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拟建的新疆喀拉喀什河乌鲁瓦提水电站位于现代地壳运动十分活跃的区域。野外证据显示出,坝区的F_(12)断层新活动延续到晚更新世,电站附近的石门北断层在第四纪有活动。对采自坝区及附近几条断层的断层物质样品进行了变形显微构造、石英颗粒表面形貌和微结构类型、TL年龄的分析测定,结果表明,F_(12)最新活动的上限时间不晚于3万年,F_(30)和石门断层的活动持续到晚更新世,石门北断层最新的活动的上限时间约2万年。根据区域断裂的分布和应力场的情况,进行了构造模拟实验,预测出工程区在区域应力场的继续作用下,应力集中在远离坝址的部位,坝址附近不会出现新的应力集中点。总体看,所选坝址是地壳活动区中相对较稳定的地段。  相似文献   
在单点分类方面主要对分类特征进行了比较全面的分析和综合,而在点簇分类方面则依据建筑物的实际形态提出了一种高效的基于决策树的分类法则。综合性方法是上述两种方法的配合使用,首先利用单点分类提高精度,再利用点簇分类提高可用性。实验结果表明,综合方法不仅有着非常高的精度,并且其结果方便后期利用。  相似文献   
贵州西北部发育多处基性侵入岩,总体规模较小(约0.25 Km2),多沿深大断裂侵位,出露于铅锌矿点外围,本文对猫猫厂、凉山两处矿点附近的儿马冲和白岩庆两地小型基性侵入岩进行了重点研究。侵入岩主要岩性为细粒辉长岩,造岩矿物主要为拉长石、普通辉石。SiO2范围为49.60-51.09 wt%,MgO从3.88-4.27 wt %,TiO2为3.69-3.85 wt %。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果为268.3±7.4 Ma,显示岩浆侵位于二叠纪。基性侵入岩的微量元素蛛网图呈OIB型特征,富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损重稀土元素(HFEE),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb,Ta),有Sr、Y亏损,Pb富集。(87Sr/86Sr)i范围0.706749~0.707069,(143Nd/144Nd)i范围0.512313~0.512363,εNd(t)范围0.2~1.2;源区熔融深度处于石榴石橄榄岩相深度,可能经历了1-3 %的部分熔融,处于亏损石榴石二辉橄榄岩相向原始石榴石二辉橄榄岩相的过渡区。成岩过程中发生了单斜辉石、斜长石等矿物分离结晶,受到了有限的地壳混染作用,未经历明显的AFC过程。地壳物质在地幔源区中的加入可能是造成地幔富集的主要原因。侵入岩与成矿作用之间的关系,主要通过两方面所表现。一方面是二者间构造活动上的耦合性。另一方面是基性岩在成矿过程中可能发挥了重要的化学屏障层作用。  相似文献   
This paper presents a set of bulk geochemical and mineralogical data from a paleoweathering profile located in Zunyi District, Northern Guizhou, China. It was formed at the top of the Hanjiadian Formation of the Lower Silurian. A truncated, argillic, gleyed, kryptic paleospodosol is recognized in the paleoweathering profile. Ratios of immobile elements (Ti/Zr, Ti/Al) and their binary (e.g., Nb vs. Zr/TiO2 and Th/Sc vs. Zr/Sc), triangular diagrams (La-Th-Sc, Th-Sc-Zr/10, Zr-Cr-Ga) reflect that the Gaojiayan paleosol is the product of in-situ weathering of gray-green silty mudstone of the underlying Hanjiadian Formation. Mass balance calculations indicate K enrichment and Na enrichment in the upper and lower portions of paleosol, respectively. These findings both are the results of transgression, which brings substantial concentrations of such elements as K, Na, and Sr. In particular, K enrichment is achieved by the illitization of kaolinite. The biological processes of terrestrial vascular plants also enhance K concentration, especially at the top of the paleosol. Na enrichment is a consequence of albitization and/or adsorption by clay minerals through cation exchange. The mass distributions and relative mass changes of rare earth elements (REEs) in the studied profile display characteristics of vertical zonation. Three peaks in total REEs content are observed, indicating two paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental changes. Mineralogical characteristics indicate that the paleoclimate changed first from warm and humid to cold and dry and later, to dry and lightly warmer. The corresponding soil environment varies from weakly acidic to strongly alkaline and later, to weakly acidic. Mass translocation characteristics of REEs and several transition metals suggest that the Gaojiayan paleosol may have undergone top erosion.  相似文献   
Zhu  Mingjin  Nie  Aiguo  Tian  Yazhou  Wang  Xinsong  Sun  Jun 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(1):159-172
Acta Geochimica - In this paper, the Jurassic granitoid dike that intrudes into Permian diabase was reported in Luokun, Luodian County, south Guizhou. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of the...  相似文献   
与海相盆地相比,陆相湖盆沉积物TOC和沉积速率关系的研究尚处于探索阶段,尤其是在沉积作用对TOC的控制机理研究方面还有待深入。首先运用旋回地层学方法,识别了松科1井南孔上白垩统天文周期,并利用滑动窗口频谱分析方法计算了各窗口的沉积速率及对应的TOC值。以姥鲛烷和植烷(Pr/Ph)比值作为氧化还原条件的指标,以介形虫壳体的δ13C作为古生产力大小的指标,对不同环境和不同古生产力条件下TOC和沉积速率的关系进行了探讨。研究表明: 在还原环境下,TOC主要取决于古生产力高低,而沉积速率的影响相对较小,当古生产力较高时,TOC值一般大于1%;反之,TOC值小于1%。但在氧化环境、低古生产力条件下,TOC随着沉积速率先增大后减小,其临界值为11,cm/ka。  相似文献   
