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The Santonian-Campanian Milk River Formation of Southern Alberta represents the transition from an open shelf, through a storm-dominated shoreface into a non-marine sequence of shales and sandstones, with coal. The open shelf deposits consist of interbedded bioturbated mudstones with sharp-based hummocky cross-stratified sandstones. There are no indications of fairweather reworking of the sandstones, which are therefore interpreted as having been deposited below fairweather wavebase. The shoreface sequence consists of a 28 m thick sandstone. It has a very sharp, loaded base, and is dominated by swaley cross-stratification, a close relative of hummocky cross-stratification. Angle of repose cross-bedding is preserved in scattered patches only in the top 5 m of the sand body. Channels up to 180 m wide and 7 m deep are cut into this sand body, with channel margins characterized by lateral accretion surfaces. Regional dispersal trends, as well as local palaeocurrent readings suggest flow toward the NW. Within the channels there is some herringbone cross-bedding and at least two examples of neap-spring bundle cycles, suggesting that the channels are tidally-influenced. Above the channels there is a sequence of carbonaceous shales with in situ root casts and lignitic coal seams. No marine, brackish or lagoonal fauna was identified, and the sequence appears to represent a distal floodplain. The sequence from interbedded hummocky cross-stratified sandstones and bioturbated mudstones into a 10–20 m thick, sharp-based shoreface sandstone characterized by swaley cross-stratification is uncommon. The scarcity or absence of angle of repose cross-bedding in the shoreface, and the dominance of swaley cross-stratification suggests that the shoreface was so storm-dominated that almost no fairweather record was preserved. Other examples of swaley cross-stratified shorefaces are reviewed in the paper.  相似文献   
The Rosebrook Member of the Miocene Bunyan Formation is a highly kaolinitic clay-rock of lacustrine origin. It is ultra-fine grained, plastic and of high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 20–33 c mol(+)kg?1 of clay. Fabrics observed optically and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicate significant post-depositional consolidation and localized shear failure. Sedimentation and TEM analyses confirm its very fine grain size which is consistent with the relatively high CEC. Tertiary soils and weathering profiles in the catchment of Lake Bunyan developed under relatively moist and cool conditions. Some were gibbsitic with kaolinite and smectite clay minerals. Highly weathered soils (oxisols) on basalt under modern high rainfall environments in the region are dominated by gibbsite and kaolinite. These and other highly weathered soils in the region, formed on a range of parent rocks, have high proportions of very fine grained kaolinite in their subsoils. Such materials are likely to have been abundant in the catchment of Lake Bunyan during the Miocene and would have contributed very fine grained kaolinite directly to the lake by sedimentation. However, the unusually high proportion of kaolinite in the Rosebrook Member and its euhedral crystal form suggest that some of its features developed diagenetically.  相似文献   
Basalts erupted from recent volcanoes in central Nicaragua canbe divided into distinct high-and low-Ti suites. Low-Ti basaltshave higher concentrations of LILE and LREE than high-Ti basalts.In addition, low-Ti basalts have obviously higher Ba/La, La/Sm,and 87Sr/86Sr, and lower Ti/Zr, than high-Ti basalts. In contrast,there are no mineralogical or petrographic differences betweenthe two suites. The differences between the high-and low-Ti basalts of centralNicaragua are inherited from their source regions. The primarymagmas of both are generated in the mantle wedge. However, low-Tiprimary magmas come from parts of the wedge which bear a strongsubduction zone signature, including that of subducted pelagicsediment. On the other hand, the primary magmas of the high-Tibasalts are generated in parts of the wedge relatively freeof subduction zone influence. Subducted pelagic sediment can therefore be a key source componentat active continental margins as well as at island arcs. Pelagicsediment could also be responsible for subtle high-field-strengthelement fractionations within subduction zone magmas. The mantlewedge beneath Nicaragua, which is variably modified by the subductingplate, is relatively enriched suboceanic mantle.  相似文献   
Detailed petrographic analyses along a depositional transect from a carbonate platform to shale basin reveals that dolomite is the principal burial diagenctic mineral in the Maryville Limestone. This study examines the role of burial dolomitization of subtidal carbonates. Dolomite occurs as a replacement of precursor carbonate and as inter- and intraparticle cements. Four different types of dolomite are identified based on detailed petrographic and gcochemical analyses. Type I dolomite occurs as small, irregular disseminations typically within mud-rich facies.Type II dolomite typically occurs as inclusions of planar euhedral rhombs (ferroan), 5–300 μm in size, in blocky clear ferroan calcite (meteoric) spar. Type II dolomite is non-luminescent. Type I and II dolomite formed during shallow to intermediate burial diagenesis. Type III dolomite consists of subhedral to anhedral crystals 10–150 μm in size occurring as thin seams along stylolites and as thick bands a few millimetres in width. This dolomite consists of dominantly non-luminescent rhombs and, less commonly, orange luminescent and zoned rhombs. Type IV dolomite consists of baroque or saddle-shaped, 100–1500 μm crystals, and is non-luminescent. Type IV dolomite formed during the period of maximum burial. Types III and IV dolomite increase in abundance downslope. Type III dolomite contains 1.2–2.6 wt% Fe and a maximum of 1000 ppm Mn. The distribution of these elements displays no distinct vertical or lateral trends. In contrast, Fe and Mn distributions in Type IV dolomite exhibit distinct spatial trends, decreasing from 3.5–4.5 wl% Fe and 0.1–0.3 wt% Mn in the west (slope/basin) to 1.5–2.5 wt% Fe and less than 600 ppm Mn in the east (shelf margin), a distance of approximately 60 km. Spatial trends in Fe and Mn distributions in Type IV saddle dolomite, suggest a west-east fluid flow during late burial diagenesis. Types III and IV dolomite have a mean δ18O value of - 7.8%00 and a mean δ13C value of + 1.1%00 (relative to the PDB standard). Based on a range of assumed basinal water composition of 2.8%00 SMOW, temperatures calculated from δ18O values of Types III and IV dolomite range between 75 and 160°C. 87Sr/86Sr data for Types III and IV dolomite range from 0.7111 to 0.7139. These values are radiogenic when compared to Cambrian marine values and are consistent with the presence of a diagenetic fluid that interacted with siliciclastic sediments. The distribution of Palaeozoic facies in the southern Appalachians indicates a Cambrian shale source for the fluids, whilst burial curves suggest a Middle Ordovician age for burial fluid movement.  相似文献   
