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The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake brought serious damage to downtown of Adapazari. To study why strong motions were generated at the town, a bedrock structure was investigated on the basis of Bouguer gravity anomaly, and SPAC and H/V analyses of microseisms. It was revealed that, the basin consists of three narrow depressions of bedrock with very steep edges, extending in E–W or NE–SW directions along the North Anatolia faults, and the depth to bedrock reaches 1000 m or more. Downtown of Adapazari is located 1–2 km apart from the basin-edge. It is considered that, the specific configuration of bedrock amplifies ground motions at the downtown area by focusing of seismic waves and/or interference between incident S-waves and surface-waves secondarily generated at the basin-edge. Studying 3D bedrock structure is an urgent issue for microzoning an urban area in a sedimentary basin.  相似文献   
A method for the determination of Ge, As, Se and Te in silicate samples using isotope dilution-internal standardisation (ID-IS) octopole reaction cell (ORC) ICP-QMS by normal sample nebulisation was developed. The method does not involve either hydride generation or ion exchange. Germanium, Se and Te were determined by isotope dilution (ID), and As was determined by ID-IS. A silicate sample with an added Ge-Se-Te spike was digested with an HF-HNO3-HBr mixture, dried, re-dissolved with HF and the supernatant liquid was directly aspirated into an ORC-ICP-QMS instrument with He or H2 gas. No matrix effects were observed down to a dilution factor (DF) of ∼ 70 for Ge, Se and Te and DF of ∼ 1000 for As, which resulted in 3s detection limits in silicates of 2, 1, 0.1 and 4 ng g−1, respectively. Advantages of the method are the simple sample introduction as well as a capability of determining S, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta by ID-IS-ICP-QMS/SFMS from the same solution. Furthermore, the total sample solution consumption was only 0.253 ml with DF = 2000. Therefore, only a 0.13 mg test portion was required. To demonstrate the applicability of this technique, Ge, As, Se and Te in eight silicate reference materials were determined, as well as S, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta in four carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
The fundamental approach for the confirmation of any terrestrial meteorite impact structure is the identification of diagnostic shock metamorphic features, together with the physical and chemical characterization of impactites and target lithologies. However, for many of the approximately 200 confirmed impact structures known on Earth to date, multiple scale‐independent tell‐tale impact signatures have not been recorded. Especially some of the pre‐Paleozoic impact structures reported so far have yielded limited shock diagnostic evidence. The rocks of the Dhala structure in India, a deeply eroded Paleoproterozoic impact structure, exhibit a range of diagnostic shock features, and there is even evidence for traces of the impactor. This study provides a detailed look at shocked samples from the Dhala structure, and the shock metamorphic evidence recorded within them. It also includes a first report of shatter cones that form in the shock pressure range from ~2 to 30 GPa, data on feather features (FFs), crystallographic indexing of planar deformation features, first‐ever electron backscatter diffraction data for ballen quartz, and further analysis of shocked zircon. The discovery of FFs in quartz from a sample of the MCB‐10 drill core (497.50 m depth) provides a comparatively lower estimate of shock pressure (~7–10 GPa), whereas melting of a basement granitoid infers at least 50–60 GPa shock pressure. Thus, the Dhala impactites register a strongly heterogeneous shock pressure distribution between <2 and >60 GPa. The present comprehensive review of impact effects should lay to rest the nonimpact genesis of the Dhala structure proposed by some earlier workers from India.  相似文献   
To investigate whether or not regional–temporal patterns of seagrass habitat use by fishes existed at the Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan), visual surveys were conducted in seagrass beds and adjacent coral reefs in northern, central, and southern Ryukyu Islands, in November 2004, and May, August, and November 2005, the northern region having less extensive seagrass beds compared with the central and southern regions. During the study period, the seagrass beds were utilized primarily by 31 species, the densities of some of the latter differing significantly among regions. With the exception of Apogonidae and Holocentridae, all species were diurnal and could be divided into 6 groups based on seagrass habitat use patterns; (1) permanent residents A (10 species, e.g. Stethojulis strigiventer), juveniles and adults living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (2) permanent residents B (5 species, e.g. Calotomus spinidens), juveniles and adults living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (3) seasonal residents A (4 species, e.g. Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus), juveniles living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (4) seasonal residents B (6 species, e.g. Lethrinus atkinsoni), juveniles living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (5) transients (5 species, e.g. Parupeneus indicus), occurring in seagrass beds in the course of foraging over a variety of habitats; and (6) casual species (1 species, Acanthurus blochii), occurring only occasionally in seagrass beds. Regarding temporal differences, juvenile densities in each group were high in May and August compared with November in each region, whereas adult densities did not differ drastically in each month. For regional differences, juvenile and adult densities of permanent residents A and B were higher in the southern and central regions than in the northern region. Moreover, some seasonal residents showed possible ontogenetic habitat shift from seagrass beds to coral reefs in each region. These results indicated that seagrass habitat use patterns by fishes changed temporally and regionally and there may be habitat connectivity between seagrass beds and coral reefs via ontogenetic migration in the Ryukyu Islands.  相似文献   
The compositions of five different coexisting pyroxenes hypersthene, pigeonite and augite in groundmass and bronzite and augite of phenocryst in a tholeiitic andesite from Hakone Volcano, Japan have been determined by the electron probe microanalyser. It is shown that there is a compositional gap of about 25 mole per cent CaSiO3 between groundmass pigeonite and augite, compared with 35 per cent CaSiO3 between phenocrystic augite and bronzite. Subcalcic augite or pigeonitic augite was not found. The groundmass augite, which occurs only as thin rims of pigeonite and hypersthene, is less calcic and more iron-rich than the phenocryst augite. It is also shown that the groundmass pigeonite is 3–4 mole per cent more CaSiO3-rich than the coexisting groundmass hypersthene. The Fe/(Mg + Fe) ratios of these coexisting hypersthene and pigeonite are about 0.31 and 0.33, respectively. It is suggested from these results that a continuous solid solution does not exist between augite and pigeonite of the Fe/(Mg + Fe) ratio at least near 0.3 under the conditions of crystallization of groundmass of the tholeiitic andesite. It is suggested from the Mg-Fe partition and the textural relation that the groundmass augite crystallized from a liquid more iron-rich than that from which groundmass hypersthene and pigeonite crystallized.  相似文献   
A garnet-omphacite-kyanite-coesite geothermobarometer is constructed to estimate the peak metamorphic pressure of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogites. For this we use a quaternary regular solution model for garnet, and propose a new model for sodic pyroxene that assumes double site solid-solution (Na,Ca)M2(Al,Fe3+,Fe2+,Mg)M1Si2O6, where cations in the M2- and the M1-sites mix randomly but with inter-site interactions, not only between nearest neighboring cations but also between next nearest neighboring cations. In the new model, overall excess interaction parameters are quantitatively deduced from the previous experimental data and critical temperature, and the activity of the jadeite component agrees reasonably with that based on the Landau theory. Furthermore, the relations of the calculated order parameter to temperature and composition are consistent with other experimental works. These facts support the usefulness of the new model. Application of our geothermobarometer to kyanite eclogite gave metamorphic conditions around 3.4 GPa and 800 C for both samples from the Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps, and from Rongcheng County, in the Su-Lu region of eastern China. Received: 30 December 1996 / Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   
Elemental and Li–Sr–Nd isotopic data of minerals in spinel peridotites hosted by Cenozoic basalts allow us to refine the existing models for Li isotopic fractionation in mantle peridotites and constrain the melt/fluid-peridotite interaction in the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Highly elevated Li concentrations in cpx (up to 24 ppm) relative to coexisting opx and olivine (<4 ppm) indicate that the peridotites experienced metasomatism by mafic silicate melts and/or fluids. The mineral δ7Li vary greatly, with olivine (+0.7 to +5.4‰) being isotopically heavier than coexisting opx (−4.4 to −25.9‰) and cpx (−3.3 to −21.4‰) in most samples. The δ7Li in pyroxenes are considerably lower than the normal mantle values and show negative correlation with their Li abundances, likely due to recent Li ingress attended by diffusive fractionation of Li isotopes. Two exceptional samples have olivine δ7Li of −3.0 and −7.9‰, indicating the existence of low δ7Li domains in the mantle, which could be transient and generated by meter-scale diffusion of Li during melt/fluid-peridotite interaction. The 143Nd/144Nd (0.5123–0.5139) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7018–0.7062) in the pyroxenes also show a