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The Jurassic to Miocene sequences of the central Andes, east of Santiago, reputedly show repeated cycles of episodic sub-greenschist facies, burial metamorphism that are identified by sharp breaks in metamorphic grade at major stratigraphic boundaries. This paper presents the first detailed petrochemical analysis of these low-grade metamorphic sequences by examining the progressive development of secondary minerals, reaction progress in mafic phyllosilicates, and topological variations in the low-grade assemblages as a means of testing this model. The results indicate a progressive increase from zeolite facies through to close to the onset of greenschist facies from Miocene to Jurassic rocks. Combined analysis of reaction progress in mafic phyllosilicates and petrochemical relationships of chlorite–pumpellyite–actinolite in metabasites provides no evidence for sharp metamorphic breaks at major stratigraphic boundaries. Integrating the results presented here with the most recent models of stratigraphic/tectonic development of the central Andes shows that the metamorphism took place in two episodes, and was not episodic on a 40-million-year cycle. An absence of sharp breaks in metamorphic grade in any part of the succession, as demonstrated here, shows that the original petrographic establishment of low-grade facies provided insufficient resolution of changes in metamorphic conditions to establish definitive evidence of such breaks. Accordingly, this study suggests that re-assessment of metamorphic breaks reputedly developed in other areas of the Andean Cordillera is imperative in order to resolve the questions raised here about the origin of the low-grade metamorphism.Editorial responsibility: B. Collins  相似文献   
Since Holocene time, above-mean precipitations recorded during the El Niño warm ENSO phase have been linked to the occurrence of severe debris flows in the arid Central Andes. The 2015–2016 El Niño, for its unusual strength, began driving huge and dangerous landslides in the Central Andes (32°) in the recent South Hemisphere summer. The resulting damages negatively impacted the regional economy. Despite this, causes of these dangerous events were ambiguously reported. For this reason, a multidisciplinary study was carried out in the Mendoza River valley. Firstly, a geomorphological analysis of affected basins was conducted, estimating morphometric parameters of recorded events such as velocity, stream flow, and volume. Atmospheric conditions during such events were analyzed, considering precipitations, snow cover, temperature range, and the elevation of the zero isotherm. Based on our findings, the role of El Niño on the slope instability in the Central Andes is more complex in the climate change scenario. Even though some events were effectively triggered by intense summer rainstorm following expectations, the most dangerous events were caused by the progressive uplifting of the zero isotherm in smaller basins where headwaters are occupied by debris rock glaciers. Our research findings give light to the dynamic coupled system ENSO–climate change–landslides (ECCL) at least in this particular case study of the Mendoza River valley. Landslide activity in this Andean region is driven by wetter conditions linked to the ENSO warm phase, but also to progressive warming since the twentieth century in the region. This fact emphasizes the future impact of the natural hazards on Andean mountain communities.  相似文献   
Establishing the petrogenesis of volcanic and plutonic rocksis a key issue in unraveling the evolution of distinct subduction-relatedtectonic phases occurring along the South American margin. Thisis particularly true for Cenozoic times when large volumes ofmagma were produced in the Andean belt. In this study we havefocused on Oligo-Miocene magmatism in central Chile at 33°S.Our data include field and petrographic observations, whole-rockmajor and trace element analyses, U–Pb zircon dating,and Pb, Sr, and Hf isotope analyses of plagioclase, clinopyroxene,and zircon mineral separates. Combined with earlier dating resultsthe new zircon ages define a 28·8–5·2 Maperiod of plutonic and volcanic activity that ceased as a consequenceof flattening subduction of the Nazca–Farallon plate.Rare earth elements patterns are variable, with up to 92 timeschondrite concentrations for light rare earth elements yielding(La/Yb)N between 3·6 and 7·0, and an absence ofEu anomalies. Initial Pb isotope signatures are in the rangeof 18·358–19·023 for 206Pb/ 204Pb, 15·567–15·700for 207Pb/ 204Pb and 38·249–39·084 for 208Pb/204Pb. Initial 87Sr/ 86Sr are mostly in the range of 0·70369–0·70505,with two more radiogenic values at 0·7066. Initial Hfisotopic compositions of zircons yield exclusively positiveHfi ranging between + 6·9 and + 9·6. The newlydetermined initial isotope characteristics of the Oligo-Miocenemagmas suggest that the mantle source lithologies are differentfrom both those of Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalt and oceanisland basalt, plotting in the field of reference values forsubcontinental lithospheric mantle, characterized by moderatelarge ion lithophile element–high field strengh elementdepletion and high 238U/ 204Pb. A Hf model age of 2 Ga is estimatedfor the formation of the subcontinental mantle–continentalcrust assemblage in the region, suggesting that the initialSr and Pb isotope ratios inferred for the source of the Oligo-Mioceneparental magmas are the result of later Rb and U enrichmentcaused by mantle metasomatism. A time-integrated model Rb/Srof 0·039 and µ 16 are estimated for the sourceof the parental magmas, consistent with ratios measured in peridotitexenoliths from continental areas. Evolution from predominant(>90%) basaltic–gabbroic to andesitic–dioriticmagmas seems to involve a combination of (1) original traceelement differences in the metasomatized subcontinental mantle,(2) different degrees of partial melting and (3) fractionalcrystallization in the garnet- and spinel-peridotite stabilityfields. The genesis of more differentiated magmas reaching rhyolitic–graniticcompositions most probably also includes additional crystalfractionation at both shallow mantle depths and within the crust,possibly leading to some very minor assimilation of crustalmaterial. KEY WORDS: calc-alkaline magmatism; Oligo-Miocene; U–Pb dating; Sr–Pb–Hf isotopes; central Chile  相似文献   
