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To understand the depositional processes and environmental changes during the initial flooding of the North China Platform, this study focuses on the Lower to Middle Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations in Shandong Province, China. The succession in the Jinan and Laiwu areas comprises mixed carbonate and siliciclastic deposits composed of limestone, dolostone, stromatolite, thrombolite, purple and grey mudstone, and sandstone. A detailed sedimentary facies analysis of seven well‐exposed sections suggests that five facies associations are the result of an intercalation of carbonate and siliciclastic depositional environments, including local alluvial fans, shallowing‐upward carbonate–siliciclastic peritidal cycles, oolite dominant shoals, shoreface and lagoonal environments. These facies associations successively show a transition from an initially inundated tide‐dominated carbonate platform to a wave‐dominated shallow marine environment. In particular, the peritidal sediments were deposited during a large number of depositional cycles. These sediments consist of lime mudstone, dolomite, stromatolite and purple and grey mudstones. These shallowing‐upward cycles generally resulted from carbonate production in response to an increase of accommodation during rising sea‐level. The carbonate production was, however, interrupted by frequent siliciclastic input from the adjacent emergent archipelago. The depositional cycles thus formed under the influence of both autogenetic changes, including sediment supply from the archipelago, and allogenic control of relative sea‐level rise in the carbonate factory. A low‐relief archipelago with an active tidal regime allowed the development of tide‐dominated siliciclastic and carbonate environments on the vast platform. Siliciclastic input to these tidal environments terminated when most of the archipelago became submerged due to a rapid rise in sea‐level. This study provides insights on how a vast Cambrian carbonate platform maintained synchronous sedimentation under a tidal regime, forming distinct cycles of mixed carbonates and siliciclastics as the system kept up with rising relative sea‐level during the early stage of basin development in the North China Platform.  相似文献   
The Songaksan mount in the southwestern part of Cheju Island, Korea, is a Taalian tuff ring produced by phreatomagmatic explosions at an aquifer. A detailed analysis of proximal-to-distal facies changes reveals that the tuff ring sequence can be represented by 21 sedimentary facies; one lateral facies sequence (LFS) and three vertical facies sequences (VFS). The VFS 1 and 2 are representative of facies relationships in horizontal near-vent deposits. The VFS 1 comprises scour-fill bedded tuff, inversely graded tuff, massive tuff and laminated tuff from base to top. The VFS 2 is a variant of the VFS 1, replaced by an inversely graded lapilli tuff unit at the base. The sequences suggest traction carpet, suspension and minor traction sedimentation from a high-concentration near-vent base surge. The LFS 1 and the VFS 3 are distilled from outward-dipping flank deposits. Both sequences begin with disorganized lapilli tuff, followed successively by stratified (lapilli) tuff, dune-bedded (lapilli) tuff, very thinbedded tuff and accretionary lapilli. They are suggestive of waning base surge which decreases in particle concentration, suspended-load fall-out rate and flow regimes with an increase in traction and sorting. These facies sequences suggest that a base surge experiences flow transformation with its flow characters changing with time and space. A near-vent base surge is turbulent, uniformly mixed and highly concentrated and produces scour-fill bedded tuff. As capacity decreases, the surge transforms into a dense and laminar underflow and a dilute and turbulent upper part (gravity transformation), depositing inversely graded, massive and normally graded (lapilli) tuff. Ensuing loss of sediment load and mixing of ambient air result in flow dilution (surface transformation). Stratified and dune-bedded units are produced by tractional processes of turbulent and low-concentration surge. Further dilution causes deceleration and cooling and results in precipitation of moistened ash and accretionary lapilli from suspension.  相似文献   
IntroductionTheSangchongolddepositsoccurasfissure-fill inghydrothermalveinsinanorthosite .Thecha racteristicsofhydrothermalalterat  相似文献   
