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Exhumation of high-pressure rocks of the Kokchetav massif: facts and models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic units from depths more than 100-120 km is one of the most intriguing questions in modern petrology and geodynamics. We use the diamondiferous Kumdy-Kol domain in the Kokchetav Massif to show that exhumation models should take into consideration initially high uplift velocities (from 20 down to 6 cm/year) and the absence of the deformation of UHP assemblages. The high rate of exhumation are indicated by ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of zircons from diamondiferous rocks and supported by the low degree of nitrogen aggregation in metamorphic diamonds.Diamondiferous rocks in the Kumdy-Kol domain occur as steeply dipping (60°-80°) thin slices (few hundred metres) within granite-gneiss. Using geological, petrological and isotopic-geochemical data, we show that partial melting of diamondiferous metamorphic rocks occurred; a very important factor which has not been taken into account in previous models.Deformation of diamondiferous rocks at Kumdy-Kol is insignificant; diamond inclusions in garnet are often intergrown with mica crystals carrying no traces of deformation. All these facts could be explained by partial melting of metapelites and granitic rocks in the Kumdy-Kol domain. The presence of melt is responsible for an essential reduction of viscosity and a density difference (Δρ) between crustal rocks and mantle material and reduced friction between the upwelling crustal block, the subducting and overriding plates. Besides Δρ, the exhumation rate seems to depend on internal pressure in the subducting continental crustal block which can be regarded as a viscous layer between subducting continental lithosphere and surrounding mantle.We construct different models for the three stages of exhumation: a model similar to “corner flow” for the first superfast exhumation stage, an intermediate stage of extension (most important from structural point of view) and a very low rate of exhumation in final diapir+erosional uplift.  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to the dynamics in a central gravity field of two point masses connected by a massless tether (the so called “spring–mass” model of tethered satellite systems). Only the motions with straight strained tether are studied, while the case of “slack” tether is not considered. It is assumed that the distance between the point masses is substantially smaller than the distance between the system’s center of mass and the field center. This assumption allows us to treat the motion of the center of mass as an unperturbed Keplerian one, so to focus our study on attitude dynamics. A particular attention is given to the family of planar periodic motions in which the center of mass moves on an elliptic orbit, and the point masses never leave the orbital plane. If the eccentricity tends to zero, the corresponding family admits as a limit case the relative equilibrium in which the tether is elongated along the line joining the center of mass with the field center. We study the bifurcations and the stability of these planar periodic motions with respect to in-plane and out-of-plane perturbations. Our results show that the stable motions take place if the eccentricity of the orbit is sufficiently small.  相似文献   
Presented paper describes the basic principles and features of the implementation of a robotic network of optical telescopes MASTER, designed to study the prompt (simultaneous with gamma radiation) optical emission of gamma-ray bursts and to perform the sky survey to detect unknown objects and transient phenomena. With joint efforts of Sternberg astronomical institute, High altitude astronomical station of the Pulkovo observatory, Ural state university, Irkutsk state university, Blagoveshchensk pedagogical university, the robotic telescopes MASTER?II near Kislovodsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and Blagoveshchensk were installed and tested. The network spread over the longitudes is greater than 6?h. A further expansion of the network is considered.  相似文献   
Abstract In northern Kazakhstan the WNW striking Kokchetav megamélange includes different crustal sequences with high‐pressure/ultrahigh‐pressure (HP/UHP) remnants of their 540–520 Ma subduction metamorphism. Two domains separated by the north‐east trending Chaglinka fault are distinguished. The western domain exhibits NE–SW structures within a single Kumdy–Kol megaunit of diamond‐bearing UHP metasediments and high‐temperature (HT) eclogites. The eastern domain consists of the composite Kulet megaunit with the Kulet UHP unit (coesite‐bearing metasediments, whiteschists and eclogites), the Enbek–Berlyk medium‐pressure (MP) unit (kyanite‐bearing, high‐alumina rocks with interleaved coronitic metagabbro), and ortho‐ and paragneisses with eclogites and amphibolites included. All eclogites in the eastern domain are of the relatively low temperature (LT) type. Sillimanite is common and appears after kyanite in the sheared MP unit. A regional and moderately ESE plunging linear fabric coincides with the fold‐axis of the foliation poles from the eastern domain. Whether this also reflects a regional top to the WNW transport, as inferred from the dextral strike‐slip on steeply to SSW dipping foliation, needs further study. Top to the WNW shear is shown by weakly inclined low pressure (LP) cordierite rocks that flank the eastern domain in the