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Knowledge of pore-water pressure(PWP)variation is fundamental for slope stability.A precise prediction of PWP is difficult due to complex physical mechanisms and in situ natural variability.To explore the applicability and advantages of recurrent neural networks(RNNs)on PWP prediction,three variants of RNNs,i.e.,standard RNN,long short-term memory(LSTM)and gated recurrent unit(GRU)are adopted and compared with a traditional static artificial neural network(ANN),i.e.,multi-layer perceptron(MLP).Measurements of rainfall and PWP of representative piezometers from a fully instrumented natural slope in Hong Kong are used to establish the prediction models.The coefficient of determination(R^2)and root mean square error(RMSE)are used for model evaluations.The influence of input time series length on the model performance is investigated.The results reveal that MLP can provide acceptable performance but is not robust.The uncertainty bounds of RMSE of the MLP model range from 0.24 kPa to 1.12 k Pa for the selected two piezometers.The standard RNN can perform better but the robustness is slightly affected when there are significant time lags between PWP changes and rainfall.The GRU and LSTM models can provide more precise and robust predictions than the standard RNN.The effects of the hidden layer structure and the dropout technique are investigated.The single-layer GRU is accurate enough for PWP prediction,whereas a double-layer GRU brings extra time cost with little accuracy improvement.The dropout technique is essential to overfitting prevention and improvement of accuracy.  相似文献   
Yao  Yang-Ping  Wang  Lin 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(4):1037-1047

The phenomenon of moisture increase under an impervious cover in soils due to thermal gradients is defined as the pot cover effect, which may lead to an obvious soil moisture increase in the shallow soil. This paper explores a measure of laying an impervious layer at an appropriate depth in the process of foundation treatment to eliminate the potential moisture increase in the covered soil. Because the impervious cover above the soil and the impervious layer inside the soil constitute a “double pot cover” structure, the moisture migration in the covered soil with an impervious layer is generalized as the double pot cover effect. To investigate the mechanism of the double pot cover effect and further determine the optimal depth of the impervious layer, a numerical model is established to simulate this problem. Analysis results indicate that the moisture increase under the cover varies with the depth of the impervious layer. As the impervious layer is laid at a certain depth, the moisture increase reaches a minimum value. Moreover, the double pot cover effect under different boundary temperatures is further discussed. Results show that the moisture increase in the covered soil can be significantly reduced by laying the impervious layer slightly below the freezing front (0 °C).

DNA甲基化参与调节动物配子发生和胚胎发育过程,TET基因负责DNA主动去甲基化,在基因印迹去除和细胞全能性获得中起重要作用。为了解海洋贝类配子发生和胚胎发育过程中DNA去甲基化如何发生,本研究以虾夷扇贝为研究对象,鉴定了其TET基因,并分析了该基因在性腺和胚胎幼虫发育中的表达变化。结果表明,虾夷扇贝基因组中含有1个TET基因(PyTET),该基因长39127 bp,包含10个外显子,编码1592个氨基酸,其蛋白具有完整的2OGFeDO超家族的加氧酶结构域。在性腺发育过程中,PyTET基因表达峰值出现在休止期精巢和增殖期卵巢,原位杂交结果显示其在精原细胞、精母细胞中均有表达,在卵母细胞中的表达明显高于卵原细胞;在早期发育过程中,其峰值出现在囊胚期。以上结果提示虾夷扇贝配子发生和胚胎发育过程中均发生了DNA主动去甲基化,这将有助于系统了解表观调控在贝类发育中的作用。  相似文献   
We present high-precision,multi-band CCD photometry of two less-studied close binaries V1123 Tau and V1128 Tau.Complete covered light curves and a number of new times of light minima of the two eclipsing systems were obtained,based on which,revised orbital elements and new ephemerides were given.By adopting the Wilson-Devinney method,the light curves were analyzed.The photometric solutions confirm the W UMa-type nature of the binary systems.With the less-massive secondary slightly cooler than the primary,V1...  相似文献   
