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Headcut is a change in stream channel elevation, where there is concentrated flow. Most of the past studies focus on non-cohesive soils, although many problems on the streams occur because of cohesive beds and banks. In this study, eight samples of cohesive soils, with a different composition of silt and clay, for different waterfall heights and flow velocity under long- and short-term natural consolidation conditions were tested. In one of the tests, a sand layer was settled on the headcut bed to investigate its impact on headcut erosion. By increasing clay content, the headcut will remain vertical as it moves backward. Result showed that the effect of clay content reduction was more noticeable under the long-term consolidation condition. In general, the effect of clay percentage variation on the measured parameters is much higher than the effects of waterfall height or flow velocity, and the effect of consolidation type and adding a sand layer on the measured values is much higher than the effect of clay percentage variation on the waterfall height and flow velocity.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration estimation is of crucial importance in arid and hyper-arid regions, which suffer from water shortage, increasing dryness and heat. A modeling study is reported here to cross-station assessment between hyper-arid and humid conditions. The derived equations estimate ET0 values based on temperature-, radiation-, and mass transfer-based configurations. Using data from two meteorological stations in a hyper-arid region of Iran and two meteorological stations in a humid region of Spain, different local and cross-station approaches are applied for developing and validating the derived equations. The comparison of the gene expression programming (GEP)-based-derived equations with corresponding empirical-semi empirical ET0 estimation equations reveals the superiority of new formulas in comparison with the corresponding empirical equations. Therefore, the derived models can be successfully applied in these hyper-arid and humid regions as well as similar climatic contexts especially in data-lack situations. The results also show that when relying on proper input configurations, cross-station might be a promising alternative for locally trained models for the stations with data scarcity.

Headcut, known as knickpoint migration too, is developed due to sudden change in channel bed followed by bed scour and erosion which progressing upstream. The results are the downstream morphological change and transporting massive sediment to the downstream reservoir. Most of the past studies focus on non-cohesive soils, although many problems occur because of cohesive soils. In this study, 10 different samples of cohesive soils in long term consolidation with different composition of silt and clay were tested under different circumstances of waterfall height and flow velocity to investigate the neck migration rate and the sediment yield. Tests were continued to reach a constant migration rate. One of the effective phenomena in all tests was tensional cracks on soil surface. The size and number of these cracks have inverse relation with percent of clay. Because of these cracks, massive erosion occurs at the beginning of all tests. By reducing percent of clay, headcut, waterfall height and sediment yield were increased and by reducing waterfall height and flow velocity these parameters were reduced. In lower percent of clay, headcut erosion will occur quickly with more slants. Caving phenomenon was not observed in any tests and massive erosion rate was more quickly.  相似文献   
In this research, the equilibrium sorption of Zn(II) and Cu(II) by kaolinite was explained using the Freundlich, Langmuir and Redlich–Peterson isotherms, via both linear and non-linear regression analyses. In the case of non-linear regression method, the best-fitting model was evaluated using six different error functions, namely coefficient of determination (r 2), hybrid fractional error function (HYBRID), Marquardt’s percent standard deviation (MPSD), average relative error (ARE), sum of the errors squared (SSE) and sum of the absolute errors (EABS). The examination of error estimation methods showed that the Langmuir model provides the best fit for the experimental equilibrium data for both linear and non-linear regression analyses. The SSE function was found to be a better option to minimize the error distribution between the experimental equilibrium data and predicted two-parameter isotherms. In the case of three-parameter isotherm, HYBRID was found to be the best error function to minimize the error distribution structure between experimental equilibrium data and theoretical isotherms. Non-linear method was found to be more appropriate method for estimating the isotherm parameters.  相似文献   
