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Nishinoshima, a submarine volcano in the Ogasawara Arc, approximately 1 000 km south of Tokyo, Japan, suddenly erupted in November 2013, after 40 years of dormancy. Olivine‐bearing phenocryst‐poor andesites found in older submarine lavas from the flanks of the volcano have been used to develop a model for the genesis of andesitic lavas from Nishinoshima. In this model, primary andesite magmas originate directly from the mantle as a result of shallow and hydrous melting of plagioclase peridotites. Thus, it only operates beneath Nishinoshima and submarine volcanoes in the Ogasawara Arc and other oceanic arcs, where the crust is thin. The primary magma compositions have changed from basalt, produced at considerable depth, to andesite, produced beneath the existing thinner crust at this location in the arc. This reflects the thermal and mechanical evolution of the mantle wedge and the overlying lithosphere. It is suggested that continental crust‐like andesitic magma builds up beneath submarine volcanoes on thin arc lithosphere today, and has built up beneath such volcanoes in the past. Andesites produced by this shallow and hydrous melting of the mantle could accumulate through collisions of plates to generate continental crust.  相似文献   
We investigate the outflow propagation in the collapsar in the context of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with 2D relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. We vary the specific internal energy and bulk Lorentz factor of the injected outflow from non-relativistic regime to relativistic one, fixing the power of the outflow to be 1051erg s−1. We observed the collimated outflow, when the Lorentz factor of the injected outflow is roughly greater than 2. To the contrary, when the velocity of the injected outflow is slower, the expanding outflow is observed. The transition from collimated jet to expanding outflow continuously occurs by decreasing the injected velocity. Different features of the dynamics of the outflows would cause the difference between the GRBs and similar phenomena, such as, X-ray flashes.  相似文献   
The arc-front volcanoes of Sumisu (31·5°N, 140°E)and Torishima (30·5°N, 140·3°E) in thecentral Izu–Bonin arc are similar in size and rise asrelatively isolated edifices from the seafloor. Together theyprovide valuable along-arc information about magma generationprocesses. The volcanoes have erupted low-K basalts originatingfrom both wet and dry parental basaltic magmas (low-Zr basaltsand high-Zr basalts, respectively). Based on models involvingfluid-immobile incompatible element ratios (La/Sm), the parentalbasalts appear to result from different degrees of partial meltingof the same source mantle (20% and 10% for wet and dry basaltmagmas, respectively). Assuming that the wet basalts containgreater abundances of slab-derived components than their drycounterparts, geochemical comparison of these two basalt typespermits the identification of the specific elements involvedin fluid transport from the subducting slab. Using an extensiveset of new geochemical data from Torishima, where the top ofthe downgoing slab is about 100 km deep, we find that Cs, Pb,and Sr are variably enriched in the low-Zr basalts, which cannotbe accounted for by fractional crystallization or by differencesin the degree of mantle melting. These elements are interpretedto be selectively concentrated in slab-derived metasomatic fluids.Variations in K, high field strength element and rare earthelement concentrations are readily explained by variations inthe degree of melting between the low- and high-Zr basalts;these elements are not contained in the slab-derived fluids.Rb and Ba exhibit variable behaviour in the low-Zr basalts,ranging from immobile, similar to K, to mildly enriched in somelow-Zr basalts. We suggest that the K-rich mica, phengite, playsan important role in determining the composition of fluids releasedfrom the downgoing slab. In arc-front settings, where slab depthis 100 km, phengite is stable, and the fluids released fromthe slab contain little K. In back-arc settings, however, wherethe slab is at 100–140 km depth, phengite is unstable,and K-rich fluids are released. We conclude that cross-arc variationsin the K content of arc basalts are probably related to differingcompositions of released fluids or melts rather than the widelyheld view that such variations are controlled by the degreeof partial melting. KEY WORDS: arc volcano; degrees of melting; mantle wedge; water; wet and dry basalts  相似文献   
A previously unknown amber‐bearing bed in the Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, northeastern Japan, was deposited within a sequence that contains abundant marine macrofossils and wave‐generated sedimentary structures that suggest deposition in an open shallow marine environment. How the amber was transported from its terrestrial origin to the marine environment is unclear, but sedimentary gravity flow is a strong candidate. Our observations suggest that the occurrence of amber clasts in sediments deposited in open and closed shallow marine environments is not uncommon. Thus, in addition to terrestrial sediments, sediments of marine origin have potential as targets for amber exploration.  相似文献   
