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Adakites are increasingly being recognized worldwide in a variety of tectonic settings. Models on the formation of this geochemically distinct class of volcanic rocks have evolved from partial melting of subducted young, hot oceanic slabs to magmatism resulting from oblique subduction, low‐angle or flat subduction, or even slab‐tearing. Some workers have also pointed to the partial melting of thickened crust to explain the generation of adakitic melts. Rare earth element ratios from adakites and adakitic rocks in the Philippines were used in this study to obtain approximations of the levels where they were generated. These were tied to available geophysical data that defines the crustal thickness of the areas where the samples were collected. High Sm/Yb and La/Yb ratios denote the involvement of amphiboles, and in some cases garnet, in the generation of adakites and adakitic magmas. The presence of amphibole and garnet as residual phases suggests high pressures corresponding to thicker crust (~30 to 45 km). Adakites and adakitic rocks formed through processes other than melting of subducted young oceanic crust would need ≥30 km to account for the heavy rare earth element signatures. If mantle fractionation is not the process involved, crustal thickness is critical to generate adakites and adakitic rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract The basement complex of Bohol Island consists of the Southeast Bohol Ophiolite Complex (SEBOC), Cansiwang Melange and Alicia Schist. The SEBOC is a complete, but dismembered ophiolite with outcrops generally trending northeast– southwest and dipping north-west. The harzburgite units of the SEBOC are almost always observed to be thrusted onto the Cansiwang Melange, which in turn is thrusted onto the Alicia Schist. Bouguer gravity values on Bohol range from about +60 mGal in the west to +120 mGal in the east, in the region to the north-east of the SEBOC outcrops. Based on the present distribution of the SEBOC units and their thrust fault relationship with the Cansiwang Melange and Alicia Schist, it is proposed that the SEBOC was emplaced by onramping towards the south-eastward direction. However, the orientation of the Bouguer highs suggests that the thrusting direction of the ophiolite units is towards the south-west and not towards the south-east.  相似文献   
Climate change, involving both human-induced global warming and natural climate variability, has been called upon to explain the occurrences of weather extremes with their associated natural hazards. The Philippines experienced a dry spell in 2007 specifically in parts of Luzon which occurred during the rainy season. On the other hand, areas in Mindanao, southern Philippines which were supposed to be dry, were wet due to the non-migration of the inter-tropical convergence zone northward. The 2007 dry spell in Luzon, northern Philippines affected the agricultural, power, water and health sectors. The local effects of this weather extreme have to be documented and studied to ensure that the appropriate response measures are adopted should there be a recurrence. The building up of the database on this weather extreme and related natural hazards will definitely help the country cope with future similar events.  相似文献   
In the early part of 2006 the Philippines was hit by a La Nina event which brought floods, flashfloods and landslides. The most significant event was the February 2006 landslide that covered the whole community of Guinsaugon, in Southern Leyte, resulting in 154 deaths with 973 people still missing. Another rare event was the simultaneous presence of two tropical cyclones inside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) in August-- Tropical Depression Bopha and Tropical Storm Saomai--that enhanced the southwest monsoon. With the strong winds and high waves associated with the southwest mon- soon, an oil tanker, the M/T Solar 1, sank, resulting in the worst oil spill the country has ever suffered. Lastly, with a weak El Nino phenomenon forming in the Pacific Ocean and affecting the Philippines, a destructive typhoon, Xangsane, made a multi-landfall before hitting Metropolitan Manila. This was followed by the landfall of three superty- phoons--Cimaron, Chebi and Durian--during the last quarter of the year, bringing tremendous destruction of life and property. The occurrence of these weather events are attributed to climate variability the effects of which were exacerbated by a range of factors that include inappropriate land use.  相似文献   
Abstract Amphibolites unconformably overlain by a metasedimentary sequence of quartz-muscovite-feldspar-kyanite schists, metagraywackes and epidote-bearing amphibolites occur in the northern portion of the south-western Zamboanga metamorphic basement complex, western Mindanao. These amphibolites (here identified as the Mount Dansalan amphibolites) display relict magmatic textures inherited from cumulate gabbro protoliths. Bulk-rock major and trace-element data are consistent with this hypothesis. Together with the chemistry of relict igneous clinopyroxenes, they indicate a magmatic arc-related signature for the gabbro protoliths. Geochemical data allow us to identify various sources for the associated metasediments: the gabbro themselves for the metagraywackes and a continental basement for the quartz-muscovite-feldspar-kyanite schists. Both sources contributed to the genesis of the epidote-amphibolite metasediments. The compositions of the metamorphic mineral assemblages suggest that the rocks have undergone metamorphism at temperatures ranging from 550°C to 700°C and pressures probably in the range of 5–9 kbar. 40K–40Ar isotopic study of amphibole separates from the Mount Dansalan samples document a metamorphic event dated at 24.6 ± 1.4, 22.2 ± 1.4 and 21.2 ± 1.2 Ma. Our results are in agreement with plate tectonic models which describe the south-western Zamboanga metamorphic basement as a continental terrane. However, its evolution was not as simple as it was usually considered. In particular the basement incorporated slivers of magmatic arc crust, which cannot be unambiguously related to any of the Tertiary arcs documented in the area.  相似文献   
