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— To check the reliability and the quality of the theoretically estimated ground responses obtained from the 2-D simulation by the application of the hybrid method in PART-I, we compare some of them with those obtained at the same sites from observed data using the Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR). The comparison validates our synthetic modeling and shows that in cases of complex geometries, the use of at least 2-D numerical simulations is required in order to reliably evaluate site effects and thus facilitate the microzonation of the city of Thessaloniki.  相似文献   
Deamplification of strong motion and the increase of the effective period of soil deposits are typical nonlinear effects; we seek them in SMART1-array data by applying the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique. The recordings, from four soil and one rock stations, represent 23 earthquakes (ML 4.9–7.0); PGA varies between 20–260 cm/s2. For each station, mean HVSR curves are calculated for two PGA ranges: <75 cm/s2 and >100 cm/s2 (weak and strong motion). At the soil stations, the “weak” (linear) and “strong” (nonlinear) responses are significantly different. Below 1–1.8 Hz, the nonlinear response exceeds the linear one. Above 2 Hz, the nonlinear response drops below the linear one and above 4–6 Hz below unity (deamplification). From 10 to 16 Hz, the two responses converge. One soil site shows significant negative correlation between resonance frequency and ground acceleration. Such behaviour agrees with other empirical studies and theoretical predictions. Our results imply that the HVSR technique is sensitive to ground-motion intensity and can be used to detect and study nonlinear site response.  相似文献   
In the present study, distribution of the seismic acceleration at base rock level has been computed for the Zakynthos (Western Greece) Ms = 6.6 earthquake of 18 November 1997, using a semi-empirical approach, taking into consideration the shape and dimension of the fault as well as the direction of the rupture propagation. Considering the geological conditions of the region under investigation and a simplifiedamplification factor, the distribution of peak ground acceleration is obtained. The results derived in this study are based on the amplification factors and velocity response spectra observed in Japan. To get more realistic results we also incorporated in our model attenuation factors obtained by using data from earthquakes in Greece. Different sets of results are compared with peak ground acceleration values recorded by instruments installed in the investigated area and the validity of the applied method is discussed.  相似文献   
In the framework of an ambient noise measurement project in the downtown district of the City of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece), several tests and evaluation of noise recordings were performed in selected sites. This data set was processed and compared with previous results for the same sites in terms of horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio obtained from weak and strong motion earthquake data. The recording system used was tested against a reference one. Finally, systematic ambient noise measurements were performed at eight sites in the citys downtown area, to evaluate diurnal and seasonal variations. It was concluded that the recording system used was reliable and the ambient noise H/V spectral ratios were in good agreement with relevant results previously obtained. Diurnal variation of the ambient noise H/V spectral ratio showed that it is preferable to perform measurements during the calm hours of the day, when man-made noise is relatively low. However, no systematic seasonal fluctuation effect on the ambient noise H/V spectral ratio was identified.  相似文献   
The Kozani-Grevena (Greece) destructive earthquake occurred in a region of low seismicity. A considerable amount of strong-motion data was acquired from the permanent strong motion network of the Institute of Engineering Scismology and Earthquake Engineering (ITSAK) as well as from a temporary one installed after the earthquake. On the basis of this data set as well as on the observed macroseismic intensities, local attenuation relations for peak ground acceleration and velocity are proposed. A posteriori seismic hazard analysis is attempted for the affected and surrounding areas in terms of peak ground acceleration, velocity, bracketed duration and spectral acceleration. The analysis shows that the event of May 13, 1995 can be characterized as one with a mean return period of 500 to 1000 years. Relying on the observed spectral-acceleration amplification factors and the expected peak ground acceleration for mean return period of 500 years, region-specific elastic design spectra for the buildings of the Kozani and Grevena prefectures are proposed.  相似文献   
Empirical evaluation of microtremor H/V spectral ratio   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The objective of this work is to perform a purely empirical assessment of the actual capabilities of the horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio technique to provide reliable and relevant information concerning site conditions and/or site amplification. This objective has been tackled through the homogeneous (re)processing of a large volume of earthquakes and ambient noise data recorded by different research teams in more than 200 sites located mainly in Europe, but also in the Caribbean and in Tehran. The original recordings were first gathered in a specific database with information on both the sites and recorded events. Then, for all sites close to an instrumented reference, average site-to-reference spectral ratios (“spectral ratio method” (SSR)) were derived in a homogeneous way (window selection, smoothing, signal-to-noise ratio threshold, averaging), as well as H/V ratios (“HVSRE–RF”) on earthquake recordings. H/V ratios were also obtained from noise recordings at each site (either specific measurements, or extracted from pre- or post-event noise windows). The spectral curves resulting from these three techniques were estimated reliable