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The study of REE distribution in the clay fraction of sedimentary rocks from two coalfields made it possible to distinguish several types of REE distribution, which correlate with their mineral composition. It is shown that the REE fractionation was related to the mineral reconstruction of the primary clay fraction and some detrital minerals in the course of postsedimentary transformations of rocks during diagenesis, early catagenesis, and beginning of late catagenesis. These transformations were governed by several factors, such as the composition of sediments; hydrochemical features of accumulation environment; the chemical composition, dynamics, and feeding sources of pore solutions; the porosity and permeability of sediments and rocks; and the content of organic matter and its reaction ability.  相似文献   
Original data and a survey of the literature indicate that Au and Au-PGE mineralization are abundant in coal measures. Anomalous contents of noble metals have been established in basins with various types of basement, composed of granite, volcanic rocks, schist, and limestone. These basins are located in Au-and PGE-bearing ore districts, as well as at a considerable distance from known ore deposits and occurrences. Ore formation in coal-bearing basins may occur during sedimentation, peat accumulation, and diagenesis of organic matter or may be epigenetic. Noble metals are supplied to sedimentary basins as minerals that are transported by water and air and as ion species migrating along with surface and subsurface in-and exfiltration solutions of various chemical and genetic types. Ore mineralization concentrates in coal seams and host sedimentary beds of various grain size, including conglomerate, sand, and clay, as well as in zones of hydrothermal alteration superimposed on basement rocks and the sedimentary cover. The mode of occurrence of noble metals in coal basins is diverse as well (noble metal minerals, isomorphic admixtures in sulfides, and organic compounds). The data presented allow coal-bearing basins to be regarded as promising for economic noble metal mineralization fit for recovery as by-products in the course of coal mining.  相似文献   
A new method for primary evaluation of REE ore is based on classification of REE by the level of demand from industry. For their primary evaluation, it is proposed to use an outlook coefficient (Koutl) for REE ores, which is a ratio of the relative amount of critical REE to the relative amount of excess REE: Koutl= (Nd + Eu + Tb + Dy + Er + Y)/REE sum: (Ce + Ho + Tm + Yb + Lu)/REE sum. The use of this coefficient for comparison of REE ores pertaining to various genetic types makes it possible not only to grade newly discovered deposits at the early stage of their study but also to evaluate a possible contribution of well-known deposits, including those currently mined, to output of REE.  相似文献   
Results of the study of a new Ge-bearing area of the Pavlovka brown coal deposit are presented. Ge is accumulated in bed III2 lying at the bottom of the Late Paleogene-Early Neogene coal-bearing sequence adjacent to the Middle Paleozoic granite basement. The Ge content in coals and coal-bearing rocks varies in different sections from 10 to 200–250 ppm, reaching up to 500–600 ppm in the highest-grade lower part of the bed. The metalliferous area reveals a geochemical zoning: complex Ge-Mo-W anomalies subsequently grades along the depth and strike into Mo-W and W anomalies. Orebodies, like those at many Ge-bearing coal deposits, are concentric in plan and dome-shaped in cross-section. Coals in their central parts, in addition to Ge, W, and Mo, are enriched in U, As, Be, Ag, and Au. Distribution of Ge and other trace elements in the metalliferous sequence and products of gravity separation of Ge-bearing coals is studied. These data indicate that most elements (W, Mo, U, As, Be) concentrated like Ge in the Ge-bearing bed relative to background values are restricted to the organic matter of coals. The electron microscopic study shows that Ge-bearing coals contain native metals and intermetallic compounds in association with carbonates, sulfides, and halogenides. Coal inclusions in the metalliferous and barren areas of the molasse section strongly differ in contents of Ge and associated trace elements. Ge was accumulated in the coals in the course of the interaction of ascending metalliferous solutions with organic matter of the buried peat bogs in Late Miocene. The solutions were presumably represented by N2-bearing thermal waters (contaminated by volcanogenic CO2) that are typical of granite terranes.  相似文献   
New data on Cenozoic mineralization in the Vanchin coal basin are presented. In addition to the Au-Ag quartz-adularia veins known since the 1970s (Soyuzny deposit), stratified Au-Ag mineralization in tuffaceous-sedimentary rocks, porphyry tin mineralization in the extrusion of tourmalinized rhyolite, metalliferous coal seams enriched in Au, Ge, and REE are hosted in this graben. The localization and chemical and mineral compositions of these types of mineralization are considered. It is shown that Au-Ag mineralization is more widespread in the graben that was previously supposed. The anomalous and diverse mineralization of the Vanchin Graben is attributed, first of all, to long-term evolution of volcanism and hydrothermal activity developing synchronously with lacustrine and bog sedimentation and continuing after its termination. The main stages of ore formation are related to volcanic centers differing in age and conjugate hydrothermal systems functioning above a long-living magma chamber.  相似文献   
The first data are presented on large-scale Sb accumulation (up to 1175 ppm on a whole coal basis) in the Spetsugli (Special Coals) germanium deposit (Pavlovka brown coal deposit). The distribution of anomalous Sb contents is considered in the coal-bearing molasse section. The close correlation between Ge and Sb abundances in coals together with SEM data indicate an organic mode of Sb occurrence. Such a significant Sb accumulation was caused by the filtration of volcanogenic metalliferous solutions in molasse rocks during early diagenesis of organic matter in the Late Miocene. Extremely high contents and organic mode of Sb occurrence make it possible to consider Ge-bearing coals of the Pavlovka deposit not only as a complex raw material suitable for the extraction of Sb, but also as a potential source of ecological hazard.  相似文献   
俄罗斯含煤洼地中新的稀土和金-铂族元素矿化类型@V.V.Seredin@王金平俄罗斯含煤洼地中新的稀土和金-铂族元素矿化类型对俄罗斯远东地区新生代含煤洼地褐煤矿床中的稀土元素(REE)、Au-Pt族元素(PGE)矿化进行了详细的研究,这些资料可能有助于研究...  相似文献   
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