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Growth of zircon with respect to that of garnet has been studied using a combination of petrography, U–Pb dating and oxygen isotope analysis. The aim is to document the mechanism and pressure–temperature conditions of zircon growth during metamorphism in order to better constrain the Tertiary metamorphic history of Naxos, Greece. Two metamorphisms are recognised: (1) an Eocene Franciscan metamorphism (M1) and (2) a widespread Miocene Barrovian metamorphism (M2) that increases from greenschist facies up to partial melting. An amphibolite sample contains zircon crystals characterised by a magmatic core and two metamorphic rims, denoted as A and B, dated at 200–270, 42–69, and 14–19 Ma, respectively. The first metamorphic rim A (δ18O = 7 ± 1‰) preserves the δ18O value of the magmatic core (6.2 ± 0.8‰), whereas rim B is characterised by higher δ18O values (7.8 ± 1.8‰). These observations indicate the formation of A rims by solid-state recrystallisation in a closed system with regard to oxygen and those of B in an open system. Compositional zoning in garnet is interpreted as the result of decompressional heating. Zircon B rims and garnet rims display similar δ18O values which indicates a contemporaneous growth of garnet and zircon rims during the Miocene Barrovian event (M2). Calcic gneiss and metapelite samples contain zircon crystals with single metamorphic overgrowths aged 41–57 Ma. δ18O values measured in zircon overgrowths (11.8 ± 1.4‰) from the calcic gneiss are similar to those measured in garnet rims (11.4 ± 1.1‰) from the same rock. This suggests that garnet rims and zircon overgrowths grew during the high pressure–low temperature event in equilibrium with prograde fluids. In the metapelite sample, δ18O values are similar in garnet cores (14.8 ± 0.2‰) and in zircon metamorphic overgrowths (14.2 ± 0.5‰). As zircon overgrowths have been dated at ca. 50 Ma by U–Pb, garnet cores and zircon overgrowths are interpreted to have grown during the high pressure event.

As demonstrated here for the island of Naxos, correlating the crystallisation of zircon with that of metamorphic index minerals such as garnet using stable isotope composition and U–Pb determination is a powerful tool for deciphering the mechanism of zircon growth and pin-pointing zircon crystallisation within the metamorphic history of a terrain. This approach is potentially hampered by an inability to verify the degree of textural equilibrium of zircon with other mineral phases, and the possible preservation (in metamorphic rims) of isotopic signatures from pre-existing zircon when they form by recrystallisation. Nevertheless, this study illustrates the application of this approach in providing key constraints on the timing and mechanism of growth of minerals important to understanding metamorphic petrogenesis.  相似文献   

The Thor-Odin dome region of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex, British Columbia, contains migmatitic rocks exhumed from the deep mid-crust of the Cordilleran orogen. Extensive partial melting occurred during decompression of the structurally deepest rocks, and this decompression path is particularly well recorded by mafic boudins of silica-undersaturated, aluminous rocks. These mafic boudins contain the high-temperature assemblages gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite±sapphirine±högbomite and gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite+garnet±staurolite (relict)±anorthite. The boudins are interlayered with migmatitic metapelitic gneiss and orthogneiss in this region.

The mineral assemblages and reaction textures in these rocks record decompression from the kyanite zone (P>8–10 kbar) to the sillimanite–cordierite zone (P<5 kbar) at T750 °C, with maximum recorded temperatures of 800 °C. Evidence for high-temperature decompression includes the partial replacement of garnet by cordierite, the partial to complete replacement of kyanite by corundum+cordierite+spinel (hercynite)±sapphirine±högbomite symplectite, and the replacement of some kyanite grains by sillimanite. Kyanite partially replaced by sillimanite, and sillimanite with coronas of cordierite±spinel are also observed in the associated metapelitic rocks.

Partial melt from the surrounding migmatitic gneisses has invaded the mafic boudins. Cordierite reaction rims occur where minerals in the boudins interacted with leucocratic melt. When combined with existing structural and geochronologic data from migmatites and leucogranites in the region, these petrologic constraints suggest that high-temperature decompression was coeval with partial melting in the Thor-Odin dome. These data are used to evaluate the relationship between partial melting of the mid-crust and localized exhumation of deep, hot rocks by extensional and diapiric processes.  相似文献   

