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On many volcanoes, there is evidence of a relationship between dome collapse and periods of high precipitation. We propose a mechanism for this relationship and investigate the conditions that optimize failure by this process. Observations of elongate lobes that evolve through exogenous growth of lava domes reveal that they commonly develop tensile fractures perpendicular to the direction of motion. These cracks can increase in depth by localized cooling and volumetric contraction. During periods of high rainfall, water can fill these cracks, and the increase in fluid pressure on the base of the lobes and within the crack can trigger the collapse of the hot exogenous lava domes. Using limit-equilibrium analysis, it is possible to calculate the water and vapor forces acting on the rear and base of the potentially unstable part of the lobe. The model presented is rectangular in cross-section, with material properties representative of andesitic dome rocks. Vapor pressures at the base of cracks are sealed by the penetrating rainfall, which forms a saturated cap within the lobe. This leads to an increase in fluid pressurization both through the underlying gas pressure and the downslope component of the liquid water cap. Fluid pressurization increases as the penetration depth increases. This rainfall penetration depth is dependent on the thermal properties of the rocks, antecedent temperature, lobe geometry, and the intensity and duration of precipitation. Dominant parameters influencing the stability of the lobe are principally lobe thickness, duration and intensity of rainfall, and antecedent lobe temperature. Our modeling reveals that thicker lobes are intrinsically more unstable due to the amplification of downslope forces in comparison to cohesive strength. The increase in the duration and intensity of rainfall events also increases the potential for collapse, as it leads to deeper liquid penetration. Deeper penetration depths are also achieved through lower antecedent temperatures since less fluid is lost through vaporization. Thus, the potential for rain-triggered collapse increases with time from emplacement.Editorial responsibility: D. Dingwell  相似文献   
—The 1996 subaquatic explosive eruption near the northern shore of Karymskoye Lake in Kamchatka, Russia, generated multiple tsunamis. We document the explosive process that produced the tsunamis, and describe the tsunami effects and runup around the 4-km diameter lake. These data enable the determination of an attenuation relation of runup (wave) height for these “explosive” tsunamis, which is compared with theoretical models of wave height distributions. For the proximal zone, involving radial distances (r) up to 1.3 km from the source, the runup height (R) shows rapid attenuation (from > 30 m to 8 m) with distance as log R = ?1.98 log[r] + 2.6. For the distal zone, r > 1.3 km, involving mainly wave travel southeastwards along the body of the lake away from the explosion source, R decays more slowly (from 8 m to 3 m) as log R = ?0.56 log[r] + 1.9. Rapid decay in the proximal zone suggests that near the source of the explosion, the tsunami propagated radially as a collapsing wave (bore) with discontinuous change in height. The break-in-slope of the runup plot at 1.3 km suggests that beyond this distance the tsunami propagated approximately as a decaying one-dimensional wave in a channel of approximately constant width.  相似文献   
Assessments of pyroclastic flow (PF) hazards are commonly based on mapping of PF and surge deposits and estimations of inundation limits, and/or computer models of varying degrees of sophistication. In volcanic crises a PF hazard map may be sorely needed, but limited time, exposures, or safety aspects may preclude fieldwork, and insufficient time or baseline data may be available for reliable dynamic simulations. We have developed a statistically constrained simulation model for block-and-ash type PFs to estimate potential areas of inundation by adapting methodology from Iverson et al. (Geol Soc America Bull 110:972–984, 1998) for lahars. The predictive equations for block-and-ash PFs are calibrated with data from several volcanoes and given by A = (0.05 to 0.1)V 2/3, B = (35 to 40)V 2/3, where A is cross-sectional area of inundation, B is planimetric area and V is deposit volume. The proportionality coefficients were obtained from regression analyses and comparison of simulations to mapped deposits. The method embeds the predictive equations in a GIS program coupled with DEM topography, using the LAHARZ program of Schilling (1998). Although the method is objective and reproducible, any PF hazard zone so computed should be considered as an approximate guide only, due