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Identification of spatial and spatiotemporal precipitation variations plays an important role in different hydrological applications such as missing data estimation. In this paper, the results of Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) and ordinary kriging (OK) are compared for modeling spatial and spatiotemporal variations of annual precipitation with and without incorporating elevation variations. The study area of this research is Namak Lake watershed located in the central part of Iran with an area of approximately 90,000 km2. The BME and OK methods have been used to model the spatial and spatiotemporal variations of precipitation in this watershed, and their performances have been evaluated using cross-validation statistics. The results of the case study have shown the superiority of BME over OK in both spatial and spatiotemporal modes. The results have shown that BME estimates are less biased and more accurate than OK. The improvements in the BME estimates are mostly related to incorporating hard and soft data in the estimation process, which resulted in more detailed and reliable results. Estimation error variance for BME results is less than OK estimations in the study area in both spatial and spatiotemporal modes.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans are one of the most important landforms in geomorphological and paloenvironmental studies. The objective of this study was the application of clay mineral assemblages and micromorphological properties of the studied paleosols in the geomorphic surfaces of an alluvial fan in the eastern Isfahan as proxies for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes. Micromorphology, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy approaches were used to study the representative pedons. The results indicated that the illuviation process in the calcareous soils of the arid regions of the eastern Isfahan was probably in response to Quaternary moist conditions. There was no significant difference between clay coating properties of the studied relict and buried paleosols. Clay mineralogical study suggested that kaolinite and illite were inherited from the parent materials, while smectite and palygorskite were formed in the soil environment. Paleoargillic horizon was characterized by smectite and calcic (especially the calcrete) horizons were dominated by palygorskite. Palygorskite was accumulated by both neoformation and illuviation processes. High clay content, high intensity of smectite peak, and activity of the illuviation process in paleoargillic horizon demonstrated the seasonality of climate (rainfall) even in the moist periods of Quaternary in Central Iran. Clay mineralogical assemblages suggested a trend of increasing environmental aridity in the study area. This study, therefore, highlighted the role of clay mineralogical investigations in arid lands’ geomorphological and paleoenvironmental researches.  相似文献   
Vegetation indices have been introduced for analyzing and assessing the status of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of vegetation using satellite images. However, choosing the best indices to be used in forest biodiversity and vegetation is one of the important problems faced by the users. The purpose of this research is to evaluate six vegetation indices in the analysis of tree species diversity in the northern forests of Iran. The present research uses LISS III sensor data from IRS-P6 satellite. Geometric rectification of images was performed using ground control points, and Chavez model was used for atmospheric correction of the data. The six spectral vegetation indices included NDVI, IPVI, Ashburn Vegetation Index (AVI), TVI, TTVI, and RVI. Shannon–Wiener species diversity index was used to analyze diversity, and the value of the index was calculated in each sample plot. Then, the spectral values of each sample plot were extracted from different bands. The best subset regression was used to analyze the relationship between species diversity and the related bands. The results obtained from the regression showed that polynomial equations under scrutiny as independent variables can assess tree and shrub species diversity better than other bands and compounds used (R 2?=?0.47). The obtained results also indicated a higher capacity in the case of the AVI index for estimating tree species diversity in the under study area.  相似文献   
Recent earthquake case histories have revealed the liquefaction of mixtures of sand and fine particles during earthquakes. Different from earlier studies which placed an emphasis on characterisation of liquefaction in terms of the induced shear stress required to cause liquefaction, this study adopted a strain approach because excess pore-water pressure generation is controlled mainly by the level of induced shear strains. The current study includes the results of a set of laboratory tests carried out on sand specimens with the same relative densities and variation in the plastic fines (kaolinite or bentonite) contents ranging from 0 to either 30 % and consolidated at mean confining pressure of 100, 200 and 300 kPa using static triaxial test apparatus, in order to study the influence of fine content and other parameters on the undrained shear strength and liquefaction potential of clayey sand specimens; also, pore-water pressures in the specimens are discussed. Results of tests show that the peak strength decreases as the fines (kaolinite or bentonite) content increases up to a threshold content of fines (FCth) after which, increases in plastic fine content lead to improve the peak shear strength of specimens, and also the ultimate steady-state strength has been improved due to the increased in plastic fines content. Also, pore pressure build-up in clayey sands is generally slower than that observed in pure sand.  相似文献   
In this paper, the shear strength of saturated pure sand and sand–silt mixture is evaluated by monotonic undrained triaxial tests that were carried out on reconstituted specimens at same relative densities and a constant confining pressure (σ 3?=?300 kPa). The test results were used to conclude on the effect of low non-plastic contents (0–20 %) and grading characteristics on the liquefaction resistance of the sand. The test results indicate that the undrained residual strength reduced with the increase of non-plastic fine content. Also, shear strength of gap-graded sand mixed with low non-plastic fine content increases with decrease in effective size (D 50). In other words, in this state, we can use the D 50 as a parameter to control of silty sand’s undrained resistance. Besides, the undrained residual strength of pure sand specimens with same effective size increases due to increase of coefficient of uniformity (C u).  相似文献   
Previous researches concerning the behavior of sand mixed with non-plastic fine show that the void ratio related to sand grains (ec) plays a more important role in comparison with the total void ratio, where soil undrained resistance will be improved due to increase in FC at the constant ec. In spite of this fact, the recent works indicate that ec is unable to show perfectly the role of the non-plastic fines that are in voids between sand grains. For this reason, an equivalent void ratio (ec)eq has been defined that takes into account the non-plastic fine participation ratio in the soil bearing skeleton. In the present work, the generality of the expression of (ec)eq is verified. For this, a set of static undrained triaxial tests were performed. The results of tests indicate that the undrained behavior of a given sand mixed with different percentages of non-plastic fine can be described by (ec)eq. But if the grading curves of sand change, we cannot find a logic retention between (ec)eq and undrained resistance of soil, unless the physical and mechanical characteristics of soil are well introduced in expression of (ec)eq.  相似文献   
In this study,a new analytical approach is developed to analyze the free nonlinear vibration of conservative two-degree-of-freedom(TDOF) systems.The mathematical models of these systems are governed by second–order nonlinear partial differential equations.Nonlinear differential equations were transferred into a single equation by using some intermediate variables.The single nonlinear differential equations are solved by using the first order of the Hamiltonian approach(HA).Different parameters,which have a significant impact on the response of the systems,are considered and discussed.Some comparisons are presented to verify the results between the Hamiltonian approach and the exact solution.The maximum relative error is less than 2.2124 % for large amplitudes of vibration.It has been established that the first iteration of the Hamiltonian approach achieves very accurate results,does not require any small perturbations,and can be used for a wide range of nonlinear problems.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition of the interdependencies among the supply systems that rely upon food, water and energy. Billions of people lack safe and sufficient access to these systems, coupled with a rapidly growing global demand and increasing resource constraints. Modeling frameworks are considered one of the few means available to understand the complex interrelationships among the sectors, however development of nexus related frameworks has been limited. We describe three open-source models well known in their respective domains (i.e. TerrSysMP, WOFOST and SWAT) where components of each if combined could help decision-makers address the nexus issue. We propose as a first step the development of simple workflows utilizing essential variables and addressing components of the above-mentioned models which can act as building-blocks to be used ultimately in a comprehensive nexus model framework. The outputs of the workflows and the model framework are designed to address the SDGs.  相似文献   
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