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Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameters were carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during the Pearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measured using an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient for wet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorption coefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from the atmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosol scattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition, relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particle chemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosol scattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory for internally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparing the measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ optical instruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics. Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and is appropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
In the Saemangeum area, construction of a dike began in 1991 and was completed in 2006; desalination is currently being conducted. In order to investigate  相似文献   
Eclogites from the North Qilian suture zone are high‐pressure low‐temperature metamorphic rocks of ocean crust protolith, and occur in both massive and foliated varieties as individual blocks of tens to hundreds of metres in size. The massive type is weakly deformed and shows granoblastic texture characterized by a coarse‐grained peak mineral assemblage of Grt1 + Omp1 + Ph + Rt ± Lws (or retrograde Cz). In contrast, the foliated type is strongly deformed and shows a fine‐grained retrograde mineral assemblage of Grt2 + Omp2 + Cz + Gln + Ph. Both total FeO and aegirine contents in omphacite, as well as XFe[=Fe3+/(Fe3+ + AlVI)] in clinozoisite/epidote, increase significantly from massive to foliated eclogites. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of omphacite, determined by electron back‐scatter diffraction analysis, is characterized by weak and strong SL‐type fabrics for massive and foliated eclogites, respectively. Clinozoisite/epidote also developed SL‐type fabric, but different from the LPOs of omphacite in <010> and <001> axes, owing to their opposite crystallographic long and short axis definitions. The transition of deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to diffusive mass transfer (DMT) creep in omphacite and the concomitant retrograde metamorphism both are efficiently facilitated when the original coarse‐grained Omp1 + Grt1 + Lws assemblage is dynamically recrystallized and retrogressed into the fine‐grained Fe3+‐rich assemblage of Omp2 + Grt2 + Cz + Gln. The DMT process with concomitant anisotropic growth assisted by fluids is considered to be an important deformation mechanism for most minerals in the foliated eclogite. P–T estimates yielded 2.3–2.6 GPa and 485?510 °C for the massive eclogite and 1.8–2.2 GPa and 450?480 °C for the foliated eclogite. The significant increase in total Fe and Fe3+ contents in omphacite and clinozoisite/epidote from massive to foliated eclogite suggests changes in mineral compositions accompanied by an increase in oxygen fugacity during ductile deformation associated with exhumation. The LPO transition of omphacite, clinozoisite and rutile from weak SL‐type in massive eclogites to strong SL‐type in foliated eclogites is interpreted to represent the increment of shear strain during exhumation along the ‘subduction channel’.  相似文献   
Abstract: A total of 16 specimens of fossil-winged fruits were found from the Middle Miocene marine deposits, Duho Formation, Pohang Basin, Korea. They were identified into two structurally different groups: 15 specimens into a winged fruit of Fraxinus, and one specimen of Liriodendron. The most samaras (13 specimens) were identified as Fraxinus oishii, which is characterized by narrowly ovate or ovate–elliptic shapes that are 2.7–3.6 cm in length and 0.7–1 cm in width (l/w ratio=3.4–4). The apexes of the Fraxinus oishii samara are round or slightly emarginated, and a seed of the samara is always located at the base, of which the general shape is narrow rhombic-ellipsoidal. The seed is 1.2–2 cm long and 0.5–0.7 cm wide. Two specimens are different from the samara of Fraxinus oishii. They have a 6.6 length/width ratio (3.3 cm long and 0.5 cm wide), and thus, are temporarily classified into the Fraxinus sp. One specimen was recognized as a winged seed of Liriodendron meisenense. The wing is broadly lanceolate to elliptic in shape, has a smooth, acute apex, and is approximately 3 cm long and 0.7 cm wide. Samaras of Fraxinus oishii and Liriodendron meisenense were early reported from the Middle Miocene deposits from North Korea, but these specimens are the first discovery in South Korea. Further study of the Duho Formation may connect flora relationships between North and South Korea.  相似文献   
A small goby, Trimma grammistes, was described in detail as the first reliable record from Korea based on 10 specimens (27.8~34.0 mm SL) collected from the coastal waters of Jeju Island. The species is easily differentiated from congeners by having no scales on the predorsal region, VI-I, 10 dorsal fin rays modally, I, 10 anal fin rays, 18 pectoral fin rays, 27~30 longitudinal scales as well as two dark longitudinal bands on the body.  相似文献   
Record-breaking high waves occurred during the passage of the typhoon Bolaven (1215) (TYB) in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea (YS) although its intensity did not reach the level of a super typhoon. Winds and directional wave measurements were made using a range of in-situ instruments mounted on an ocean tower and buoys. In order to understand how such high waves with long duration occurred, analyses have been made through measurement and numerical simulations. TYB winds were generated using the TC96 typhoon wind model with the best track data calibrated with the measurements. And then the wind fields were blended with the reanalyzed synoptic-scale wind fields for a wave model. Wave fields were simulated using WAM4.5 with adjustment of Cd for gust of winds and bottom friction for the study area. Thus the accuracy of simulations is considerably enhanced, and the computed results are also in better agreement with measured data than before. It is found that the extremely high waves evolved as a result of the superposition of distant large swells and high wind seas generated by strong winds from the front/right quadrant of the typhoon track. As the typhoon moved at a speed a little slower than the dominant wave group velocity in a consistent direction for two days, the wave growth was significantly enhanced by strong wind input in an extended fetch and non-linear interaction.  相似文献   
