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In this work, the factors controlling the formation and preservation of high-pressure mineral assemblages in the metamorphosed orthopyroxene-bearing metagranitoids of the Sandmata Complex, Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB), northwestern India have been modelled. The rocks range in composition from farsundite through quartz mangerite to opdalite, and with varying K2O, Ca/(Ca + Na)rock and FeOtot + MgO contents. A two stage metamorphic evolution has been recorded in these rocks.
An early hydration event stabilized biotite with or without epidote at the expense of magmatic orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Subsequent high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism (∼15 kbar, ∼800 °C) of these hydrated rocks produced two rock types with contrasting mineralogy and textures. In the non-migmatitic metagranitoids, spectacular garnet ± K-feldspar ± quartz corona was formed around reacting biotite, plagioclase, quartz and/or pyroxene. In contrast, biotite ± epidote melting produced migmatites, containing porphyroblastic garnet incongruent solids and leucosomes.
Applying NCKFMASHTO T–M (H2O) and P–T pseudosection modelling techniques, it is demonstrated that the differential response of these magmatic rocks to high-pressure metamorphism is primarily controlled by the scale of initial hydration. Rocks, which were pervasively hydrated, produced garnetiferous migmatites, while for limited hydration, the same metamorphism formed sub-solidus garnet-bearing coronae. Based on the sequence of mineral assemblage evolution and the mineral compositional zoning features in the two metagranitoids, a clockwise metamorphic P–T path is constrained for the high-pressure metamorphic event. The finding has major implications in formulating geodynamic model of crustal amalgamation in the ADMB.  相似文献   
Spinel granulites, with or without sapphirine, occur as lensesin garnetiferous quartzofeldspathic gneisses (leptynites) nearGokavaram in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. Spinel granulitesare mineralogically heterogeneous and six mineral associationsoccur in closely spaced domains. These are (I) spinel–quartz–cordierite,(II) spinel–quartz–cordierite–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite,(III) spinel–cordierite–orthopyroxene–sillimanite,(IV) spinel–quartz–sapphirine–sillimanite–garnet,(V) spinel–quartz-sapphirine–garnet and (IV) rhombohedral(Fe–Ti) oxide–cordierite–orthopyroxene–sillimanite.Common to all the associations are a porphyroblastic garnet(containing an internal schistosify defined by biotite, sillimaniteand quartz), perthite and plagioclase. Spinel contains variableamounts of exsolved magnetite and is distinctly Zn rich in thesapphirine-absent associations. XMg in the coexisting phasesdecreases in the order cordierite–biotite–sapphirine–orthopyroxene–spinel–garnet–(Fe–Ti)oxides. Textural criteria and compositional characteristicsof the phases document several retrograde mineral reactionswhich occurred subsequent to prograde dehydration melting reactionsinvolving biotite, sillimanite, quartz, plagioclase and spinel.The following retrograde mineral reactions are deduced: (1)spinel + quartz cordierite, (2) spinel + quartz garnet + sillimanite,(3) garnet + quartz cordierite + orthopyroxene, (4) garnet+ quartz + sillimanite cordierite, (5) spinel + cordierite orthopyroxene + sillimanite, (6) spinel + sillimanite + quartz sapphirine, (7) spinel + sapphirine + quartz garnet + sillimanite,and (8) spinel + quartz sapphirine + garnet. A partial petrogeneticgrid for the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–K2O–H2Oat high fo2, has been constructed and the effects of ZnO andFe2O3 on this grid have been explored Combining available experimentaland natural occurrence data, the high fo2 invariant points inthe partial grid have been located in P–T space. Geothermobarometricdata and consideration of the deduced mineral reactions in thepetrogenetic grid show that the spinel granulites evolved throughan anticlockwise P–T trajectory reaching peak metamorphicconditions >9 kbar and 950C, followed by near-isobaric cooling(dT/dP = 150C/kbar). This was superimposed by an event of near-isothermaldecompression (dT/dP = 15C/kbar). The studied spinel granulites,therefore, preserve relic prograde mineral associations andreaction textures despite being metamorphosed at very high temperatures,and bear evidence of polymetamorphism. KEY WORDS: spinel granulite; Eastern Ghats; India; polymetamorphism; geothermometry; geobarometry Corresponding author  相似文献   
The study involves the characterization of pegmatoidal granite, southeast of Beawar, Ajmer district, Rajasthan. Earlier researchers had described this granite as part of the BGC, basement to the Bhim Group of the Delhi Super Group rocks. However, the present study indicates that it is younger than the rocks of Bhim Group of South Delhi Fold Belt, into which it is intrusive. The intrusion is structurally controlled and the outcrop pattern is phacolithic. The granite had intruded post-D2 deformation of the Delhi orogeny along the axial planes of D2 folds. The intrusion has also resulted in the formation of a contact aureole about the calc gneisses.  相似文献   
