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未来变暖背景下北极气候变化特征研究具有重要意义,基于国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6,CMIP6)中对北极气候变化模拟能力较好的模式模拟结果,研究SSP2-4.5情景下21世纪北极2 m气温的时空变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)极地陆地的欧亚大陆(Eurasia,EA)和北美-格陵兰(Greenland,GL)对全球变暖具有不同的响应。EA在21世纪中叶前变暖趋势显著,之后主要表现为年代际尺度的冷暖振荡;GL则始终保持增暖趋势。EA、GL分区气温均存在年际、年代际(10~20 a)尺度上的波动,GL分区还存在20~40 a的准周期变化。(2)前冬北大西洋涛动正位相会引起次年夏季北大西洋呈南北向“-、+、-”三极型海面温度异常,并通过影响大气环流导致EA分区气温正异常,这种影响主要体现在年代际尺度上。(3)北大西洋多年代际振荡为正异常时,北美至格陵兰位势高度偏高,GL分区增暖,并且这种影响在21世纪70年代后更重要;北太平洋北部的海面温度正异常对GL分区增温也有贡献。  相似文献   
对当前坡面汇流计算方法的研究进展进行了较为系统的总结与分析,并对坡面汇流的非线性效应以及城市低影响开发中的雨水入渗与蓄集对坡面汇流的控制作用进行了简要分析。从模型简单实用的角度出发,认为以流域时间-面积关系与线性水库相串联的ModClark法等为代表的概念性分布式坡面汇流模型具有良好的发展前景;考虑到基于等流时单元的变动等流时线法在反映雨强非线性影响中存在的问题,认为根据水文响应单元在不同雨强条件下汇流时间的变化,调整其汇流参数以反映坡面汇流的非线性效应,对于流域坡面汇流的分布式模拟更具有实际意义;针对目前低影响开发设施长时间序列大空间尺度的室外降雨径流监测资料普遍较为缺乏的现状,给出了后期应积极选择合适的技术以加强低影响开发性能监测工作的建议。  相似文献   
Soil erosion is a severe problem hindering sustainable agriculture on the Loess Plateau of China. Plot experiments were conducted under the natural rainfall condition during 1995–1997 at Wangdongguo and Aobao catchments in this region to evaluate the effects of various land use, cropping systems, land slopes and rainfall on runoff and sediment losses, as well as the differences in catchment responses. The experiments included various surface conditions ranging from bare soil to vegetated surfaces (maize, wheat residue, Robinia pseudoacacia L., Amorpha fruticosa L., Stipa capillata L., buckwheat and Astragarus adsurgens L.). The measurements were carried out on hill slopes with different gradients (i.e. 0 ° to 36 °). These plots varied from 20 to 60 m in length. Results indicated that runoff and erosion in this region occurred mainly during summer storms. Summer runoff and sediment losses under cropping and other vegetation were significantly less than those from ploughed bare soil (i.e. without crop/plant or crop residue). There were fewer runoff and sediment losses with increasing canopy cover. Land slope had a major effect on runoff and sediment losses and this effect was markedly larger in the tillage plots than that in the natural grass and forest plots, although this effect was very small when the maximum rainfall intensity was larger than 58·8 mm/h or smaller than 2·4 mm/h. Sediment losses per unit area rose with increasing slope length for the same land slope and same land use. The effect of slope length on sediment losses was stronger on a bare soil plot than on a crop/plant plot. The runoff volume and sediment losses were both closely related to rainfall volume and maximum intensity, while runoff coefficient was mainly controlled by maximum rainfall intensity. Hortonian overland flow is the dominant runoff process in the region. The differences in runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment losses between the catchments are mainly controlled by the maximum rainfall intensity and infiltration characteristics. The Aobao catchment yielded much larger runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment than the Wangdongguo catchment. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浅水湖泊生态系统中的沉积物—水界面是湖泊内源氮释放的重要界面,而水动力因素是改变沉积物氮释放的重要因素.三峡大坝修建以后,长江中下游通江湖泊的水动力条件发生了明显的变化.通过采集洞庭湖湖口区域的沉积物和水样,在双向环形水槽动力模拟装置内模拟湖泊水位和流速的变化,探讨湖泊沉积物氮在沉积物和水系统中的二次释放特征.结果表明,随着扰动强度的增加,上覆水悬浮物浓度增大,上覆水中总氮浓度增加,沉积物向上覆水释放氮的强度增强,水动力条件的改变所引起的沉积物内源氮释放不容忽视.在该模拟实验条件下,沉积物存在最适扰动水位(20cm),此水位下上覆水中悬浮物浓度最低,总氮浓度最小.水动力条件的改变对上覆水和沉积物—水界面处铵态氮和硝态氮浓度的影响并不明显,孔隙水中铵态氮与硝态氮之间发生形态的转化.  相似文献   
The morphological characteristics and the cuttlebone formation of Sepia esculenta exposed to different water temperature fluctuations were investigated under laboratory conditions. Temperature fluctuation cycles (15 cycles, 60 d in total) consisted of the following three regimes of 4 d duration: keeping water temperature in 26°C for 3 d (Group A), 2 d (Group B), 0 d (Group C, control); then keeping water temperature in 16°C for the next 1, 2, 4 d. No significant difference in the survival rate was observed between the control and temperature fluctuation groups (P>0.05). Lamellar depositions in a temperature fluctuation cycle were 2.45±0.02 for Group A, 2.00±0.02 for Group B, and 1.78±0.02 for Group C (P<0.05). The