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Gas-liquid chromatographic method byGehrke et al. was applied to the determination of the dissolved proteinaceous substace. Sea-water samples were evaporated in vacuum to the volume of one twentieth of the initial volume and separated from deposited inorganic salt crystals. Thirteen kinds of amino acids except histidine, arginine and cystine were quantitatively determined for artificial sea water containing sixteen standard amino acids with accuracy of about five percent and with yield of 80 to 103 percent. This method has advantage comparing with paper or thin layer chromatography on the precision and comparing with ion-exchange method on sensitivity.The difference of amino acid concentration between the sea-water samples of different depth and different region was observed. The total amounts of dissolved amino acids were found to be between 33 and 92g per liter in sea water of Pacific Ocean taken at the surface to 1,500 m in depth.Contribution No. 41, from The Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   
Historical GEK data provided by JODC is analyzed to investigate the characteristic variation in velocity of the Kuroshio, with special reference to the formation of small meanders south of Kyûshû. It is found that, during or prior to the period of small meander formation, there is a tendency for an abrupt increase in the current velocity west of Yaku-Shima (Yaku-Island), representing an increase in the main current intensity upstream. Also, there are apparent time lags in the variation in current velocity along the path of the Kuroshio between the upstream and the downstream regions of the small meander area. Namely, it is apparent that the increase in Kuroshio velocity in the Satsunan Strait procedes that offshore of Shikoku during the period of the small meander formation, by the order of one month. These results indicate that a nonlinear effect due to the increase in current velocity is a possible cause of the generation of small meanders.  相似文献   
A formulation for the aerodynamic roughness length of air flow over wind waves $$z_0 = \gamma {\text{ }}u_* /\sigma p$$ which was proposed by Toba (1979) and Toba and Koga (1986) from dimensional considerations with some data analysis, is shown to correspond with a formulation for irregular solid surfaces $$(z_0 /h) = a(h/l)^{1 + \beta } $$ which resulted from work by Woodinget al. (1973) and Kustas and Brutsaert (1986);u * is the friction velocity,σ p the spectral peak frequency of wind waves,h the mean height of the solid obstacles,l the mean distance between their crests, andα,Β, andγ are constants. This correspondence is reached by the existence of a statistical 3/2-power law and an effective dispersion relationship for wind waves. Because both approaches of parameterizingz 0 were arrived at independently, they provide each other mutual reinforcement.  相似文献   
Priestley’s 1959 discussion concerning the estimations of momentum flux and of heat flux from profile observations of wind and temperature, stating that the closeness of the curve fitting is deceptive, is first critically re-examined. Then a method is proposed to estimate vertical flux of momentum and heat over the water surface, from the combined data of of wind speed and temperature are assumed to have similar log-linear profiles, and the most probable profiles are determined by applying the method of least squares simultaneously to wind and temperature data. Consequently, the most probable values of vertical flux of momentum and heat may be estimated to satisfy as much as possible observed data of both wind and temperature simultaneously. The coefficient of the linear term of the log-linear profile, which is treated as an indeterminate coefficient in this method, may be determined from each observed data as a function of stability length. By tentatively applying the method to Rider’s 1954 data it is found that the coefficient shows a characteristic behavior with the stability length.  相似文献   
A method for the prediction of ocean waves was developed on the basis of the single-parameter growth equation of wind waves, proposed byToba (1978) on the basis of similarity in growing wind waves. The applicability of the method to actual problems was tested by hindcasting the wave characteristics with the method, for two cases with differing time and space scales, one in Kii Channel Approach, Japan, and the other in the North Atlantic Ocean. The results showed that the present method can predict waves within an error of 1.3 m in wave heights, which ranged from 3 to 12 m.  相似文献   
During the 2000 activity of Miyake-jima volcano, Japan, we detected long period seismic signals with initial pulse widths of 1-2 s, accompanied by infrasonic pulses with almost the same pulse widths. The seismic signals were observed from 13 July 2000, a day before the second summit eruption. The occurrences of the seismic signals were intermittent with a gradual increase in their magnitudes and numbers building toward a significant explosive eruption on 18 August. After the eruption, the seismic and infrasonic events ceased. The results of a waveform inversion show that the initial motions were excited by an isotropic inflation source beneath the south edge of the caldera at a depth of 1.4 km. On the other hand, the sources of the infrasonic pulses were located in the summit caldera area. The times at which the infrasonic pulses were emitted at the surface were delayed by about 3 s from the origin times of the seismic events. It is suggested that small isotropic inflations excited seismic waves in the crust and simultaneously caused acoustic waves that traveled in the conduit and produced infrasonic pulses at the crater bottom. Considering the observed time differences and gas temperatures emitted from the vent, the conduit should have been filled with vapor mixed with SO2 gas and volcanic ash. The change of the time differences between the seismic and infrasonic signals suggests that the seismic source became shallower within half a day before the August 18 explosive eruption. We interpret the source process as a fragmentation process of magma in which gas bubbles burst and quickly released part of the pressure that had been sustained by the tensional strength of magma.  相似文献   
