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In string theory the coupling `constants' appearing in the low-energy effective Lagrangian are determined by the vacuum expectation values of some (a priori) mass less scalar fields (dilaton, moduli). This naturally leads one to expect a correlated variation of all the coupling constants, and an associated violation of the equivalence principle. We review some string-inspired theoretical models which incorporate such a space time variation of coupling constants while remaining naturally compatible both with phenomenological constraints coming from geochemical data (Oklo; Rhenium decay) and with present equivalence principle tests. Barring a very unnatural fine-tuning of parameters, a variation of the fine-structure constant as large as that recently `observed' by Webb et al. in quasar absorption spectra appears to be incompatible with these phenomenological constraints. Independently of any model, it is emphasized that the best experimental probe of varying constants are high-precision tests of the universality of free fall, such as MICROSCOPE and STEP. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary Spongy textures are observed in anhydrous Group 1 mantle xenoliths (harzburgite, lherzolite and wehrlite) hosted in Tertiary alkali basaltic lavas from the Hessian Depression, Germany. These textures are developed only on clinopyroxene and spinel, and occur as rims or cross-cutting veinlets and patches showing optical continuity with the host grain. They are often associated with pools of amorphous glassy material. There is no preferential development of spongy domains against the xenolith-lava contact suggesting that the host magma did not play any significant role in their formation. Spongy clinopyroxene and spinel occur in all rock types, but, are more pervasive in wehrlite. Chemically, spongy domains of clinopyroxene and spinel are more refractory than unaffected areas, which is consistent with their formation through a partial melting event. The associated glassy material shows chemical characteristics which suggest that the melt pools are genetically related to the development of the spongy textures. The partial melting event was probably triggered by the infiltration of a low-density fluid. The fluid may have evolved from a silicate melt responsible for the metasomatic Fe-enrichment recorded in wehrlite. In this context, the more pervasive development of spongy clinopyroxene in wehrlite may be explained by a higher concentration of the evolved fluid phase at proximity to its silicate melt source. Received March 15, 2000; revised version accepted September 6, 2001  相似文献   
Danian (Paleocene) reefs formed by ahermatypic scleractinian corals in relatively deep water are known in a few localities in southern Scandinavia. Reflection and shallow seismic profiles, and samples from drilling and scuba diving in bridge pier excavations in Øresund, the strait between Denmark and Sweden, for the first time allow interpretation of the factors that controlled the localisation of the reefs.  相似文献   
Experiments dissolving orthopyroxene (En93) in a variety of Si-undersaturated alkaline melts at 1 atmosphere and variable f O2 demonstrate that orthopyroxene dissolves to form olivine, Si-rich melt and clinopyroxene. These phases form a texturally and chemically distinct boundary layer around the partly dissolved orthopyroxene crystals. The occurrence of clinopyroxene in the boundary layer is due to inward diffusion of Ca from the solvent melt to the boundary layer causing clinopyroxene saturation. Compositional profiles through the solvent and the boundary layer for a number of experiments demonstrate rapid diffusion of cations across the boundary layer – solvent interface. SiO2 diffuses outward from the boundary layer whereas CaO and Al2O3 diffuse toward the Si-enriched boundary layer melt. The rate of Al diffusion is slower under reducing conditions compared to the rates in experiments performed in air. Concentrations of FeO and MgO in the boundary layer and solvent are approximately equal indicating rapid diffusion and attainment of equilibrium despite ongoing crystallisation of clinopyroxene within the boundary layer. The behaviour of Na2O and K2O is strongly affected by f O2. Under reducing conditions Na2O and K2O concentrations are approximately equal in the boundary layer and solvent indicating normal diffusion down the concentration gradient and attainment of equilibrium. Under oxidising conditions, K2O and to a lesser extent Na2O, have compositional profiles indicative of uphill diffusion likely due to their preference for more polymerised Si- and Al-rich melts. Under reduced conditions Al-enrichment in the boundary layer melt is not as extreme and uphill diffusion did not occur. The composition of the solvent melt after the experiments indicates that it was contaminated by the boundary layer by convective mixing due to the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities brought on by density and viscosity contrasts between the two melts. Despite using a wide variety of solvent melt compositions we find that the boundary layer melts converge toward a common composition at high SiO2 contents. The composition of glass generated by orthopyroxene dissolution at 1 atmosphere is similar in many respects to Si-rich glass found in many orthopyroxene-rich mantle xenoliths that have been attributed to high pressure in situ processes including mantle metasomatism. The results of this study suggest that at least some Si-rich melts are likely to have formed by dissolution of xenolith orthopyroxene at low pressure possibly by their Si-undersaturated host magmas. Received: 30 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 April 1998  相似文献   
The volcanic and sedimentary successive paleogeographic reconstructions, as well the volcanic emissions as the fluvial, lacustrine and marine deposits, are compared to the tectonic mechanisms, and show that the geologic history is controlled:
  1. During Pliocene and lower Pleistocene times, by a collapse tectonics in the Red Sea - Aden Gulf area with a correlative uplift of the Tadjoura - Ali Sabîh hörst (a southern prolongation of the Danakil horst), and by a tectonic shear according to a NE-SW trend, which gives rise to NW-SE trending uplifts and basins (Nazaret phase of the Ethiopian rift).