Measurements of thickness and grain size along flow‐parallel transects across onshore deposits of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami revealed macroscopic horizontal variations and provided new insights into tsunami sedimentation. The tsunami caused severe erosion of beaches, river mouths, and the shallow seafloor along the coast of southwestern Thailand and supplied sufficient sediment to deposit a kilometer‐wide blanket of sand on the land surface. The tsunami deposits generally fine landward with some fluctuations caused by local entrainment and settlement of sediments. Sediments of medium and fine sand are restricted to a few hundreds of meters inland from their source, whereas finer grained sediments were suspended longer and deposited 1 km or more inland. Although the thickness of the tsunami deposits is strongly influenced by local topography, they generally thin landward. In areas of low‐relief topography, the rate of landward thinning is exponential and reflects the dominance of sediment supply to nearshore areas over that to areas farther inland.  相似文献   
The southernmost Mariana forearc stretched to accommodate opening of the Mariana Trough backarc basin in late Neogene time, erupting basalts at 3.7–2.7 Ma that are now exposed in the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift (SEMFR). Today, SEMFR is a broad zone of extension that formed on hydrated, forearc lithosphere and overlies the shallow subducting slab (slab depth ≤ 30–50 km). It comprises NW–SE trending subparallel deeps, 3–16 km wide, that can be traced ≥ ∼30 km from the trench almost to the backarc spreading center, the Malaguana‐Gadao Ridge (MGR). While forearcs are usually underlain by serpentinized harzburgites too cold to melt, SEMFR crust is mostly composed of Pliocene, low‐K basaltic to basaltic andesite lavas that are compositionally similar to arc lavas and backarc basin (BAB) lavas, and thus defines a forearc region that recently witnessed abundant igneous activity in the form of seafloor spreading. SEMFR igneous rocks have low Na8, Ti8, and Fe8, consistent with extensive melting, at ∼23 ± 6.6 km depth and 1239 ± 40°C, by adiabatic decompression of depleted asthenospheric mantle metasomatized by slab‐derived fluids. Stretching of pre‐existing forearc lithosphere allowed BAB‐like mantle to flow along the SEMFR and melt, forming new oceanic crust. Melts interacted with pre‐existing forearc lithosphere during ascent. The SEMFR is no longer magmatically active and post‐magmatic tectonic activity dominates the rift.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - We examine ultramafic and olivine-rich troctolite blocks of the East Taiwan Ophiolite (ETO) in the Lichi Mélange. Although ultramafic rocks are extensively...  相似文献   
Amongst island arcs, Izu–Bonin is remarkable as it has widespread, voluminous and long-lived volcanism behind the volcanic front. In the central part of the arc this volcanism is represented by a series of seamount chains which extend nearly 300 km into the back-arc from the volcanic front. These back-arc seamount chains were active between 17 and 3 Ma, which is the period between the cessation of spreading in the Shikoku Basin and the initiation of currently active rifting just behind the Quaternary volcanic front. In this paper we present new age, chemical and isotopic data from the hitherto unexplored seamounts which formed furthest from the active volcanic front. Some of the samples come from volcanoes at the western limit of the back-arc seamount chains. Others are collected from seamounts of various sizes which lie on the Shikoku Basin crust (East Shikoku Basin seamounts). The westernmost magmatism we have sampled is manifested as a series of volcanic edifices that trace the extinct spreading centre of the Shikoku Basin known as the Kinan Seamount Chain (KSC).Chemically, enrichment in fluid-mobile elements and depletion in HFSE relative to MORB indicates that the back-arc seamount chains and the East Shikoku Basin seamounts have a significant contribution of slab-derived material. In this context these volcanoes can be regarded as a manifestation of arc magmatism and distinct from the MORB-like lavas of the Shikoku back-arc basin. 40Ar/39Ar ages range from 15.7 to 9.6 Ma for the East Shikoku Basin seamounts, indicating this arc magmatism started immediately after the Shikoku Basin stopped spreading.Although the KSC volcanoes are found to be contemporaneous with the seamount chains and East Shikoku Basin seamounts, their chemical characteristics are very different. Unlike the calc-alkaline seamount chains, the KSC lavas range from medium-K to shoshonitic alkaline basalt. Their trace element characteristics indicate the absence of a subduction influence and their radiogenic isotope systematics reflect a mantle source combining a Philippine Sea MORB composition and an enriched mantle component (EM-1). One of the most remarkable features of the KSC is that their geochemistry has a distinct temporal variation. Element ratios such as Nb/Zr and concentrations of incompatible elements such as K2O increase with decreasing age and reach a maximum at ca. 7 Ma when the KSC ceased activity.Based on the chemical and temporal information from all the data across the back-arc region, we have identified two contrasting yet contemporaneous magmatic provinces. These share a tectonic platform, but have separate magmatic roots; one stemming from subduction flux and the other from post-spreading asthenospheric melting.  相似文献   
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