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Newark Bay (NB) killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) have been chronically exposed to environmental contaminants that activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and are tolerant to toxic effects and CYP1A induction provoked by AHR ligands. Resistance to CYP1A induction could be due to an epigenetic mechanism such as DNA methylation. We measured in-ovo CYP1A catalytic activity (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) in NB and reference site killifish embryos aqueously exposed to various concentrations of the de-methylating agent 5-azacytidine, 5-AC (5, 50 and 500 μ(micro)M) with or without 0.2 μ(micro)g/l of the CYP1A inducer 3,3,4,4,5 pentachlorobiphenyl (IUPAC PCB126). Neither PCB126 alone, nor PCB126 plus 5-AC, induced EROD above levels in vehicle treated Newark Bay fish. In reference site fish, the same PCB126 dose provoked a 7.4-fold EROD induction relative to controls. We conclude that Newark Bay killifish are resistant to CYP1A induction by co-planar PCBs during early embryological development and our data suggests that DNA methylation does not play a critical role in resistance to CYP1A induction in this model.  相似文献   
Multiple ridges across prograding coasts may display variable geometries, commonly expressed through varying elevations. Changes in ridge elevation have been traditionally related to the occurrence of fluctuating progradation rates, which might, in turn, be driven by shifting environmental conditions. Here, we explore the geometry and growth mechanisms of multiple ridges, generated at Barreta Island (Ria Formosa, southern Portugal), as a consequence of the rapid progradation of the island over the last 70 years, following the artificial fixation of the downdrift Faro-Olhão inlet with jetties in 1955. The variability in the morphology of these features was analysed in combination with available wind and wave data, in order to better distinguish growth mechanisms and understand the main parameters determining the final geometry of the observed ridges. The results suggest that (1) most of the identified ridges fall in the beach ridge classification, as they have been mostly built by marine processes, and (2) the parameters derived from, or closely related to wave climate variability (e.g. progradation rates, storm occurrence) can jointly explain most of the observed morphological changes, while aeolian processes played a secondary role. Indeed, ridge geometry appears mainly controlled by progradation rates, with higher ridges associated with lower progradation rates. Progradation rate, in turn, is mostly related to longshore wave power, storminess, and the occurrence storm groups. Yet, the final configuration of ridges can also be affected by runup levels and onshore winds. Therefore, establishing the relation between ridge geometry and wave climate is not a straightforward task, because of the complex processes and interactions that control coastal morphodynamics. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A new bird ichnotaxon found in Cenicero (La Rioja, Ebro Basin, Spain) is described here. The footprints are preserved in sandstone beds in a central-distal alluvial fringe with a mud-dominated floodplain, located in the transition unit between the Nájera and Haro formations. This level is positioned between the Y and Z local Agenian biozones (lower Miocene). The footprints were preliminarily studied in another work and considered as an indeterminate ichnotaxon. Uvaichnites riojana ichnogen. nov. and ichnosp. nov. is a tridactyl footprint characterized by a prominent central pad, very large to enormous sized, with unjointed toes at the proximal end. These features differ from Aquatilavipes, Aviadactyla, Avipeda, Ludicharadripodiscus, Fuscinapeda, and Ornithotarnocia of the Avipedidae morphofamily. U. riojana is considered to be similar to common crane (Grus grus) footprints in the Gruidae family. There are a few references about this family in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands and this find could confirm the presence of Gruidae since at least the lower Miocene.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on pollen, spores, non‐pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) and certain geochemical elements from the ombrotrophic blanket bog of Zalama (Basque‐Cantabrian Mountains, northern Iberian Peninsula), with the support of a robust chronology based on 17 AMS 14C dates. The main results related to the last 8000 years show that, during the early middle Holocene, pines and deciduous forests were the most extensive tree formations. At the beginning of the succession, pines reach 44%, showing regional presence, whereas after 7600 cal. a BP, deciduous forests were particularly abundant. From c. 6500 cal. a BP the pollen diagram constructed from our samples shows the first anthropogenic evidence, linked with the new economic practices related to the Neolithic of the Basque‐Cantabrian Mountains. From 3300 cal. a BP the expansion of Fagus sylvatica is particularly clear, and has since then become one of the dominant forest species in this region. We also discuss the Holocene evolution of other noteworthy plant communities in southwestern Europe, such as Taxus baccata, Juglans and shrublands.  相似文献   
