The immediate probability (within next 10 years) of a large main shock is estimated to be high and moderate (>35 %) in all regions except zones 9 (M f = 5.8) and 15 (M f = 6.1). However, it should be noted that the probabilities have been estimated for different M f values in 15 regions. Comparing the model predictions with the actual earthquake occurrence rates shows the good performance of the model for Iranian plateau.  相似文献   
Generalized inversion of the S-wave amplitude spectra from the strong-motion network data in the East-Central Iran has been used to estimate simultaneously source parameters, site response and the S-wave attenuation (Qs). In this regard, 190 three-component records were used corresponded to 40 earthquakes with the magnitudes M3.5–M7.3. These earthquakes were recorded at 42 stations in the hypocentral distance range from 9 to 200 km. The inverse problem was solved in 20 logarithmically equally spaced points in the frequency band from 0.4 to 15 Hz. The frequency-dependent site amplification was imposed, as a constraint, on two reference site responses in order to remove the undetermined degree of freedom in the inversion and obtain a unique inverse solution. Also, a geometrical spreading factor was assumed for removing the trade-off between geometrical spreading and anelastic attenuation. Different source parameters, such as seismic moment (M0), seismic energy (Es), corner frequency (fc) and Brune stress drop (Δσ), were estimated for each event by fitting an ω2 model to the spectra obtained from the inversion. The stress drop values of earthquakes, obtained in this research, are in good agreement with those of other studies. Also average site response values were correlated to the average shear wave velocities in the uppermost 30 m, in high and low frequency bands. The peak frequencies of site amplifications, estimated by the generalized inversion method, where in good agreement with those of horizontal to vertical (H/V) spectral ratios for the S-wave portion of records. However, no perfect matching in amplitude was obtained due to the deficiencies of the H/V ratio technique. By supposing a free shape for Q factor, a frequency dependent function was found, the logarithm of which could be approximated by a linear function, Q(f)=151f0.75. The uncertainties of model parameters have been evaluated by covariance matrix of least-square fit. The residuals were also analyzed in order to assess the validity of the model. The analysis of residuals with respect to magnitude and distance indicates that they are distributed normally with approximately zero mean. The robustness of the results has been studied concerning their sensitivities to the omission of different datasets, selected randomly from original database. The results obtained here can be used in predicting ground-motion parameters applying stochastic methods.  相似文献   
Aftershock Decay Rates in the Iranian Plateau   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 163 free-field acceleration time histories recorded at epicentral distances of up to 200 km from 32 earthquakes with moment magnitudes ranging from M w 4.9 to 7.4 have been used to investigate the predictive capabilities of the local, regional, and next generation attenuation (NGA) ground-motion prediction equations and determine their applicability for northern Iran. Two different statistical approaches, namely the likelihood method (LH) of Scherbaum et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 94:341–348, 2004) and the average log-likelihood method (LLH) of Scherbaum et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 99:3234–3247, 2009), have been applied for evaluation of these models. The best-fitting models (considering both the LH and LLH results) over the entire frequency range of interest are those of Ghasemi et al. (Seismol 13:499–515, 2009a) and Soghrat et al. (Geophys J Int 188:645–679, 2012) among the local models, Abrahamson and Silva (Earthq Spectra 24:67–97, 2008) and Chiou and Youngs (Earthq Spectra 24:173–215, 2008) among the NGA models, and finally Akkar and Bommer (Seism Res Lett 81:195–206, 2010) among the regional models.  相似文献   
