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Traditional methods for determining spatial distributions of planktonic taxa involve net, pump, and bottle collections followed by the tedious and time-consuming task of plankton sample analysis. Thus, plankton ecologists often require months or even years to process samples from a single study. In this paper, we present a method that allows rapid visualization of the distribution of planktonic taxa while at sea. Rapid characterization of plankton distributions is essential in the dynamic physical environment, where biological and physical patterns can change quickly. Such a “sample-and-observe” capability is necessary for mapping ephemeral features (such as patches, eddies, jets, plumes) and determining appropriate locations to conduct more localized sampling, including in situ observational studies. We describe the techniques used in imaging the plankton, analyzing the video, and visualizing the data. We present an example of at-sea data analysis conducted aboard R.V. Columbus Iselin on Georges Bank in May 1994 and visualizations of the 3-dimensional distribution of selected planktonic taxa in a 2 × 2 km × 90 m volume of seawater. A video of the image processing and visualization is included on the CD-ROM accompanying this volume and is an essential part of this paper.  相似文献   
For almost 30 hr after the major (gamma-ray) two-ribbon flare on 6 November 1980, 03:30 UT, the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the SMM satellite imaged in > 3.5 keV X-rays a gigantic arch extending above the active region over the limb. Like a similar configuration on 22 May 1980, this arch formed the lowest part of a stationary post-flare radio noise storm recorded at metric wavelengths at Nançay and Culgoora. 6.5 hr after the flare a coronal region below the arch started quasi-periodic pulsations in X-ray brightness, observed by several SMM instruments. These brightness variations had no response in the chromosphere (H), very little in the transition layer (O v), but they clearly correlated with similar variations in brightness at 169 MHz. There were 13 pulses of this kind, with apparent periodicity of about 20 min, until another flare occurred in the active region at 15:00 UT. All the brightenings appeared within a localized area of about 30000 km2 in the northern part of the active region, but they definitely did not occur all at the same place.The top of the X-ray arch, at an altitude of 155 000 km, was continuously and smoothly decaying, taking no part in the striking variations below it. Therefore, the area variable in brightness does not seem to be the footpoint of the arch, as we supposed for similar variations on 22 May. More likely, it is a separate region connected directly with the source of the radio storm; particles accelerated in the storm may be dumped into the low corona and cause the X-ray enhancements. The X-ray arch was enhanced by two orders of magnitude in 3.5–5.5 keV X-ray counts and the temperature increased from 7.3 × 106 to 9 × 106 K when the new two-ribbon flare occurred at 15:00 UT. Thus, it is possible that energy is brought into the arch via the upper parts of the reconnecting flare loops - a process that can continue for hours.  相似文献   
An intuitive method is presented for extending Hale–McClellan migration operators to handle surveys binned and stacked with in‐line and cross‐line spacings unequal. This avoids re‐interpolating the input to 3D migration, either externally or internally. The algorithm does not require an integer or rational ratio between the in‐line and cross‐line spacings in order to be applied nor does it deliberately introduce artificial aliasing by interleaving subsampled grids along the more finely sampled axis. Examples of its impulse response and application to the SEG–EAGE salt model are shown.  相似文献   
An investigation of the influence of humate on the mobility of copper(II) ions in a kaolinite soil using leaching tests and electrokinetic experiments is reported. The data are interpreted in terms of humate–copper–clay interactions and humate electrical charge. Humate is mostly immobile below pH8 but is more mobile in alkaline conditions (sorption to kaolinite reduces its mobility in neutral conditions). Copper humate complexes are mobile in both acidic and alkaline conditions, but not in neutral conditions where they are sorbed. The dissolved copper humate complexes that form in acidic conditions are positively charged. The net effect of humate is to increase cupric ion mobility in kaolinite soil, especially in alkaline conditions.  相似文献   
In 1989 open-cut gold mining commenced on Misima Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Open-cut mining by its nature causes a significant increase in sedimentation via the exposure of soils to the erosive forces of rain and runoff. This increased sedimentation affected the nearby fringing coral reef to varying degrees, ranging from coral mortality (smothering) to relatively minor short-term impacts. The sediment associated with the mining operation consists of weathered quartz feldspar, greenstone, and schist. These rocks have distinct chemical characteristics (rare earth element patterns and high abundances of manganese, zinc, and lead) and are entering the near-shore environment in considerably higher than normal concentrations. Using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), we analyzed eight colonies (two from high sedimentation, two transitional, two minor, and two unaffected control sites) for Y, La, Ce, Mn, Zn, and Pb. All sites show low steady background levels prior to the commencement of mining in 1988. Subsequently, all sites apart from the control show dramatic increases of Y, La, and Ce associated with the increased sedimentation as well as rapid decreases following the cessation of mining. The elements Zn and Pb exhibit a different behavior, increasing in concentration after 1989 when ore processing began and one year after initial mining operations. Elevated levels of Zn and Pb in corals has continued well after the cessation of mining, indicating ongoing transport into the reef of these metals via sulfate-rich waters. Rare earth element (REE) abundance patterns measured in two corals show significant differences compared to Coral Sea seawater. The corals display enrichments in the light and middle REEs while the heavy REEs are depleted relative to the seawater pattern. This suggests that the nearshore seawater REE pattern is dominated by island sedimentation. Trace element abundances of Misima Island corals clearly record the dramatic changes in the environmental conditions at this site and provide a basis for identifying anthropogenic influences on corals reefs.  相似文献   