to uncertainties on the coefficients applicable to individual PFs, the authenticity of DEM details, and the volume of future collapses. The statistical uncertainty of the predictive equations, which imply a factor of two or more in predicting A or B for a specified V, is superposed on the uncertainty of forecasting V for the next PF to descend a particular valley. Multiple inundation zones, produced by simulations using a selected range of volumes, partly accommodate these uncertainties. The resulting maps show graphically that PF inundation potentials are highest nearest volcano sources and along valley thalwegs, and diminish with distance from source and lateral distance from thalweg. The model does not explicitly consider dynamic behavior, which can be important. Ash-cloud surge impact limits must be extended beyond PF hazard zones and we provide several approaches to do this. The method has been used to supply PF and surge hazard maps in two crises: Merapi 2006; and Montserrat 2006–2007.  相似文献   
Multiphase (MP) and low frequency (LF) earthquakes with spectral peak amplitudes at 3–4 and 1 Hz, respectively, are two common types of shallow volcanic earthquakes previously recognized at Merapi Volcano. Their mechanisms are poorly understood but MPs have been temporally associated with lava dome growth. We conducted a seismic experiment in January–February 1998, using four broadband seismographs to investigate the nature of seismic activity associated with dome growth. During our experiment, Merapi experienced mild dome growth with low-level seismic activity. We compare our data to that recorded on a local short-period (SP) network, with the following preliminary results.MP and LF events as recorded and classified on the short-period network instruments were recognized on the broadband network. Frequency spectrograms revealed similar patterns in the near summit region at widely separated broadband stations. Higher frequency spectra than previously recognized were identified for both MP and LF events, and were strongly attenuated as a function of radial distance from the source. Thus the spectral characteristics of these events as recorded on far-field stations are not fully indicative of the source processes. In particular, many events classified as LF-type appear to have much high frequency energy near the source. This aspect of these so-called LF earthquakes, and their association with very-long-period (VLP) pulses, suggests that many events identified in the far-field as LF events are in actuality a variety of the MP event and involve similar source processes. Broadband records indicated that simple large-amplitude VLP pulses were embedded in MP and LF wavetrains. From event to event these pulses were similar in their waveforms and had periods of 4 s. VLP events embedded in LF and MP earthquakes were located using particle motions. The epicenters were clustered in a central region of the dome complex, and preliminary source depths were within about 100 m of the dome surface, suggesting a source region deep within the dome or the uppermost conduit. A similar source location was established by study of MP high-frequency onsets. Our broadband data suggests that we have recorded both elastic seismic waves and a simple embedded pulse that is interpreted to represent a surface tilt at the seismometer site. The inferred tilt indicates an inflation and subsequent deflation, possibly caused by a gas pressure pulse or episodic shallow magma transport with stick-slip movement of the conduit wall.  相似文献   
The 8-10 May 1997 eruption of Bezymianny volcano began with extrusion of a crystallized plug from the vent in the upper part of the dome. Progressive gravitational collapses of the plug caused decompression of highly crystalline magma in the upper conduit, leading at 13:12 local time on 9 May to a powerful, vertical Vulcanian explosion. The dense pyroclastic mixture collapsed in boil-over style to generate a pyroclastic surge which was focused toward the southeast by the steep-walled, 1956 horseshoe-shaped crater. This surge, with a temperature <200 °C, covered an elliptical area >30 km2 with deposits as much as 30 cm thick and extending 7 km from the vent. The surge deposits comprised massive to vaguely laminated, gravelly sand (Md -1.2 to 3.7J sorting 1.2 to 3J) of poorly vesiculated andesite (mean density 1.82 g cm-3; vesicularity 30 vol%; SiO2 content ~58.0 wt%). The deposits, with a volume of 5-15᎒6 m3, became finer grained and better sorted with distance; the maximal diameter of juvenile clasts decreased from 46 to 4 cm. The transport and deposition of the surge over a snowy landscape generated extensive lahars which traveled >30 km. Immediately following the surge, semi-vesiculated block-and-ash