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The hydrographic observations in the vicinity of a seamount, the Tosa-Bae, southeast of Shikoku have been carried out two times in summer of 1991 and 1992. The temperature, salinity fields are observed by CTD and velocity fields are measured by ADCP. Results of these observation are presented in this paper. It is shown that salinity maximum water at a depth of 100 m is confined to a southeastern are of the Tosa-Bae, however, salinity minimum water is found in northern side of the Tosa-Bae. This indicates the westward intrusion of less saline water over northern slope. A positive correlation is detected between the estimated Rossby height (fL/N) and the observed height of Taylor Column estimated from the vertical change in the isotherms and isohalines. Almost both heights give smaller value than representative depth of bottom topography of the Tosa-Bae, it is indicated that the topographic effect of the Tosa-Bae is not fully reached to the surface. From the correlations between the vertical difference of geostrophic flow and that of ADCP velocity, ageostrophic flow component is detected.  相似文献   
Since the Intermediate Oyashio Water (IOW) gradually accumulates in Sagami Bay, it can reasonably be supposed that the IOW also flows out from Sagami Bay, even though it may be altered by mixing with other waters. We have occasionally observed a water less than 34.2 psu with a potential density of 26.8 at the southeastern area off Izu Peninsula in July 1993 by the training vessel Seisui-maru of Mie University. Observational data supplied by the Japan Meteorological Agency and the Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station show that the IOW of less than 34.1 psu was observed at northern stations of the line PT (KJ) off the Boso Peninsula and to the east of Oshima in the late spring 1993. Based upon these observations, it is concluded that the IOW flows out from Sagami Bay into the Shikoku Basin along southeastern area off the Izu Peninsula. The less saline water (<34.2 psu) was also observed to the west of Miyake-jima during the same cruise, and the westward intrusion of IOW from south of the Boso Peninsula to the Shikoku Basin through the gate area of the Kuroshio path over the Izu Ridge was detected. This event indicated that the IOW branched south of the Boso Peninsula and flowed into Sagami Bay and/or into the gate area over the Izu Ridge. The southward intrusion of IOW into the south of the Boso Peninsula is discussed in relation to the latitudinal location of the main axes of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Seasonal variation in the wind-driven circulation in the Japan Sea is studied with reference to the branching of the Tsushima Current using a two-layer model with simplified bottom and coastal topography. The system is driven by wind stress, an inflow corresponding to the Tsushima Current and by the two outflows corresponding to the Tsugaru and Soya Currents.In the first phase, an annual mean wind stress is imposed and a quasi-stationary state is obtained. In the next phase, a seasonally varying wind stress is imposed. Seasonal variation in the wind stress plays an important role in the branching system of the Tsushima Current. In winter, an intensified western boundary current with a prominent inner circulation is formed as a result of a strong wind stress of winter monsoon with negative wind stress curl. In spring to summer, the western boundary current is weak, but the topographic branch along the Japanese coast is intensified. The weak western boundary current is caused by weak wind stress with positive wind stress curl, which induces cyclonic Sverdrup flow in the Japan Sea and causes its western boundary current to flow in the opposite direction to the prescribed northward boundary inflow current. The topographic branch is strongest in late spring and moves offshore in summer, in agreement with the central branch denoted by Kawabe (1982b). Some of the observational features of the Tsushima Current are successfully simulated.  相似文献   
The topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) south of Japan has been studied using observational data obtained by the Seisui-Maru of Mie University (Mie Univ. data) and those compiled by Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC data). Both data sets show that water of salinity less than 34.1 psu on potential density () surface of 26.8 is confined to the eastern side of the Izu Ridge, while water of salinity less than 34.2 psu is confined to the southern area over the Izu Ridge at a depth greater than 2000 m and to the southeastern area in the Shikoku Basin. It is also shown by T-S analysis of Mie Univ. data over the Izu Ridge that water of salinity less than 34.2 psu dominates south of 30°N, where the depth of the Izu Ridge is deeper than 2000 m and NPIW can intrude westward over the Izu Ridge. JODC data reveal that relatively large standard deviations of the salinity on surface of 26.7, 26.8 and 26.9 are detected along the mean current path of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension. Almost all of the standard deviations are less than 0.05 psu in other area with the NPIW, which shows that the time variation in the salinity can be neglected. This observational evidence shows that the topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the NPIW, which is formed east of 145°E by the mixing of the Kuroshio water and the Oyashio water, is prominent north of 30°N with a depth shallower than 2000 m.  相似文献   