The Ilchulbong tuff cone, Cheju Island, South Korea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ilchulbong mount of Cheju Island, South Korea, is an emergent tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age formed by eruption of a vesiculating basaltic magma into shallow seawater. A sedimentological study reveals that the cone sequence can be represented by nine sedimentary facies that are grouped into four facies associations. Facies association I represents steep strata near the crater rim composed mostly of crudely and evenly bedded lapilli tuff and minor inversely graded lapilli tuff. These facies suggest fall-out from tephra finger jets and occasional grain flows, respectively. Facies association II represents flank or base-of-slope deposits composed of lenticular and hummocky beds of massive or backset-stacked deposits intercalated between crudely to thinly stratified lapilli tuffs. They suggest occasional resedimentation of tephra by debris flows and slides during the eruption. Facies association III comprises thin, gently dipping marginal strata, composed of thinly stratified lapilli tuff and tuff. This association results from pyroclastic surges and cosurge falls associated with occasional large-scale jets. Facies association IV comprises a reworked sequence of massive, inversely graded and cross-bedded (gravelly) sandstones. These facies represent post-eruptive reworking of tephra by debris and stream flows. The facies associations suggest that the Ilchulbong tuff cone grew by an alternation of vertical and lateral accumulation. The vertical buildup was accomplished by plastering of wet tephra finger jets. This resulted in oversteepening and periodic failure of the deposits, in which resedimentation contributed to the lateral growth. After the eruption ceased, the cone underwent subaerial erosion and faulting of intracrater deposits. A volcaniclastic apron accumulated with erosion of the original tuff cone; the faulting was caused by subsidence of the subvolcanic basement within the crater.  相似文献   
Varve-like parallel laminated and homogeneous muds on natural levees of submarine channels result from the spill-over of the dilute upper parts of channelized turbidity currents. On the levees of the Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel, Labrador Sea, laminated turbidite muds show a systematic upward thickness variation of the granular silt laminae and the clay laminae. In many depositional units the former decrease logarithmically upwards in thickness while the latter increase logarithmically. The origin of parallel lamination in current-deposited, fine-grained sediments is interpreted in terms of the ‘burst-and-sweep model’ for the viscous sublayer of turbulent flows. Individual silt laminae of laminated turbidite muds form due to shear sorting during burst-and-sweep events which have a winnowing effect on the clay fraction. In contrast to sand-transporting flows the viscous sublayer of silt- and clay-carrying dilute turbidity currents cannot be permanently in a turbulent state. The presence of clay laminae suggests that the boundary layer relaminarizes periodically. It is speculated that this is caused by pressure waves with negative pressure gradients favouring the suppression of bursts and sweeps. The observed vertical thickness variations suggest that the periods of laminar boundary-layer flow increase in duration as turbulence of the main current decays. The upward thickness decrease of the silt laminae is explained in terms of decreasing supply rates to the boundary layer from the main flow. A multiple bursting-cycle mechanism is favored over a single bursting cycle mechanism for the formation of individual silt laminae by shear sorting.  相似文献   
本文使用了汾河渭河地震带近一千五百年破坏性地震资料构成历史地震时间序列,用周期图方法对历史地震序列进行分析,预测未来强震活动高潮出现的时段。共作了12次预测检验,讨论了预测检验中地震资料的长短对周期图的影响。最后预测公元2043年前后该地震带将有一次地震活动高潮出现。  相似文献   