It is now believed that the negative transients observed in coincident-loop transient electromagnetic (TEM) measurements are caused by polarizable bodies (bodies whose conductivity increases as a function of frequency). Ordinarily the TEM response of polarizable bodies is obtained by calculating the frequency-domain response at many frequencies and transforming it to the time domain via Fourier, Laplace or Hankel transforms. This is normally a computationally laborious task. However, for some simple non-polarizable bodies the time-domain response is analytical and can be computed easily. When these simple bodies are weakly polarizable an approximate response can be obtained by convolving the easily-calculated, non-polarizable response with the impulse response of the polarization. The approximate response is found to be very similar to the exact response for the polarizabilities normally seen in geological materials.  相似文献   
On Hirta, the largest island of the St. Kilda archipelago near the western edge of the Scottish continental shelf, evidence has been found for four cold periods and one intervening mild period. During the most recent cold period (the Loch Lomond Stadial), two protalus ramparts were formed. Prior to this there occurred two periods of valley glaciation separated by a mild interval during which the local vegetation was dominated by grasses and sedges. For the most recent valley glaciation (= Late Devensian glacial maximum) a mean July temperature of 4°C is inferred. At this time intensive periglacial processes were operative down to present sea level. At some earlier, pre-Dcvensian, time St. Kilda was invaded by the Scottish ice sheet.  相似文献   
The Holocene, which currently spans ~11 700 years, is the shortest series/epoch within the geological time scale (GTS), yet it contains a rich archive of evidence in stratigraphical contexts that are frequently continuous and often preserved at high levels of resolution. On 14 June 2018, the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences formally ratified a proposal to subdivide the Holocene into three stages/ages, along with their equivalent subseries/subepochs, each anchored by a Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). The new stages are the Greenlandian (Lower/Early Holocene Subseries/Subepoch) with its GSSP in the Greenland NGRIP2 ice core and dated at 11 700 a b2k (before 2000 CE); the Northgrippian (Middle Holocene Subseries/Subepoch) with its GSSP in the Greenland NGRIP1 ice core and dated at 8236 a b2k; and the Meghalayan (Upper/Late Holocene Subseries/Subepoch) with its GSSP in a speleothem from Mawmluh Cave, north‐eastern India, with a date of 4250 a b2k. We explain the nomenclature of the new divisions, describe the procedures involved in the ratification process, designate auxiliary stratotypes to support the GSSPs and consider the implications of the subdivision for defining the Anthropocene as a new unit within the GTS.  相似文献   
Abstract— The platinum group elements (PGE; Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt), Re and Au comprise the highly siderophile elements (HSE). We reexamine selected isotopic and abundance data sets for HSE in upper mantle peridotites to resolve a longstanding dichotomy. Re‐Os and Pt‐Os isotope systematics, and approximately chondritic proportions of PGE in these rocks, suggest the presence in undepleted mantle of a chondrite‐like component, which is parsimoniously explained by late influx of large planetisimals after formation of the Earth's core and the Moon. But some suites of xenolithic and orogenic spinel lherzolites, and abyssal peridotites, have a CI‐normalized PGE pattern with enhanced Pd that is sometimes termed “non‐chondritic”. We find that this observation is consistent with other evidence of a late influx of material more closely resembling enstatite, rather than ordinary or carbonaceous, chondrites. Regional variations in HSE patterns may be a consequence of a late influx of very large objects of variable composition. Studies of many ancient (>3.8 Ga) lunar breccias show regional variations in Au/Ir and suggest that “graininess” existed during the early bombardment of the Earth and Moon. Reliable Pd values are available only for Apollo 17 breccias 73215 and 73255, however. Differences in HSE patterns between the aphanitic and anorthositic lithologies in these breccias show fractionation between a refractory group (Re, Os and Ir) and a normal (Pd, Ni, and Au) group and may reflect the compositions of the impacting bodies. Similar fractionation is apparent between the EH and EL chondrites, whose PGE patterns resemble those of the aphanitic and anorthositic lithologies, respectively. The striking resemblance of HSE and chalcogen (S, Se) patterns in the Apollo aphanites and high‐Pd terrestrial peridotites suggest that the “non‐chondritic” abundance ratios in the latter may be reflected in the composition of planetisimals striking the Moon in the first 700 Ma of Earth–Moon history. Most notably, high Pd may be part of a general enhancement of HSE more volatile than Fe suggesting that the Au abundance in at least parts of the upper mantle may be 1.5 to 2x higher than previously estimated. The early lunar influx may be estimated from observed basin‐sized craters. Comparison of relative influx to Earth and Moon suggests that the enrichment of HSE is limited to the upper mantle above 670 km. To infer enrichment of the whole mantle would require several large lunar impacts not yet identified.  相似文献   
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