large variation, in which the cpx are apparently lower in 87Sr/86Sr and slightly higher in 143Nd/144Nd than coexisting opx, implying an intermineral Sr–Nd isotopic disequilibrium. This is observed more apparently in peridotites having low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios than in those with high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd, suggesting that a relatively recent interaction existed between an ancient metasomatized lithospheric mantle and asthenospheric melt, which transformed the refractory peridotites with highly radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd isotopic compositions to the fertile lherzolites with unradiogenic Sr and radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions. Therefore, we argue that the lithospheric mantle represented by the peridotites has been heterogeneously refertilized by multistage melt/fluid-peridotite interactions.  相似文献   
We report analyses of noble gases and Nd–Sr isotopes in mineral separates and whole rocks of late Pleistocene (< 0.2 Ma) monzonites from Ulleungdo, South Korea, a volcanic island within the back arc basin of the Japan island arc. A Rb–Sr mineral isochron age for the monzonites is 0.12 ± 0.01 Ma. K–Ar biotite ages from the same samples gave relatively concordant ages of 0.19 ± 0.01and 0.22 ± 0.01 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar yields a similar age of 0.29 ± 0.09 Ma. Geochemical characteristics of the felsic plutonic rocks, which are silica oversaturated alkali felsic rocks (av., 12.5 wt% in K2O + Na2O), are similar to those of 30 alkali volcanics from Ulleungdo in terms of concentrations of major, trace and REE elements. The initial Nd–Sr isotopic ratios of the monzonites (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70454–0.71264, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512528–0.512577) are comparable with those of the alkali volcanics (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70466–0.70892, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512521–0.512615) erupted in Stage 3 of Ulleungdo volcanism (0.24–0.47 Ma). The high initial 87Sr/86Sr values of the monzonites imply that seawater and crustally contaminated pre-existing trachytes may have been melted or assimilated during differentiation of the alkali basaltic magma.A mantle helium component (3He/4He ratio of up to 6.5 RA) associated with excess argon was found in the monzonites. Feldspar and biotite have preferentially lost helium during slow cooling at depth and/or during their transportation to the surface in a hot host magma. The source magma noble gas isotopic features are well preserved in fluid inclusions in hornblende, and indicate that the magma may be directly derived from subcontinental lithospheric mantle metasomatized by an ancient subduction process, or may have formed as a mixture of MORB-like mantle and crustal components. The radiometric ages, geochemical and Nd–Sr isotopic signatures of the Ulleungdo monzonites as well as the presence of mantle-derived helium and argon, suggests that these felsic plutonic rocks evolved from alkali basaltic magma that formed by partial melting of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the back arc basin located along the active continental margin of the southeastern part of the Eurasian plate.  相似文献   
Abstract: The disseminated Au‐Ag telluride Bulawan deposit, Negros island, Philippines, is hosted by dacite porphyry breccia pipes which formed in a Middle Miocene dacite porphyry stock. Electrum and Au‐Ag tellurides occur mostly as grains intergrown with or filling voids between sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and tennantite. Calcite, quartz and rare dolomite are the principal gangue minerals. Four types of alteration were recognized in the deposit, namely; propylitic, K‐feldspar‐sericitic, sericitic and carbonate alteration. Carbonate alteration is correlatable to the gold deposition stage and occurs mostly along fault zones. The δ18O and δ13C compositions of calcite and dolomite in propylite zone and ore‐stage dacite porphyry breccia were determined. The δ18O values of calcite in propylitized andesite range from +12.2 to +14.7%, and their δ13C values range from ‐6.1 to ‐1.0%. The δ18O values of calcite and dolomite in sericite‐ and carbonate‐altered, mineralized dacite porphyry breccia and dacite porphyry rocks range from +15.1 to +23.1%, and the δ13C values of calcite and dolomite range from ‐3.9 to +0.9%. The δ18O and δ13C values of the hydrothermal fluids were estimated from inferred temperatures of formation on the basis of fluid inclusion microthermometry. The δ18O values of hydrothermal fluid for the propylitic alteration were calculated to be +8.5 ‐ +9.5%, assuming 375°C. On the other hand, the δ18O values of ore solutions for base metal and Au mineralization were computed to be +13.6 ‐ +14.6%, assuming 270°C. The hydrothermal fluids that formed the Bulawan deposit are dilute and 18O‐enriched fluids which reacted with 18O‐ and 13C‐rich wallrocks such as limestone.  相似文献   
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