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During the last glaciation of northern Ellesmere Island many areas remained ice-free. A caribou antler from deglacial-marine sediments in Clements Markham Inlet dates 8,415 ± 135 B.P. (S-2501). If locally derived it places caribou at the northern limit of their contemporary range at the onset of deglaciation in this area. Immediately to the south, on the Hazen Plateau, ice remained at its limit until c . 8,000 B.P. Therefore, this antler may indicate the presence of caribou during full glacial time.  相似文献   

It is known that the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon induces marked climate variability across many parts of the world. However, in seeking useful relationships between ENSO and climate, several indices are available. In addition to the choice of index, previous studies assessing ENSO effects have employed a range of different methods to classify periods as El Niño, La Niña or Neutral. It is therefore clear that significant subjectivity exists in the adoption of ENSO classification schemes. In this study, several ENSO classification methods are applied to a range of ENSO indices. Each method-index combination is investigated to determine which provides the strongest relationship with rainfall and runoff in the Williams River catchment, New South Wales, Australia. The results demonstrate substantial differences between the methods and indices. The Multivariate ENSO Index (or MEI) is found to provide the best classification irrespective of method. The potential for forecasting ENSO-related effects on rainfall, runoff and river abstractions is then investigated. A “rise rule” to account for dynamic ENSO trends is also assessed. Strong relationships were found to exist with runoff (rainfall) up to nine (eight) months in advance of the Summer/autumn period. Implications for improved forecasting of potential river abstractions are apparent.  相似文献   
A well-preserved moraine on the northern coast of County Donegal, Ireland, has played a critical role in our understanding of the glacial history of this sector of the Irish Ice Sheet (IIS). Because of a lack of numerical dating of the moraine, however, previous interpretations of its age and significance to the glacial history of this region have varied widely. Here we report eight in situ cosmogenic 10Be ages on boulders sampled from the moraine. Two of these ages are outliers, with the remaining six ranging from 18.8±1.0 10Be kyr to 20.9±1.3 10Be kyr, with an uncertainty-weighted mean age of 19.4±0.3 10Be kyr (19.4±1.2 kyr accounting for production rate uncertainty). Our results confirm one previous 10Be age obtained from the moraine, with the combined data ( n =7) constraining the age of initial deglaciation of the IIS from its LGM position on the continental shelf to be 19.3±0.3 10Be kyr (19.3±1.2 kyr accounting for production rate uncertainty). These ages are in excellent agreement with calibrated 14C ages that constrain retreat of the IIS margin from the continental shelf elsewhere in northwestern and western Ireland and the Irish Sea Basin associated with the start of the Cooley Point Interstadial (≥20–≤18.2 cal. kyr BP), suggesting widespread deglaciation of the IIS ∼19.5–20 kyr ago.  相似文献   
The overall pattern of deglaciation of the southern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet has been considered established, although details of the chronology and ice sheet dynamics are less well known. Even less is known for the south Swedish Upland because the area was deglaciated mostly by stagnation. Within this area lies the conspicuous Vimmerby moraine, for which we have used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure dating technique to derive the exposure age of six glacially transported boulders. The six 10Be cosmogenic ages are internally consistent, ranging from 14.9 ± 1.5 to 12.4 ± 1.3 ka with a mean of 13.6 ±0.9 ka. Adjusting for the effects of surface erosion, snow burial and glacio-isostatic rebound causes the mean age to increase only by c. 6% to c. 14.4± 0.9 ka. The 10Be derived age for the Vimmerby moraine is in agreement with previous estimates forthe timing of deglaciation based on radiocarbon dating and varve chronology. This result shows promise for further terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide exposure studies in southern Sweden.  相似文献   
The physical processes associated with the clear-sky greenhouse effect in the presence of water vaporare examined by including surface emissivity in the greenhouse effect formulation, and by introducing anew way to partition physical processes of the greenhouse effect. In this new framework, it is found thatthe clear-sky greenhouse effect is governed by three physical processes associated with (1) the temperaturecontrast between the surface and the atmosphere, (2) the interaction between the surface emissivity andthe temperature contrast, and (3) the surface emissivity. The importance of the three physical processes isassessed by computing their vertical and spectral variations for the subarctic winter and summer standardatmosphere using the radiation model MODTRAN3 (Moderate Resolution Transmittance code Version3). The results show that the process associated with the temperature contrast between the surface andthe atmosphere dominates over the other two processes ill magnitude. The magnitude of this process hassubstantial variations in the spectral region of 1250 to 1880 cm 1 and in the far infrared region. Due tothe low-level temperature inversion over the subarctic winter, there exists a negative contribution to thegreenhouse trapping. The seasonal variations are, however, dominated by the processes associated with theinteraction between the surface emissivity and the temperature contrast as well as the surface emissivityitself. The magnitudes of these two physical processes contributing to the greenhouse trapping over thesubarctic winter are about 7 to 10 times of those over the subarctic summer, whereas the magnitude ofthe processes associated with the temperature contrast ill the subarctic summer is only about 2 times ofthat in the subarctic winter.  相似文献   
