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CO2 inclusions with density up to 1,197 kg m−3 occur in quartz–stibnite veins hosted in the low-grade Palaeozoic basement of the Gemericum tectonic unit in the Western Carpathians. Raman microanalysis corroborated CO2 as dominant gas species accompanied by small amounts of nitrogen (<7.3 mol%) and methane (<2.5 mol%). The superdense CO2 phase exsolved from an aqueous bulk fluid at temperatures of 183–237°C and pressures between 1.6 and 3.5 kbar, possibly up to 4.5 kbar. Low thermal gradients (∼12–13°C km−1) and the CO2–CH4–N2 fluid composition rule out a genetic link with the subjacent Permian granites and indicate an external, either metamorphogenic (oxidation of siderite, dedolomitization) or lower crustal/mantle, source of the ore-forming fluids.According to microprobe U–Pb–Th dating of monazite, the stibnite-bearing veins formed during early Cretaceous thrusting of the Gemeric basement over the adjacent Veporic unit. The 15- to 18-km depth of burial estimated from the fluid inclusion trapping PT parameters indicates a 8- to 11-km-thick Upper Palaeozoic–Jurassic accretionary complex overlying the Gemeric basement and its Permo-Triassic autochthonous cover.  相似文献   
Glassy orthopyroxene granodiorite-tonalite (named pincinite after type locality) was described from basaltic lapilli tuffs of the Pliocene maar near Pinciná village in the Slovakian part of the Pannonian Basin. Two pincinite types exhibit a qualitatively similar mineral composition (quartz, An20–55 plagioclase, intergranular silicic glass with orthopyroxene and ilmenite, ±K-feldspar), but strongly different redox potential and formation PT conditions. Peraluminous pincinite is reduced (6–7% of total iron as Fe3+ in corundum-normative intergranular dacitic glass) and contains ilmenite with 8–10 mol% Fe2O3 and orthopyroxene dominated by ferrosilite. High-density (up to 0.85 g/cm3) primary CO2 inclusions with minor H2, CH4, H2S, CO and N2 (<2 mol% total) are present in Qtz and Plg. Equilibrium PT conditions inferred from the intergranular Opx–Ilm–Glass assemblage and fluid density correspond to 1,170±50°C, 5.6±0.4 kbar, respectively. Metaluminous pincinite is more oxidised (25–27% of total iron as Fe3+ in diopside-normative intergranular glass of rhyolite–trachyte–dacite composition) and contains Fe2O3-rich ilmenite (17–29 mol%) associated with enstatite. Fluid inclusions are composed of CO2–H2O mixtures with up to 38 mol% H2O. Raman spectroscopy revealed H2S along with dominant CO2 in the carbonic phase. Equilibrium PT parameters for the intergranular Opx–Ilm–Glass assemblage correspond to 740±15°C, 2.8±0.1 kbar, respectively. Reducing gas species (<2 mol% total) in the CO2-inclusions of the peraluminous pincinite resulted from hydrogen diffusion due to fH2 gradient imposed during decrease of redox potential from the log fO2 values near QFM during Qtz + Plg growth, to QFM-2 incidental to the superimposed Opx + Ilm assemblage in the intergranular melt. The decrease in oxygen fugacity was recorded also in the metaluminous pincinite, where log fO2 values changed from ~QFM + 2.6 to QFM + 0.4, but hydrogen diffusion did not occur. Absence of OH-bearing minerals, major and trace element abundances (e.g. REE 300–320, Nb 55–57, Th 4–31, Zr 240–300 ppm, FeOtot/MgO up to 11), and Sr–O isotope ratios in the pincinites are diagnostic of high-temperature anorogenic magmas originated by dehydration melting of biotite in quartz-feldspathoid crust (87Sr/86Sr>0.705–0.706, 18O>9 V-SMOW) around alkali basalt reservoir in depths between 17 and 20 km, and around late stage derivatives of the basalt fractionation, intruding the crust up to depths of 10–11 km. Low water activity in the pincinite parental melt was caused by CO2-flux from the Tertiary basaltic reservoirs and intrusions. The anatexis leads to generation of a melt-depleted granulitic crust beneath the Pannonian Basin, and the pincinites are interpreted as equivalents of igneous charnockites and enderbites quenched at temperatures above solidus and unaffected by sub-solidus re-equilibration and metamorphic overprint.  相似文献   
