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岩石水压致裂和诱发地震的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用7种岩石各制备了几类不同预裂纹的系列试件,并在不同围压下进行水压致裂强度实验。结合典型的水库诱发地震的实际资料和现今构造应力场的实验结果,以及应用岩石强度理论和岩石断裂力学的一些原理、方法,进行岩石孔隙水压诱发地震的探讨。初步结果为:(1)若岩体内构造应力很小,一定大小的孔隙水压力σp,可直接使岩体内的薄弱面致裂并发生小地震。(2)若构造应力较大,存在两类诱发地震的可能:①对岩体浅部一些走向与构造应力的主压应力σ1方向相近的薄弱面,σp可促使其发生张性破裂并诱发小地震。②当构造应力接近于断裂的抗剪强度时,因σp,降低了断裂面上的正应力σn,使原处于稳定状态的断裂失稳,发生滑移破裂并诱发出地震。σp导致断裂的破裂深度增大,使诱发地震的震级大于原潜在的地震震级。(3)各种岩体均存在着一个极限深度,此深度后不再有诱发地震。  相似文献   
<正>By the geological investigation for crystalline basement outcrops in Northeast and northwest margins of Tarim Basin,we provide essential constrains interpreting the structure,petrology and age of the pre-Sinian basement.On the basis of interpretation for aeromagnetic anomalies,  相似文献   
新疆乌鲁木齐东部野生动物园附近的下二叠统下部发育了一套以枕状玄武岩为代表的火山岩系。该玄武岩在公路上发育有两层,上部一层较厚,可达7~8m,下部一层2~3m。岩枕近圆形、肾状、枕状、条带状或蠕虫状等,多呈顶突底凹。岩枕长轴平行排列,长轴基本顺层面分布;有的岩枕中含大量海百合茎、珊瑚及腕足等生物化石。在TAS图中大部分样品位于玄武粗安岩,而在K_2O-SiO_2图上主要落在低K拉斑玄武岩区间。MnOTiO_2-P_2O_5图解显示以岛弧为主,常量元素的特征总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。在Hf/3-Th-Ta图解上也以岛弧为主;在Zr/4-2Nb-Y图解显示以火山弧为主,常量元素的特点总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图表明为同源岩浆产物,具高度相似的演化过程,多种微量元素判别图揭示岛弧-弧后盆地环境;稀土总量明显较低,在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图解上,其稀土分布曲线一致性较好,呈轻稀土富集右倾型,Eu为负异常,揭示了乌东玄武岩岩浆有一定分异。稀土元素配分曲线与弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)具有很好的一致性。U-Pb和谐年龄为283±8Ma,结合地层及古生物资料推测乌东玄武岩喷发的时间为早二叠世早期。乌东枕状玄武岩-灰岩之下有一套(磨拉石)底砾岩,初定为石炭-二叠系的界限。底砾岩之下为下石炭统的中厚层灰岩,具有明显的喀斯特化,为不整合接触,揭示在两者之间发生了造山作用。通过对新疆乌东早二叠世早期的枕状玄武岩的地质特征、地球化学特征、形成环境和时代的研究,表明乌东一带早二叠世主要为一个岛弧和弧后盆地环境,进一步揭示了北天山北缘石炭-二叠世碰撞闭合造山之后又发生了松弛扩张形成了弧后盆地,海水再度大规模入侵。最终的闭合碰撞造山的时间最早可能在晚二叠世。由于乌东枕状玄武岩在喷出地表后受到了生物化石和陆源碎屑的污染,再加上侵入过程中地壳的污染,使其具有非常复杂的地球化学特点和多解性。乌东玄武岩的研究对于了解博格达山、甚至天山中段在晚古生代的构造沉积演化及造山作用具有重要意义,同时对准噶尔盆地、吐哈盆地及三塘湖盆地油气资源的形成与分布具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Chinese central government made a commitment to achieve a 40–45% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of GDP by 2020 compared with 2005. This targeted reduction was allocated averagely among all the provinces rather than individually according to different situations of each province. Though some research has been done regarding this rough allocation, two shortcomings in previous studies exist: Firstly, CO2 marginal abatement cost (MAC) has been ignored as one of the CO2 emission reduction allocation indexes. Secondly, either subjective or objective method has been used rather than comprehensively of both subjective and objective method to calculate the weight of each index in the previous studies. In order to fill the gaps, this paper builds a two-stage Shapley information entropy model to allocate CO2 emission reduction quota among the Chinese provinces based on the equity and efficiency principles. Afterward, three CO2 emission reduction quota allocation scenarios have been proposed. The results show that the CO2 MAC is an indispensable index in CO2 emission reduction quota allocation, because its value of CO2 Shapley information entropy is the highest among five indexes. CO2 emission reduction quota of lower-MAC provinces should be allocated larger, while the quota of higher-MAC provinces should be allocated smaller. Therefore, two suggested policies have been proposed: First, differential CO2 emission reduction quota allocation should be proposed. Second, synergetic development should be promoted.  相似文献   