flows were emplaced as far as 4.7 km from the vent. Over time the juvenile lava in clasts of these flows became progressively less crystallized, apparently more silicic (59.0 to 59.9 wt% SiO2) and more vesiculated (density 1.64 to 1.12 g cm-3; vesicularity 37 to 57 vol%). At this stage the eruption showed transitional behavior, with mass divided between collapsing fountain and buoyant column. The youngest pumice-and-ash flows were accompanied by a sustained sub-Plinian eruption column ~14 km high, from which platy fallout clasts were deposited (~59.7% SiO2; density 1.09 g cm-3; vesicularity 58 vol%). The explosive activity lasted about 37 min and produced a total of ~0.026 km3 dense rock equivalent of magma, with an average discharge of ~1.2᎒4 m3 s-1. A lava flow ~200 m long terminated the eruption. The evolutionary succession of different eruptive styles during the explosive eruption was caused by vertical gradients in crystallization and volatile content of the conduit magma, which produced significant changes in the properties of the erupting mixture.  相似文献   
Hydrofracturing stress measurements have been carried out to about 0.4 km in two boreholes in Quaternary volcanic rocks in Reykjavik, Iceland, on the flank of the Reykjanes-Langjökull continuation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The measurements indicate a dominant orientation of H max approximately perpendicular to the axial rift zone, in contrast to earthquake focal mechanism solutions from within the axial rift zone of the Reykjanes Peninsula. In one hole (H32) a depth-dependent change in stress orientation is indicated, with 1 horizontal above a depth of about 0.25 km, and vertical below it; however the orientation of H max remains unchanged. The data thus suggest reconciliation of an apparent conflict between the dominantly compressive indications of shallow overcoring stress measurements and dominant extension as required by focal mechanism solutions. The measured stresses are supported by the more reliable of overcoring measurements from southeast Iceland, and by recent focal mechanism solutions for the intraplate Borgarfjördur area. A fundamental change in crustal stresses appears therefore to occur as a function of distance from the axis of the axial rift zone. The data seem reasonably explicable in terms of a combination of thermoelastic mechanisms associated with accretion and cooling of spreading lithosphere plates. Stresses directly associated with the driving mechanisms of plate tectonics apparently do not dominate the observed stress pattern.  相似文献   
Knowledge of spatial variations (concerning both magnitude and orientation) and temporal variations of the stress tensor at various points in the earth's crust is crucial to our understanding of the fundamental nature of tectogenesis, The means by which this data can be acquired forms the principal subject of a newly developed field of endeavor concerned with thein- situ measurement of stress. This field of research is expanding, with rapid advances in development of techniques, numbers of personnel, and acquisition of field data. Although primarily motivated by engineering and mining operations (because of the immediate applicability of this data to subsurface ground control), the geologic implications — thus far largely ignored — appear enormous. Determinations of stress have been made in every continent. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the geological (and geophysical) relevance of current stress measurement work, which imposes conditions with which adequate theories of tectogenesis must comply.
Zusammenfassung Die Kenntnis räumlicher Veränderungen (sowohl hinsichtlich der Größe wie der Richtung) und zeitlicher Veränderungen des stress tensor an verschiedenen Punkten der Erdkruste ist entscheidend für unser Verständnis der Grundzüge der Tektogenese. Die Mittel, mit deren Hilfe diese Daten gewonnen werden können, bilden den Hauptgegenstand eines neu entwickelten Tätigkeitsbereiches, der sich mitin situ-Messungen des stress befaßt. Mit dem schnellen Fortschritt der technischen Entwicklung, steigendem Personalstand und zunehmendem Anfall von Geländeergebnissen dehnt sich dieses Forschungsgebiet immer weiter aus. Obwohl zunächst Ingenieur- und Bergbautätigkeit (wegen der unmittelbaren Anwendbarkeit dieser Daten auf die Untertagekontrolle) Ausgangspunkt waren, erscheinen uns die — bisher weitgehend außer acht gelassenen — geologischen Folgerungen sehr erheblich. Stress-Bestimmungen werden auf jedem Kontinent angestellt. Der Zweck dieser Arbeit ist es, die geologische (und geophysikalische) Relevanz der gegenwärtigen Stress-Messungen hervorzuheben, mit deren Ergebnissen entsprechende Theorien der Tektogenese in Einklang stehen müssen.