south. Some new 39Ar/40Ar mica cooling ages (519, 521 Ma) from the Kulet UHP micaschists reflect the same early stage evolutionary event as was previously shown for the Kumdy–Kol UHP rocks (515, 517 Ma) in the west. Similar 39Ar/40Ar ages (500, 517 Ma) are recorded by micas and amphibole that outline a top to NNW shear fabric in the non‐subducted Proterozoic basement, north of the megamélange. A 447 Ma overprint of the MP sequences is considered to reflect the strike‐slip deformation with sillimanite and the reworking of an early kyanite‐bearing tectonite. Biotites from the LP cordierite rocks yielded approximately 400 Ma 39Ar/40Ar ages. In case they reflect the WNW shear deformation, the latter is considered to be associated with a regional granite magmatism (420–460 Ma) extending south of the eastern domain. In their present different structural domains the Kulet and Kumdy–Kol UHP units display a similar early stage event. Subsequent LP deformation, which is likely to be associated with regional granite magmatism (420–460 Ma), is assumed to have obliterated any common or uniform early exhumation structure for the whole megamélange. The north‐east structured Kumdy–Kol domain is assumed to have preserved the most information about the early stage exhumation. This domain is at an angle to the regional WNW strike of the megamélange.  相似文献   
am u aa auu uau, anm n u¶rt;uaa. u n nu m na uu; ¶rt; a am u¶rt; am ¶rt;uua au nu ¶rt;a u m¶rt; am. mam u nam n¶rt;m nu n ¶rt;uam, u n n¶rt;m uu, u m [3]. m¶rt; nuam mm, ¶rt;u ¶rt; amauu , u umum a nu.  相似文献   
This paper reports isotopic and geochemical studies of eclogites from the western ultrahigh pressure (UHP) and eastern high-pressure (HP) blocks of the Kokchetav subduction-collision zone. These HP and UHP eclogites exhumed in two stages: (1) The rocks of the western block metamorphosed within the field of diamond stability (e.g., Kumdy-Kol and Barchy); (2) In contrast, the metamorphic evolution of the eastern block reached the pressure peak within the stability field of coesite (e.g., Kulet, Chaglinka, Sulu-Tyube, Daulet, and Borovoe). The eclogites vary widely in the ratios of incompatible elements and in the isotope ratios of Nd (143Nd/144Nd = 0.51137-0.513180) and Sr (87Sr/86Sr = 0.703930.78447). The Sulu-Tyube eclogites display isotope-geochemical features close to N-MORB, while those from the other sites are compositionally similar to E-type MORB or island arc basalts (IAB). The model ages TNd(DM) of eclogites vary between 1.95 and 0.67 Ga. The Sulu-Tyube eclogite yields the youngest age; it has the values of εNd(T) (7.2) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.70393) close to the depleted mantle values. The crustal input to the protolith of the Kokchetav eclogites is evident on the εNd(T)-86Sr/87Sr and εNd(T)-T plots. The eclogites make up a trend from DM to country rocks. Some eclogites from the Kulet, Kumdy-Kol, and Barchy localities display signs of partial melting, such as high Sm/Nd (0.65-0.51) and low (La/Sm)N (0.34-0.58) values. The equilibrium temperatures of these eclogites are higher than 850 °C. The geochemical features of eclogites testify to the possibility of the eclogite protolith formation in the tectonic setting of passive continental rift margin subducted to depths over 120 km.  相似文献   
Isotopic and geochemical data of the Zerenda series metamorphic rocks from the Kokchetav massif are reported. Some of these rocks contain microdiamond inclusions in garnets and other indicators of ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (P > 40 kbar, T = 900–1000 °C). The diamond-bearing rocks exhibit distinctive geochemical characteristics compared to typical crustal rocks. The REE patterns range from LREE depleted to slightly LREE enriched [chondrite normalized (La/Yb)N– 0.1–5.4] with a negative Eu anomaly. They are depleted in incompatible elements (e.g. Sr, Ba, U, Th) with respect to the upper crust. In contrast non-diamondiferous rocks of the Zerenda series exhibit normal crustal geochemistry. All rocks of the Zerenda series have very radiogenic lead isotopes. The measured μ values (238U/204Pb) compared with those calculated for the interval between crust formation and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism suggest a decrease by factors of up to 200 during the UHP metamorphism. The Sm-Nd mineral isochrons from the diamond-bearing rocks and other rock types of the Zerenda series give a Middle Cambrian (524–535 Ma) age of metamorphism. The Nd model ages show that crust formation occurred about 2.3 Ga ago. Significant fractionation of Sm and Nd and loss of incompatible elements may be due to partial melting of the protoliths. The Ar-Ar age determinations of secondary biotite and muscovite from the diamond-bearing rocks yield an age of 517 ± 5 Ma. This cooling age requires a short time interval between UHP metamorphism and uplift to a crustal level. Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism might be a significant source of Pb for the mantle. We propose that the radiogenic Pb of the oceanic array is the contamination traces of numerous UHP events. Beside the geological aspect we demonstrate a method of dating a high grade metamorphic terrain using Nd isotopes. We compare whole rock isochrons and mineral isochrons and in this way get some insight into the behaviour of the Sm-Nd system during very high grade metamorphic events. Received: 14 August 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   
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