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山体是构成武汉市山水形胜的重要资源.随着城市建设的快速发展,武汉市山体资源遭受到了一定程度的破坏,主要表现在建设用地和毁林毁山等方面.从环境调查和城市规划的角度对山体保护提出对策建议,构建山-江-湖相得益彰美丽武汉.  相似文献   
Mechanical responses induced by temperature and air pressure significantly affect the stability and durability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) in a lined rock cavern. An analytical solution for evaluating such responses is, thus, proposed in this paper. The lined cavern of interest consists of three layers, namely, a sealing layer, a concrete lining and the host rock. Governing equations for cavern temperature and air pressure, which involve heat transfer between the air and surrounding layers, are established first. Then, Laplace transform and superposition principle are applied to obtain the temperature around the lined cavern and the air pressure during the operational period. Afterwards, a thermo-elastic axisymmetrical model is used to analytically determine the stress and displacement variations induced by temperature and air pressure. The developments of temperature, displacement and stress during a typical operational cycle are discussed on the basis of the proposed approach. The approach is subsequently verified with a coupled compressed air and thermo-mechanical numerical simulation and by a previous study on temperature. Finally, the influence of temperature on total stress and displacement and the impact of the heat transfer coefficient are discussed. This paper shows that the temperature sharply fluctuates only on the sealing layer and the concrete lining. The resulting tensile hoop stresses on the sealing layer and concrete lining are considerably large in comparison with the initial air pressure. Moreover, temperature has a non-negligible effect on the lined cavern for underground compressed air storage. Meanwhile, temperature has a greater effect on hoop and longitudinal stress than on radial stress and displacement. In addition, the heat transfer coefficient affects the cavern stress to a higher degree than the displacement.  相似文献   
研究膨胀石墨对模拟海水中重油的吸附热力学行为.结果表明:在293~308 K,含油量为2.172~18.11 mg·dm-3实验浓度范围内,膨胀石墨对模拟海水中重油的吸附是放热过程,吸附等温线符合Freundlich和Langmuir方程.根据热力学函数关系计算出膨胀石墨对模拟海水中重油的标准吸附焓变为-39.49 kJ·mol-1,标准吉布斯自由能变为-22.40~-23.50 kJ·mol-1,说明吸附过程可自发进行.  相似文献   
A constitutive model of rocks subjected to cyclic stress–temperature was proposed. Based on statistical damage theory, the damage constitutive model with Weibull distribution was extended. Influence of model parameters on the stress–strain curve for rock reloading after stress–temperature cycling was then discussed. The proposed model was initially validated by rock tests for cyclic stress–temperature and only cyclic stress. Finally, the total damage evolution induced by stress–temperature cycling and reloading after cycling was explored and discussed. The proposed constitutive model is reasonable and applicable, describing well the stress–strain relationship during stress–temperature cycles and providing a good fit to the test results. Elastic modulus in the reference state and the damage induced by cycling affect the shape of reloading stress–strain curve. Total damage induced by cycling and reloading after cycling exhibits three stages: initial slow increase, mid-term accelerated increase, and final slow increase.  相似文献   
