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目的:观察自拟通窍祛瘀汤治疗外伤性气滞血瘀型脑内血肿的临床疗效。方法:选取外伤性气滞血瘀型脑内血肿患者100例,将其随机分为治疗组(51例)和对照组(49例)。2组均予以基础治疗,对照组在基础治疗上加用西医常规治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用自拟通窍祛瘀汤口服治疗。治疗2周后观察2组中医证候疗效,治疗前、治疗1周后、治疗2周后观察2组血肿吸收、水肿吸收、神经功能缺失(NIHSS)评分、中医证候积分情况。结果:总有效率治疗组为94.11%(48/51),明显高于对照组的75.51%(37/49),2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后2组血肿体积、水肿体积、NIHSS评分、中医证候积分均较治疗前减少,且治疗组与对照组治疗后同时间节点比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:外伤性气滞血瘀型脑内血肿患者在常规治疗的基础上使用自拟通窍祛瘀汤治疗可以促进神经功能恢复,改善中医证候,促进血肿和水肿吸收。  相似文献   
武汉东湖不同营养型子湖的水生生物与水域功能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于1991-1993年研究了武汉东湖4个营养型不同的子湖中水生生物与水域功能,表明各子湖之间各类水生生物的生态特征存在明显差异,茶港湾的HBC和FC的数量,藻类的细胞密度和初级生产量,浮游动物和底栖动物的个体密度等均居4个子湖之首,其水质已达到了超富营养水平,将该湖区的作为污水天然净化区进行管理,可望对东湖的主体湖区起到缓冲和保护作用,郭郑湖的水质状况仅次于茶港湾湖区,处于富营养阶段,该湖区多项生  相似文献   
紫花苜蓿种植对山地荒沟客土理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验在客土回填后的山地荒沟,设置紫花苜蓿草地试验区,连续2 a研究紫花苜蓿种植对客土理化性质的影响,结果得出:自然条件下,春季播种紫花苜蓿,可以加速山区荒沟植被恢复,改善客土理化性质,播种后第2 a,地上生物量与覆盖度达到最高,分别为2 1.5 kg/hm2和74.1%,0~10 cm土层中pH值明显降低,土壤速效钾相对增加,全氮、碱解氮含量显著提高,达到0.657 g/kg与39.54 mg/kg;播种后第3 a,10~20 cm土层内土壤容重显著减小,达1.241 g/cm3,总孔隙度显著提高,5.0~17.5 cm土层土壤紧实度显著降低,同时,0~10 cm土层速效磷含量下降速度相对减缓,有机质含量显著升高,达到9.253 g/kg。  相似文献   
京津唐城市群不透水地表增长对水环境的影响(英文)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The impervious surface area (ISA) at the regional scale is one of the important en-vironmental factors for examining the interaction and mechanism of Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC)-ecosystem processes-climate change under the interactions of urbanization and global environmental change. Timely and accurate extraction of ISA from remotely sensed data at the regional scale is challenging. This study explored the ISA extraction based on MODIS and DMSP-OLS data and the incorporation of China’s land use/cover data. ISA datasets in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Metropolitan Area (BTTMA) in 2000 and 2008 at a spa-tial resolution of 250 m were developed, their spatiotemporal changes were analyzed, and their impacts on water quality were then evaluated. The results indicated that ISA in BTTMA increased rapidly along urban fringe, transportation corridors and coastal belt both in intensity and extents from 2000 to 2008. Three cities (Tangshan, Langfang and Qinhuangdao) in Hebei Province had higher ISA growth rates than Beijing due to the pressure of population-re?sour?ces-envi?ronments in the city resulting in increasingly transferring industries to the nearby areas. The dense ISA distribution in BTTMA has serious impacts on water quality in the Haihe River watershed. Meanwhile, the proportion of ISA in sub-watersheds has significantly linear relationships with the densities of river COD and NH3-N.  相似文献   
南城自动站土壤水分资料的统计学订正分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2006—2009年南城站5—10cm、10—20cm、20—30cm、30—40cm和40—50cm等5个土层各90组样本的HYA-SF型土壤水分自动观测数据与同期人工观测数据进行了偏差与相关性分析,采用线性方程建立拟合模式,对自动土壤水分观测数据进行订正,并以相对误差±5%、±10%为指标对订正前后的数据合格情况进行了统计。结果表明,各土层自动土壤水分观测数据与人工观测数据虽然存在较大偏差,但二者具有一致的变化趋势,相关性好;分别利用5个土层同期对比观测数据建立的一元线性回归模型;拟合订正后的自动站各层数据偏差不同程度减小,数据合格率明显上升。  相似文献   
本文介绍新滩滑坡后两岸边坡监测的工作,对边坡变形提出了趋势意见。认为新滩斜坡目前正处于整体稳定下的局部调整阶段,变形缓慢平稳,但要注视广家崖的危岩动态;链子崖仍有趋势性的倾江形变。5—6号缝围成的7万方危岩及江段的5万方危岩体尚有一触即崩之势,须加强监视。  相似文献   
In the late Miocene, giant ancient pockmarks, which are fairly rare globally, developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin. In this paper, to determine the sedimentary characteristics and genetic mechanism of these giant ancient pockmarks in the Yinggehai Formation of the Qiongdongnan Basin, based on high-resolution 3D seismic data and multiattribute fusion technologies, we analyzed the planar distribution and seismic facies of the ancient pockmarks and compared the characteristics of the ancient pockmar...  相似文献   
