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地震地表破裂基本参数是反演地震破裂过程的基本约束条件和预测其他活动断层地震危险性不可缺少的物理量.以野外地表破裂带重要观测点全站仪或差分GPS仪实测数据为基础,结合高分辨率遥感资料解译、先存断层陡坎构造地貌标志的识别、以及地形测绘资料的考证等,重新论证了5·12汶川地震地表破裂带展布样式、长度、最大同震位移值等基本参数.结果表明,地震地表破裂带长度可达240 km,最大垂直位移为6.5±0.5 m,最大右旋走滑位移4.9 m,基于倾角向下变缓逆断层模型推测汶川地震在龙门山推覆构造带中段产生了最大~7 m的地壳缩短量,说明青藏高原东缘横向逆断层为将高原内部东向水平运动转换为高原隆升的转换构造,这一研究结果有助于深化认识青藏高原东缘隆升机理.  相似文献   
湿地生态工程范例分析及一般模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
闫芊  何文珊  陆健健 《湿地科学》2005,3(3):222-227
湿地是处于水陆之间的过渡类型的生态系统,具有特殊的生态结构和功能,但也是一类较为脆弱的生态系统,高强度的人类活动,导致湿地资源损失严重。针对湿地恢复与重建的生态工程是当前国际众多湿地生态学家共同关注的领域,我国的湿地生态工程也已经兴起。在综述国内外湿地生态工程在水体、底质、生物三方面关键技术的基础上,对当前湿地生态工程的关键问题进行了探讨和分析,最后总结和归纳了湿地生态工程的一般模式。  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下,海平面上升已经成为全球沿海国家普遍面临的重大环境问题之一 [1].全球海平面上升是由气候变暖导致的海水增温膨胀、陆源冰川和极地冰盖融化等因素造成的.1901—2018年,海洋增温膨胀对全球海平面上升的贡献为29%;冰川和冰盖质量损失对全球海平面上升的贡献分别为41%和29%,且近40年来已经增加 [2]...  相似文献   
This paper reviews the research on active and earthquake faults in Taiwan conducted prior and after the 1999 Chichi earthquake. The Chichi earthquake plays as a turning point of the relevant studies, since the 1999 coseismic surface rupture exactly follows preexisting fault scarps, created in turn by previous seismic events along the Chelungpu Fault. This fact indicates that the precise mapping on the other active faults is fundamental to predict the location of surface rupture caused by large future earthquakes. Since 1999, many trenching studies have been carried out along the Chichi earthquake fault. A few of them demonstrates that the penultimate event is as young as probably only 200–430 years old; however, some others show a rather old age of several hundreds years or even older for the last faulting event before 1999. More trenching studies are necessary for such a long fault in order to understand the possible segmentation features and the correlation of the paleoseismic events identified along the entire fault length. In addition, we further discuss the offshore faulting associated with seismic event along the eastern coast of Taiwan, where the multiple Holocene terraces are well known.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - We examine ultramafic and olivine-rich troctolite blocks of the East Taiwan Ophiolite (ETO) in the Lichi Mélange. Although ultramafic rocks are extensively...  相似文献   
Kinmen Island is a small, tectonically stable, granitic island that has been suffering from a scarcity of fresh water resources due to excessive annual evapotranspiration over annual precipitation. Recent studies further indicate that shallow (0–70 m) sedimentary aquifers, the major sources of groundwater supply, have already been over-exploited. Therefore, this preliminary study is to investigate the existence of exploitable water resources that can balance the shortage of fresh water on this island. Site characterization data are obtained from island-wide geophysical surveys as well as small-scale tests performed in a study area formed by three deep (maximum depth to 560 m) vertical boreholes installed in mid-east Kinmen northeast to Taiwu Mountain. Vertical fracture frequency data indicate that the rock body is fractured with a spatially correlated pattern, from which three major fracture zones (depths 0–70, 330–360, and below 450 m) can be identified. Geologic investigations indicate that the deepest fracture zone is caused by the large-scale, steeply dipping Taiwushan fault. This fault may have caused a laterally extensive low-resistivity zone, a potential fractured aquifer, near Taiwu Mountain. The middle fracture zone is induced by the Taiwushan fault and intersects the fault approximately 21 m southeast of the study area below a depth of 350 m. Slug testing results yield fracture transmissivity varying from 4.8 × 10−7 to 2.2 × 10−4 m2/s. Cross-hole tests have confirmed that hydraulic connectivity of the deeper rock body is controlled by the Taiwushan fault and the middle fracture zone. This connectivity may extend vertically to the sedimentary aquifers through high-angle joint sets. Despite the presence of a flow barrier formed by doleritic dike at about 300 m depth, the existence of fresh as well as meteoric water in the deeper rock body manifests that certain flow paths must exist through which the deeper fractured aquifers can be connected to the upper rock body. Therefore, groundwater stored within the Taiwushan fault and the associated low-resistivity zone can be considered as additional fresh water resources for future exploitation.  相似文献   
孤西断裂带下古生界褶皱-块断型潜山油气成藏模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对孤西断裂带下古生界褶皱-块断型潜山油藏的综合研究,总结出孤西潜山带经历印支期挤压逆冲、燕山期拉张负反转和喜马拉雅期拉张断裂改造3个构造演化阶段,形成了受北西向孤西断裂控制的内幕褶皱-块断型潜山带,发育了不整合面风化壳型、潜山内幕孔洞型和构造裂缝型3种储集层类型,进一步厘定了高潜山和低潜山2大类5种潜山油气成藏模式,其中高潜山油气藏模式有风化壳型、反向断块内幕型和地层不整合型,低潜山油气藏模式有反向断块和顺向断块型2种,这对济阳坳陷潜山勘探及多样性潜山理论的完善具有重要意义,为实现成藏规律指导下的潜山勘探奠定了基础。  相似文献   
温州三垟湿地底泥氮、磷含量及其对水质的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
为探讨温州三垟湿地底泥中氮、磷营养盐含量及其对水质的影响,测定了三垟湿地水体、底泥中的氮、磷含量。结果表明,三垟湿地底泥中富含氮、磷等营养盐,当氧化还原环境发生变化时,底泥可成为水体的主要污染源;底泥中的全氮、全磷若有1%释放,则会使水体中的总氮增加0.63—3.10mg/L,总磷增加0.94—4.70mg/L;若一次释放,则会使水体中的总氮增加62.50~310.00mg/L,总磷增加94.13~470.00mg/L;因此在当前情况下,即便切断外源污染,三垟湿地水体仍将长期处于富营养化状态。  相似文献   
A theoretical investigation has been made on the head-on collision of cylindrical and spherical electron-acoustic solitary waves in a non-Maxwellian plasma composed of stationary ions, cold fluid electrons, and superthermal electrons obeying κ velocity distribution. By using the extended Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo perturbation method, the effects of plasma parameters, especially the superthermal effect on the interaction of colliding solitary waves are studied. It is found that there are both positive and negative colliding phase shifts for each colliding wave in its traveling direction. Also, it is shown that the solitary waves received the largest colliding phase shifts in spherical geometry, followed by the cylindrical and planar geometries.  相似文献   
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