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Basalt–basaltic andesite (<55 wt % SiO2) and dacite–rhyolite(66–74 wt % SiO2) are the predominant eruptive productsin the Sumisu caldera volcano, Izu–Bonin arc, Japan. Themost magnesian basalt (8·5% MgO), as well as some ofthe other basalts, has a low Zr content (20–25 ppm), andcannot yield basalts with higher Zr contents (29–40 ppm)through fractionation and/or assimilation. The high- and low-Zrbasalts have different phenocryst assemblages, olivine, plagioclaseand pyroxene phenocryst chemistries, REE (rare earth element)patterns, and fluid-mobile element/immobile element ratios.Estimated primary olivine compositions are more magnesian (>Fo91)in the low-Zr basalts compared with those in high-Zr basalts(<Fo89). The low-Zr basalts contain up to 11 vol. % augite,but many high-Zr basalts are free of augite, which appears onlyin their more differentiated products. The low-Zr basalts areconsidered to be hydrous magmas in which olivine crystallizesfirst followed by augite and plagioclase, whereas the high-Zrbasalts are dry. The low-Zr basalts have higher U/Th ratiosthan the high-Zr basalts. We suggest that both dry and wet primarybasalts existed in the Sumisu magmatic system, each having differenttrace element concentrations, mineral assemblages and mineralchemistry. The lower contents of Zr and light REE and magnesianprimary olivines in the wet basalts could have resulted froma higher degree of partial melting (20%) of a hydrous sourcemantle compared with 10% melting of a dry source mantle. TheSr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions of the wet and dry basaltsare similar and are limited in range. These lines of evidenceindicate that a mantle diapir model might be applicable to satisfythe configuration of such a mantle source region beneath a singlevolcanic system such as Sumisu. KEY WORDS: degree of melting; hot fingers; isotopes; mantle diapir; mantle wedge  相似文献   
Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of calc-alkalineandesites on Shodo-Shima Island, SW Japan, having bulk compositionslargely identical to the continental crust, are presented. Thefollowing petrographic observations suggest a role for magmamixing in producing such andesite magmas: (1) two types of olivinephenocrysts and spinel inclusions, one with compositions identicalto those in high-Mg andesites and the other identical to thosein basalts, are recognized in terms of Ni–Mg and Cr–Al–Fe3+relations, respectively; (2) the presence of orthopyroxene phenocrystswith mg-number >90 suggests the contribution of an orthopyroxene-bearinghigh-Mg andesite magma to production of calc-alkaline andesites;(3) reversely zoned pyroxene phenocrysts may not be in equilibriumwith Mg-rich olivine, suggesting the involvement of a differentiatedandesite magma as an endmember component; (4) the presence ofvery Fe-rich orthopyroxene phenocrysts indicates the associationof an orthopyroxene-bearing rhyolitic magma. Contributions fromthe above at least five endmember magmas to the calc-alkalineandesite genesis can also provide a reasonable explanation ofthe Pb–Sr–Nd isotope compositions of such andesites. KEY WORDS: calc-alkaline andesites; high-Mg andesites; magma mixing; continental crust; SW Japan  相似文献   
亚洲大地震的时间有序性与沙罗周期   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据作者在1997年提出的“信息有序系列”的概念和方法,研究了一些亚洲大地震的时间有序性,本文列举1934-1970年期间亚洲M≥8级大地震,中国历史M≥8级大地震,兴都库什地区中深震(Ms≥7),结果表明,这些地震的一些时间有序性与反映日食序列变化的沙罗周期关系较密切。亚洲6个8级大地震时间间隔的数值在2130-2210d的范围内,这是地震时间有序性的一个好例子。这表明,时间有序性具有周期性不能描述的特性,它和新兴的复杂性科学有密切联系。  相似文献   
广域空间尺度上植被净初级生产力的精确推算   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
作者介绍了使用遥感、GIS数据和BEPS生态过程模型推算植被净初级生产力 (NPP)的方法。为了准确推算北海道地区NPP,我们改进了BEPS模型,而且使用了高质量GIS数据作为模型的输入数据。通过计算得出1998年北海道NPP的平均值为644 g C/m2,总量为0.078 Gt C。我们还进行了模型输入数据质量对应用生态过程模型推算NPP的精度影响测试。结果表明,高质量的GIS输入数据可以提高NPP推算精度16.6%~39.7%。  相似文献   
