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天坑释义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
天坑是一种特大型塌陷漏斗,它的演化包括大型洞穴厅堂的洞顶崩塌和大型暗河对大量崩塌块石的搬运.天坑这个术语,首先在中国使用,随后成为世界性的喀斯特词汇.  相似文献   
Bayesian statistics are applied to the problem of signal-to-noise ratio enhancement from a common-midpoint gather. By maximizing the a posteriori probability distribution of the gather with respect to the minimum-offset trace and suppressing multiples via a semblance criterion, a statistically biased stack is formed with signal-to-noise ratio comparable to that of the usual stack while preserving the resolution and registration of the original noisy trace. Application of the algorithm to real data reveals geologically significant features which are indistinct in the standard stacked section.  相似文献   
TONY WALTHAM 《Geology Today》1998,14(6):229-235
The National Park at Yellowstone contains more than half the world's active geysers. Lying mostly in Wyoming, its host of geothermal features and fresh volcanic rocks offers an incomparable experience for any visiting geologist.  相似文献   
Landslides are a major component of geomorphological processes on the steep slopes of the Himalayan mountains. Three slides in the Annapurna region demonstrate a sequence from large to very large failures.  相似文献   
Tony WALTHAM 《中国岩溶》2009,28(4):355-369
“峰丛”和“峰林”是在中文文献中使用的两种主要的喀斯特地貌术语。而在其他国家,这两种地貌通常被定义为“锥状喀斯特”和“塔状喀斯特”,但峰丛、峰林与锥状喀斯特、塔状喀斯特并不完全相同。中国喀斯特分布广泛,本文把西方和中国的喀斯特专业术语连接起来,能让西方地貌学家更好地了解中国的喀斯特。本文是朱学稳教授近期发表于《中国岩溶》第28卷第2期上的 “我国峰林喀斯特的苦干问题讨论”论文的英文附加篇。 峰丛喀斯特地貌遍及贵州省及其临近省份大部分地区,其锥体石山较爪哇、牙买加和菲律宾群岛的更高更陡。尽管后者为西方所熟知,但贵州的峰丛可以说是峰丛和锥状喀斯特的典型代表。不过广西的峰林仅在中国以外东南亚的小部分地区可以看见。许多被西方认为是塔状喀斯特的地貌并非真正的峰林。问题产生的原因在于西方学者通过山体形状来区分锥状喀斯特和塔状喀斯特,而中国的学者是根据石峰之间是否存在喀斯特平原来区分峰林和峰丛。 峰丛喀斯特是一种发育成熟的石灰岩地貌,具有深厚的包气带、完整的地下排泄系统,以及发育时间长并免遭更新代冰川破坏的山体形貌。峰林喀斯特是一种极端地貌,仅在横向夷平持续时间比较长的特定环境中形成。峰林形成条件是:(1)石灰岩质纯;(2) 石灰岩层厚;(3)喀斯特平原上有冲积层发育;(4)地下水位变化幅度不大;(5)冲积平原有外源沉积物的流入补充;(6)缓慢构造抬升与喀斯特平原表面剥蚀相适应;(7)具有使石灰岩快速溶蚀的炎热湿润气候;(8)周围喀斯特平原下降时,地面蚀低和石灰岩山体边坡后退平衡。如果构造条件合适的话,峰丛可以演化为峰林。但如果有其他因素起作用,峰林和峰丛似乎可以并行发育。二者的起源仍然备受争论,并且峰林的起源恐怕是多种的。建议国际学术文献中应更加广泛地应用“峰丛”和“峰林”术语,“锥状喀斯特”和“塔状喀斯特”则主要用于对形态方面的描述。  相似文献   
就中国以外已发现的26个天坑的特征和成因进行了一般性的描述和讨论.此外,对其它类型的一些特大型塌陷漏斗也与天坑进行了比较.  相似文献   
Standing isolated on the barren Tibetan Plateau, the gleaming white snow-clad pyramid of Mount Kailas is a remnant of massive conglomerates formed within the Himalayan orogeny. Reached by an approach walk through the Himalayas in western Nepal, the circuit of Kailas on the pilgrims' kora path offers some views of the impressively exposed geology.  相似文献   
TONY WALTHAM 《Geology Today》1994,10(3):105-111
The rose-red city half as old as time is an incredible series of monuments carved out of Cambrian sandstone, which offers more than a little geological interest. Both the site of Petra and its approach canyons are tightly controlled by the geology, and the sandstone itself is mineralized and coloured on a surprising scale.  相似文献   
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