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Summary ?Mong Hsu rubies of the “trapiche” type are sporadically seen in the gem market. However, they have never been described in the field. The study of the nature of solid inclusions, the variation of trace-element contents, as well as the cathodoluminescence behaviour of six “trapiche” rubies permit the conclusion that these rubies crystallised in the same geological environment (marble-type deposit) as the normal rubies from Mong Hsu: (1) Cr and V are the main chromophorous elements in both ruby types; they act, together with Ti, as activators or quenchers for cathodoluminescence; (2) calcite, dolomite, rutile, mica, diaspore, apatite, chlorite, and feldspar are solid inclusions found in both ruby types; (3) the presence of bastn?site in trapiche ruby and fluorite in non-trapiche ruby indicates the circulation of F-bearing fluids during ruby deposition; (4) the distribution of trace-element contents in the crystal is similar for both ruby types. In the Cr2O3 vs. Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 vs. Fe2O3/TiO2 diagrams, the population fields of Mong Hsu “trapiche” and non-“trapiche” rubies overlap. They are distinct from those of rubies and sapphires hosted in basalts from South-east Asia. Received October 30, 2001; revised version accepted March 25, 2002  相似文献   
The Yamé river, in the Bandiagara Plateau, Dogon Country, Mali, is characterised by extensive alluvial sedimentary records, particularly in the 1 km long Ounjougou reach where Holocene floodplain pockets are inset in the Pleistocene formations. These alluvial records have been investigated via geomorphologic fieldwork and sedimentologic and micromorphologic analyses and are supported by 79 radiocarbon dates. The alluvial deposits of the valley floor correspond to a vertical accretion of 3–10 m. The reconstruction of fluvial style changes provides evidence of four main aggradation periods. From 11,500 to 8760 cal. BP, the alluvial architecture and grain-size parameters indicate a wandering river. This period included phases of pulsed high-energy floods and avulsion related to a northward shift of the summer monsoon to around 14°N after 11,500 cal. BP. From 7800 to 5300 cal. BP, a swampy floodplain environment with standing water pools within a Sudanian savanna/woodland mosaic corresponds to the culmination of the Holocene humid period. From 3800 cal. BP onwards, rhythmic sedimentation attests to an increase in the duration and/or intensity of the dry season, giving a precise date for the local termination of the Holocene Optimum period. During the last two millennia and for the first time during the Holocene, the alluvial formations are progressively restricted whereas the colluvial deposits increase, indicating strong soil erosion and redeposition within the watershed related to an increase in human impact. Four major periods are characterised by incision (I1: ante 11,500, I2: 8760–7800; I3: 6790–6500 cal. BP; I4; 2400–1700 cal. BP) pointing to dramatic changes in fluvial style. They result from high-energy flood flows during dry spells and confirm the capacity of the floodplain pocket in the upstream reach of the Sahelian belt to record rapid Holocene climatic change.  相似文献   
Over this one-year study, the variations of inorganic As species were examined monthly along the salinity gradient of the Penzé estuary (NW France) in relation with different biogeochemical parameters. In most cases, dissolved As exhibited a non-conservative behaviour which resulted from the competition between two major processes. In the upstream section of the estuary, a strong input of both total inorganic As and As(III) occurred. Then, the removal of the same species, under precipitation of iron oxides/oxyhydroxides, was observed in the low-salinity range (S < 10). Using our experimental data, the fluxes of the various As species were estimated for the first time in estuarine waters. Inputs from the river were mainly constituted of particulate As (∼70%). Conversely, dissolved species were predominant in the net fluxes (∼65%) and As(III) accounted for ∼15% of the dissolved net flux.  相似文献   
The Lakagígar eruption in Iceland during 1783 was followed by the severe winter of 1783/1784, which was characterised by low temperatures, frozen soils, ice-bound watercourses and high rates of snow accumulation across much of Europe. Sudden warming coupled with rainfall led to rapid snowmelt, resulting in a series of flooding phases across much of Europe. The first phase of flooding occurred in late December 1783–early January 1784 in England, France, the Low Countries and historical Hungary. The second phase at the turn of February–March 1784 was of greater extent, generated by the melting of an unusually large accumulation of snow and river ice, affecting catchments across France and Central Europe (where it is still considered as one of the most disastrous known floods), throughout the Danube catchment and in southeast Central Europe. The third and final phase of flooding occurred mainly in historical Hungary during late March and early April 1784. The different impacts and consequences of the above floods on both local and regional scales were reflected in the economic and societal responses, material damage and human losses. The winter of 1783/1784 can be considered as typical, if severe, for the Little Ice Age period across much of Europe.  相似文献   
The European Quaker project has been a powerful opportunity to accelerate the development of the ability to carry out earthquake simulations at reduced scale in the centrifuge in LCPC—France. This paper summarizes the main original technologies of this simulator. The quality of the checked performances is demonstrated in terms of ability to perform since earthquakes as well as to simulate scaled records of real earthquakes. The consistancy of the results is presented in the time and in the frequency domains.  相似文献   