Abstract Volcanism in the back-arc side region of Central Luzon, Philippines, with respect to the Manila Trench is characterized by fewer and smaller volume volcanic centers compared to the adjacent forearc side-main volcanic arc igneous rocks. The back-arc side volcanic rocks which include basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites and dacites also contain more hydrous minerals (ie, hornblende and biotite). Adakite-like geochemical characteristics of these back-arc lavas, including elevated Sr, depleted heavy rare earth elements and high Sr/Y ratios, are unlikely to have formed by slab melting, be related to incipient subduction, slab window magmatism or plagioclase accumulation. Field and geochemical evidence show that these adakitic lavas were most probably formed by the partial melting of a garnet-bearing amphibolitic lower crust. Adakitic lavas are not necessarily arc–trench gap region slab melts.  相似文献   
Alternating chert–clastic sequences juxtaposed with limestone blocks, which are units typical of accretionary complexes, constitute the Buruanga peninsula. New lithostratigraphic units are proposed in this study: the Unidos Formation (Jurassic chert sequence), the Saboncogon Formation (Jurassic siliceous mudstone–terrigenous mudstone and quartz‐rich sandstone), the Gibon Formation (Jurassic(?) bedded pelagic limestone), the Libertad Metamorphics (Jurassic–Cretaceous slate, phyllite, and schist) and the Buruanga Formation (Pliocene–Pleistocene reefal limestone). The first three sedimentary sequences in the Buruanga peninsula show close affinity with the ocean plate stratigraphy of the North Palawan terrane in Busuanga Island: Lower–Middle Jurassic chert sequences overlain by Middle–Upper Jurassic clastics, juxtaposed with pelagic limestone. Moreover, the JR5–JR6 (Callovian to Oxfordian) siliceous mudstone of the Saboncogon Formation in the Buruanga peninsula correlates with the JR5–JR6 siliceous mudstone of the Guinlo Formation in the Middle Busuanga Belt. These findings suggest that the Buruanga peninsula may be part of the North Palawan terrane. The rocks of the Buruanga peninsula completely differ from the Middle Miocene basaltic to andesitic pyroclastic and lava flow deposits with reefal limestone and arkosic sandstone of the Antique Range. Thus, the previously suggested boundary between the Palawan microcontinental block and the Philippine Mobile Belt in the central Philippines, which is the suture zone between the Buruanga peninsula and the Antique Range, is confirmed. This boundary is similarly considered as the collision zone between them.  相似文献   
Abstract. The oceanic basement of the Central Philippines is exposed in ophiolitic massifs the age and origin of which remain debated. The Tacloban Ophiolite Complex (TOC) outcrops as a NW-SE trending massif in the northeastern portion of Leyte Island, Central Philippines. It is unconformably overlain by sedimentary sequences dated to Late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene volcaniclastic deposits on its eastern and western flanks, respectively. Field, petrographic and trace element data suggest a subduction-related origin for this ophiolite. Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircons from a gabbro yielded Early Cretaceous magmatic age for the TOC, which is very much older than a previously reported whole rock K-Ar derived Eocene age. The Early Cretaceous age of the TOC limits its possible progenitor to the proto-Philippine Sea Plate. Correlation with other Cretaceous ophiolites in Central Philippines reveals the possible extent of the proto-Philippine Sea Plate remnants now exposed onland.  相似文献   
Abstract. High seismic activity in the Philippines originates from tectonic convergence related to surface and subsurface seismotectonic features. Based on earthquake data, the archipelago can be divided into the seismically-active Philippine Mobile Belt and the aseismic North Palawan Block. The latter represents a rifted continental fragment of the Eurasian margin that juxtaposed with the rest of island arc units in central Philippines. Earthquake hypocenter plots on planar and in vertical profiles show that the seismic events are associated with known seismotectonic features. In addition, data suggest that the collision zone between the North Palawan Block and the Philippine Mobile Belt is characterized by a decreased amount of hypocenters at > 100 km depths. Although field evidence favors the presence of a subducted slab or slabs beneath western central Philippines, these are difficult to image using the present seismicity distribution dataset.  相似文献   
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