The effects of root systems on soil detachment by overland flow are closely related to vegetation types. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of two gramineous roots (Paspalum mandiocanum with shallow roots and Pennisetum giganteum with deep roots) on soil detachment capacity, rill erodibility, and critical shear stress on alluvial fans of benggang in south-east China. A 4-m-long and 0.12-m-wide flume was used. Slope steepness ranged from 9% to 27%, and unit flow discharge ranged from 1.39 × 10−3 to 4.19 × 10−3 m2 s−1. The mean detachment capacities of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands were 18% and 38% lower than that of bare land, respectively, and the effects of root on reducing soil detachment were mainly reflected in the 0- to 5-cm soil layer. The most important factors in characterizing soil detachment capacity were root length density and soil cohesion, and soil detachment capacity of the two grass lands could be estimated using flow shear stress, soil cohesion, and root length density (NSE = 0.90). With the increase in soil depth, rill erodibility increased, whereas shear stress decreased. The mean rill erodibilities of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands were 81% and 61% as much as that of bare land, respectively. Additionally, rill erodibilities of the two grass lands could be estimated as an exponential function by root length density and soil cohesion (NSE = 0.88). The mean critical shear stress of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands was 1.29 and 1.39 times that of bare land, respectively, and it could be estimated with a linear function by root length density (NSE = 0.76). This study demonstrated that planting of the two grasses P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum could effectively reduce soil detachment and enhance soil resistance to erosion on alluvial fans, with the deep roots of P. giganteum being more effective than the shallow roots of P. mandiocanum. The results are helpful for understanding the influencing mechanism of root systems on soil detachment process.  相似文献   
季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程及水分变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心综合实验观测场2011年11月-2012年4月整个冻结融化期的实测野外黑土耕层土壤温度和水分数据, 对中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程中冻结和融化特征分阴、阳坡进行了分析, 研究了冻融过程中不同深度土壤水分的变化情况, 并探讨了降水对不同深度耕层土壤含水量变化的影响. 结果表明:黑土耕层土壤冻结融化过程分为5个阶段, 历时164 d, 约5.5个月. 阶段I, 秋末冬初黑土耕层土壤开始步入冻结期; 阶段II, 黑土耕层土壤整日处于冻结状态, 阴坡比同样深度的阳坡土壤温度低; 阶段III为黑土耕层土壤稳定冻结期; 阶段IV, 黑土耕层土壤步入昼融夜冻的日循环交替状态, 冻融循环的土层逐渐向深部发展, 阳坡比阴坡融化得更深、更早, 阴坡比阳坡经历冻融循环次数更多; 阶段V为稳定融化期, 在融化过程不存在冻融交替的现象, 直到整个冻层内的土壤全部消融. 各深度位置阴坡土壤温度的最高值出现时间比阳坡晚约0.5 h. 经过整个冻结融化期后, 阴、阳坡各层土壤含水量均大于冻结前, 阴坡土壤含水量比阳坡整体偏低. 在整个冻结融化期, 阳坡地下1 cm、5 cm、10 cm 及15 cm处含水量最大值出现在地下5 cm; 阴坡的含水量整体趋于平稳且在融化期受降水影响明显.  相似文献   
臼齿(Molar Tooth)碳酸盐岩问题已经研究了100多年,许多学者都对它的成因提出了不同的假设,但始终未能取得共识。文中作者列举了现有各种臼齿碳酸盐岩的成因假说,指出了这些成因假说中存在的种种问题和矛盾,并提出了臼齿碳酸盐岩生物成因的可能性。从元古代生物演化的规律说明臼齿碳酸盐岩形成、繁盛及衰退的时期与地球上真核生物的出现和繁盛及后生动物出现的界线相一致;从臼齿碳酸盐岩形成的构造背景、气候条件和沉积环境、结构构造特征、化学组成(特别是黄铁矿的形态和SnO2的富集)、碳、氧同位素的分布规律以及生物标志物的多样性等方面提出了臼齿(微亮晶)碳酸盐岩生物成因可能性的证据;还特别指出元古代叠层石的生长和繁盛与臼齿碳酸盐的岩发育呈负相关关系。 同时也阐述了生物成因解释遇到的困难,并指出今后应大力开展臼齿碳酸盐岩形成的沉积环境与岩相,特别是早期成岩作用和相关地球化学特征研究。从元古代古海洋化学性质的变化着手研究将成为揭示臼齿碳酸盐岩成因的根本手段。  相似文献   
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