Low-frequency current fluctuations in the deep central equatorial Atlantic are analyzed using current meter measurements recorded from November 1992 to November 1994. Current meters were located at about 14°W of longitude and 1° of latitude on both sides of the equator between 1,700 m depth and the ocean bottom. At all sampling depths, the velocity fluctuations are dominantly zonal and symmetrical with respect to the equator. At 1,700 and 2,000 m, the flow is dominated by annual period fluctuations, at 3,000 m, the velocity field amplitude presents a minimum, and at 3,750 and 3,950 m, the flow is modulated by annual and semiannual period variability. The annual signal exhibits an apparent upward phase propagation. When considering the phase and the amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations, the data compare well with the outputs of a realistic numerical simulation of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with a previous analysis of the model simulations, this supports the idea that the observed annual fluctuations are due to wind-forced vertically propagating Kelvin and Rossby waves. Data and model do not provide deciding evidences of the presence of semiannual equatorial waves deeper than 3,500 m depth in the central equatorial Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
Thrusting fault zone in foreland basins are characterized by highly foliated zones generally enriched in phyllosilicates which can play a major role on the mechanical behaviour of the fault. In this context, investigations of synkinematic clay minerals permit to determine the origin of the fluid from which they precipitated as well as the mechanisms of deformation. Our study is focused on clay mineral assemblages (illite and chlorite) in a major thrust fault located in the Monte Perdido massif (southern Pyrenees), a shallow thrust that affects upper cretaceous-paleocene platform carbonates and lower Eocene marls and turbidites. It implied 3?km of displacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit with respect to the underlying Gavarnie unit. In this area the cleavage development by pressure-solution is linked to the Monte Perdido and Gavarnie thrust activity. The core zone of the fault, about 6?m thick, consists of an interval of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks bounded by major shear surfaces. The deformed sediment is markedly darker than the protolith. Calcite-quartz shear veins along the shear planes are abundant. Detailed SEM and TEM observations of highly deformed fault zone samples indicate that clay mineral enrichment in the core zone of the fault is not only related to passive increase by pressure-solution mechanism but that dissolution?Crecrystallization of phyllosilicates occurs during deformation. A mineral segregation is observed in the highly deformed zone. Newly formed 2M 1 muscovite is present along the cleavage whereas IIb chlorite crystals fill SV2 shear veins suggesting syntectonic growth of phyllosilicates in the presence of fluids in low-grade metamorphic conditions. These mineralogical reactions act as weakening processes and would favour Monte Perdido fault creeping.  相似文献   
An interaction of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) with copper ions in the water column of the stratified Krka River estuary (Croatia) was studied. The experimental methodology was based on the differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetric (DPASV) determination of labile copper species by titrating the sample using increments of copper additions uniformly distributed on the logarithmic scale. A classical at-equilibrium approach (determination of copper complexing capacity, CuCC) and a kinetic approach (tracing of equilibrium reconstitution) of copper complexation were considered and compared. A model of discrete distribution of organic ligands forming inert copper complexes was applied. For both approaches, a home-written fitting program was used for the determination of apparent stability constants (Kiequ), total ligands concentration (LiT) and association/dissociation rate constants (ki1,ki- 1).A non-conservative behaviour of dissolved organic matter (DOC) and total copper concentration in a water column was registered. An enhanced biological activity at the freshwater–seawater interface (FSI) triggered an increase of total copper concentration and total ligand concentration in this water layer. The copper complexation in fresh water of Krka River was characterised by one type of binding ligands, while in most of the estuarine and marine samples two classes of ligands were identified. The distribution of apparent stability constants (log K1equ: 11.2–13.0, log K2equ:8.8–10.0) showed increasing trend towards higher salinities, indicating stronger copper complexation by autochthonous seawater organic matter.Copper complexation parameters (ligand concentrations and apparent stability constants) obtained by at-equilibrium model are in very good accordance with those of kinetic model. Calculated association rate constants (k11:6.1–20 × 103 (M s)− 1, k21: 1.3–6.3 × 103 (M s)− 1) indicate that copper complexation by DNOM takes place relatively slowly. The time needed to achieve a new pseudo-equilibrium induced by an increase of copper concentration (which is common for Krka River estuary during summer period due to the nautical traffic), is estimated to be from 2 to 4 h.It is found that in such oligotrophic environment (dissolved organic carbon content under 83 µMC, i.e. 1 mgCL− 1) an increase of the total copper concentration above 12 nM could enhance a free copper concentration exceeding the level considered as potentially toxic for microorganisms (10 pM).  相似文献   
Spiked solutions (14C and 3H) were passed through two columns, one filled with silica and one with a mixture of silica and carbonate sand. Significant delay of 14C vs. 3H appeared in the second material and leads to a reduction of the relative flow rate which reaches 40%. Three types of effects causing modifications of the 14C transfer are analysed: (i) flow rate, (ii) sediment aging (iii) solution chemical composition and load. The reside with respect to water is governed by a linear process (assuming a constant number of reacting sites on the matrix) and kinetic process (where mass transfer effects are significant). It is also shown that much less than one mono-molecular layer of solid carbonate is involved and a distribution coefficient was estimated for these dynamic runs. Under field conditions, the interaction between 14C species (in the mobile and in the stationary phases) make ages obtained by 14C overestimated.  相似文献   
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