Depositional processes of the Suwolbong tuff ring, Cheju Island (Korea)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Suwolbong pyroclastic sequence in the western part of Cheju Island, Korea, comprises partly preserved rim beds of a Quaternary basaltic tuff ring whose vent lies about 1 km seaward of the present shoreline. The sequence consists of breccia, lapillistone, lapilli tuff and tuff. Eighteen sedimentary facies are established and organized into six lateral facies sequences (LFS) and seven vertical facies sequences (VFS). The LFS 1, 4 and 5 begin with massive lapilli tuff which transforms downcurrent into either planar-bedded (LFS 1), undulatory-bedded (LFS 4) or climbing dune-bedded (LFS 5) (lapilli) tuff units. They are representative of relatively ‘dry’ base surge whose particle concentration decreases downcurrent with a progressive increase in both tractional processes and sorting. The LFS 2 begins with disorganized and massive lapilli tuff and transforms into crudely stratified units downcurrent. It results from relatively ‘wet’ base surge in which sorting is poor due to the cohesion of damp ash. The LFS 3 comprises well-sorted lapilli tuff and stratified tuff further downcurrent, suggestive of deposition from combined fall and surge of relatively ‘dry’ hydroclastic eruption. All seven vertical facies sequences generally comprise two facies units of coarse-grained fines-depleted lapilli tuff and an overlying fine-grained tuff. These sequences are suggestive of deposition from base surge that consists of a turbulent head and a low-concentration tail. Depositional processes in the Suwolbong tuff ring were dominated by a relatively ‘dry’ base surge. The base surge comprises turbulent and high-concentration suspension near the vent whose deposits are generally unstratified due to the lack of tractional transport. As the base surge becomes diluted downcurrent through fallout of clasts and mixing of ambient air, it develops large-scale turbulent eddies and is segregated into coarse-grained bedload and overlying fine-grained suspension forming thinly stratified units. Further downcurrent, the base surge may be either cooled and deflated or pushed up into the air, depending on its temperature. The Suwolbong tuff ring comprises an overall wet-to-dry cycle with several dry-to-wet cycles in it, suggestive of overall decrease in abundance of external water and fluctuation in the rate of magma rise.  相似文献   
概率预报的基本思想是利用地震历史中表现出来的统计规律去推测未来。在一定概率意义下,给出下次地震可能发生的时间界限,或是在指定时间内,给出地震发生的概率,对于研究地震区域划分,提供抗震烈度等问题都是有一定意义的。这里仅从地震序列本身提取预报信息,没有考虑发震时间与各种前兆观测的关系,也没有考虑时间与地点和强度的相关。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the formative processes of limestone pseudoconglomerates in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations (Late Cambrian) of the North China Platform, Shandong Province, China. The Gushan and Chaomidian Formations consist mainly of limestone and shale (marlstone) interlayers, wackestone to packstone, grainstone and microbialite as well as numerous limestone conglomerates. Seventy‐three beds of limestone pseudoconglomerate in the Gushan and Chaomidian Formations were analysed based on clast and matrix compositions, internal fabric, sedimentary structures and bed geometry. These pseudoconglomerates are characterized by oligomictic to polymictic limestone clasts of various shapes (i.e. flat to undulatory disc, blade and sheet), marlstone and/or grainstone matrix and various internal fabrics (i.e. intact, thrusted, edgewise and disorganized), as well as transitional boundaries. Limestone pseudoconglomerates formed as a result of soft‐sediment deformation of carbonate and argillaceous interlayers at a shallow burial depth. Differential early cementation of carbonate and argillaceous sediments provided the requisite conditions for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Initial deformation (i.e. burial fragmentation, liquefaction and injection) and subsequent mobilization and disruption of fragmented clasts are two important processes for the formation of pseudoconglomerates. Burial fragmentation resulted from mechanical rupture of cohesive carbonate mud, whereas subsequent mobilization of fragmented clasts was due to the injection of fluid materials (liquefied carbonate sand and water‐saturated argillaceous mud) under increased stress. Storm‐wave loading was the most probable deformation mechanism, as an external triggering force. Subsequent re‐orientation and rounding of clasts were probably prolonged under normal compactional stress. Eventually, disrupted clasts, along with matrix materials, were transformed into pseudoconglomerates by progressive lithification. Soft‐sediment deformation is prevalent in alternate layers of limestone and mud(marl)stone and/or grainstone, regardless of their depositional environments.  相似文献   
S.H.SUNG 《地质学报》1941,(Z1):269-272
正 The graptolites described in this paper were collected by C.Y.Wangand H.M.Lee~2 in 1938 at Jenhochiao,Paoshan~(?).W Yunnan and all came  相似文献   
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