青藏高原新生代古高度研究是地球系统科学研究中的一个热点、难点和重点,它是解决地球深部动力学、地貌地形演化和气候变化等各部分相互关系的一个关键突破口。目前以古生物和氧同位素为代表的各种古高度计被用来重建青藏高原新生代的古高度历史,但是不同的研究方法所得到的结果并不一致,关于青藏高原何时隆升到现在的海拔高度存在晚上新世、晚中新世和始新世等不同认识。因为古高度结果的差异,所以对于青藏高原新生代的构造隆升过程和动力机制也存在大的争议。本文首先详细的阐述了部分古高度计的应用原理及其各自的优缺点,收集总结了78条青藏高原古高度研究的成果,梳理了目前青藏高原新生代古高度研究的历史和现状。然后在此基础上讨论了目前高原古高度研究的特点和存在的问题,即地层年代学、氧同位素和古生物古高度计结果的协调、“以点带面”、区域研究程度差异较大、替代性指标的多解性、古纬度影响、地质时期温度递减率的不确定性、全球气候变化的影响等特点和问题。最后就存在的特点和问题指出在恢复青藏高原新生代古高度时所需要完善和注意的方面,其中最重要的是注重地层年代学的可靠性。  相似文献   
Zhu  Yalin  Ma  Chi  Tan  Kun  Chen  Juxiang  Wang  Yixian 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2021,39(8):5479-5492
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Due to the complexity of the interaction between the geogrid and the soil interface in high earth-rock dams, the method of replacing the grid with steel...  相似文献   
Abstract: The Jinchuan deposit is hosted by the olivine-rich ultramafic rock body, which is the third-largest magmatic sulfide Ni–Cu deposit in the world currently being exploited. Seeking new relaying resources in the deep and the border of the deposit becomes more and more important. The ore body, ore and geochemistry characteristics of the concealed Cu-rich ore body are researched. Through spatial analysis and comparison with the neighboring II1 main ore body, the mineralization rule of the concealed Cu-rich ore body is summed up. It is also implied that Cu-rich magma may exist between Ni-rich magma and ore pulp during liquation differentiation in deep-stage chambers, which derives from deep-mantle Hi–MgO basalt magma. It is concluded that the type of ore body has features of both magmatic liquation and late reconstruction action. It has experienced three stages: deep liquation and pulsatory injection of the Cu- and PPGE-rich magma, concentration of tectonic activation, and the later magma hydrothermal superimposition. In addition, the Pb and S isotopes indicate the magma of I6 concealed Cu-rich ore body originates predominantly from mantle; however, it is interfused by minute crust material. Finally, it is inferred that the genesis of the Cu–Ni sulfide deposit is complex and diverse, and the prospect of seeking new deep ore bodies within similar deposits is promising, especially Cu-rich ore bodies.  相似文献   
This paper's primary purpose is to compare the 2D and 3D analysis methodologies in investigating the performance of a concrete faced rock‐fill dams under dynamic loading conditions. The state of stress on the face plate was obtained in both cases using a total strain based crack model to predict the spreading of cracks on the plate and the corresponding crack widths. Results of the 2D and 3D analyses agree well. Although significantly more demanding, 3D