Nishinoshima, a submarine volcano in the Ogasawara Arc, approximately 1 000 km south of Tokyo, Japan, suddenly erupted in November 2013, after 40 years of dormancy. Olivine‐bearing phenocryst‐poor andesites found in older submarine lavas from the flanks of the volcano have been used to develop a model for the genesis of andesitic lavas from Nishinoshima. In this model, primary andesite magmas originate directly from the mantle as a result of shallow and hydrous melting of plagioclase peridotites. Thus, it only operates beneath Nishinoshima and submarine volcanoes in the Ogasawara Arc and other oceanic arcs, where the crust is thin. The primary magma compositions have changed from basalt, produced at considerable depth, to andesite, produced beneath the existing thinner crust at this location in the arc. This reflects the thermal and mechanical evolution of the mantle wedge and the overlying lithosphere. It is suggested that continental crust‐like andesitic magma builds up beneath submarine volcanoes on thin arc lithosphere today, and has built up beneath such volcanoes in the past. Andesites produced by this shallow and hydrous melting of the mantle could accumulate through collisions of plates to generate continental crust.  相似文献   
The photo-inhibition of phytoplankton photosynthesis at higher intensities was examined with a cultured marine diatom,Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and natural samples. The question was to determine whether photo-inhibition results from excretion of photosynthetic products from cell or from an actual decrease in photosynthetic rate. P. tricornutum cultured at 15 klux showed very little photo-inhibition up to 70 klux, and, in the sample cultured at 1 klux, most marked photo-inhibition was observed in 3 hours experiment. Extracellular release was less than 30% of particulate fixation, and did not show any extreme increase to supplement photosynthesis depression at higher light intensities. When the photosynthesis was measured during 10 minutes, both samples showed no photo-inhibition. The photosynthesis by low light sample lost the linearity of time-course with prolonged exposure at high light intensity. Observed photo-inhibition, therefore, we explained with the actual decrease in photosynthetic rate. Similar photo-inhibition could be seen in marine phytoplankton samples concentrated by filtration.  相似文献   
Historical GEK data provided by JODC is analyzed to investigate the characteristic variation in velocity of the Kuroshio, with special reference to the formation of small meanders south of Kyûshû. It is found that, during or prior to the period of small meander formation, there is a tendency for an abrupt increase in the current velocity west of Yaku-Shima (Yaku-Island), representing an increase in the main current intensity upstream. Also, there are apparent time lags in the variation in current velocity along the path of the Kuroshio between the upstream and the downstream regions of the small meander area. Namely, it is apparent that the increase in Kuroshio velocity in the Satsunan Strait procedes that offshore of Shikoku during the period of the small meander formation, by the order of one month. These results indicate that a nonlinear effect due to the increase in current velocity is a possible cause of the generation of small meanders.  相似文献   
Water plumes, 20 km long or less, identified by low temperature, high salinity and high nutrient concentrations, were observed on the eastern side of Izu Islands where the Kuroshio Current or its branch flowed eastward. The T-S diagrams and the vertical profiles of oceanographic variables indicated that the water plumes resulted from the upwelling of subsurface water. A newly formed plume, characterized by a sharp temperature front and high nutrient concentrations, contained less chlorophyll than did old plumes. It is suggested that the upwelling plumes are maintained for a period long enough to allow luxuriant growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
This paper describes a rockfall event in the Daisekkei Valley of Mount Shirouma-dake (2,932 m), the northern Japanese Alps. The rockfall occurred on a steep cliff comprising well-jointed felsites and produced debris of ≥8,000 m3. Most debris was deposited on an elongated snowpatch located immediately beneath the cliff, and it caused casualties among people who were trekking along a trail on the snowpatch. Additionally, a large rock block slipped 1 km on the snowpatch. The rockfall could have been due to the differential retreat of the rockwall, which contains areas of high- and low-density joints. Seasonal and diurnal freeze–thaw activities and snow avalanches and wash appear to be important factors responsible for the retreat. Although some rock blocks that can collapse further remain on the rockwall, the position of the mountain trail in the Daisekkei Valley is fixed. Fundamental reform of tourism systems for climbers, including education on natural hazards, is required.  相似文献   
The Akan‐Shiretoko volcanic chain, situated in the Southwestern Kurile arc, consists mainly of nine subaerial andesitic stratovolcanoes and three calderas. The chain extends in a SW–NE direction for 200 km, situated oblique to the Kurile trench at an angle of 25 degrees. Thirty‐seven new K–Ar ages, plus previous data, suggest that volcanic activity along the Akan‐Shiretoko volcanic chain began at ca 4 Ma at Akan, at the southwestern end of the chain, and systematically progressed northeastward, resulting in the southwest‐northeast‐trending volcanic chain. This spatial and temporal distribution of volcanoes can be explained by anticline development advancing northeastward from the Akan area, accompanied by magma rising through northeast‐trending fractures that developed along the anticlinal axis. The northeastward development of the anticline caused uplifting of the Akan‐Shiretoko area and changed the area from submarine to subaerial conditions. Anticline formation was likely due to deformation of the southwestern Kurile arc, with southwestward migration of the Kurile forearc sliver caused by oblique subduction of the Pacific plate. The echelon topographic arrangement of the Shiretoko, Kunashiri, Etorofu and Urup was formed at ca 1 Ma.  相似文献   
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