for a subset of 104 sites, and were thus compared in terms of fundamental frequency, amplitude and amplification bandwidth, exhibiting agreements and disagreements, for which interpretations are looked for in relation with characteristics of site conditions. The first important result consists in the very good agreement between fundamental frequencies obtained with either technique, observed for 81% of the analyzed sites. A significant part of the disagreements correspond to thick, low frequency, continental sites where natural noise level is often very low and H/V noise ratios do not exhibit any clear peak. The second important result is the absence of correlation between H/V peak amplitude and the actual site amplification measured on site-to-reference spectral ratios. There are, however, two statistically significant results about the amplitude of the H/V curve: the peak amplitude may be considered as a lower bound estimate of the actual amplification indicated by SSR (it is smaller for 79% of the 104 investigated sites), and, from another point of view, the difference in amplitude exhibits a questioning correlation with the geometrical characteristics of the sediment/basement interface: large SSR/HV differences might thus help to detect the existence of significant 2D or 3D effects.  相似文献   
Historical and present century instrumental data have been used to determine seismic hazard in 35 sites of Greece by the application of Cornell's method (Cornell, 1968) and the mean value method. The macroseismic intensity has been considered as a measure of seismic hazard. Comparison of the results of the two methods showed that, in general, the mean value method gives higher values, particularly for low probabilities of exceedance. In addition, for some sites, the differences of the expected intensities resulting from the two methods, indicate that finer tuning of the seismogenic souce model is required, or suggest time dependence. Although each one of these methods has its own merits, the method based on seismic zonation (Cornell's method) has several advantages and must be preferred when an accurate zonation is possible by the use of macroseismic and instrumental seismic data, together with geological and geomorphological information. However, reliable estimates of seismic hazard at a particular site require work on a microzoning scale, incorporating historical, archaeological, and recent geological data.Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Sofia, 1988.  相似文献   
The densely populated city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) is situated in~the vicinity of active seismic faults, capable of producing moderate to strong earthquakes. The city has been severely affected by such events several times during the last 15 centuries. The most recent event occurred on 20 June 1978 (M6.5) in the Mygdonian graben, with an epicentral distance of about 30 km, causing extended damage in the city, with macroseismic intensities between MSK V+ and VIII+. The majority of buildings affected by the earthquake were of reinforced-concrete typology, typical to many southern European metropolitan areas. The source properties of the normal-faulting causative event and the source-to-city propagation path are well known from previous studies. The soil structure under the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki is assigned NEHRP categories B, C, D on the basis of geotechnical and geologic information and single-station ambient-noise measurements. A finite source model and various rupture scenarios of the June 1978 earthquake are used to perform forward stochastic modeling of strong ground motion in terms of peak ground and spectral acceleration. Rock motion is assessed under the city and it is transferred to the surface in accordance with the respective soil category. A GIS tool is employed to compare the estimated strong-motion parameters with the observed detailed damage pattern induced by the 1978 earthquake. For selected natural periods, a satisfactory correlation is established between macroseismic intensity and peak ground and spectral acceleration, thus encouraging the application of stochastic modeling for generating realistic ground-shaking scenarios in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   
Nowadays, several research efforts have been directed towards the evaluation of the horizontal to vertical, (h/v), spectral ratio technique, following the pioneering work of Nakamura originally proposed for microtremor measurements. In the present study, an extension of this technique based on Greek and Taiwanese (SMART-1) strong motion data is attempted. Whenever possible comparisons with results obtained by the standard spectral ratio technique for the same sites are made. Regarding the Greek data it is concluded that (h/v) spectral ratio clearly distinguishes the range of resonant peaks between ‘rock’ and ‘alluvium’ sites. On the other hand, nonlinear effects that take place beneath SMART-1 array most probably obscure the expected consistency between (h/v) and standard spectral ratio technique.  相似文献   
A semi-probabilistic approach to the seismic hazard assessment of Greece is presented. For this reason, a recent seismotectonic model for shallow and intermediate depth earthquake sources, based on historical as well as on instrumental data, was used. Different attenuation formulae were proposed for the macroseismic intensity and the strong ground motion parameters for the shallow and the intermediate focal depth shocks. The data were elaborated in terms of McGuire's computer program, which is based on the Cornell's method.A grid of equally spaced points at 20 km distance was made and the seismic hazard recurrence curves for various parameters of the seismic intensity was estimated for each point. Finally, seismic hazard maps for the area of Greece were compiled utilizing the entire range of recurrence curves. These maps depict areas of equal seismic hazard and for every area the analytical relations of the typeSI =f(Tm), whereSI is a seismic intensity parameter andTm is the mean return period, were determined.  相似文献   
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