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The origin of Molar Tooth (MT) carbonates has been argued for more than 100 years, which are a kind of Proterozoic carbonates especially composed of microsparite with ptygmatically folded and sheet-like structures. Biomarkers detected in the microcalcsparite from the Wanlong and Xingmincun formations in the Jilin-Liaoning area showed there are abundant normal alkanes, isoprenoids, hopanes, steranes, alkylmethylcyclohexanes, and alkyleyclohexanes, indicating a diversity of biological source: long-chain isoprenoids, the major components of chlorophyll, such as C19, C20, a kind of major biomarkers synthesized early by isoprenoid monomers; hopanes a type of characteristic biomarkers from prokaryote, such as archaebacteria and cyanobacteria; sterane a biomarker for eukaryote; and two kinds of alkanes with C17, C18 as the main peaks representing aquatic bacteria and with C23, C24 as the main peaks representing fungi, respectively. Biomarker analysis showed that MT is the result of bacterial and algal activities, which is a kind of organisms between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, reproducing well in normal or slightly saline sea water under weak oxidation-reduction conditions, resulting in rapid deposition of calcite as microsparite clue to some mechanisms.  相似文献   
在进行黄河三角洲浅层沉积物固结压实研究中,过去传统的方法通常基于钻孔和剖面,进行局部计算分析。为克服钻孔分布不均的局限性需研究整个现代黄河三角洲地区浅层沉积物的压实沉降特征,基于1987年黄河三角洲地区综合工程地质勘察获取的钻孔资料,采用了数学地质中的蒙特卡洛方法,结合土力学的分层总和法对整个现代黄河三角洲浅层沉积物的压实速率进行模拟,并分析了压实模拟的具体影响因素。结果表明当前浅层沉积物的90%累积概率(P90)的压实速率变化范围为0.18~9.07 mm/a,影响模拟沉积层的压实速率主要因素为沉积物的初始孔隙比、压缩系数和平均沉积速率,上述要素均与压实速率呈显著正相关,软土层应是浅沉积地层压实沉降的主要贡献层。提出按照时间序列分别对不同流路时期叶瓣进行模拟,更符合现代黄河三角洲地区的沉积环境和历史,并对比23个地面沉降水准监测数据,定量分离了浅层沉积物固结压实分量,其约占沉降总量的13%。  相似文献   
淮南采煤塌陷湖泊浮游植物优势种的营养动力学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在淮南潘谢矿区选取3个营养盐结构差异较大的塌陷湖泊,于2014—2015年4个季度分别对浮游植物群落结构组成进行调查,选取3个湖泊中的优势种(属)具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata)、链形小环藻(Cyclotella catenata)和伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)作为研究对象,设置不同的氮(N)、磷(P)浓度梯度进行营养动力学培养实验,并结合Monod方程,获得3个藻种在不同营养盐限制下的营养动力学参数.N限制下具尾蓝隐藻、小环藻和伪鱼腥藻的最大生长速率(μmax)和半饱和常数(Ks)分别为:0.66 d~(-1)、1.66 mg/L;0.37 d~(-1)、1.06 mg/L;0.71 d~(-1)、2.26 mg/L;P限制下它们的μmax和Ks则分别为:0.51 d~(-1)、0.023 mg/L;0.31 d~(-1)、0.035 mg/L;0.90 d~(-1)、0.015 mg/L.综上所述,在N充足时,伪鱼腥藻能够在竞争中形成优势,同时在P限制情况下易成为优势种,从营养动力学的角度揭示了其在塌陷湖泊中占据优势的营养盐动力学机制.研究结果可以为沉陷区水域开发利用和营养盐管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
The five MTMD models, with natural frequencies being uniformly distributed around their mean frequency, have been recently presented by the first author. They are shown to have the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (more precisely, for a given mass ratio there is an upper limit on the total number, beyond which the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio occurs). In this paper, the eight new MTMD models (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1~US‐MTMD3, UD‐MTMD1 and UD‐MTMD2), with the system parameters (mass, stiffness and damping coefficient) being, respectively, uniformly distributed around their average values, have been, for the first time here, proposed to seek for the MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio. The structure is represented by the mode‐generalized system corresponding to the specific vibration mode that needs to be controlled. Through minimization of the minimum values of the maximum dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the structure with the eight MTMD models (i.e. through the implementation of Min.Min.Max.DMF), the optimum parameters and values of Min.Min.Max.DMF for these eight MTMD models are investigated to evaluate and compare their control performance. The optimum parameters include the optimum mass spacing, stiffness spacing, damping coefficient spacing, frequency spacing, average damping ratio and tuning frequency ratio. The six MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1, US‐MTMD2 and UD‐MTMD2) are found through extensive numerical analyses. Likewise, the optimum UM‐MTMD3 offers the higher effectiveness and robustness and requires the smaller damping with respect to the rest of the MTMD models in reducing the responses of structures subjected to earthquakes. Additionally, it is interesting to note, by comparing the optimum UM‐MTMD3 with the optimum MTMD‐1 recently investigated by the first author, that the effectiveness and robustness for the optimum UM‐MTMD3 is almost identical to that for the optimum MTMD‐1 (without inclusion of the optimum MTMD‐1 with the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio). Recognizing these performance benefits, it is preferable to employ the optimum UM‐MTMD3 or the optimum MTMD‐1 without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio, when installing the MTMD for the suppression of undesirable oscillations of structures under earthquakes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
吸湿凝结水对荒漠地区生物土壤结皮生态功能的影响综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物土壤结皮可以作为一种模式系统来研究复杂的生态学问题,而吸湿凝结水是生物土壤结皮在干旱期维持功能活性的基础,吸湿凝结水输入期间生物土壤结皮的生理活动会影响土壤中的碳交换和许多生物地球化学过程,因此,在荒漠生态系统中,地表吸湿凝结水与生物土壤结皮的关系研究显得尤为重要。但由于吸湿凝结水的形成过程受下垫面特征以及诸多热力及气象环境要素的影响,需要基于土壤学、生物学、气象学、物理学和表面科学等学科的交叉集成研究。在综述国内外研究动态的基础上,根据吸湿凝结水形成的物理基础,对比分析了不同原理测量方法的优缺点及发展趋势,从吸湿凝结水对生物土壤结皮的作用机制和生物土壤结皮发育对吸湿凝结水形成的影响两方面总结和讨论了目前吸湿凝结水形成与生物土壤结皮关系研究的进展和不足,根据现有研究结果,阐述了在未来全球变化背景下,非降雨水输入特征的改变及对生物土壤结皮发育和荒漠生态系统功能的生态作用,并提出了当前研究中存在的问题及未来的研究重点,这些问题的解决将提高我们对荒漠生态系统稳定性和可持续性的科学认知水平。  相似文献   
地基GPS水汽资料在石家庄一次暴雨过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石家庄市地基GPS可降水量和逐时高时间分辨率地面气象资料,对2006年8月14日发生在石家庄地区的一次暴雨天气过程进行了分析.结果表明:此次暴雨发生前高能高湿,可降水量有一个缓慢积累过程;暴雨期间可降水量达最大,且可降水量极大值出现时间与降水强度吻合;降水结束后可降水量迅速下降.  相似文献   
盐湖沉积因具有成盐多期性和连续完整性的特点,是恢复成盐期古环境的重要研究对象,形成的不同级次盐韵律记录了不同尺度周期下古气候的干湿变化。上白垩统浦口组是淮安盐盆的主要含盐层系,对含盐层段盐韵律的研究有助于恢复该地区成盐期的古气候特征。在对资料井A1井取心段岩心精细观察和岩样矿物成分分析的基础上,分析资料井岩性的垂向变化,对浦口组盐韵律特征进行识别并划分。根据盐韵律对古气候的指示作用研究成盐期区块短尺度气候周期下的古气候变化。将淮安盐盆杨槐区块浦口组划分出Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ级韵律,识别出完整的盐韵律组合,即泥岩—钙芒硝质盐岩—盐岩—钙芒硝质盐岩。含盐段中广泛发育暖温相矿物钙芒硝,指示气候特征为炎热的暖旱型。在Ⅳ级韵律尺度下建立了气候干湿性变化曲线,表明区块气候干湿性波动频繁,但仍以干旱为主,韵律厚度大致反映了气候波动频率大小。  相似文献   
山东诸城晚白垩世古地震事件与恐龙化石埋藏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在山东诸城库沟、龙骨涧、西见屯集群恐龙化石埋藏层——上白垩统王氏群辛格庄组与红土崖组中,发现存在脆性、塑性及液化等多种类型的软沉积物变形构造,主要包括负载构造、球一枕构造、挤入构造(火焰构造)、液化卷曲变形、液化脉状构造、混插沉积构造及地震断裂等典型的粗碎屑沉积物形成的古地震记录.多层的软沉积物变形构造及未变形沉积层间...  相似文献   
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