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Magnesium silicate precipitation experiments were carried out in alkaline solutions in the temperature range 39°C-150°C. Titrations were carried out at room temperature where the pH of an aqueous solution containing magnesium and silica was raised to bring about precipitation of a magnesium silicate. The precipitation of the magnesium silicate was rapid. Equilibrium between the solution and the precipitate was attained in a period of less than one hour up to a month at around 90°C, depending on the initial degree of oversaturation. Relative magnesium and silica depletion in the experimental solutions and IR spectra of the precipitate show that the magnesium silicate resembles poorly developed antigorite (p-antigorite). Values for its solubility constant were obtained and an equation describing its solubility in the temperature interval 0°-200°C calculated. The equation is: log Ksp = 9303/T + 3.283, where T is in K, and it is valid for the following reaction:
Iceland's glaciers are particularly sensitive to climate change, and their margins respond to trends in air temperature. Most Icelandic glaciers have been in retreat since c. 1990, and almost all since 1995. Using ice‐front measurements, photographic and geomorphological evidence, we examined the record of ice‐front fluctuations of Virkisjökull–Falljökull, a steep high‐mass‐turnover outlet glacier in maritime SE Iceland, in order to place recent changes in a longer‐term (80‐year) context. Detailed geomorphological mapping identifies two suites of annual push moraines: one suite formed between c. 1935 and 1945, supported by lichenometric dating; the other between 1990 and 2004. Using moraine spacing as a proxy for ice‐front retreat rates, we show that average retreat rates during the 1930s and 1940s (28 m a?1) were twice as high as during the period from 1990 to 2004 (14 m a?1). Furthermore, we show that both suites of annual moraines are associated with above‐average summer temperatures. Since 2005, however, retreat rates have increased considerably – averaging 35 m a?1 – with the last 5 years representing the greatest amount of ice‐front retreat (~190 m) in any 5‐year period since measurements began in 1932. We propose that this recent, rapid, ice‐front retreat and thinning in a decade of unusually warm summers has resulted in a glaciological threshold being breached, with subsequent large‐scale stagnation of the glacier terminus (i.e. no forward movement) and the cessation of annual push‐moraine formation. Breaching this threshold has, we suggest, caused further very rapid non‐uniform retreat and downwasting since 2005 via a system feedback between surface melting, glacier thinning, decreased driving stress and decreased forward motion.  相似文献   
This study presents uranium and thorium concentrations and activity ratios for all riverine phases (bedload, suspended load, dissolved load and colloids) from basaltic terrains in Iceland and the Azores. Small basaltic islands, such as these, are thought to account for ~ 25% of CO2 consumed by global silicate weathering, and for ~ 45% of the flux of suspended material to the oceans. These data indicate that [U] and [Th] in the dissolved and colloidal fractions are strongly controlled by pH, and to a much lesser extent by levels of dissolved organic carbon (which are low in these environments). At high pH, basalt glass dissolution is enhanced, and secondary mineral formation (e.g. Fe-oxyhydroxides and allophane) is suppressed, resulting in high dissolved [U], and low colloidal [U] and [Th], indicating a direct chemical weathering control on elemental abundances. When the dissolved (234U/238U) activity ratio is >~1.3 (i.e. when physical weathering, groundwater contribution or soil formation are high), there is little isotope exchange between dissolved and colloidal fractions. At lower activity ratios, the dissolved load and colloids have indistinguishable activity ratios, suggesting that when chemical weathering rates are high, secondary clay formation is also high, and colloids rapidly adsorb dissolved U. Many of the suspended sediment samples have (234U/238U) activity ratios of > 1, which suggests that uptake of U onto the suspended load is important. Identical (230Th/232Th) in suspended, dissolved and colloidal samples suggests that Th, like U, is exchanged or sorbed rapidly between all riverine phases. This particle-reactivity, combined with poorly constrained contributions from groundwater and hydrothermal water, and short-term variations in input to soils (volcanic and glacial), suggests that U-series nuclides in riverine material from such basaltic terrains are unlikely to reflect steady state erosion processes.  相似文献   
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