The Izu–Bonin volcanic arc is an excellent example ofan intra-oceanic convergent margin. A total of 1011 chemicalanalyses of 17 Quaternary volcanoes of the arc are reviewedto estimate relative proportions of magmas erupted. Basalt andbasic andesite (SiO2 < 57 wt %) are the predominant eruptiveproducts of the Izu–Bonin arc, and rhyolite (SiO2 >70 wt %) forms another peak in volume. Such rhyolites possesscompositions identical to those of partial melts produced bydehydration-melting of calc-alkaline andesites at low pressure(<7 kbar). Meanwhile, the major element variation of theShirahama Group Mio-Pliocene volcanic arc suite, Izu Peninsula,completely overlaps that of the Quaternary Izu–Bonin arcvolcanoes, and groundmasses of Shirahama Group calc-alkalineandesites have compositions similar to those of Izu–Boninrhyolites. Moreover, phenocryst assemblages of calc-alkalineandesites of the Shirahama Group resemble restite phase assemblagesof dehydration-melting of calc-alkaline andesite. These linesof evidence suggest that the rhyolite magmas may have been producedby dehydration-melting of calc-alkaline andesite in the upperto middle crust. If so, then the presence of large amounts ofcalc-alkaline andesite (3–5 times more abundant than therhyolites) within the oceanic arc crust would be expected, whichis consistent with a recently proposed structural model acrossthe Izu–Bonin arc. The calc-alkaline andesite magmas maybe water saturated, and would crystallize extensively and solidifywithin the crust. The model proposed here suggests that rhyoliteeruptions could be triggered by an influx of hot basalt magmafrom depth, reheating and partially melting the calc-alkalineandesite component of the crust. KEY WORDS: bimodal magmatism; calc-alkaline andesite; oceanic arcs; rhyolite  相似文献   
Holocene inner-shelf storm deposits preserved beneath the Sendai coastal plain facing the Pacific coast of north-eastern Japan were formed during a transgressive–regressive cycle. The evolution of the Holocene wave-dominated depositional system along the Sendai coast is reconstructed using 76 AMS (accelerator mass spectrometers) 14C ages and the origin of bed thickness variations in the inner-shelf storm deposits is explored. The Holocene succession is <30 m thick and overlies latest Pleistocene to early Holocene non-marine deposits above a transgressive ravinement surface. It comprises transgressive ravinement and inner-shelf deposits, and regressive inner shelf, shoreface, and coastal plain deposits. The inner-shelf deposits comprise alternating sand and mud layers interpreted as stacked storm beds. The average preservation interval of a single storm bed is shortest during the transgression (5·7–20·6 years), and then increases to a maximum during the early regression (83·3–250·0 years), decreasing to 7·7–31·3 years with shoreline progradation. Average accumulation rates decreased during the transgression and then increased during the regression, but the sand/mud ratio varies little, reflecting inefficient sediment segregation downdip on the inner shelf. The vertical pattern of sand-layer thicknesses also shows no relationship to position within the cycle, although small-scale intervals of upward thickening and thinning probably relate to lateral switching of river mouths and/or random storm processes. The average thickness of storm beds is the highest in the interval deposited during the period from maximum flooding to early regression. This is probably because of the low preservation potential of thin beds associated with frequent, low-magnitude storms during this period of low accumulation rates and extensive reworking. This preservation bias and the nature of the Sendai inner shelf resulted in an absence of characteristic bed thickness trends in the preserved storm deposits.  相似文献   
TAMURA  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》1995,36(2):417-434