The western part of the Bohemian Massif hosts an intersection of two regional fault zones, the SW-NE trending Oh?e/Eger Graben and the NNW-SSE trending Mariánské Lázně Fault, which has been reactivated several times in the geological history and controlled the formation of the Tertiary Cheb Basin. The broader area of the Cheb Basin is also related to permanent seismic activity of ML 3+ earthquake swarms. The Eastern Marginal Fault of the Cheb Basin (northern segment of the Mariánské Lázně Fault) separates the basin sediments and underlying granites in the SW from the Kru?né Hory/Erzgebirge Mts. crystalline unit in the NE. We describe a detailed geophysical survey targeted to locating the Eastern Marginal Fault and determining its geometry in the depth. The survey was conducted at the Kopanina site near the Nový Kostel focal zone, which shows the strongest seismic activity of the whole Western Bohemia earthquake swarm region. Complex geophysical survey included gravimetry, electrical resistivity tomography, audiomagnetotellurics and seismic refraction. We found that the rocks within the Eastern Marginal Fault show low resistivity, low seismic velocity and density, which indicates their deep fracturing, weathering and higher water content. The dip of the fault in shallow depths is about 60° towards SW. At greater depths, the slope turns to subvertical with dip angle of about 80°. Results of geoelectrical methods show blocky fabric of the Cheb Basin and deep weathering of the granite bedrock, which is consistent with geologic models based on borehole surveys.  相似文献   
In this paper we analyze the scale of the DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) solutions with respect to DORIS extension of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) for Precise Orbit Determination DPOD2014. The main goal is to explain the scale inconsistencies and to find the optimal solution reaching low-biased and consistent scale time series. Our analysis profits from 4 different strategies based only on the Geodetic Observatory Pecný analysis center solution, using DORIS exchange format data 2.2. A difference in the sequence of the solutions directly corresponds to one of the changes in the solution settings: data elevation dependent weighting, application of data validity indicators and application of phase center - reference point correction. We process multi-satellite and single-satellite solutions for the time period 2011.0–2017.0. Our analysis examines scale inconsistency issues in 2011/2012 and in 2015. The scale increment in 2011/2012 is explained as a result of the concurrence of changes in satellite constellation and change in the provider data validity standards for Cryosat-2 and Jason-2 satellites. The scale increment in 2015 is explained as the effect of change in the standards for phase center - reference center corrections for Saral, Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 satellites. Moreover, comparing the solutions with and without elevation dependent data downweighting using the same elevation cutoff (10°), we found a significant reduction of scale bias and scale variation applying the data downweighting. The data downweighting improved also the station positioning repeatability. We demonstrate that the solution, which is completely free from the additional data associated with observations in DORIS exchange format 2.2 and includes the data downweighting law, eventuates in a consistent scale time series with the lowest offset with respect to DPOD2014 (version 1.0) (12.7 ± 2.3 mm for 2011.0–2017.0). The only remaining scale issue is the part of 2011/2012 increment of around 5 mm, explained by a change in the DORIS satellite constellation.  相似文献   
The low-grade metavolcanic/volcanosedimentary complex of the Devonian Vrbno Group (Silesicum, NE Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic) occurs in two ~NE–SW trending belts, separated by tectonic slices of Cadomian metagranitic paraautochton. (1) The basic–intermediate lavas of the calc-alkaline Western Volcanic Belt came from a moderately depleted mantle $ \left( {\varepsilon_{\text{Nd}}^{370} \sim + 3} \right) $ . Rare rhyolites (374.0 ± 1.7 Ma: 2σ, LA–ICP–MS U–Pb Zrn) were derived most likely from immature crust or by extensive fractionation of primary basaltic melts. The rock association is interpreted as a vestige of a deeply dissected continental arc. (2) The Eastern Volcanic Belt consists mainly of (nearly) contemporaneous (371.0 ± 1.4 Ma) felsic alkaline lavas with high HFSE contents, as well as high Ga/Al and Fe/Mg ratios, typical of within-plate igneous setting. The petrology and Nd–Sr isotopic data point to a high-T anatexis of a young metagranitic crust, resembling the Cadomian (Brunovistulian) basement, in a back-arc setting. The attenuated Brunovistulian lithosphere could have partially melted by the heat provided by the upwelling asthenosphere and/or underplating basic magma. (3) Finally, the region was penetrated by numerous subalkaline, MORB/EMORB-like dolerite sheets—a hallmark of the considerable crustal thinning.  相似文献   