The Chinese Tianshan Orogen marks prolonged and complicated interactions between the southwestern Palaeo-Asian Ocean and surrounding blocks. New and previously published detrital zircon chronological data from modern and palaeo-river sands were compiled to reveal its tectonic evolution. It is characterized by predominant Palaeozoic as well as minor Mesozoic and Precambrian detrital zircon ages with a multimodal characteristic. The oldest Phanerozoic zircon population (peaking at 475 Ma) is a result of subduction and closure of the early Palaeozoic Terskey Ocean. However, the absence of this peak in the Chinese North and southern South Tianshan suggests that subductions of the North and South Tianshan oceans may not have initiated until the Late Ordovician with subsequent 460–390 and 360–320 Ma arc magmatism. Similar to the magmatic suite in classic collisional orogens, the youngest massive 320–270 Ma magmatism is suggested to be post-collisional. The North and South Tianshan oceans therefore probably had their closure to form the Chinese Tianshan Orogen during the late Carboniferous. The weak Mesozoic intra-plate magmatism further rejects a late Permian–Triassic Tianshan Orogen due to a lack of extensive syn- and post-collisional magmatism. Moreover, diverse Precambrian detrital zircon age patterns indicate that the surrounding blocks have distinct evolutionary processes with short-term amalgamation during the Meso- to Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
取代异噻唑啉酮类化合物抗菌活性的定量构效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用密度泛函理论(DFT)和逐步回归分析方法对具有抗菌活性的18种新合成的取代异噻唑啉酮类化合物进行了定量构效关系(QSAR)研究。在B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)水平上,对异噻唑啉酮类化合物进行了构型全优化,并提取部分量子化学参数,通过逐步多元回归分析,筛选了影响抗菌活性的主要因素,建立了定量构效关系方程。结果表明,C(5)的亲核电子密度fCN(5)与S(1)-N(2)的键级BS(1)-N(2),是影响异噻唑啉酮类化合物抗大肠杆菌活性的主要因素,所得QSAR模型对该类化合物抗菌活性有较好的预测效果。  相似文献   
使用γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA)、氯化钾和5-羟色胺,进行羊鲍(Haliotis ovina)幼虫存活、附着和变态过程中的诱导实验。结果表明,γ-氨基丁酸对羊鲍幼虫存活、附着及变态都有促进作用。γ-氨基丁酸浓度为10–4mol/L时处理72h的附着率(26.27%)和变态率(22.26%)高于其他组别, 10–6mol/L处理72h存活率(30.84%)高于其他组别。氯化钾能在高浓度(10–2—10–3mol/L)下诱导附着,而对变态和存活没有影响。氯化钾浓度为10–3mol/L处理时间为24h和72h的附着率高于其他组别,分别为11.3%和16.4%。5-羟色胺可诱导附着和变态,对幼虫的存活无影响或有抑制作用。5-羟色胺浓度为10–5mol/L处理72h的附着率(20.73%)和变态率(20.18%)高于其他组别。因此,γ-氨基丁酸可作为羊鲍育种培育过程的有效诱导剂,可以应用推广于羊鲍幼虫的培育过程乃至大规模生产养殖中。  相似文献   
应用Lane-Emden方程分析下月幔厚度与月核半径大小   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文中取圈层结构和球对称形态为月球的基本结构假设,并以月球平均密度和无量纲惯性矩作为约束,数值求解月球Lane-Emden方程,得到下月幔厚度和月核大小的变化范围.结果表明月核的密度在4.7 ~7.0 g/cm3范围内变化时,月核半径的变化范围为704~356 km,相应的月幔厚度的变化范围约为33~381 km,月核占月球总质量的百分比在0.6%~7%之间变化.所得结果可为后续的关于月球内部结构的研究提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
Conventional f?x empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is an effective random noise attenuation method for use with seismic profiles mainly containing horizontal events. However, when a seismic event is not horizontal, the use of f?x EMD is harmful to most useful signals. Based on the framework of f?x EMD, this study proposes an improved denoising approach that retrieves lost useful signals by detecting effective signal points in a noise section using local similarity and then designing a weighting operator for retrieving signals. Compared with conventional f?x EMD, f?x predictive filtering, and f?x empirical mode decomposition predictive filtering, the new approach can preserve more useful signals and obtain a relatively cleaner denoised image. Synthetic and field data examples are shown as test performances of the proposed approach, thereby verifying the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   
构造楔形体的形成需要两个条件,一是两条相互连接的断层,二是这两条断层的位移传递方向相反。当反向传递的位移量切割了上覆地层,通常在楔形体前翼形成具指示意义的背斜构造,此类背斜可作为判断深部构造楔形体存在的直接依据。准噶尔盆地南缘3排背斜内带的构造楔形体模式非常典型,并表现为“混序”的特征。在山前深部楔形体沿侏罗系西山窑组煤层向北扩展过程中,部分位移量沿构造楔顶部的反冲断层向南消减,并切割上覆地层形成第一排背斜带,另一部分位移量则继续向北传递,在断坡位置引发褶皱变形,形成第二排和第三排背斜带。在总位移量保持稳定的前提下,这3排背斜带在走向上的此消彼长反映了位移量在南、北两个方向上的转换。准噶尔盆地南缘第二、三排背斜带中-新生界内部发育多个小型的构造楔形体,这些互相叠置的楔形构造横向延伸不大,但有可能构成独立的成藏系统,具有不同的油气水特征,从而造成同一个背斜带不同部位的含油气性迥异。在油气勘探中应通过加强地震采集、处理和解释攻关,力求精细刻画各个楔形构造在三维空间的展布,再针对已落实的楔形体展开钻探。  相似文献   
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