The Mio-Pliocene Shirahama Group, Izu Peninsula, Central Japan,a well-exposed submarine volcanic arc complex of lava flows,pyroclastic rocks and associated shallow intrusives, is characterizedby a tholeiitic series (basalt to dacite) and a calc-alkalineseries (andesite to dacite). Chemical variations in the tholeiiticseries and calc-alkaline series are consistent with crystalfractionation from basalt and magnesian andesite (boninite),respectively. Crystal–liquid phase relations of thesemagmas have been investigated by study of sample suites fromthese two series. Compositions of liquids in equilibrium withphenocrysts were determined by microprobe grid analyses, inwhich 49 points were averaged in 03 mm 03 mm groundmassareas. The liquid compositions, coupled with the phenocrystmineralogy of the same samples, define the liquid lines of descentof these volcanic arc magmas. Major findings include the following:(1) Crystallization of the tholeiitic series magma is consistentwith early stage crystallization in the simple system Fo–Di–Silica–H2O,with olivine having a reaction relation to augite and the tholeiiticliquid. (2) The later stage products of the tholeiitic seriesmagma are, however, crystal-poor (<10%) dacites with no maficminerals, suggesting that tholeiitic liquids, hypersthene andaugite were no longer on the cotectic (3) A characteristic ofthe calc-alkaline series magmas is the development of rhyoliticliquids. Hypersthene, augite, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxideoccur in most calc-alkaline rocks studied, and hornblende andquartz can be found in about half of these. However, their differentiationpaths show that the cotectic relation between quartz and liquidended at a later stage, resulting in the resorption of quartzphenocrysts and ultimately in the formation of quartz-free magmas.(4) The late-stage liquids of both the tholeiitic and calc-alkalineseries have deviated from their cotectics, which cannot be explainedby fractional crystallization alone. The addition of H2O froman outside system is probably required to explain the differentiationpaths. (5) The formation of chilled margins, the in situ crystallizationof a magma chamber in the solidification zone, and/or the migrationof groundwater into the magma chamber are thought to be likelyprocesses affecting magmas during their migration and intrusioninto the crust. An extreme effect of H2O addition would be tolower the liquidus temperatures of all precipitating silicatephases far below their restorable range before eruption, resultingin the production of aphyric magmas. Even when a temperaturedecrease in the magma chamber causes a liquid to intersect theliquidus of a pre-existing phase, the addition of H2O shiftsthe cotectic toward SiO2, resulting in quartz being the lastphase to crystallize. The resorption of quartz is interpretedto be the result of a liquidus boundary shift caused by theaddition of H2O. The genesis of aphyric rhyolites is thereforeinferred to result from fractional crystallization followingaddition of H20. KEY WORDS: Shirahama Group; Japan; island arc; rhyolite; magma series  相似文献   
Lath-shaped and highly crystalline trioctahedral smectites were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. The quenched glasses with stoichiometrically dehydrated Na-smectite compositions were treated at (a) 500℃ and 100 MPa for 1 and 11 days; and (b) 300℃ and 100 MPa for 7 days. The crystallinity and particle size of products were dependent on the chemical composition of the starting glass, synthetic temperature and duration of hydrothermal treatment. The high structural ordering and large dimensions of the products were confirmed from the sharpness of XRD peaks; and hydration behavior under controlled relative humidity. Transmission electron microscopy was also performed for the characterization of the particle size of product. Particle sizes vary from ca. 10 nm to a few pm by changing the chemical compositions of the starting materials. The product with the highest structural ordering and largest dimension was obtained from Nao.33(Mg1.83Al0.67)Si4O11 glass treated at 500℃ and 100 MPa for 1 day. The obtained results also confirmed the metastability and compositional dependency in the formation of highly crystalline trioctahedral smectite at hydrothermal conditions.  相似文献   
Daisen volcano, southwest Japan, has been thought to be an exclusivelydacitic volcano, lavas having trace element patterns with agarnet signature. We studied the basalts at the western footof the volcano and made two unexpected findings. (1) The homogeneityof 87Sr/86Sr in Daisen basalts (Sr isotopic variability  相似文献   
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