relationship between age and number of lamellas in the cuttlebone of S. esculenta under each water temperature fluctuation could be described as the linear model and the number of lamellas in the cuttlebone did not correspond to actual age. Group A had the highest cuttlebone growth index (CGI), the lowest locular index (LI), and inter-streak distances comparing with those of control group. However, the number of lamellas and LI or CGI showed a quadratic relationship for each temperature fluctuation group. In addition, temperature fluctuations caused the breakage of cuttlebone dark rings, which was considered a thermal mark. The position of the breakage in the dark rings was random. This thermal mark can be used as supplementary information for marking and releasing techniques.  相似文献   
Macrophyte community diversity and composition respond to ecosystem conservation and local environmental factors. In this study, we developed a multidimensional diversity framework for macrophyte communities, including the taxonomic and functional alpha and beta diversity. We used the framework to explore the relationships among water level regimes and these diversity parameters in a case study of China's Baiyangdian Lake. Analysis of indicators of hydrologic alteration divided the water level from 1959 to 2019 into four regimes (dry, <6.42 m; low, 6.42–7.23 m; medium, 7.23–8.19 m; high, >8.19 m). Alpha and beta diversity were significantly higher in the medium regime than in the low and high regimes. Redundancy analysis indicated that the maximum water depth significantly affected taxonomic alpha diversity, and total nitrogen (TN) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration significantly affected functional alpha diversity, respectively. Mantel tests showed that TN, Secchi depth (SD), and water depth in the high water level regime significantly increased the total beta diversity and turnover components. TN was the main factor that increased total taxonomic beta diversity. Water level regime mainly influenced interspecific relationships by changing the TN and COD concentration. The water level should be maintained between the medium and high water level regimes to promote restoration of the macrophyte community and improve ecosystem stability. The biodiversity evaluation framework would provide a deeper insight into the hydrological process management for restoration of aquatic macrophyte communities in shallow lakes.  相似文献   
紫色土丘陵区小流域综合治理对水土保持的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小流域综合治理是各地区水土保持的基本途径之一。根据对四川紫色土丘陵区综合治理小流域(四川南部县鹤鸣观小流域)水土流失多年(1985~2001年)监测,结果表明:①紫色土丘陵区小流域无论是以工程措施还是以生物措施为主进行综合治理,其水土保持效果都是十分有效的,而且是稳定的;②以工程措施为主的综合治理,其水土保持较以生物措施为主的见效快;③这两种综合治理模式,经过一定时期后,其水土保持效果接近。因此,综合治理水土流失,应因地制宜采取治理模式。  相似文献   
道路边界精确提取建模是城市道路管理、智能交通规划和高精度地图制作等领域的重要课题之一。本文提出了一种基于车载激光雷达点云数据和开源街道地图(OSM)的三维道路边界精确提取方法。首先,针对原始车载LiDAR点云数据应用布料模拟滤波分离地面点,再结合相对高程分析获取道路边界点候选数据集。然后,应用OSM矢量道路网数据的节点辅助道路边界点候选点集进行分段。最后,在各分段点云数据集中基于随机抽样一致性算法获得三维道路边界点集。通过直道、弯道及高密度复杂场景3种不同类型的城区道路边界路段分类提取试验。结果表明,利用该方法进行道路边界提取的准确率和召回率分别达96.12%和95.17%,F1值达92.11%,本文方法可用于高精度道路边界的三维精细提取与矢量化,进而为智能交通与无人驾驶导航提供支撑。  相似文献   
National nature reserves are an important part of classification management on ecological protection in China.Taking the na-tional nature reserves of Jilin Prov...  相似文献   
Research on the effects of soil erosion on soil productivity has attracted increasing attention.Purple soil is one of the main soil types in China and plays an important role in the national economy.However,the relationship between erosion and the productivity of purple soils has not been well studied.The purpose of this research was to determine if soil depth,which is dependent on the rate of erosion,has an influence on crop yield and growth.Plot and pot experiments at different soil depths were performed.Results indicate that soils from different parental materials had different growth features and crop yields due to the differential fertility of the derived soils.The yield reduction rate increases exponentially with the depth of eroded soil(level of erosion).The yield reduction rate per unit eroded soil horizon(10 cm) is approximately 10.5% for maize and wheat.  相似文献   
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