The south Ardestan plutonic rocks constitute major outcrops in the central part of Iran’s Cenozoic magmatic belt and encompass a wide compositional spectrum from gabbro to granodiorite. U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) dating of zircon three granodiorites yielded ages of 24.6 ± 0.1, 24.6 ± 0.1, and 24.5 ± 0.1 Ma. For tonalitic rocks, internal Rb–Sr isochron ages (biotite, feldspars) indicate cooling ages of 20.4 ± 0.1, 20.5 ± 0.1, and 22.3 ± 0.1 Ma, which are slightly younger than the zircons’ ages. The limited variations in their Sr–Nd isotope ratios indicate derivation from an asthenospheric mantle source. A geodynamic model is presented in which late Oligocene–Miocene rollback of the Neotethyan subducting slab triggered asthenospheric upwelling and partial melting in the south Ardestan. These melts were subsequently modified through fractional crystallization and minor crustal contamination en-route to the surface. Plagioclase + orthopyroxene-dominated fractional crystallization accounts for differentiation of gabbro to gabbroic diorite, whereas fractionation of clinopyroxene, titanomagnetite, and orthopyroxene led to differentiation of gabbroic diorite to diorite. Amphibole fractionation at deeper levels led to the development of tonalites.  相似文献   
Water Resources - Dez River in Iran is a long river and has generally good-quality water. Unfortunately, in this river water quality has decreased over recent years due to drought, industrial and...  相似文献   

The Tafresh plutons that include Ahmadabab diorite, Vasfonjerd monzonite, Mehrezamin diorite and Chahak diorite, located to the east of Tafresh city, north-central Iran, are part of Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc. U-Pb dating of zircon grains provides emplacement ages of 22.3 ± 1 Ma for the Ahmadabad diorite, and tightly clustered ages of 22.2 ± 0.2 Ma, 21.3 ± 0.2 Ma, and 21.7 ± 0.4 Ma for Vasfonjerd monzodiorite, Mehrezamin diorite-monzonite, and Chahak diorite-monzonite plutons, respectively. These rocks are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, calc-alkaline, and characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements, Nb-Ta negative anomalies, and high LILE/HFSE ratios. Tafresh plutonic rocks originated from a parental magma source and experienced different degrees of partial melting. Geochemical signatures of Tafresh plutonic rocks, such as a wide range of Y/Nb (2.7–8.4) and low Zr/Nb (19.5–35.) ratios, Nb/Ta (11.46–18.15), argue for mantle–crust interaction during generation of Tafresh magmas. Relatively low Nb/La ratios further indicate that the lithospheric mantle played a significant role in melt generation. HREE signatures (i.e. decrease Dy/Yb with increasing SiO2) preclude substantial involvement of garnet either in the residue, both during partial melting and fractionation of the magma. The plutons are a product of final stages of subduction-related magmatism prior to the collision between the Arabian and Eurasian tectonic plates.  相似文献   
In most large and fast growing urban areas, finding suitable lands for construction of landfill is one of the serious problems in environmental management. Land fill site selection process depends on different factors, regulations and constraints. Ignoring each of these parameters may cause miscalculations and lead to selection of an inappropriate landfill site which could have negative environmental, economical, and ecological impacts. Therefore, this process must be accomplished by taking into account all of the related criterions and variables. In this study, landfill site selection is performed by combining geographic information system (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in Hamedan province, west of Iran. In relation to landfill site selection, ten different criteria including Geology, surface water, aquifer, land use, elevation, slope, and distance to main roads, residential areas, faults and sinkholes were investigated. Using AHP each criterion was weighted, then geographic information system (Arc GIS 9.3 software) was used to manipulate and present spatial data. Finally, suitability map was prepared by overlay analyses and most suitable and suitable areas were identified and checked in field. The results indicate that 60.4 % of the area in the Hamedan province (11,631 km2) is unsuitable, 33 % (6,257.7 km2) moderately suitable and 6.6 % (1,344 km2) most suitable for construction of landfill.  相似文献   
The probable maximum precipitation which is defined as the maximum precipitation at a particular location for a given duration is used as a design criterion for major dams. The assumptions of deterministic consideration and an upper limit to probable maximum precipitation have been repeatedly criticized by hydrologists. Nowadays, multifractal method which strongly contains physical bases can be used to improve the probable maximum precipitation. In this research, the universal multifractal model was used to estimate the design probable maximum precipitation for specified exceedence probability in basin of Bakhtiari Dam, southwest Iran, and its results were compared with statistical and synoptically methods. The results revealed that the return period of statistical and synoptically probable maximum precipitation, estimated for the different durations, are about 109 and 103–104 years, respectively; also, over periods ranging from 1 to 7 days, the ratios of design probable maximum precipitations, estimated based on multifractal method for return period of 103–109 years, to statistical and synoptically probable maximum precipitation estimates ranged from 0.61 to 1.1 and 1.33 to 2.37, respectively. These results indicated that the multifractal method can be used to reasonably estimate the probable maximum precipitation.  相似文献   
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