The development of large-scale time-domain surveys provides an opportunity to study the physical properties as well as the evolutionary scenario of B-type subdw...  相似文献   
红壳文蛤双列杂交及杂种优势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以广西(G)、江苏(S)和日本(J)3个文蛤群体中原种红壳文蛤进行双列杂交,获得了试验家系(Gg、Ss、Gs、Gj、Sg、Sj),比较其生长性能,并评估杂种优势。从生长来看,浮游期杂交组的日生长率大于自繁组;以江苏文蛤为母本的组合的壳长均显著大于以广西文蛤为母本的组合(P0.05),壳长受卵源影响极显著(P0.01)。稚贝和幼贝期,杂交组的日生长率均大于自繁组,杂交组合Gs的日生长率从13日龄至149日龄均最大;交配方式对壳长极显著影响(P0.01)。从存活率来看,杂交组的存活优势更明显,Gs的存活率几乎均最高。从杂种优势来看,杂交组从13日龄以后具明显的杂种优势,尤其是Gs在1—149日龄均呈正值。广西群体和江苏群体间建立了完全2×2双列杂交,中亲杂种优势一直大于0,且始终介于单亲杂种优势HGs和HSg之间。杂种优势潜力指数(hp)表明,1—5日龄的数值介于–1和1之间,未产生杂种衰退;13日龄后的数值均大于1,表明真正获得了杂种优势。杂种获得(hg)及13日龄后的超亲优势率均为正值,进一步说明壳长性状得到了明显改良。从壳色来看,子代的红壳个体占比为72.80%—76.49%,均得到明显提高。总之,杂交组合Gs的杂种优势最明显,为开展3个群体的杂交育种提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
In order to simulate the soil response during principal stress rotation, anisotropic unified hardening (UH) model is developed within the framework of elastoplastic theory. Without introducing any additional mechanism to display the role of stress rotation specifically, this model achieves the simulation by considering the material anisotropy. The effect of inherent anisotropy is reflected using the anisotropic transformed stress method, but a new formula for the stress mapping is adopted to keep the mean stress unchanged. Analysis indicates that from the view of the transformed stress tensor, the anisotropic soil is subjected to loading during pure rotation of principal stress axes, so that plastic strains can be calculated. To represent the induced anisotropy, a fabric evolution law is proposed based on laboratory and numerical test results. At the critical state, the fabric tensor reaches a stable value determined by the stress state, while the critical state line is unique in the plane of void ratio versus mean stress. The anisotropic UH model has concise formulation and explicit elastoplastic flexibility matrix and can provide reasonable predictions for the deformation of anisotropic soils when principal stresses rotate.  相似文献   
我国沿海不同地理原种文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)的SRAP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用序列相关扩增多态SRAP(Sequence-related amplified polymorphism)标记对国家级江苏文蛤良种场(筹)保存的广西北海(GX)、江苏南通(JS)、辽宁大连(LN)三个地理种群原种文蛤进行种质资源分析。结果表明:(1)15对引物在文蛤3种群共扩增223个位点,其中多态位点数为159个,多态性位点百分率为71.30%,显示了较高的多态性;(2)GX、JS、LN3种群的多态性位点百分率分别为69.12%、57.81%、51.85%,平均杂合度分别为0.2532、0.2162、0.1836,香农信息指数分别为0.3649、0.3127、0.2714,均以GX种群最高,表明GX种群遗传多样性更为丰富;(3)3种群扩增位点显性基因频率的分布规律揭示,与LN和JS两种群相比,GX种群中低频基因位点显著增加,而隐性纯合基因位点显著减少,表明GX种群中存在大量稀有等位基因。各地理种群原种文蛤遗传多样性水平相对较高,遗传改良潜力大,GX种群作为选择育种的基础群更为适合。  相似文献   
利用全基因组解析(Whole genome profiling,WGP)法进行物理图谱构建时,克隆混池策略及克隆解码率的高低是影响物理图谱构建效果的关键性因素。如何通过调控混合克隆数目,来平衡克隆解码率和测序的成本,是利用WGP法构建物理图谱的亟需解决的问题。本研究利用虾夷扇贝Fosmid文库的部分克隆,使用序列特异性标签的WGP方法,对虾夷扇贝物理图谱构建方法的混池策略及克隆解码率进行了初步研究。通过计算机分别模拟了384 N(N=1,2…24)孔培养板内的克隆混合,计算出了对应混合尺度下BsaXI和FspEI两种酶的克隆解码率。以该模拟数据作为参照,最终分别以4、8、12、16张384孔培养板内的克隆混合构建了克隆超级池;并利用2b-RAD技术构建了基于BsaXI和FspEI两种限制性内切酶的测序文库。通过对酶切标签数据的分析,成功实现了混合池内的克隆解码,且在利用两种酶对应的酶切标签联合解码后,联合解码率达到84%以上。本研究最终确定了由8张384孔培养板混合的混池策略及利用BsaXI和FspEI两种酶切标签进行联合克隆解码,为后期利用WGP方法构建虾夷扇贝物理图谱提供了参考方案。  相似文献   
FOXL2是脊椎动物的雌性决定基因,在多种无脊椎动物中也被认为是雌性决定与分化的关键基因,但其在无脊椎动物中的作用机制目前尚不清晰。本文利用Clontech酵母双杂交系统筛查虾夷扇贝FOXL2的相互作用蛋白。研究首先构建诱饵质粒pGBKT7-FOXL2,并检测诱饵蛋白的毒性及自激活活性,结果显示诱饵蛋白对酵母菌株无毒,也无自激活活性。利用该诱饵质粒,本研究从虾夷扇贝酵母双杂交cDNA文库筛选得到17个阳性克隆,测序验证得到12个读码框正确的阳性克隆,它们来自4种蛋白:COP9信号复合体亚基5、钠/钾ATP酶β3、哺乳动物室管膜相关蛋白1和胰脂肪酶相关蛋白2。研究进一步将诱饵质粒与4种蛋白的猎物质粒进行共转化验证,结果均为阳性,表明这4种蛋白与虾夷扇贝FOXL2都可能存在相互作用。本文为研究FOXL2在无脊椎动物性别决定与分化中的作用提供了参考。  相似文献   
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