Each volcano has its own unique seismic activity. The aim of this work is to construct a system able to classify seismic signals for the Villarrica volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in South America. Since seismic signals are the result of particular processes inside the volcano's structure, they can be used to forecast volcanic activity. This paper describes the different kinds of seismic signals recorded at the Villarrica volcano and their significance. Three kind of signals were considered as most representative of this volcano's activity: the long-period, the tremor, and the energetic tremor signals. A classifier is implemented to read the seismic registers at 30-second intervals, extract the most relevant features of each interval, and classify them into one of the three kinds of signals considered as most representative of this particular volcano. To do so, 1033 different kinds of 30-s signals were extracted and classified by a human expert. A feature extraction process was applied to obtain the main characteristics of each of them. This process was developed using criteria which have been shown by others to effectively classify seismic signals, based on the experience of a human expert. The classifier was implemented with a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network whose architecture and training process were optimized by means of a genetic algorithm. This technique searched for the most adequate MLP configuration to improve the classification performance, optimizing the number of hidden neurons, the transfer functions of the neurons, and the training algorithm. The optimization process also performed a feature selection to reduce the number of signal features, optimizing the number of network inputs. The results show that the optimized classifier reaches more than 93% exactitude. identifying the signals of each kind. The amplitude of the signals is the most important feature for its classification, followed by its frequency content. The described methodology can be used to classify more seismic signals to improve the study of the activity of this volcano or to extend the study to other active volcanoes of the region.  相似文献   
High-alumina basalts from seven High-Andean stratovolcanoes (37 °30′S to 41 °S) have major and trace element (including rare earth elements, REE) that are consistent with derivation by partial melting (typically 10–15%) of garnet-free peridotite followed by fractional crystallization of olivine and pyroxene. High-alumina basalts from two stratovolconoes require significantly lower degrees of melting (<5%) or melting of an incompatible, element-enriched source. However, a poorly understood feature of all of these basalts-and calc-alkaline rocks in general-is the mechanism for causing their low TiO2 and heavy REE content relative to oceanic basalts. Further north in Chile (33 °–34 °S and 21 °–22 °S) amphibole-bearing andesites have REE abundances consistent with derivation from a garnet-bearing source such as incompatible, element-rich eclogite (e.g., Franciscan eclogites) or garnet peridotite. The marked petrological and geochemical changes along strike of the Andes are probably related to the varying nature of the subduction process; e.g., dips of the downgoing slab varying from 10 to 30 °.  相似文献   
Assessment of seismic hazard in Panama is made using a seismotectonic regionalization model. The coefficients of Gumbel's Type-I distribution are calculated and return periods for several magnitudes are found. From these coefficients intensities, peak ground acceleration and earthquake hazard for a set of return periods and epicentral distances are estimated and substantial variations in the probability of occurrence are noted. The Panama Fracture Zone (PFZ) and the Panama-South America Suture Zone (PSZ) provinces are the most active in producing earthquakes with a magnitude of about 7.0 in less than 16 yr. Magnitude 7.0 earthquakes in the Azuero province have a return period of about 160 yr, whereas in the Panama Deformed Belt (PDB) province the return period for magnitude 7.5 events is about 175 yr.  相似文献   
Recent field studies in the Andean Cordillera of Central Chile (33–40 S. L.) have shown a widespread distribution around the Chile-Argentina border of pliopleistocene volcanic and pyroclastic flow (5-1 m. y. K/Ar). The older ages are found in Rio Blanco (Santiago) area and the younger in the Cola de Zorro area. They cover horizontal to sub-horizontally, with strong unconformity their meso-cenozoic basement.In the Rio Blanco area the most silicic rocks are dactic and rhyolitic ignimbrites and lava flows. They are similar to the Rhyolitic Formation (Zeil andPichler, 1967) of northern Chile.South of 36 S. L. most of the rocks are calcalkaline basalts and andesites except for the samples from the Pino Hachado area, which plot nearRittman's alkaline field. Chemical inhomogenety of the plio-pleistocene volcanic rocks is thus present in the Andes of Central Chile.