We examined the shape of the Late Variscan Karlovy Vary granite massif located south of the Ohre/Eger graben in Northern Bohemia by reinterpretation of existing gravity data on two perpendicular profiles. The granite body of about 360 km2 total outcrop size has the elongation ratio 0.35 with the major axis trending NE-SW. The SW part of the body was crossed in the nineties by the seismic profile 9HR which localized the bottom of granites in a depth of about 10 km. We used this value as a reference datum in our gravity profiles. We positioned one of our profiles along the seismic profile 9HR and the other one perpendicularly, i.e. parallel with the elongation of the outcrop surface. We interpret the shape of the main granite body in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary as a continuous desk whose floor is horizontal (or subhorizontal) and varies along its whole extension about a depth of 10 km. This thickness is approximately identical with that of the Saxothuringian nappes imaged by seismic reflection. The near surface upper contact of the granite body is mildly inclined, and outward dipping. It changes to steep sides or inward inclined contacts in deeper levels. The Lesny-Lysina (Kynžvart) massif is a separate granite body about 324 km thick, not continuously connected with the main Karlovy Vary massif. The gravity curve suggests that granites often enclose in their endocontact large blocks of country metasediments or metabasites the existence of which is partly evidenced by their outcrops outside the line of the profile. The granite body is found density-homogenous. Minor density differences between granite varieties are caused mainly by more intense hydrothermal alterations in younger suite granites. We interpret vertical conduits for the ascent of granitic magmas to be parallel to the Jáchymov-Gera and Ohře (Eger) lineaments or the Mariánské Lázně fault zone as indicated by the elongation of some outcrops. However, they are not clearly imaged from the gravity data. The effect of the depression of the Sokolov basin along the faults parallel with the Ohře (Eger) lineament is shallow and it is not indicated by any change in the floor depth of the granite body. Comparison of the seismicity distribution suggests that the hypocenters occur mostly outside of the granite bodies or near their contact with the country rock.  相似文献   
Anorogenic granite xenoliths occur in alkali basalts coeval with the Pliocene–Pleistocene continental rifting of the Pannonian Basin. Observed granite varieties include peraluminous, calcic to peralkalic, magnesian to ferroan types. Quartz and feldspars are dominant rock-forming minerals, accompanied by minor early ilmenite and late magnetite–ulvöspinel. Zircon and Nb–U–REE minerals (oxycalciopyrochlore, fergusonite, columbite) are locally abundant accessory phases in calc-alkalic types. Absence of OH-bearing Fe, Mg-silicates and presence of single homogeneous feldspars (plagioclase in calcic types, anorthoclase in calc-alkalic types, ferrian Na-sanidine to anorthoclase in alkalic types) indicate water-deficient, hypersolvus crystallization conditions. Variable volumes of interstitial glass, absence of exsolutions, and lacking deuteric hydrothermal alteration and/or metamorphic/metasomatic overprint are diagnostic of rapid quenching from hypersolidus temperatures. U–Pb zircon ages determined in calcic and calc-alkalic granite xenoliths correspond to a time interval between 5.7 and 5.2 Ma. Positive εHf values (14.2 ± 3.9) in zircons from a 5.2-Ma-old calc-alkalic granite xenolith indicate mantle-derived magmas largely unaffected by the assimilation of crustal material. This is in accordance with abundances of diagnostic trace elements (Rb, Y, Nb, Ta), indicating A1-type, OIB-like source magmas. Increased accumulations of Nb–U–REE minerals in these granites indicate higher degree of the magmatic differentiation reflected in Rb-enrichment, contrasting with Ba-enrichment in barren xenoliths. Incipient charnockitization, i.e. orthopyroxene and ilmenite crystallization from interstitial silicate melt, was observed in many granite xenoliths. Thermodynamic modeling using pseudosections showed that the orthopyroxene growth may have been triggered by water exsolution from the melt during ascent of xenoliths in basaltic magma. Euhedral-to-skeletal orthopyroxene growth probably reflects contrasting ascent rates of basaltic magma with xenoliths, intermitted by the stagnation in various crustal levels at a <3 kbar pressure. The Tertiary suite of intra-plate, mantle-derived A1-type granites and syenites is geochemically distinct from pre-Tertiary, post-orogenic A2-type granites of the Carpatho–Pannonian region, which exhibit geochemical features diagnostic of crustal melting along continental margins.