analyses have the advantage of predicting the following: (i) the opening of the vertical construction joints; (ii) the cracking at the valley sides; and (iii) the crushing of the plate during the seismic action. During the earthquake loading, the cracking predicted at the base of the face plate after the impounding spread significantly towards the crest of the dam; however, the crack widths are obtained relatively small. Crushing of the face plates at the construction joints is the primary cause of the large scale cracking predicted on the face plate for high intensity earthquakes. Earthquake induced permanent deformation of the fill increases the compressive stresses on the face plate, thereby reducing the minute cracking on the plate. However, this effect also leads to significant increases in the residual openings at the construction joints and at the plinth level. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Yarlung–Tsangpo Suture Zone (YTSZ), as the southernmost and youngest among the sutures that subdivides the Tibetan Plateau into several east–west trending blocks, marks where the Neo‐Tethys was consumed as the Indian continent moved northward and collided against the Eurasian continent. Mélanges in the YTSZ represent the remnants of the oceanic plate through subduction and collision. Mélanges are characterized by a highly sheared volcanoclastic or siliceous mudstone matrix including blocks of chert, claystone, and basalt. Detailed radiolarian analyses are conducted on the mélange near Zhongba County. Macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic observations are combined in order to elucidate the relationships among age, lithology, and structure of blocks in the mélange. Reconstructed ocean plate stratigraphy includes Lower Jurassic limestone within the chert sequence accumulated at a depth near the CCD (Unit 2), Upper Jurassic thin‐bedded chert interbedded with claystone deposited in the wide ocean basin (Unit 3), and Lower Cretaceous chert with siliceous mudstone (Units 4 and 5), representing the middle parts of ocean plate stratigraphy. The results highlight the fabric of brecciated chert on mesoscopic scale, which is thought to be due to localized overpressure. The formation of mesoscopic and microscopic block‐in‐matrix fabrics in the mélange is proposed for the chert and siliceous mudstone bearing different extents of consolidation and competence during the progressive deformation of accreted sediments at shallow‐level subduction.  相似文献   
为认识低纬度亚热带地区湖泊沉积物中正构烷烃氢同位素组成特征及其与母源输入和生态环境的关系,本文利用气相色谱-高温热转变-同位素比值质谱议(GC-TC-IRMS),对系统采集的抚仙湖沉积物样品中正构烷烃氢同位素进行了测定。抚仙湖沉积正构烷烃δD值分布在-219.3‰~-142.5‰之间,样品中平均值为-208.1‰~-154.5‰,并且奇碳数正构烷烃δD值明显地将样品划分为两种类型。类型Ⅰ样品中正构烷烃平均δD值明显地高于类型Ⅱ样品,反映了它们生物源存在明显差别。沉积物与水生植物和陆生植物中正构烷烃氢同位素组成对比结果指示了沉积C_(17)、C_(21)~C_(25)奇碳数正构烷烃来自水生植物,C_(27)和C_(29)奇碳数正构烷烃主要来自木本植物,C31和C33正构烷烃来自水生和陆生草本植物的混合。对比研究结果表明,湖泊地区生态环境是控制湖泊沉积正构烷烃氢同位素组成的重要因素之一,在利用沉积正构烷烃氢同位素研究古水文学特征时,还要考虑研究区古生态环境对沉积正构烷烃氢同位素的影响,并且结合沉积正构烷烃ACL值和Qw值,才能对沉积有机质中正构烷烃氢同位素组成及变化作出合理的解释。  相似文献   
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