  2. From the middle Pleistocene time, by the progressive opening, according to an EW direction, of the Gulf of Tadjoura, as a western prolongation of the Aden rift. A correlative epiglyptic arching, according to an EW direction, is located westwards. It appears as a superimposed structure with respect to the previous building.
The successive coastal uplifts since the lower Pleistocene are correlated to the successive alluvial deposits, which fit one-another, until the Holocene time included.  相似文献   
An understanding of the biogeochemical behaviour of metals in mine spoil materials is a prerequisite to rehabilitate Ni mining sites. The objective of this study was to characterize the fate of metals in different Ni ore spoil materials as influenced by hydrological conditions and fertilisation practices. In tropical ultramafic complexes, the different stages of lateritic weathering lead to two types of ores, and therefore, to two spoil types. They are mainly either a clay-rich saprolite, so-called “garnierite”, enriched in phyllosilicates, or a limonitic material, enriched in Fe oxides. Lysimeter columns were designed to monitor leaching waters through both spoil materials. The garnieritic spoil released higher concentrations of Mg (mean = 2.25 mg L−1), Ni (0.39 mg L−1) and Cr (1.19 mg L−1) than the limonitic spoil (Mg = 0.5 mg L−1; Ni = 0.03 mg L−1 and Cr = 0.25 mg L−1). Chromium was mainly in an anionic form in leaching solutions. As exchangeable pools of Cr(VI) in limonite (980 mg kg−1 of KH2PO4-extractable Cr) are considerable its release in water may still occur in the case of a pH increase. In mixed spoil, metal concentrations were almost as low as in the limonitic one. The effect of mineral-N fertilisation was a strong release of cations (Ni, Mg) into the leachate. Phosphate amendment did not affect the soil solution composition under experimental conditions.  相似文献   
This study describes normal fault zones formed in foreland arkosic turbidites (the Grès d'Annot Formation, SW French Alps) under deep diagenesis conditions (~200 °C) and highlights the occurrence of two markedly different fault‐rock types: (1) the foliated fault rocks of the Moutière‐Restefond area; and (2) the dilatant fault rocks of the Estrop area. The deformation of (1) is dominated by intra‐ and transgranular fracturing, pressure solution of quartz and feldspar grains and syn‐kinematic phyllosilicate precipitation resulting from feldspar alteration. The combination of these mechanisms results in a strongly anisotropic strain with intense shortening normal to the foliation (pressure solution) and extension parallel to the foliation (quartz‐ and calcite‐sealed extension veins). This deformation implies local mass transfer that may be achieved without (or with limited) volume change. The deformation of (2) is expressed as dilatant quartz‐sealed veins and breccia textures in which the main mechanisms are transgranular fracturing and quartz precipitation. Type (2) implies fault volume increase, isotropy of deformation and mass transfer at distances larger than in type (1). This study discusses the origins of (1) and (2) and shows that the permeability of (1) is anisotropic, with higher values than the host rocks parallel to the Y main deformation axis (i.e. perpendicular to the slip vector), whereas the permeability of (2) is isotropic and equivalent to that of the host rocks.  相似文献   
Experiments ranging from 2 to 3 GPa and 800 to 1300 °C and at 0.15 GPa and 770 °C were performed to investigate the stability and mutual solubility of the K2ZrSi3O9 (wadeite) and K2TiSi3O9 cyclosilicates under upper mantle conditions. The K2ZrSi3O9–K2TiSi3O9 join exhibits complete miscibility in the P–T interval investigated. With increasing degree of melting the solid solution becomes progressively enriched in Zr, indicating that K2ZrSi3O9 is the more refractory end member. At 2 GPa, in the more complex K2ZrSi3O9–K2TiSi3O9–K2Mg6Al2Si6O20(OH)4 system, the presence of phlogopite clearly limits the extent of solid solution of the cyclosilicate to more Zr-rich compositions [Zr/(Zr + Ti) > 0.85], comparable to wadeite found in nature, with TiO2 partitioning strongly into the coexisting mica and/or liquid. However, at 1200 °C, with increasing pressure from 2 to 3 GPa, the partitioning behaviour of TiO2 changes in favour of the cyclosilicate, with Zr/(Zr + Ti) of the K2(Zr,Ti)Si3O9 phase decreasing from ∼0.9 to ∼0.6. The variation in the Ti content of the coexisting phlogopite is related to its degree of melting to forsterite and liquid, following the major substitution VITi+VI□=2VIMg. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   
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