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Information on the particle size and reactive surface area of natural samples and its interaction with natural organic matter (NOM) is essential for the understanding bioavailability, toxicity, and transport of elements in the natural environment. In part I of this series (Hiemstra et al., 2010), a method is presented that allows the determination of the effective reactive surface area (A, m2/g soil) of the oxide particles of natural samples which uses a native probe ion (phosphate) and a model oxide (goethite) as proxy. In soils, the natural oxide particles are generally embedded in a matrix of natural organic matter (NOM) and this will affect the ion binding properties of the oxide fraction. A remarkably high variation in the natural phosphate loading of the oxide surfaces (Γ, μmol/m2) is observed in our soils and the present paper shows that it is due to surface complexation of NOM, acting as a competitor via site competition and electrostatic interaction. The competitive interaction of NOM can be described with the charge distribution (CD) model by defining a ≡NOM surface species. The interfacial charge distribution of this ≡NOM surface species can be rationalized based on calculations done with an evolved surface complexation model, known as the ligand and charge distribution (LCD) model. An adequate choice is the presence of a charge of −1 v.u. at the 1-plane and −0.5 v.u. at the 2-plane of the electrical double layer used (Extended Stern layer model).The effective interfacial NOM adsorption can be quantified by comparing the experimental phosphate concentration, measured under standardized field conditions (e.g. 0.01 M CaCl2), with a prediction that uses the experimentally derived surface area (A) and the reversibly bound phosphate loading (Γ, μmol/m2) of the sample (part I) as input in the CD model. Ignoring the competitive action of adsorbed NOM leads to a severe under-prediction of the phosphate concentration by a factor ∼10 to 1000. The calculated effective loading of NOM is low at a high phosphate loading (Γ) and vice versa, showing the mutual competition of both constituents. Both constituents in combination usually dominate the surface loading of natural oxide fraction of samples and form the backbone in modeling the fate of other (minor) ions in the natural environment.Empirically, the effective NOM adsorption is found to correlate well to the organic carbon content (OC) of the samples. The effective NOM adsorption can also be linked to DOC. For this, a Non-Ideal Competitive adsorption (NICA) model is used. DOC is found to be a major explaining factor for the interfacial loading of NOM as well as phosphate. The empirical NOM-OC relation or the parameterized NICA model can be used as an alternative for estimating the effective NOM adsorption to be implemented in the CD model for calculation of the surface complexation of field samples. The biogeochemical impact of the NOM-PO4 interaction is discussed.  相似文献   
By analysing a series of four successive thin‐sections from a ceramic clay that was subjected to uniaxial compression, we were able to monitor the development of microstructures in a fine‐grained sediment. The artificially induced microstructures, such as unidirectional clay reorientations and linear and circular grain arrangements, are identical to features that have been observed in thin‐sections of subglacially deformed tills, and therefore may be used as representative analogues. We argue that the structures, reflecting slip, planar shear displacements as well as rotational movements, can be explained by assuming a Coulomb‐plastic response to imposed shear. We conclude that sediments subjected to subglacial deformation behave as Coulomb materials, at least during the final stages of the deformation. The present study bridges the gap between field studies, experimental studies and theoretical modelling. The microscopic observations assist in visualising inferred subglacial processes and facilitate up‐ and downscaling between diverse methodological approaches. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Glacigenic sediments exposed in coastal cliffs cut through undulatory terrain fronting the Last Glacial Maximum laterofrontal moraine at Waterville on the Iveragh Peninsula, southwest Ireland, comprise three lithofacies. Lithofacies 1 and 2 consist of interdigitated, offlapping and superimposed ice‐proximal subaqueous outwash and stacked sequences of cohesionless and cohesive subaqueous debris flows, winnowed lag gravels and coarse‐grained suspension deposits. These are indicative of sedimentation in and around small grounding line fans that prograded from an oscillating glacier margin into a proglacial, interlobate lake. Lithofacies 3 comprises braided river deposits that have undergone significant syn‐sedimentary soft‐sediment deformation. Deposition was likely related to proglacial outwash activity and records the reduction of accommodation space for subaqueous sedimentation, either through the lowering of proglacial water levels or due to basin infilling. The stratigraphic architecture and sedimentology of the moraine at Waterville highlight the role of ice‐marginal depositional processes in the construction of morphostratigraphically significant ‘end moraine’ complexes in Great Britain and Ireland. Traditional ‘tills’ in these moraines are often crudely stratified diamictons and gravelly clinoforms deposited in ice‐proximal subaqueous and subaerial fans. