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The Dulan eclogite–gneiss region is located in the eastern part of the North Qaidam eclogite belt, NW China. Widespread evidence demonstrates that this region is a typical ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane. Eclogites occur as lenses or layers in both granitic and pelitic gneisses. Two distinguished sub-belts can be recognized and differ in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. The North Dulan Belt (NDB) has tholeiitic protoliths with high TiO2 and lower Al2O3 and MgO contents. REE patterns and trace element contents resemble those of N-type and E-type MORB. In contrast, eclogites in the South Dulan Belt (SDB) are of island arc protoliths with low TiO2, high Al2O3 and show LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted patterns. Sm–Nd isotope analyses give isochron ages of 458–497 Ma for eclogite-facies metamorphism for the two sub-belts. The ages are similar to those of Yuka and Altun eclogites in the western extension of the North Qaidam-Altun eclogite belt. The Dulan UHP metamorphic terrane, together with several other recently recognized eclogite-bearing terrenes within the North Qaidam-Altun HP-UHP belt, constitute the key to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The entire UHP belt extends for more than 1000 km from the Dulan UHP terrane in the southeast to the Altun eclogite–gneiss terrane in the west. This super-belt marks an early Paleozoic continental collision zone between the Qaidam Massif and the Qilian Massif.  相似文献   
The Sanchazi mafic-ultramafic complex in Mianlue tectonic zone, South Qinling can be subdivided into two blocks, i.e. Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc and Zhuangkegou paleo-oceanic crust fragment (ophiolite). The Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc is mainly composed of andesite, basaltic and basalt-andesitic gabbro (or diorite), andesitic dyke, plagiogranite and minor ultramafic rocks, which have typical geochemical features of island arc volcanic rocks, such as high field strength element (e.g. Nb, Ti) depletions and lower Cr, Ni contents. The Light rare earth element (LREE) and K enrichments of these rocks and zircon xenocrystals of 900 Ma from plagiogranite suggest that this magmatic arc was developed on the South active continental margin of the South Qinling micro-continent. The U-Pb age of (300 ± 61)Ma for zircons from plagiogranite indicates that the Mianlue paleo-oceanic crust was probably subducted underneath the South Qinling micro-continent in Carboniferous. This is consistent with the formation time (309Ma) of the Huwan eclogite originating from oceanic subduction in Dabie Mountains, suggesting that the Mianlue paleo-ocean probably extended eastward to the Dabie Mountains in Carboniferous. The high-Mg adakitic rocks in Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc suggest that the subducted oceanic crust was relatively young (<25Ma) and hot.  相似文献   
以新建立的GPS超短基线场为研究对象,运用不同版本的GAM IT/GLOBK软件进行高精度数据处理,GAMIT软件的版本包括10.5、10.6、10.61和最新的10.7,对所选用数据进行基线解算和网平差.综合利用周边IGS站以及陆态网(CMONMC)的数据进行联合解算,采用标准均方根误差(NRMS)值、基线重复性、网...  相似文献   
The Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex, as a part of the ophiolites on the southern side of the North Qinling belt, consists of gabbro and norite-gabbro. They were derived from different magma series: the gabbro was derived from tholeiitic magma series with higher TiO2, REE abundance and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio ; norite-gabbro was derived from calc-alkali magma series with lower TiO2, Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio and REE abundance and much lower HREE abundance, which suggests that the source of the norite-gabbro magma was deeper and controlled by eclogite facies. Geochemical characteristics of both plutonic rocks are similar to those of island-arc basalts, such as relatively high contents of Ba, Pb and Sr and relatively low contents of Nb, Zr and N j.The Sr, Nd isotopic characteristics of the Lajimiao norite-gabbro complex are similar to those of ophiolites. Its εNd values are constant, about+2; whereas εst values have wide variation from - 6.4 to +31.2 and positively correlate with Na2O, H2O+ and CO2 contents and the Fe3+/Fe  相似文献   
安徽省是我国硫铁矿储量大省,截止2013年底,全省累计查明非伴生硫铁矿9.1亿吨,保有资源储量8.2亿吨,居全国第二位,华东第一位。  相似文献   
针对深圳市连续运行参考站的稳定性分析相对较少的现状,基于深圳市2015年CORS数据,该文利用GAMIT软件计算并分析了参考站间基线以及与IGS站间基线的稳定性。结果表明,除因南山站点位异常引起了部分基线出现偏差外,大部分基线表现稳定且水平方向稳定性高于垂直方向。该文通过基线的稳定性分析方法,能够较为直观地检查出点位出现异常的参考站,这对于CORS站服务性能评估具有一定的参考意义。利用GLOBK软件平差得出了参考站坐标时间序列,并与PANDA的精密单点定位结果进行了对比分析;使用了SPSS软件的相关性分析法计算IGS站与参考站坐标变化的相关系数,得出SZCORS各参考站向东南方向偏移的趋势与板块漂移具有明显的相关关系这一结论。  相似文献   
太湖流域降雨与太湖水位关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章杭惠  刘曙光  季同德 《水文》2021,41(1):85-89,41
太湖流域快速城镇化、水利工程建设等人类活动对流域水文过程产生了较大影响.基于1981~2018年太湖流域日降雨、太湖水位实测资料,分析了流域降雨与太湖水位涨幅关系,旨在揭示变化环境下该地区降雨与水位关系的变化特征及可能的驱动因素.研究表明,2000年以来太湖水位抬高趋势明显,但同等时段降雨量条件下对应的太湖水位涨幅有所...  相似文献   
文中利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的惩罚最大t检验方法,选取均一的邻近气象站为参考站,结合元数据信息,对1960-2017年成山头海洋站海表温度序列进行了均一性检验与订正。利用订正后的海表温度序列对成山头海温气候变化特征进行分析。结果表明,订正前后年平均海表温度趋势发生了明显改变,表现出海温上升趋势较订正前加强的特征,增暖趋势由订正前的0.04℃/10 a上升到0.15℃/10 a,其中最暖的5个年份多发生在1980年以后,分别为1973年、1989年、2002年、2007年和2017年。海表温度总体呈显著上升趋势和明显的年代际波动,20世纪60年代至80年代末为偏冷阶段,之后开始增暖,20世纪90年代至今为偏暖阶段。1960-2017年,成山头的海温突变点在1987年,是一次增暖性突变,与中国大陆的气温突变特征和气温变化阶段性特征非常一致。  相似文献   
文章主要选取国家海洋局成山头海洋环境监测站1996—2016年的潮位、潮差月值资料,利用线性回归法,对威海沿岸海域近21年来的潮汐特征进行分析。结果表明:威海沿岸海域近21年的平均潮位、最高潮位、最低潮位、平均潮差、最大潮差整体上均呈上升的变化趋势,但气候倾向率各不相同,分别是2.57cm/(10a)、5.872cm/(10a)、4.137cm/(10a)、1.017cm/(10a)、2.604cm/(10a)。  相似文献   
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