A mathematical expression for potential of a direct current point source in an inhomoge-neous anisotropic earth is derived. The coefficient of anisotropy is given by f= (σrz), where σr and σz are the conductivities parallel and perpendicular to the bedding plane. It is assumed that σz varies with depth, whereas σr varies transversely. This potential may be useful in interpretation of geoelectrical data in specified geological situations. Master curves for Wenner and Schlumberger configurations are presented  相似文献   
Abstract Three types of mineral associations are described from calc-silicate granulites from the Eastern Ghats, India, where geothermobarometry in associated rocks suggests extremely high P–T conditions of metamorphism ( c . 9 ± 1 kbar, 950° C). These mineral associations are: (i) calcite + quartz + scapolite + plagioclase, (ii) calcite + scapolite + wollastonite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet and (iii) calcite + quartz + wollastonite + scapolite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet, all coexisting with K-feldspar, titanite and clinopyroxene. The first two associations evolved through nearly isobaric cooling retrograde paths, whereas the third evolved through a nearly isothermal decompression path followed by an isobaric cooling retrograde path. Textural and compositional characteristics suggest the following mineral reactions in the calc-silicate granulites: calcite + quartz = wollastonite + CO2, calcite + plagioclase = scapolite, calcite + scapolite + wollastonite = porphyroblastic garnet ± quartz + CO2, CaTs + wollastonite = coronal garnet (association ii) and wollastonite + scapolite = coronal garnet (association iii) + quartz + CO2. Andradite content in garnet was buffered by the redox equilibria wollastonite + hedenbergite + O2= andradite + quartz (association iii) and wollastonite + andradite + CaTs + scapolite = hedenbergite + calcite + grossular + O2 (association ii). The contrasting mineral parageneses have been ascribed to interplay of variables such as X CO2, f O2, f HCl in the fluid, bulk Na content and the nature of the retrograde P–T–X CO2 paths through which the rocks evolved.  相似文献   
The role of clinopyroxene in producing grandite garnet is evaluatedusing data from an ultrahigh-temperature metamorphosed calc-silicategranulite occurrence in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. ‘Peak’pressure–temperature conditions of metamorphism were previouslyconstrained from associated high Mg–Al granulites as c.0·9 GPa, >950°C, and the rocks were near-isobaricallycooled to c. 750°C. Grandite garnet of variable compositionwas produced by a number of reactions involving phases suchas clinopyroxene, scapolite, plagioclase, wollastonite and calcite,in closely spaced domains. Compositional heterogeneity is preservedeven on a microscale. This precludes pervasive fluid fluxingduring either the peak or the retrograde stage of metamorphism,and is further corroborated by computation of fluid–rockratios. With the help of detailed textural and mineral compositionalstudies leading to formulation of balanced reactions, and usingan internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and relevantactivity–composition relationships, new petrogenetic gridsare developed involving clinopyroxene in the system CaO–Al2O3–FeO–SiO2–CO2–O2in TaCO2fO2 space to demonstrate the importanceof these factors in the formation of grandite garnet. Two singularcompositions in garnet-producing reactions in this system arededuced, which explain apparently anomalous textural relations.The possible role of an esseneite component in clinopyroxenein the production of grandite garnet is evaluated. It is concludedthat temperature and fO2 are the most crucial variables controllinggarnet composition in calc-silicate granulites. fO2, however,behaves as a dependent variable of CO2 in the fluid phase. Externalfluid fluxing of any composition is not necessary to producechemical heterogeneity of garnet solid solution. KEY WORDS: grandite garnet; role of clinopyroxene; internal buffering; oxidation–decarbonation equilibria  相似文献   
Mineralogical assemblages developed in the non-calcareous manganiferoussediments in India and subjected to regional metamorphism underchlorite to sillimanite grade conditions have been studied indetail. Based on a series of idealized reactions compatiblewith the recorded assemblages in the system Mn-Fe-Si-O, formany of which there is unambiguous textural evidence in therocks, a combined schematic petrogenetic grid consistent withtopological and thermodynamic considerations has been constructed. The inferred petrogenetic grid, coupled with the mineralogicaland textural evidence present in the manganiferous assemblagesand the enclosing rock formations, can be reconciled with thefollowing: (1) The mineralogical reactions attending regionalmetamorphism of the manganiferous sediments buffered the compositionof the coexisting fluid