Aftershock hazard maps contain the essential information for search and rescue process, and re-occupation after a main-shock. Accordingly, the main purposes of this article are to study the aftershock decay parameters and to estimate the expected high-frequency ground motions (i.e., Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)) for recent large earthquakes in the Iranian plateau. For this aim, the Ahar-Varzaghan doublet earthquake (August 11, 2012; M N =6.5, M N =6.3), and the Ilam (Murmuri) earthquake (August 18, 2014 ; M N =6.2) have been selected. The earthquake catalogue has been collected based on the Gardner and Knopoff (Bull Seismol Soc Am 64(5), 1363-1367, 1974) temporal and spatial windowing technique. The magnitude of completeness and the seismicity parameters (a,??b) and the modified Omori law parameters (P,??K,??C) have been determined for these two earthquakes in the 14, 30, and 60 days after the mainshocks. Also, the temporal changes of parameters (a,??b,??P,??K,??C) have been studied. The aftershock hazard maps for the probability of exceedance (33%) have been computed in the time periods of 14, 30, and 60 days after the Ahar-Varzaghan and Ilam (Murmuri) earthquakes. For calculating the expected PGA of aftershocks, the regional and global ground motion prediction equations have been utilized. Amplification factor based on the site classes has also been implied in the calculation of PGA. These aftershock hazard maps show an agreement between the PGAs of large aftershocks and the forecasted PGAs. Also, the significant role of b parameter in the Ilam (Murmuri) probabilistic aftershock hazard maps has been investigated.  相似文献   
A recently compiled, comprehensive, and good-quality strong-motion database of the Iranian earthquakes has been used to develop local empirical equations for the prediction of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 5%-damped pseudo-spectral accelerations (PSA) up to 4.0 s. The equations account for style of faulting and four site classes and use the horizontal distance from the surface projection of the rupture plane as a distance measure. The model predicts the geometric mean of horizontal components and the vertical-to-horizontal ratio. A total of 1551 free-field acceleration time histories recorded at distances of up to 200 km from 200 shallow earthquakes (depth < 30 km) with moment magnitudes ranging from Mw 4.0 to 7.3 are used to perform regression analysis using the random effects algorithm of Abrahamson and Youngs (Bull Seism Soc Am 82:505–510, 1992), which considers between-events as well as within-events errors. Due to the limited data used in the development of previous Iranian ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) and strong trade-offs between different terms of GMPEs, it is likely that the previously determined models might have less precision on their coefficients in comparison to the current study. The richer database of the current study allows improving on prior works by considering additional variables that could not previously be adequately constrained. Here, a functional form used by Boore and Atkinson (Earthquake Spect 24:99–138, 2008) and Bindi et al. (Bull Seism Soc Am 9:1899–1920, 2011) has been adopted that allows accounting for the saturation of ground motions at close distances. A regression has been also performed for the V/H in order to retrieve vertical components by scaling horizontal spectra. In order to take into account epistemic uncertainty, the new model can be used along with other appropriate GMPEs through a logic tree framework for seismic hazard assessment in Iran and Middle East region.  相似文献   
Estimation of ground-motion amplitudes of different hazard levels is of paramount importance in planning of urban development of any metropolis. Such estimation can be computed through a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). This paper concentrates on the PSHA of an area located in Shiraz city, southern Iran. The area includes whole of Shiraz city (i.e., one of the largest and most populous cities of Iran) and its outskirts. Conventional and Monte Carlo simulation-based approaches are utilized to perform the PSHA of the studied area. Two areal seismic source models are delineated, and thence seismicity parameters of all zones associated with their corresponding uncertainties are computed. Uncertainties in ground-motion prediction are accounted for via three ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) within the logic tree framework. These GMPEs are applied to estimate bedrock ground shaking (Vs30?=?760 m/s) for several return periods (i.e., 75, 475, 975, and 2475 years). In general, the results of the two abovementioned PSHA approaches show relatively similar results. However, the Monte Carlo simulation-based approach overpredicts bedrock spectral accelerations at periods of 0.4–2.5 s compared to the conventional PSHA approach for return periods of 475, 975, and 2475 years.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - A strong earthquake occurred on November 12, 2017, in Sarpol-e Zahab city, western Iran, with the moment magnitude ( $$M_{{\text{w}}}$$ ) of 7.3 and a focal depth of...  相似文献   
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