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Reversed Na-K exchange data between mica and a 2 molal aqueous(Na,K)Cl fluid (Flux & Chatterjee, 1986) have been employedto model the thermodynamic mixing behaviour of muscovite-paragonitecrystalline solutions on the basis of the Redlich-Kister equation.For these binary micas, Gexm may be expressed as where A=11222+1.389 T+0.2359 P, B=–1134+6.806 T–0.0840 P, and C=–7305+9.043 T, with T in K, P in b, Gexm, A, B, and C in joules/mol. Gmex is well constrained between 450 and 620?C, and may be extrapolatedbeyond that range with caution. The calculated solvi are skewedtoward the paragonite end member. In the range up to 15 kb,the critical temperature, Tc and the critical composition, Xcmay be expressed as a function of P by the relations: and with P indicated in bars. Calculated phase relations of muscovite-paragonite crystallinesolutions have been depicted in terms of the system KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O.These data may be applied to appropriate assemblages involvingmica, alkali feldspar, an Al2 polymorph, and quartz to estimateP, T and aH2O conditions of their equilibration. In principle,the muscovite limb of the solvus may be used to obtain geothermometricdata for coexisting muscovite-paragonite pairs, provided theequilibrium pressure is independently known. However, such applicationmust be restricted for the present to micas on the ideal muscovite-paragonitejoin. Mica-alkali feldspar-Al2SiO5-quartz or mica-plagioclase-Al2SiO5-quartzassemblages may be used to deduce aH2O in the coexisting fluid,if P, and T of equilibrium are independently known. Examplesof such geological applications are given.  相似文献   
In the European Alps, ice core studies have been mainly performed in view of the recent man‐made influence on the atmospheric load of aerosol‐related species, while respective investigations on the pre‐industrial aerosol or on stable water isotope‐based climate records remained sparse. We address from a glaciological perspective the specific conditions of Alpine drilling sites and, in particular, the role of depositional noise. Thereby, we refer to two major drilling areas (located in the summit range of Monte Rosa and Mt Blanc massif, respectively) which largely differ in their snow accumulation rate and, hence, in their accessible time scale. A simple scheme considering the seasonality of both, the precipitation‐borne signal and the snow erosion‐controlled net accumulation rate is presented. It shows that water isotope trends are generally more sensitive to distortion by a seasonality effect than recent snow impurities trends, although the influence of a given seasonal accumulation rate cycle on the mean levels of water isotopes and impurities is similar. These findings are illustrated on the decadal and centennial time scale by the inter‐ and intra‐site variability of major ion and water isotope records. The intra‐site comparison includes the discussion of strong water isotope depletions seen some meters above bedrock at low accumulation drilling sites.  相似文献   
The study of a c. 18 m thick Late Weichselian- Early Holocene (isotope stage 2/1) marine succession (original water depth 100–150 m) from the Skagen 3 borehole, northern Denmark, has led to a better understanding of the palaeoenvironmental changes during the last deglaciation. The palaeoenvironmental interpretation is based on benthic foraminifera, stable isotope composition and lithology, whereas the chronostratigraphy and sedimentation rates are based on AMS radiocarbon dates. Marine conditions were established in the area at between 15 000 and 14 500 BP (reservoir corrected 14C years), and the first influence of Atlantic water masses imported through the Norwegian Channel is registered from 13 100 BP to 10 900BP (the Bølling- Allerrad interstadial complex). This was followed by the Younger Dryas cooling event between 10 900 and 10 100 BP. The hydrographic change at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition after the Younger Dryas occurred in two stages. Arctic/subarctic deep-water assemblages persisted continuously at Skagen after the first stage at 10 200 BP, while cold boreal assemblages existed in shallower water environments in the Kattegat-Skagerrak basin during the same period of time. The slight warming in the early Holocene seems to have been interrupted by a short-term cooling at about 9700–9600 BP. Finally, at 9600 BP the arrival of warm Atlantic water masses created full-interglacial conditions in the whole region.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Runoff generation and soil erosion were investigated at the Guadalperalón experimental watershed (western Spain), within the land‐use system known as dehesa, or open, managed evergreen forests. Season and type of surface were found to control runoff and soil‐loss rates. Five soil units were selected as representative of surface types found in the study area: hillslope grass, bottom grass, tree cover, sheep trails, and shrub cover. Measurements were made in various conditions with simulated rainfall to gain an idea of the annual variation in runoff and soil loss. Important seasonal differences were noted due to surface cover and moisture content of soil, but erosion rates were determined primarily by runoff. Surfaces covered with grass and shrubs always showed less erosion; surfaces covered with holm oaks showed higher runoff rates, due to the hydrophobic character of the soils. Concentrations of runoff sediment during the simulations confirmed that erosion rates at the study site depended directly on the sediment available on the soil surface.  相似文献   
Single-phase 2M1 muscovite-paragonite crystalline solutionsin the range 0?00–0?10 and 0?70–1?00 Xms have beensynthesized by hydrothermal treatment of gels of appropriatecompositions at 600–700?C, and 7 to 18 kb PH2O. The molarvolumes of these micas may be expressed as V(J/b?mol) = 13?1845+1?463Xms+0?0160 Xms2–0?1679 Xms3 (?0?005), which translateto a substantial positive excess molar volume of mixing. Na-K ion exchange experiments between presynthesized 2M1 micacrystalline solutions and 2 molal aqueous (Na,K)Cl fluids failedto proceed to completion despite 98 day runs at 500–600?C,6 kb Ptotal. Results of analogous exchange experiments provedencouraging however, when a much finer-grained 1M mica was usedas starting material. Applying the tie line rotation technique,reversal of ion exchange experiments could be achieved in the2-phase fields, not, however, in the 3-phase field of the ms-pg-NaCl-KClreciprocal ternary. Using gels as starting material, reversalexperiments were eventually successful both in the 2-phase andthe 3-phase fields; the results of reversal experiments withinthe two-phase fields being identical to those obtained earlierusing 1M micas. Four isobaric-isothermal sections through the ms-pg-NaCl-KClternary were reversibly determined at 450?C/5 kb, 550?C/6 kb,550?C/15 kb, and 620?C/7 kb. At 450?C, the coexisting mica compositionsin the 3-phase field (2 micas plus 1 fluid) are 0?10 and 0?77Xms, at 550?C they are 0?10 and 0?60 Xms, and finally, at 620?Cthese are 0?12 and 0?51 Xms. To the extent that internal equilibriumwas accomplished between the coexisting micas, these data wouldindicate a wide solvus at 450?C, narrowing gradually with increasingtemperature to 620?C. The critical temperature will be wellin excess of 620?C, although the mica at the critical conditionwill prove to be metastable with respect to the assemblage alkalifeldspars+corundum+H2O. The companion paper by Chatterjee & Flux (1986) presentsa thermodynamic analysis of the above experimental data.  相似文献   
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