The Ringwood evaporite is part of the 900 m.y. old Bitter Springs Formation, a warm-water shallow-marine sequence of stromatolitic dolomite and limestone, microfossiliferous chert, red beds, quartzite, and evaporites. The evaporite at Ringwood comprises two parts: (i) a lower 127 m characterized by brecciated pyritic bituminous dolomite, together with smaller amounts of dolomite-gypsum breccia, friable chloritic dololutite, coarsely crystalline anhydrite, and satin-spar gypsum; and (ii) an upper 133 m which is similar except that bituminous dolomite forms only one bed, and the characteristic rock-type is dolomite-gypsum breccia. The evaporite is overlain by limestone breccia and massive stromatolitic limestone, interpreted as an algal reef. Gypsum is secondary after anhydrite, and the ratio of gypsum to anhydrite increases upwards. The evaporite shows none of the features of a sabkha or desiccated deep ocean basin deposit, and instead is interpreted as the filling of a barred basin which was cut off from the ocean by growth of an algal barrier reef. As circulation became restricted, bituminous dolomite deposited in the lagoon behind the reef, together with pyrite from the destruction by anaerobic bacteria of algal debris derived from the reef. With continued evaporation, brine concentration increased and gypsum precipitated. Occasional dust storms contributed wind-blown clay to the deposit. The barrier reef transgressed diachronously across the evaporite lagoon, and was eventually drowned when normal marine conditions became established. Burial of the evaporite to about 7000 m beneath the succeeding sediments of the Amadeus Basin converted gypsum to anhydrite, and formed chlorite by reaction of clay with dolomite. Late Palaeozoic tectonism folded and brecciated the rocks, and was followed by erosion which eventually exposed the evaporite to ingress of meteoric water. Hydration of anhydrite to gypsum ensued, the reaction becoming less complete with increasing depth from the ground surface.  相似文献   
Groundwater silcretes have been recognized recently as major terrestrial silicon sinks and yet their origins are poorly understood. This paper aims to further the understanding of the micro‐fabric, geochemistry and formation of groundwater silcretes, through detailed analyses of silcrete boulders from the South Downs, Sussex, UK. In‐depth petrological investigations of silcrete blocks identified three varieties of silcrete across the study area (saccharoid, hard and pebbly conglomeratic or silcrete breccia), similar to those elsewhere in England. Silcrete fabrics were universally simple and preserved host material structures. Optically continuous quartz overgrowths were the dominant cement and developed on framework grains in the absence of silt‐ and clay‐sized particles. Finer‐grained silica cements occurred in isolated patches and as vein‐ or cap‐like geopetal features. These caps and veins formed through the silicification of illuviated clay‐rich material that entered the host sediment prior to, or in the early stages of, overgrowth formation. Titanium contents were related to the amount of fine‐grained silica and appear to reflect variations in host material chemistry. Subsequent to silicification, the silcretes were altered by at least two phases of ferruginization, characterized by the ingress of iron minerals and partial fabric dissolution or replacement. The study reveals strong similarities in the micromorphology and geochemistry of groundwater silcretes in the study area and those developed in sandy host sediments in neighbouring parts of northwest Europe. Variations that do occur could be explained by differences in the host sediment, geological setting or tectonic history of the respective basins (or sub‐basins), suggesting that there may be a common mechanism for silcrete formation across north‐west Europe. Silcrete development appears to be related to the release of silica accompanying acid leaching of the host material or adjacent strata. In the South Downs, this probably resulted from oxidation of pyrite in the argillaceous and lignitic sediments overlying the host sands. It is envisaged that palaeoenvironmental conditions were of limited importance for silcrete development and that there was no specific ‘era’ of formation, with phased development accompanying landscape evolution through the Neogene into the Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Abstract— We present numerical simulations of crater formation under Martian conditions with a single near‐surface icy layer to investigate changes in crater morphology between glacial and interglacial periods. The ice fraction, thickness, and depth to the icy layer are varied to understand the systematic effects on observable crater features. To accurately model impact cratering into ice, a new equation of state table and strength model parameters for H2O are fitted to laboratory data. The presence of an icy layer significantly modifies the cratering mechanics. Observable features demonstrated by the modeling include variations in crater morphometry (depth and rim height) and icy infill of the crater floor during the late stages of crater formation. In addition, an icy layer modifies the velocities, angles, and volumes of ejecta, leading to deviations of ejecta blanket thickness from the predicted power law. The dramatic changes in crater excavation are a result of both the shock impedance and the strength mismatch between layers of icy and rocky materials. Our simulations suggest that many of the unusual features of Martian craters may be explained by the presence of icy layers, including shallow craters with well‐preserved ejecta blankets, icy flow related features, some layered ejecta structures, and crater lakes. Therefore, the cratering record implies that near‐surface icy layers are widespread on Mars.  相似文献   
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