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Introduction Earthquake magnitude is the most common measure of an earthquake′s size,and is one of the basic parameters of an earthquake.There are three most familiar scales of earthquake magnitude:ML(local earthquake magnitude),MS(surface wave magnitude)and mB/mb(body wave magni-tude).Richter(1935)introduced ML when studying earthquakes in Southern California.In1945,Gutenberg(1945a)put forward surface wave magnitude scale to determine earthquake magnitude(MS)using surface waves(20s)of s…  相似文献   
The program SOL1,written in Turbo-PASCAL for use on a personal computers(IBM-PC orcompatible),has been developed for calculating the equilibrium concentrations of the species inmulticomponent ligand-metal mixtures of up to 21 components and 150 species.The main features arethe easy data input system,the possibility of three different tasks(calculating the composition of a singlesolution,simulating titration curves and calculating the species distribution as a function of pH)andprocedures for drawing the calculated curves on Roland DXY plotters.The program has been tested by astudy of six different complex systems.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to statistically analyse the variability of global irradiance and ultraviolet erythemal (UVER) irradiance and their interrelationships with global and UVER irradiance, global clearness indices and ozone. A prediction of short-term UVER solar irradiance values was also obtained. Extreme values of UVER irradiance were included in the data set, as well as a time series of ultraviolet irradiance variability (UIV). The study period was from 2005 to 2014 and approximately 250,000 readings were taken at 5-min intervals. The effect of the clearness indices on global irradiance variability (GIV) and UIV was also recorded and bi-dimensional distributions were used to gather information on the two measured variables. With regard to daily GIV and UIV, it is also shown that for global clearness index (kt) values lower than 0.6 both global and UVER irradiance had greater variability and that UIV on cloud-free days (kt higher than 0.65) exceeds GIV. To study the dependence between UIV and GIV the χ2 statistical method was used. It can be concluded that there is a 95% probability of a clear dependency between the variabilities. A connection between high kt (corresponding to cloudless days) and low variabilities was found in the analysis of bi-dimensional distributions. Extreme values of UVER irradiance were also analyzed and it was possible to calculate the probable future values of UVER irradiance by extrapolating the values of the adjustment curve obtained from the Gumbel distribution.  相似文献   
A sample of 48 observations of coronal mm-wave (off-limb) sources (CMMSs) has been analysed in order to check relationships to cm-wave bursts and to study the emission process. CMMSs appear to be related to gradual and/or stronger microwave bursts with post-burst increase which start up to a few hours prior to the time of the mm-wave observations. The lifetime of CMMSs is much larger than that of these bursts. The interpretation of the mm-wave emission by optically thick bremsstrahlung at the temperature Tb,o ≈ 104 K (which also corresponds to observations in Hα) requires emission measures N2e Δs ≧ 2 · 1028 cm−5 at 37 GHz. On the other hand, optically thin bremsstrahlung at temperatures of Te ≈ 5 · 106–107 K (which are observed in X-rays) can apply to cm-waves. Application of this mechanism to mm-waves, too, would require source sizes much smaller than the half-power beam width (HPBW) of the radio telescopes (so that in this case the presently observed brightness temperatures Tb,o would be underestimated).  相似文献   
Significant postseismic deformation of the 2008 M W 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake has been observed from GPS data of the first 14 days after the earthquake. The possible mechanisms for the rapid postseismic deformation are assumed to be afterslip on the earthquake rupture plane and viscoelastic relaxation of coseismiclly stress change in the lower crust or upper mantle. We firstly use the constrained least squares method to find an afterslip model which can fit the GPS data best. The afterslip model can explain n...  相似文献   
The Shuanghu basin is a NE-trending rift basin bounded by NE-striking normal faults and NW-striking shear-extensional faults of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Four samples from calcite veins in marginal faults and one sample from mudstone (S-3) were collected for dating the evolution of the Shuanghu basin by using the ESR spectrograph of EXM-type. Ages were calculated according to the close-equilibrium model on the basis of the measured ESR signal spectra of samples, providing good chronological information. It is known from the ESR dating that the extensional faulting and rifting of the Shuanghu area began at 4.92 Ma B.P., followed by regional folding in 3.56-1.36 Ma, NW-striking faulting in 0.60 Ma and normal faulting in 0.024 Ma in the Shuanghu basin.  相似文献   
基于非差观测的网络实时动态定位(RTK)方法通过提供每颗卫星的误差改正量,使网内用户获得与网络RTK方法等价的快速精密单点定位服务。当用户跨越连续运行基准站(CORS)网内由不同参考站组成的子网(参考子网)甚至跨越不同CORS网时,都能有效避免因所选取的主参考站变化而引起的模糊度重新初始化,从而保持观测时段内用户定位结果的连续可靠和跨CORS网服务时算法上的无缝衔接。通过对海上实测动态数据处理结果的分析,验证该方法的定位精度、初始化时间与现有网络RTK方法在量级上的一致性,以及跨不同参考子网和CORS网时实现无缝衔接的有效性。  相似文献   
锗橄榄石-尖晶石扭转大变形实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对(Mg,Ni)2GeO4尖晶石一橄榄石集合体进行了高温高压扭转大变形实验研究。试验在一台高分辨率的气体介质试验机上进行,试验温度为1473K,围压为300MPa,应变率为10^-4~10^-5S^-1,剪切应力为80~250MPa,剪切应变为30%~700%。将变形后试件沿轴向切开进行了显微结构分析,确定了两相成分的比值。利用EBSD方法分别对变形前后试件中的橄榄石和尖晶石中的晶格最优取向(LPO)进行了测定,由微结构的差异确定了变形机制及两相材料的相对强度。  相似文献   
We report results of our optical photometric observations of ten gamma-ray loud blazers, namely: 0219+428 (3C66A), PKS 0420-014 (OA 129), S5 0716+714, 0754+100 (OI 090.4), 0827+243 (OJ248), 1652+398 (Mrk 501), 2200+420 (BL Lacertae), 2230+114 (CTA 102), 2251+158 (3C 454.3) and 2344+514. The observations were carried out in September-October, 2000 using the 70 cm optical telescope at Abstumani Observatory, Georgia. We found intra-day variations in 0420-014, S5 0716+714, BL Lacertae and CTA 102. A variation of 0.3 magnitude over a time scale of about 3 hours was observed in the R passband in BL Lacertae on JD 2451827. We did not detect any variation in 3C 66A, Mrk 501, or 3C 454.3 during our observations. Nor did we detect any clear evidence of variation in 1ES 2344+514 during our two weeks' observing run of the TeV gamma-ray source.  相似文献   
四海龙湾玛珥湖沉积物中碱流质火山灰的来源及其意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
四海龙湾玛珥湖位于东北新生代龙岗火山区内,在玛珥湖沉积物距湖底69-70cm处分离出新鲜的火山灰,根据火山灰产出的层位、原生沉积特征、形貌和碱流质化学成分特征,属于长白山天池火山公元1199-1200年大喷发的产物,这一结果不仅表明天池火山历史时期大喷发的规模比原来估计的还要大,并且为建立千年以来四海龙湾沉积物及古气候演化的时间标尺提供了依据。  相似文献   
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