phase. (2) Due to the closed natureof the system as a whole and also due to lack of communicationbetween the different parts thereof, local variations in theinitial proportions of the non-volatile to volatile phases andtheir compositions led to the development of contrasting sequencesof mineralogical reactions and, therefore, fo2-T gradients evenwithin the same metamorphic grade. (3) Rhodonite, developedas a prograde reaction product in the garnet to sillimanitegrade conditions, was converted to rhodonite-pyroxmangite mixture/intergrowthduring cooling. Compositional variance, resulting from the substitution of Mnby Fe and incorporation of components such as Mg, Ca in thephases, would tend to shift the univariant reaction curves inthe grid towards opposite directions and/or split them intomultivariant intervals in fo2-T space without altering the generalstyle of the topology or the principal deductions made therefrom.  相似文献   
A suite of metapelites, charnockites, calc-silicate rocks, quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and mafic granulites is exposed at Garbham, a part of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt of India. Reaction textures and mineral compositional data have been used to determine the P–T–X evolutionary history of the granulites. In metapelites and charnockites, dehydration melting reactions involving biotite produced quartzofeldspathic segregations during peak metamorphism. However, migration of melt from the site of generation was limited. Subsequent to peak metamorphism at c . 860° C and 8 kbar, the complex evolved through nearly isothermal decompression to 530–650° C and 4–5 kbar. During this phase, coronal garnet grew in the calc-silicates, while garnet in the presence of quartz broke down in charnockite and mafic granulite. Fluid activities during metamorphism were internally buffered in different lithologies in the presence of a melt phase. The P–T path of the granulites at Garbham contrasts sharply with the other parts of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt where the rocks show dominantly near-isobaric cooling subsequent to peak metamorphism.  相似文献   
A membrane-discriminated gas phase analyzer is proposed for multicomponent determinations. Nitrogengas flows countercurrent through outer and inner channels in a tube-in-tube arrangement. The onlycommunication between the two channels occurs through a 500μm aperture covered by a porous PTFEmembrane. A mixture of organic compounds (up to four components) is injected into the inner channelby a heated backflushed injector and the sample components diffusing into the outer channel aremonitored by a flame ionization detector (FID). A calibration set, consisting of pure components, binary,ternary and quaternary mixtures (a total of 64 samples), provides the known data base: temporal profilesof the FID output as a function of sample composition, Although the overall response behavior is nota linearly additive function of individual analyte concentrations, the use of successive inverse multiplelinear regression (while continually altering the choice of the calibration samples considered for theforward regression, on the basis of the most recent values of the predicted unknown sample composition)is shown to yield analytical results for unknown samples that are in good agreement with their true values.  相似文献   
Granular carbonate deposits of Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene age, commonly referred to as ‘miliolite limestone’, occur in a linear belt, parallel to the southern coast of Saurashtra, India. In the present study area these carbonate deposits are found in select valleys between ridges and mounds of pyroclastic material present in the Deccan trap plateau. Two different depositional histories have been proposed for these sediments. The presence of marine bioclasts led to the postulation of a marine origin for these deposits. The second school of thought propounded redeposition of the coastal sediments by aeolian processes. Although a few features could not be explained by the proposed aeolian model, critical comparison of these two views favoured the aeolian origin. The mode of occurrence, lithological and structural attributes, and microscopic evidence presented here, also support a possible aeolian origin for these deposits. Experimental observation indicates that these carbonate aeolianites represent backflow deposits, which accumulated because of the flow separation caused by the presence of topographic highs. The conspicuous concave‐up geometry of the deposit conformed to the shape of the separation bulb. In view of the inferred depositional mechanism, the disposition of the deposits and the signature of the palaeoflow direction suggest that the carbonate particles were derived from the north‐western coast of Saurashtra by strong south‐easterly winds. Massive granular carbonates with outsized basement clasts appear to be the product of avalanching of granular material from the higher contours because of oversteepening of the primary deposit.  相似文献   
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