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A multisite surface complexation (MUSIC) model for ferrihydrite (Fh) has been developed. The surface structure and composition of Fh nanoparticles are described in relation to ion binding and surface charge development. The site densities of the various reactive surface groups, the molar mass, the mass density, the specific surface area, and the particle size are quantified. As derived theoretically, molecular mass and mass density of nanoparticles will depend on the types of surface groups and the corresponding site densities and will vary with particle size and surface area because of a relatively large contribution of the surface groups in comparison to the mineral core of nanoparticles. The nano-sized (∼2.6 nm) particles of freshly prepared 2-line Fh as a whole have an increased molar mass of M ∼ 101 ± 2 g/mol Fe, a reduced mass density of ∼3.5 ± 0.1 g/cm3, both relatively to the mineral core. The specific surface area is ∼650 m2/g. Six-line Fh (5-6 nm) has a molar mass of M ∼ 94 ± 2 g/mol, a mass density of ∼3.9 ± 0.1 g/cm3, and a surface area of ∼280 ± 30 m2/g. Data analysis shows that the mineral core of Fh has an average chemical composition very close to FeOOH with M ∼ 89 g/mol. The mineral core has a mass density around ∼4.15 ± 0.1 g/cm3, which is between that of feroxyhyte, goethite, and lepidocrocite. These results can be used to constrain structural models for Fh. Singly-coordinated surface groups dominate the surface of ferrihydrite (∼6.0 ± 0.5 nm−2). These groups can be present in two structural configurations. In pairs, the groups either form the edge of a single Fe-octahedron (∼2.5 nm−2) or are present at a single corner (∼3.5 nm−2) of two adjacent Fe octahedra. These configurations can form bidentate surface complexes by edge- and double-corner sharing, respectively, and may therefore respond differently to the binding of ions such as uranyl, carbonate, arsenite, phosphate, and others. The relatively low PZC of ferrihydrite can be rationalized based on the estimated proton affinity constant for singly-coordinated surface groups. Nanoparticles have an enhanced surface charge. The charging behavior of Fh nanoparticles can be described satisfactory using the capacitance of a spherical Stern layer condenser in combination with a diffuse double layer for flat plates.  相似文献   
Until recently, the British‐Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) was thought to have reached no farther than a mid‐continental shelf position in the Hebrides Sector, NW Britain, during the last glaciation (traditional model). However, recent discovery of widespread shelf‐edge moraines in this sector has led to a suggestion of much more extensive ice (Atlantic Shelf model). The position of the St Kilda archipelago, approximately mid‐way between the Outer Hebrides and the continental shelf edge, makes it ideal as an onshore location to test which of the two competing models is more viable. To this end, we (i) reassessed the characteristics, stratigraphy and morphology of the Quaternary sediments exposed on the largest island (Hirta), and (ii) applied time‐dependent 2D numerical modelling of possible glacier formation on Hirta. Instead of three glaciations (as previously suggested), we identified evidence of only two, including one of entirely local derivation. The numerical model supports the view that this glaciation was in the form of two short glaciers occupying the two valleys that dominate Hirta. The good state of preservation of the glacial sediments and associated moraine of this local glaciation indicate relatively recent formation. In view of the low inferred equilibrium line altitude of the glacier associated with the best morphological evidence (~120 m), considerable thickness of slope deposits outside the glacial limits and evidence of only one rather than two tills, a Late Devensian rather than Younger Dryas age is preferred for this glaciation. Re‐examination of the submarine moraine pattern from available bathymetry suggests that the ice sheet was forced to flow around St Kilda, implying that the ice was of insufficient thickness to overrun the islands. Accepting this leaves open the possibility that a St Kilda nunatak supported local ice while the ice sheet extended to the continental shelf edge.  相似文献   
This article proposes the metaphor of the periscope to guide an innovative approach to researching topics obstructed from view or out of range of more traditional approaches. Periscoping, it suggests, combines a feminist focus on the everyday with the recognition that no space, even those intentionally obscured, can be fully contained. Drawing on research on U.S. immigration enforcement policies, the article explores how feminist geographers can think creatively about how to arrange the “prisms” and “mirrors” at their disposal to obtain an image of what was previously thought to be unknowable. It then explores potential problems inherent to a periscopic strategy alongside tools it offers to researchers.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades, feminist geographers have contributed in critical ways to thinking on the conduct, complications, and consequences of feminist research. The robust existing body of work is testament to the foundational import of these contributions, but the articles in this Focus Section suggest that there are still important things to argue, talk about, and reflect on with regard to the epistemological aspects of doing feminist geography. These six articles bring together real-life examples of complex issues that feminist researchers in geography face today, with the overarching aim of sparking discussions about the relationship between feminist research and knowledge production. Specifically, the articles expand key concepts facilitating reflexive processes and offer new tools for feminist researchers. This Introduction reviews the existing literature pertaining to both of these goals, and summarizes and situates the articles that follow.  相似文献   
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