Zusammenfassung Neue Arbeiten über die Geologie der Cordillera de los Andes im zentralen Abschnitt Chiles (33–40 S) haben eine enorme Verbreitung von plio/pleistozänen Vulkaniten (5-1 m. a.) vor allem in der Grenzregion mit Argentinien ergeben. Die höheren Alter fand man im Gebiet von Rio Blanco (Santiago) und die jüngsten im Gebiet von Cola de Zorro.Die Vulkanite bedecken mit einer horizontalen bis subhorizontalen Verbreitung und mit einer scharfen Diskordanz alle Gesteinsserien des Mesozoikums und Känozoikums.Im Gebiet von Rio Blanco handelt es sich um Ignimbrite rhyolitischer und dacitischer Zusammensetzung. Die kieselsäurereichsten Proben sind ähnlich den Gesteinen der Rhyolit-Formation vonZeil &Pichler (1967) in Nordchile.Südlich von 36 S hat die Mehrheit der Proben eine andesitische und basaltische Zusammensetzung. Es sind kalkalkaline Gesteine mit Ausnahme der Proben von Pino Hachado, die einen starken alkalinen Trend nach dem Diagramm vonRittmann haben. Auf diese Weise ergibt sich eine chemische Inhomogenität bei den plio/pleistozänen Vulkaniten von Zentralchile.

Resumen Los más recientes trabajos de geología de campo en la Cordillera de los Andes de Chile Central (33–40 L. S.) han evidenciado enormes extensiones de rocas volcánicas pliopleistocénicas (5-1 m. a.) sobre todo en el área limítrofe con Argentina. Las mayores edades fueron encontradas en el area de Rio Blanco (Santiago) y las más jóvenes en el area de Cola de Zorro.Las rocas volcánicas plio-pleistocénicas cubren con disposición horizontal a subhorizontal y con fuerte discordancia a todas las rocas subyacentes del Meso y Cenozoico.En el area de Río Blanco las rocas son ignimbritas de composición riolítica a dacítica y corresponden a las muestras más silícicas similar a rocas de la Formación Riolítica del norte de Chile deZeil yPichler (1967).Al sur del paralelo 36 S la mayoría de las muestras son de composición andesítica y basáltica de naturaleza calcoalcalina excepto las muestras de Pino Hachado que presentan fuerte afînidad alcalina según el diagrama deRittmann. De esta manera se muestra que existe inhomogeneidad química en las rocas volcánicas plios-pleistocénicas de Chile Central.

Cordillera de los Andes (33°–40° S) , . - (), --. , , . - . 36° . - , . . . , - .
The Central-West region of Argentina was seriously affected by a series of convective summer storms on January–February of 2013 generating many debris flows and rockfall in the Central Andes mountain regions. In particular, the unreported 8th February event caused the sad death of a 10-year-old child being completely ignored by society and local authorities. Despite this, meteorological conditions associated with this event and further episodes were rarely measured and determined mainly due to scarce meteorological stations in Andean mountain areas. In this paper, meteorological data from CMORPH algorithm and measurements of surrounding gauges were analyzed for estimating the triggering precipitation value of this event. As well, the particular debris flow channeled into the main branch of the Amarilla gully in the Agua Negra valley was geomorphologically described. The amount of precipitation associated with this debris flow was 5.5 and 13.2 mm accumulated previous to the event. This violent debris flow was generated in a talus zone in a periglacial environment located just below a covered rock glacier. However, the influence of the permafrost thawing in this process is not feasible. The altitude of the 0 °C isotherm was lower during the previous days of the event, and no monitoring on permafrost is available for this area. The volume of removed mass was estimated in 5 × 104 m3, and the mean velocity was 35 km/h. Boulders of 4 m diameter were found in the source area, while the deposit is up to 75% sandy with clasts that hardly exceed 10 cm in the alluvial fan distal part. Herein the main objective is to advice about the probable catastrophic impact of similar events in the future. These findings could be useful for hazard remediation, mitigation, and prevention plans for the Agua Negra international pass under construction.  相似文献   
Abstract. Oysters Ostrea chilensis P hilippi 1845. from a 40-month-old cohort which came from the natural population of the Quempillen River Estuary Southern Chile, were used as parental stock n = 600 for a hatchery-produced cohort. At 12 months of age this cohort was analysed physiologically filtration rate, organic ingestion rate, absorption rate, assimilation efficiency, excretion rate, respiration rate and electrophoretically multilocus heterozygosity MLH using four loci: LAP, GPI, PGM, CA. Most physiological variables were positively correlated with dry weight P < 0.05. with the exception of assimilation efficiency, excretion size and net growth efficiency P > 0.05. Also. there was a positive correlation between body size, ingestion rate, absorption rate and net growth efficiency with MLH. Respiration rate and consequently energy losses were negatively correlated with MLH. The energetic efficiency product of a lower metabolic cost in the heterozygous individuals in this cohort is reflected in a higher net growth efficiency and a positive correlation between growth and MLH. The genetic basis for the relationship between metabolic parameters and heterozygosity can be due to an overdominance in this 12-month-old cohort.  相似文献   
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