Abstract— Calculations of the formation of seven types of chondrules in Semarkona from a gas of solar composition were performed with the FACT computer program to predict the chemistries of oxides (including silicates), developed by the authors and their colleagues. The constrained equilibrium theory was used in the calculations with two nucleation constraints suggested by nucleation theory. The first constraint was the blocking of Fe and other metal gaseous atoms from condensing to form solids or liquids because of very high surface free energies and high surface tensions of the solid and liquid metals, respectively. The second constraint was the blocking of the condensation of solids and the formation of metastable liquid oxides (including silicates) well below their liquidus temperatures. Our laboratory experiments suggested subcooling of type IIA chondrule compositions of 400 degrees or more below the liquidus temperature. The blocking of iron leads to a supersaturation of Fe atoms, so that the partial pressure of Fe (pFe) is larger than the partial pressure at equilibrium (pFe(eq)). The supersaturation ratio S = pFe/pFe(eq) becomes larger than 1 and increases rapidly with a decrease in temperature. This drives the reaction Fe + H2O ? H2 + FeO to the right. With S = 100, the activity of FeO in the liquid droplet is 100 times as large as the value at equilibrium. The FeO activities are a function of temperature and provide relative average temperatures of the crystallization of chondrules. Our calculations for the LL3.0 chondrite Semarkona and our study of some non‐equilibrium effects lead to accurate representations of the compositions of chondrules of types IA, IAB, IB, IIA, IIAB, IIB, and CC. Our concepts readily explain both the variety of FeO concentrations in the different chondrule types and the entire process of chondrule formation. Our theory is unified and could possibly explain the formation of chondrules in all chondritic meteorites as well as provide a simple explanation for the complex chemistries of chondrites, and especially for type 3 chondrites.  相似文献   
To understand the deformation mechanism and seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in the Arctic, the deformation microstructures of olivine in the peridotite of Spitsbergen were studied. Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle can be explained mainly by the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. The LPOs of the olivine in the peridotites were determined using electron backscattered diffraction patterns. Eight specimens out of 10 showed that the [100] axis of the olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and that the (010) plane was subparallel to the foliation, showing a type A LPO. In the other two specimens the [100] axis of olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and both the [010] and [001] axes were distributed in a girdle nearly perpendicular to the lineation, showing a type D LPO. The dislocation density of the olivine in the samples showing a type D LPO was higher than that in the samples showing a type A LPO. The result of an Fourier transformation infrared study showed that both the types A and D samples were dry. These observations were in good agreement with a previous experimental study ( Tectonophysics , 421 , 2006, 1 ): samples showing a type D LPO for olivine were observed at a high stress condition and samples showing both types A and D LPO were deformed under dry condition. Observations of both strong LPOs and dislocations of olivine indicate that the peridotites studied were deformed by dislocation creep. The seismic anisotropy calculated from the LPOs of the olivine could be used to explain the seismic anisotropy of P - and S -waves in the lithospheric mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard.  相似文献   
本研究分析了2011年3月11日发生的Mw9.0日本东北地区太平洋近海地震对亚洲地区和韩国国内GPS卫星常年跟踪站的位移影响.为此,利用了日本东北地区太平洋近海地震发生前后两周(2011年3月4日到3月18日)的GPS站点数据,包括震中附近地区(韩国,中国,中国台湾地区,日本和俄罗斯)55个GPS卫星常年跟踪站和284个IGS全球跟踪站,并采用GAMIT/GL,OBK软件进行处理和平差,估算出所有GPS站点的同震形变.结果显示,日本东北地区太平洋近海地震引起的同震形变影响在亚洲地区比较明显,包括日本和附近国家,距离震中2702 km的中国武汉(WUHN)站也观测到同震形变.为精确分析日本东北地区太平洋近海地震对韩国国家大地控制网的影响.通过GAMIT/GLLOBK软件计算出韩国GPS卫星常年跟踪站之间的基线长度变形,并分析出弹性变形量.结果表明:大部分GPS站点均向震中方向膨胀,且向震中的垂直方向收缩,由日本东北地区太平洋近海地震导致的最大剪应变达到韩国国家大地控制网年均变形率的约7倍,对韩国的地壳产生14.5~57.7 mm的水平位移,并导致韩国国家大地控制网产生弹性变形,因此,在不及时更新维护韩国国家大地控制网的情况下,GPS测量成果将会发生最大20 mm的位置误差.  相似文献   
Using experimental results at 1·0 GPa for the systemsCaO–SiO2, MgO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4,and all the currently available phase equilibria and thermodynamicdata at 1 bar, we have optimized the thermodynamic propertiesof the liquid phase at 1·0 GPa. The new optimized thermodynamicparameters indicate that pressure has little effect on the topologyof the CaO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2, and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4systems but a pronounced one on the MgO–SiO2 binary. Themost striking change concerns passage of the MgSiO3 phase fromperitectic melting at 1 bar to eutectic melting at 1·0GPa. This transition is estimated to occur at 0·41 GPa.For the CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries,the size of the field clinopyroxene + liquid increases withincreasing pressure. This change is related to the shift ofthe piercing points clinopyroxene + silica + liquid (from 0·375mol fraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·414 at 1·0 GPa)and clinopyroxene + olivine + liquid (from 0·191 molfraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·331 at 1·0 GPa) thatbound the clinopyroxene + liquid field in the CaMgSi2O6·SiO2and CaMgSi2O6·Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries, respectively. KEY WORDS: CaO–SiO2; CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4; CaMgSi2O6–SiO2; experiments; MgO–SiO2  相似文献   
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