A number of samples from a deep peat bog in Tierra del Fuego were analyzed using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in order to extract parameters that might be used to interpret the peat chemistry in terms of vegetation change, anaerobic and aerobic decomposition, and fire incidence. The choice of parameters was based on factor analysis of 177 pyrolysis products, quantified for 13 samples, separated into extract and residue, as well as the total samples. Factor analysis of extracts, residues and total samples yielded similar classifications in terms of vegetation and decomposition. Pyrolysis products and ratios that most clearly differentiated samples were used to interpret the depth profile. Although interpretation was not always straightforward, indications of parameters to describe vegetation shifts, aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, and fire largely coincided. These parameters will be used in a forthcoming study for a more complete interpretation of the peat profile.  相似文献   
The Fox-Amphoux Syncline of the Aix Basin (SE France) has yielded a diverse Late Cretaceous vertebrate assemblage, including several taxa of dinosaurs. Here, we report on cranial material of titanosaurian sauropods, which consist of a partial braincase, two fragmentary skull roofs, and nine teeth, from the Métisson locality (Var Department). The braincase differs from those found previously in Europe (i.e., Ampelosaurus atacis, Lirainosaurus astibiae, and an unnamed juvenile skull from Romania) as well as from other titanosaurian braincases in having a groove that extends along the ventral surface of the occipital condyle neck (this feature may be autapomorphic). One of the fragmentary skull roofs may belong to the same taxon, whereas the other suggests the presence of a second titanosaur at Métisson very close to Ampelosaurus. Two dental morphologies are present in the sample; one of them includes teeth of different sizes. We suggest that this could be accounted for by age differences within a single taxon, or be due to different positions in the tooth row. The presence of a new, still unnamed titanosaurian taxon in the Ibero-Armorican Island supports previous works indicating a high titanosaurian diversity during the Campanian-Maastrichtian in southern Europe.  相似文献   
A one year long monthly sampling series at a fixed station was combined with a high-spatial resolution survey (May 2003) to investigate factors controlling zooplankton distribution in the south-eastern corner of the Bay of Biscay. Species abundance and gonad maturity for Calanoides carinatus and Calanus helgolandicus were estimated to clarify whether the observed spatial patterns were attributable to increased population growth or to mechanical accumulation. The two studies included distinct oceanographic regimes. The eastern corner of the grid was characterized by Adour river plume waters and the Cap Breton canyon, and the rest of the area by an alternating pattern of physical convergences and divergences. In the river plume, the zooplankton community diversity and abundances were highest in response to the nutrient enriched river plume waters and the submarine canyon. In the rest of the area, distribution and abundance patterns were the result of a combination of behaviour and physical transport.  相似文献   
The northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula is home to a unique ecosystem of bogs,which are particularly sensitive to projected climate cha nge.In this context,the rate of carbon(C)accumulation in Chao de Veiga Mol.an intact raised bog,was analysed.Changes in the accumulation rate over the past10 millennia were determined in a peat core of 847 cm in depth,with a high mean rate of peat growth(11 yr cm^-1,0.09 cm yr^-1).An age-depth model was generated from 22 14C dates and fallout radionuclides.Chronological,stratigraphical and physico-chemical data confirmed the existence of a single cycle of peat formation throughout the Holocene and the formation of ombrotrophic peat 9500 years ago.The total mean C content was 50.2%,and over 10 millennia 583 kg C m^-2 accumulated at a mean rate of 35.3 g C m^-2 yr^-1,with a long-term(apparent)rate of carbon accumulation in the catotelm of59.9 g C m^-2 yr^-1.These values are much higher than reported for other Iberian peatlands and are amongst the highest documented for peatlands in the northern hemisphere.The dynamics of C accumulation and other measured parameters reveals important variations throughout the Holocene.They could be associated with the main climatic events described in the northern hemisphere and are highly consistent with models established for northern latitudes.The Chao de Veiga Mol raised bog is unique and of great potential value for carrying out high resolution palaeoenvironmental studies,especially in relation to regional and Iocal modulations in southern Europe.  相似文献   
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