The Delphi technique for judgmental forecasting by expert groups is described and the controversy surrounding its use is summarized. The technique clearly does not eliminate all unwanted psychological effects on group judgment. Furthermore, the design of most Delphi studies makes it impossible to separate the signal from the noise in expert judgment. A methodological standard for evaluating judgmental forecasts is proposed.  相似文献   
Data obtained from a variety of sources including the Canadian Lightning Detection Network, weather radars, weather stations and operational numerical weather model analyses were used to address the evolution of precipitation during the June 2013 southern Alberta flood. The event was linked to a mid‐level closed low pressure system to the west of the region and a surface low pressure region initially to its south. This configuration brought warm, moist unstable air into the region that led to dramatic, organized convection with an abundance of lightning and some hail. Such conditions occurred in the southern parts of the region whereas the northern parts were devoid of lightning. Initially, precipitation rates were high (extreme 15‐min rainfall rates up to 102 mm h?1 were measured) but decreased to lower values as the precipitation shifted to long‐lived stratiform conditions. Both the convective and stratiform precipitation components were affected by the topography. Similar flooding events, such as June 2002, have occurred over this region although the 2002 event was colder and precipitation was not associated with substantial convection over southwest Alberta. Copyright © 2016 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. Hydrological Processes. © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The basal unit of the Amadeus Basin sequence is the Heavitree Quartzite, and this formation usually forms a single east‐west ridge along the northern side of the MacDonnell Ranges. However, at Alice Springs there are two such ridges. Basement rocks crop out on the northern side of each ridge, and dolomite and shale of the Bitter Springs Formation crop out on their southern sides. The northern outcrop of dolomite and shale is tightly folded, and is separated from the southern outcrop of basement by a major fault. The bedding of the sediments, the axial plane of the fold, and the fault all dip south at about 45°. Inverted facings on parasitic folds indicate that the northern outcrop of quartzite and dolomite plus shale is an antiform in inverted rocks. Hence the southern outcrop of basement and quartzite is synformal, and is interpreted as the frontal part of a fold nappe. The nappe started as a recumbent anticline whose middle limb of quartzite sheared out as the anticline travelled several kilometres southwards relative to the dolomite and shale below, which formed a tight recumbent syncline. Later monoclinal uplift of the northern half of the area tilted the nappe into its present south‐dipping attitude, thus converting the recumbent anticline into a synform and the recumbent syncline into an antiform.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage predictive testwork associated with the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P387A Project: Prediction and Kinetic Control of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) has critically examined static acid assessment and kinetic information from acid–base accounting techniques, including net acid production potential (NAPP), net acid generation (NAG) and column leach tests. This paper compares results on two waste rock samples that were obtained from the Kaltim Prima Coal mine (KPC) containing significant quantities of fine-grained framboidal pyrite. In agreement with other research, the authors' results indicated that framboidal pyrite is more reactive than euhedral forms due to the greater specific surface area of framboidal pyrite. This is evidenced by optical microscopy of reacted samples. Importantly, the results showed that NAPP testing is biased by the rapid acid generating oxidation of framboidal pyrite prior to, and during the acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. This can result in negative ANC values for samples containing significant framboidal pyrite (often “corrected” to zero kg H2SO4/t) when significant ANC is actually present in the sample. NAG testing using H2O2 indicated that samples containing a significant quantity of framboidal pyrite can result in the catalytic decomposition of the H2O2 prior to complete oxidation of the sulfide minerals present, requiring sequential addition of H2O2 for completion. A benefit of the NAG test, however, is that it assesses the net acid generation capacity of the sample without bias towards acid generation as is observed using NAPP methods. The kinetic NAG test also gives information on the reaction sequence of framboidal and euhedral pyrite. Periodic (kinetic) analysis of sub-samples from column leach tests indicated rapid oxidation of the framboidal pyrite compared to the euhedral pyrite, which was correlated with the greater framboidal pyrite surface area.Calculations to determine the sulfide/sulfate acidity derived from the oxidation of framboidal pyrite prior to; and during the ANC test have been developed to provide a better indication of the actual ANC (ANCActual) of the sample. Paste pH values of <pH 4–5 may be one suitable trigger mechanism for the implementation of this new method. This has led to an improved NAPP estimation of total acid production. Together with NAG and column leach testing this improved methodology has resulted in accurate AMD characterisation of samples containing acidic oxidation products and framboidal pyrite.  相似文献   
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