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We measured total selenium and total mercury concentrations ([TSe] and [THg]) in hair (n = 138) and blood (n = 73) of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from California to assess variation by geography and sex, and inferred feeding relationships based on carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes. Harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites had significantly greater [THg], and lesser [TSe] and TSe:THg molar ratios than seals from a relatively uncontaminated site. Males had significantly greater [THg] than females at all locations. Sulfur stable isotope values explained approximately 25% of the variability in [THg], indicating increased Hg exposure for seals with a greater use of estuarine prey species. Decreased [TSe] in harbor seals from Hg-contaminated regions may indicate a relative Se deficiency to mitigate the toxic effects of Hg. Further investigation into the Se status and the potential negative impact of Hg on harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites is warranted.  相似文献   
Chromium contents obtained from 20 coal and 5 associated rock samples collected from the basal part of the Eocene Chuckanut Formation, in Skagit and Whatcom counties, northwest Washington, range between 30 and 300 ppm (mean 120 ppm whole-coal basis). The lenticular coals, ranging in rank from subbituminous to anthracite, and with an ash content of 12–46%, crop out along the western flank of the Cascade Range. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis of low-temperature ash show that the mineral matter in the coal samples consists predominantly of quartz and clay (kaolinite, illite and chlorite group). However, accessory minerals, isolated from the coal samples and analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and optical methods, contain angular fragments and euhedral crystals of the spinel group (chromite, magnetite and trevorite ), kaolinite-serpentine group (antigorite and chrysotile), chlorite group, amphibole group and pyroxene group minerals (augite, diopside and enstatite), all of which are commonly enriched in chromium.Although associated primarily with the inorganic fraction of the coal, concentrations of chromium in the samples show no statistically significant correlation with ash content. Localized concentrations of chromium in the coal are the result of natural contamination from the alteration of detrital chromium-bearing mineral grains introduced into the peat-forming mires from nearby Jurassic ophiolite bodies. The coals formed in the early Eocene, in rapidly subsiding small basins that developed during the uplift and erosion of the pre-Tertiary ophiolite terrain. Scattered bodies of source rock, random distribution of chromium-bearing minerals within the coal and sample heterogeneity account for the variation in Cr contents of the samples.  相似文献   
Issues associated with microwave link rainfall estimation such as the effects of spatial and temporal variation in rain, the nonlinearity of R–kRk relations, temporal sampling, power resolution, and wet antenna attenuation are investigated using more than 1.5 years of data from a high-resolution X-band weather radar. Microwave link signals are generated for different link frequencies and lengths from these radar data, so that retrieved path-averaged rainfall intensities can be compared to true path-averaged values. Results of these simulations can be linked to the space–time structure of rain. A frequency-dependent relation between the rainfall intensity at an antenna and the attenuation caused by its wetting is derived using microwave link and rain gauge data. It is shown that if the correct temporal sampling strategy is chosen, the effects of the degradation of power resolution and of wet antenna attenuation (if a correction is applied) are minor (i.e., MBE and bias-corrected RMSE are >−20% and <20% of the mean rainfall intensity, respectively) for link frequencies and lengths above ∼20 GHz and ∼2 km, respectively.  相似文献   
Soil hydraulic parameter values for large‐scale modelling cannot be obtained by direct methods. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) that relate soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) to generally available soil texture data may provide an alternative. A considerable number of PTF models has been developed, the application of three recent PTFs is evaluated. As a first step sets of SHPs derived from the PTFs are compared with measured sets of SHPs for three sites. No good agreement was found statistically between measured and PTF results or between PTF results. As a second step and from a practical point of view results for three hydrologically functional variables were compared and evaluated. The three selected functional variables are saturated hydraulic conductivity, k0, in relation to infiltration excess runoff, available soil water amounts for evapotranspiration and water table depth for a specified upward flux or capillary rise. Derived k0 distributions from PTFs show substantially less variance than from the measured data at all three sites. This can have a considerable impact on infiltration excess runoff, depending on the actual rainfall regime. Simulated available soil water amounts for evapotranspiration for some combinations of PTFs and sites are close to those obtained for measured SHPs, however, no consistency in results can be detected. Water table depths for specified upward flux densities using PTF derived SHPs are generally deeper than those based on measured SHPs and means a potentially higher water availability. Overall, differences in capillary rise among the selected PTFs and between measured and PTF based results are again inconsistent and show no clear relationship with soil texture. Finally, as a third step, effective SHPs were calculated by using spatially averaged texture as PTF input representing areal average behaviour. For these effective SHPs the calculated effective values for the three selected functional variables appear to be close to the areally averaged values obtained with step 2. The selected functional variables thus appear to depend linearly on the PTFs over the range for which the data are representative. This suggests that for our specific PTFs areal mean or effective values for the three functional variables can be obtained fairly accurately from a single measurement of a bulk collection of soil samples as input. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The auriferous zone long known as the Larder Lake Break and more recently as the Larder Lake Exhalite is here interpreted as an exhalative kimberlitic carbonatite on the basis of its K, Ba, Sr, Mg, Fe, Cr, Ni and Co contents, and by comparison with similar younger rocks. Gold is believed to have been deposited syngenetically with this stratiform carbonatite and to be genetically related to late Archean tectonic, volcanic, petrochemical, sedimentary and exhalative processes. Rocks of the Timiskaming Series which host the carbonatite appear to represent a post-uplift graben assemblage of sedimentary and alkalic igneous rocks analagous to modern alkalic-carbonatitic complexes located in rifted upwarps. Preliminary data seems to indicate that carbonatite in general has a higher gold abundance than any other rock type, including iron formations and ultramafic rocks. Ferromagnesian carbonatites, the least common variety, may be worthy untested targets for gold exploration programs, particularly if some pyrite or other sulphide mineral is present.  相似文献   
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