Résumé La connaissance des variations de l'espace (concernant aussi bien la magnitude que l'orientation) et des variations temporelles du «stress tensor» à des points différents de la croûte de la terre est décisive à notre entendement de la nature fondamentale de la tectogenèse. Les moyens par lesquels ces dates peuvent être obtenues, sont le sujet principal d'une sphère d'activité récemment développée, qui s'occupe des mesuragesin situ du stress. Ce domaine de recherches s'élargi avec le développement rapide des techniques, nombre du personnel, et acquisition des dates de champs. Bienque primairement motivé par des opérations ingénieures et minières (à cause de l'applicabilité immédiate de ces dates au contrôle du sous-sol), les conclusions géologiques — largement ignorées jusqu'à présent — apparaîssent énormes. Des déterminations de stress ont été exécutées dans tous les continents. Le but de ce travail est donc de souligner l'importance géologique (et géophysicale) des travaux de mesurage de stress en cours, imposant des conditions avec lesquelles des théories adéquates de tectogenèse doivent être mises d'accord.

. , , , in situ. ; .
We compare eruptive dynamics, effects and deposits of the Bezymianny 1956 (BZ), Mount St Helens 1980 (MSH), and Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat 1997 (SHV) eruptions, the key events of which included powerful directed blasts. Each blast subsequently generated a high-energy stratified pyroclastic density current (PDC) with a high speed at onset. The blasts were triggered by rapid unloading of an extruding or intruding shallow magma body (lava dome and/or cryptodome) of andesitic or dacitic composition. The unloading was caused by sector failures of the volcanic edifices, with respective volumes for BZ, MSH, and SHV c. 0.5, 2.5, and 0.05 km3. The blasts devastated approximately elliptical areas, axial directions of which coincided with the directions of sector failures. We separate the transient directed blast phenomenon into three main parts, the burst phase, the collapse phase, and the PDC phase. In the burst phase the pressurized mixture is driven by initial kinetic energy and expands rapidly into the atmosphere, with much of the expansion having an initially lateral component. The erupted material fails to mix with sufficient air to form a buoyant column, but in the collapse phase, falls beyond the source as an inclined fountain, and thereafter generates a PDC moving parallel to the ground surface. It is possible for the burst phase to comprise an overpressured jet, which requires injection of momentum from an orifice; however some exploding sources may have different geometry and a jet is not necessarily formed. A major unresolved question is whether the preponderance of strong damage observed in the volcanic blasts should be attributed to shock waves within an overpressured jet, or alternatively to dynamic pressures and shocks within the energetic collapse and PDC phases. Internal shock structures related to unsteady flow and compressibility effects can occur in each phase. We withhold judgment about published shock models as a primary explanation for the damage sustained at MSH until modern 3D numerical modeling is accomplished, but argue that much of the damage observed in directed blasts can be reasonably interpreted to have been caused by high dynamic pressures and clast impact loading by an inclined collapsing fountain and stratified PDC. This view is reinforced by recent modeling cited for SHV. In distal and peripheral regions, solids concentration, maximum particle size, current speed, and dynamic pressure are diminished, resulting in lesser damage and enhanced influence by local topography on the PDC. Despite the different scales of the blasts (devastated areas were respectively 500, 600, and >10 km2 for BZ, MSH, and SHV), and some complexity involving retrogressive slide blocks and clusters of explosions, their pyroclastic deposits demonstrate strong similarity. Juvenile material composes >50% of the deposits, implying for the blasts a dominantly magmatic mechanism although hydrothermal explosions also occurred. The character of the magma fragmented by explosions (highly viscous, phenocryst-rich, variable microlite content) determined the bimodal distributions of juvenile clast density and vesicularity. Thickness of the deposits fluctuates in proximal areas but in general decreases with distance from the crater, and laterally from the axial region. The proximal stratigraphy of the blast deposits comprises four layers named A, B, C, D from bottom to top. Layer A is represented by very poorly