In the Pan-African Lufilian belt (Western Zambian Copperbelt), uranium mineralizations, preferentially scattered in kyanite ± talc micaschists (metamorphosed evaporitic sediments) or concentrated along transposed quartz veins provide an opportunity to (1) understand the time/space relationship between the ore minerals and the deformation of the host rocks, (2) identify the different fluid events associated with specific stages of quartz deformation and (3) characterize the ore fluid geochemistry in terms of fluid origin and fluid/rock interactions. In the U occurrences studied in Lolwa and Mitukuluku (Domes region, Western Zambian Copperbelt), two mineralizing stages are described. The first generation of ore fluids (53–59 wt% CaCl2, 13–15 wt% NaCl; N2–H2 in the gas phase of fluid inclusions) circulated during the high-temperature quartz recrystallization, at 500–700 °C. This temperature is in agreement with the PT conditions recorded during the crustal thickening related to continental collision at ca. 530 Ma. LA-ICPMS analyses show the presence of uranium within this fluid, with a concentration mode around 20 ppm. The second generation of ore fluid (21–32 wt% NaCl, 19–21 wt% CaCl2; CO2–CO in the gas phase of fluid inclusions) percolated at lower temperature conditions, at the brittle–ductile transition, between 200 and 300 °C. This temperature could be related to the exhumation of the high-grade metamorphic rocks at ca. 500 Ma. The formation of H2 and CO is interpreted as the result of radiolysis in the presence of dissolved uranium in the aqueous phase of these fluid inclusions. Finally, a late fluid (14–16 wt% NaClequiv) circulated in the brittle domain but seems unrelated to U (re-)mobilization event.  相似文献   
The about 10.5 km diameter Bosumtwi impact crater is one of the youngest large impact structures on Earth. The crater rim is readily noticed on topographic maps or in satellite imagery. It defines a circular basin filled by water (Lake Bosumtwi) and lacustrine sediments. The morphology of this impact structure is also characterized by a circular plateau extending beyond the rim and up to 9–10 km from the center of the crater (about 2 crater radii). This feature comprises a shallow ring depression, also described as an annular moat, and a subdued circular ridge at its outer edge. The origin of this outermost feature could so far not be elucidated based on remote sensing data only. Our approach combines detailed topographic analysis, including roughness mapping, with airborne radiometric surveys (mapping near‐surface K, Th, U concentrations) and field observations. This provides evidence that the moat and outer ring are features inherited from the impact event and represent the partially eroded ejecta layer of the Bosumtwi impact structure. The characteristics of the outer ridge indicate that ejecta emplacement was not purely ballistic but requires ejecta fluidization and surface flow. The setting of Bosumtwi ejecta can therefore be considered as a terrestrial analog for rampart craters, which are common on Mars and Venus, and also found on icy bodies of the outer solar system (e.g., Ganymede, Europa, Dione, Tethys, and Charon). Future studies at Bosumtwi may therefore help to elucidate the mechanism of formation of rampart craters.  相似文献   
The protracted tectonic and magmatic record of cratons over the Archaean Eon has been classically interpreted in terms of long-lived shallow-dipping subduction or repeated mantle plumes. In this paper, we use the 1D conductive heat equation to model the evolution of the geotherm of a generic felsic-dominated Archaean cratonic nuclei solely considering the secular decay of radioactive isotopes (238U, 235U, 232Th, and 40K), responsible for heat production in the crust. Using a range of plausible parameters for crustal thickness, lithospheric thickness, and surface heat flux, this modelling shows that Archaean crust was characterized by an initially high geothermal gradient at 3.5 Ga, with a Moho temperature close to 900 °C, and that it might have remained partially molten for about one billion years. The existence of a partially molten crust for an extended period of time offers an alternative option to shallow-dipping subduction or repeated mantle plumes for the understanding of the peculiar tectonic evolution of Archaean cratons marked by (i) protracted high-temperature metamorphism and magmatism associated with crustal differentiation, and (ii) widespread deformation characterized by structural domes attributed to the development of crustal-scale gravitational instabilities.  相似文献   
Petrochronology of magmatic monazite and apatite from a single paragneiss leucosome derived by in situ partial melting documents the thermal evolution of the Allochthonous Belt of the central Grenville Province. Monazite records suprasolidus metamorphism from ca. 1080 to 1020 Ma under high temperature up to 850°C. Apatite from the same leucosome yields an age of 960 Ma, consistent with cooling of this crustal segment down to subsolidus conditions of ca. 450°C. A pegmatitic granite dyke, with lobate contacts, previously dated at ca. 1005 Ma (Turlin et al., 2017 ) is interpreted to intrude the paragneisses at a temperature of ca. 650°C close to the wet‐solidus. These data document slow cooling at a rate of 2–6°C/Ma for the middle crust of this part of the Grenville hinterland marked by protracted suprasolidus conditions for at least 70 Ma. It supports the definition of the Grenville Orogen as a large, hot, long‐duration orogen.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The late stages of the Variscan orogeny are characterized by middle to lower crustal melting and intrusion of voluminous granitoids throughout the belt,...  相似文献   
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