Experiments on the partitioning of Cu between different granitic silicate melts and the respective coexisting aqueous fluids have been performed under conditions of 850 °C, 100 MPa and oxygen fugacity(f O2) buffered at approaching Ni–Ni O(NNO). Partition coefficients of Cu(DCu= cfluid/cmelt) were varied with different alumina/alkali mole ratios [Al2O3/(Na2O·K2O), abbreviated as Al/Alk], Na/K mole ratios, and Si O2 mole contents. The DCu increased from 1.28 ± 0.01 to 22.18 ± 0.22 with the increase of Al/Alk mole ratios(ranging from 0.64 to 1.20)and Na/K mole ratios(ranging from 0.58 to 2.56). The experimental results also showed that DCuwas positively correlated with the HCl concentration of the starting fluid.The DCuwas independent of the Si O2 mole content in the range of Si O2 content considered. No DCuvalue was less than 1 in our experiments at 850 °C and 100 MPa, indicating that Cu preferred to enter the fluid phase rather than the coexisting melt phase under most conditions in the melt-fluid system, and thus a significant amount of Cu could be transported in the fluid phase in the magmatichydrothermal environment. The results indicated that Cu favored partitioning into the aqueous fluid rather than themelt phase if there was a high Na/K ratio, Na-rich, peraluminous granitic melt coexisting with the high Cl-fluid.  相似文献   
寻求指示古气候变化的测井替代指标是近年来古气候研究的重要途径和方向。测井曲线是地层岩 石学、岩石物理学、岩石地球化学特征的综合反映,具有连续性好、纵向分辨率高的特点,为反演古气候变化 提供了新的手段。松科1井作为专门为研究松辽盆地晚白垩世重大地质事件与古气候变化而部署的一口科学探 索井,具有系统的岩心资料和较完整的测井系列资料。文中在对松科1井南孔自然伽马能谱测井资料进行统计 的基础上,结合放射性元素地球化学分析结果,论证了钍/钾比(Th/K) 可以作为指示气候变化良好替代指标 的可行性,并据此对松辽盆地青山口组-嫩江组沉积时期的气候干湿变化进行了反演。结果表明:松辽盆地从 泉头组3段-嫩江组2段沉积时期气候总体表现为从潮湿向半干旱转化的趋势,垂向上可划分为3个完整的干 湿变化旋回。这一研究结论与前人在松辽盆地南部采用古生物学以及元素地球化学分析得出的结论相吻合,表 明根据自然伽马能谱资料统计得出的Yh/K值可以作为反演古气候变化的替代指标。  相似文献   
通过对西准噶尔地区洪古勒楞组多条剖面的综合研究,提出洪古勒楞组与上覆黑山头组以钙质碎屑岩的消失、暗色细火山碎屑岩的出现为界,其顶界为一套近岸浅水沉积的碎屑岩(含舌形贝的钙质粉砂岩、凝灰质砂岩、细砾岩或含介壳的砂砾岩),称之为"杨庄砂岩",该界线在多条剖面上易于识别和对比。在洪古勒楞组上部和黑山头组下部发现三叶虫9属(亚属)14种:Omegops sp.,Pudoproetus sp.,Linguaphillipsia? sp.,Belgibole sp.,B.abruptirhachis,Philliboloides sp.,Winterbergia(W.)sp.,W.(Eowinterbergia) sp.,Weberiphillipsia sp.,Conophillipsia sp.1,C.sp.2,C. sp.3,C. paucicostata,C. morganensis。根据三叶虫生物地层学研究,认为西准噶尔地区存在泥盆系-石炭系界线,界线位置在Omegops的消失层位和Belgibole-Conophillipsia组合带的首现层位之间,该界线与洪古勒楞组和黑山头组之间...  相似文献   
The Jinshajiang–Red River alkaline igneous belt in the eastern Indian–Asian collision zone, of southwestern China, hosts abundant, economically important Cu–Mo–Au mineralization of Cenozoic age. Major- and trace-element compositions of titanites from representative Cu-mineralized intrusions determined by LA-ICP-MS show higher values for Fe2O3/Al2O3, ΣREE?+?Y, LREE/HREE, Ce/Ce*, (Ce/Ce*)/(Eu/Eu*), U, Th, Ta, Nb and Ga, and lower values for Al2O3, CaO, Eu/Eu*, Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Sr than those for titanites from barren intrusions. Different ΣREE?+?Y, LREE/HREE, U, Th, Ta and Nb values of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were controlled mainly by the coexisting melt compositions. However, different Sr concentrations and negative Eu anomalies of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were most probably caused by different degrees of crystallization of feldspar from melts. In addition, different Ga concentrations and positive Ce anomalies of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were most likely caused by different magmatic fO2 conditions. Pronounced compositional differences of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions can provide a useful tool to help discriminate between ore-bearing and barren intrusions at an early stage of exploration, and, thus, have a potential application in exploration for porphyry Cu deposits in the Jinshajiang – Red River alkaline igneous belt, and to other areas.  相似文献   
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