sorted debris with admixtures of vegetation and soil, with a strongly erosive ground contact; its appearance varies at different sites due to different ground conditions at the time of the blasts. The layer reflects intense turbulent boundary shear between the basal part of the energetic head of the PDC and the substrate. Layer B exhibits relatively well-sorted fines-depleted debris with some charred plant fragments; its deposition occurred by rapid suspension sedimentation in rapidly waning, high-concentration conditions. Layer C is mainly a poorly sorted massive layer enriched by fines with its uppermost part laminated, created by rapid sedimentation under moderate-concentration, weakly tractive conditions, with the uppermost laminated part reflecting a dilute depositional regime with grain-by-grain traction deposition. By analogy to laboratory experiments, mixing at the flow head of the PDC created a turbulent dilute wake above the body of a gravity current, with layer B deposited by the flow body and layer C by the wake. The uppermost layer D of fines and accretionary lapilli is an ash fallout deposit of the finest particles from the high-rising buoyant thermal plume derived from the sediment-depleted pyroclastic density current. The strong similarity among these eruptions and their deposits suggests that these cases represent similar source, transport and depositional phenomena.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the shallow magma reservoir at Krafla Volcano in NE Iceland have been analyzed with three types of elastic models based on over 70 surveys of tilt and displacement made from 1975 to 1985, a period of continuous volcano-tectonic activity. Modeling results are integrated with geophysical and geological information to estimate the position, geometry, and volume change of magma reservoir domains subjected to periodic inflation and deflation. Dominating influences on magma reservoir dynamics are examined in the context of activity in Krafla's associated rift system and the deformation of its caldera from 1975–1985. Rather than the fluid-filled cavity concept of Mogi (1958) and most recent workers, our models are idealized as strained regions with spherical, double-spherical, or general ellipsoidal symmetry. The models are mathematically generalized from that of Mogi (1958) and are derived by inversion of displacements. Model results from different displacement components are remarkably consistent, although models based on vertical displacements typically have errors-of-fit much closer to expected measurement errors than those based on tilt or horizontal displacements. About one half of the double-sphere and ellipsoid models have significantly better fits than single-sphere models. Double-sphere model results are consistent with a 2 to 3 km center-to-center separation of magma storage zones from at least 2 km to 4 km depth by portions of the fissure system, as implied by S-wave attenuation patterns for 1976–1977. However, all models suggest pressurization zones of more limited extent than possible domains of storage inferred from S-wave attenuation. Ellipsoid models typically implied unrealistically shallow depths of magma storage. Caldera inflation rates decreased after January 1978 when the caldera periodically reinflated to its level prior to the initial December 1975 deflation event. From 1975–1980 the volume and duration of inflation between deflation events was strongly correlated with the volume of the previous deflation. After 1980 there was a significant increase in the duration of inflation periods and a decrease in rates of caldera inflation and fissure system widening. Consistent with these results, the magma reservoir is conceptualized as a hot rock mass containing numerous magma chambers and pressure-sensitive conduits connecting the chambers and deep magma sources. Magma is injected into the fissure system at critical pressures determined by the confining stress and rock mass strength. The duration and volume of inflation required to reach a critical pressure threshold is largely dependent on the volume of magma released in the previous deflation. Reduction of the extension rate across the Krafla fissure system after 1980 suggests that extensional forces were also reduced. A resultant rise of confining pressure on the magma reservoir and a reduced capacity of the fissure system to accommodate dike injection in combination would have increased critical stress levels for reservoir deflation and reduced the pressure gradient driving magma supply from deep sources.  相似文献   
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