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions in garnet combined with element X-ray mapping, phase equilibrium modelling and conventional thermobarometry have been used to constrain the metamorphic evolution of metapelitic gneiss from the HP/UHP metamorphic terrane of Pohorje Mountains in the Eastern Alps, Slovenia. Retrograde PT trajectory from ~2.75 GPa and 780°C is constrained by the composition of matrix phengite (6.66 apfu Si) coexisting with garnet cores, kyanite and quartz. The intersection of the X Prp = 0.25 isopleth for the garnet with the upper stability boundary for K-feldspar in the matrix indicates near-isothermal decompression to ~0.9 GPa at 720°C. Temperatures over 650°C during this stage are corroborated by the high degree of ordering of graphite inclusions associated with Zn, Mg-rich staurolite and phlogopite in the Mg-rich (X Prp = 0.22–0.25) garnet cores. Majority of garnet porphyroblasts are depleted in Mg (down to X Prp = 0.09) and enriched in Mn (up to X Sps = 0.12) along cracks and at their margins. The associated retrograde mineral assemblage comprises Zn, Mg-poor staurolite, muscovite, biotite–siderophyllite, sillimanite and quartz. The onset of the retrogression and the compositional modification of the garnet porphyroblasts were accompanied by the addition of fluid-deposited graphite around older graphite inclusions, probably due to removal of water from a graphite-buffered COH fluid by dissolution in partial silicic melt. Instantaneous expulsion of water near the melt solidus (640°C, max. 0.45 GPa) caused dissolution of the graphite at redox conditions corresponding to 0.25–1.25 logfO2 units below the QFM buffer, giving rise to a H2O–CO2–CH4 fluid trapped in primary inclusions in Mn-rich, Mg-poor, almandine garnet that reprecipitated within the retrogressed domains. The absence of re-equilibration textures and consistent densities of the fluid inclusions reflect a near-isochoric cooling postdating the near-isothermal decompression. Bulk water content in the metapelite attained 2 wt% during this stage. The low-degree partial melting and extensive hydration due to the release of the internally derived, low-pressure aqueous fluids led to the reset of peak-pressure mineral assemblage.  相似文献   
Mineral parageneses of the polymetallic, Sbrich deposit at Dúbrava has been formed during five separated stages. A fluid inclusion study demonstrates that the earliest stages with scheelite, molybdenite and arsenopyrite have been associated with immiscible CO2 (± CH4)-rich, low-saline fluids at temperatures between 300 and 400 °C and pressures as much as 2 kbar. Deposition of the main, superimposed ores, stibnite and zinckenite, has been intimately connected with circulation of aqeuous, moderately saline fluids (15.5–23.5 wt% NaCl equiv.) upon epithermal conditions. Salinity of the aqueous fluids associated with tetrahedrite is clustered around 10 wt% NaCl equiv. Quartz from the latest, barite stage has precipitated from aqueous fluids enriched in divalent cations. These fluids are believed to be genetically linked with Triassic evaporite formations preserved in the region. Temperature-salinity diagrams constructed from microthermometry data indicate influx of diluted meteorite water in the stibnite, tetrahedrite and barite stages. Isotopic data are in accordance with model. The 18O values between –9.3 and +1.5 have been derived for water in equilibrium with quartz, coexisting with sphalerite, tetrahedrite and barite, thus confirming the participation of isotopically lighter meteoric waters in the mineral-forming solutions. The ( 18O) values between +3.3 and +8.5 estimated for the water associated with the scheelite and arsenopyrite stages, are suggestive for the majority of metamorphic and/or magmatic water in the mineral-forming, CO2-rich solutions.  相似文献   
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