The two drill holes, which penetrated sub‐horizontal rare earth element (REE) ore units at the Nechalacho REE in the Proterozoic Thor Lake syenite, Canada, were studied in order to clarify the enrichment mechanism of the high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE: Zr, Nb and REE). The REE ore units occur in the albitized and potassic altered miaskitic syenite. Zircon is the most common REE mineral in the REE ore units, and is divided into five types as follows: Type‐1 zircon occurs as discrete grains in phlogopite, and has a chemical character similar to igneous zircon. Type‐2 zircon consists of a porous HREE‐rich core and LREE–Nb–F‐rich rim. Enrichment of F in the rim of type‐2 zircon suggests that F was related to the enrichment of HFSE. The core of type‐2 zircon is regarded to be magmatic and the rim to be hydrothermal in origin. Type‐3 zircon is characterized by euhedral to anhedral crystals, which occur in a complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates. Type‐3 zircon has high REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐4 zircon consists of porous‐core and ‐rim, but their chemical compositions are similar to each other. This zircon is a subhedral crystal rimmed by fergusonite. Type‐5 zircon is characterized by smaller, porous and subhedral to anhedral crystals. The interstices between small zircon grains are filled by fergusonite. Type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains have low REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐1 zircon is only included in one unit, which is less hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Type‐2 and type‐3 zircon grains mainly occur in the shallow units, while those of type‐4 and type‐5 are found in the deep units. The deep units have high HFSE contents and strongly altered mineral textures (type‐4 and type‐5) compared to the shallow units. Occurrences of these five types of zircon are different according to the depth and degree of the hydrothermal alteration by solutions rich in F and CO3, which permit a model for the evolution of the zircon crystallization in the Nechalacho REE deposit as follows: (i) type‐1 (discrete magmatic zircon) is formed in miaskitic syenite. (ii) LREE–Nb–F‐rich hydrothermal zircon formed around HREE‐rich magmatic zircon (type‐2). (iii) type‐3 zircon crystallized through the F and CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐2 zircon which formed the complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates; (iv) the CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid corroded type‐3, forming REE–Nb‐poor zircon (type‐4). Niobium and REE were no longer stable in the zircon structure and crystallized as fergusonite around the REE–Nb‐leached zircon (type‐4); (v) type‐5 zircon is formed by the more CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐4 zircon, suggested by the fact that type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains are often included in ankerite. Type‐3 to type‐5 zircon grains at the Nechalacho REE deposit were continuously formed by leaching and/or dissolution of type‐2 zircon in the presence of F‐ and/or CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid. These mineral associations indicate that three representative hydrothermal stages were present and related to HFSE enrichment in the Nechalacho REE deposit: (i) F‐rich hydrothermal stage caused the crystallization of REE–Nb‐rich zircon (type‐2 rim and type‐3), with abundant formation of phlogopite and fluorite; (ii) F‐ and CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage led to the replacement of a part of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon by REE fluorocarbonate; and (iii) CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage resulted in crystallization of the REE–Nb–F‐poor zircon and fergusonite, with ankerite. REE and Nb in hydrothermal fluid at the Nechalacho REE deposit were finally concentrated into fergusonite by way of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon in the hydrothermally altered units.  相似文献   
Nondimensionalization of variables enables us to treat experiment data much more simply and efficiently by decreasing the number of variables. In some cases, trivial conclusions (which Kenney, 1982, called spurious self-correlation) result from a formal application of dimensional analyses. In contrast, in some cases fully significant conclusions can be derived. We first discuss how to construct nondimensional variables retaining the physical meanings of variables. We then propose simple and efficient methods, especially the use of “spurious triangle (SpT)”, to discriminate between significant conclusions and spurious self-correlations in the analysis of nondimensionalized variables.  相似文献   
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