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Earthquake, flood, and drought data from different sources are combined in a single data set using the same data structure, projection, and scale. The intensity and frequency of each hazard is classified into severe, heavy, modest, and light, producing a classification with 64 combined states for the three kinds of hazard. These classes are then ranked according to severity. The three hazard coverages arc overlaid and the polygons that are produced are coded by the classification system. A map is produced that shows the distribution of these 64 classes in regions and their areas measured from the spatial topological data file in the GIS. Spatial analysis reveals the spatial association among the three hazards and between the three hazards and human factors. There is a brief discussion of the implications of the regionalized map for hazard monitoring.  相似文献   
A generic geographical information and modelling system (GIMS) has been developed and implemented for 6 million hectares of fire-prone rural land in eastern Australia. Viewed initially as a land management decision support system rather than as a geographical information system (GIS) per se, GIMS provides extensive capabilities for estimating and recording patterns of vegetation and fuel dynamics, analysing the behaviour of fire and its environmental effects, and reviewing strategies for fire control and related issues. The software operates on personal computers via linkage to an indexed, direct access, grid data base. The design, development, implementation, evolution and use of GIMS for land management decision support are described, and tests of the system's ability to predict real-time fire behaviour are provided. The relationship between commercial GIS packages and locally-developed dynamic modelling GIS programs is discussed.  相似文献   
Glaciers in small mountain cirques on South Georgia respond rapidly and sensitively to changes in South Atlantic climate. The timing and rate of their deglaciation can be used to examine the impact that nineteenth- and twentieth-century climate change has had on the glacial dynamics and terrestrial ecosystems of South Georgia. As part of a reconnaissance study in Prince Olav Harbour (POH), South Georgia, we measured the size of lichens ( Rhizocarpon Ram. em Th. Fr. subgenus. Rhizocarpon group) on ice-free moraine ridges around two small mountain cirques. Our aims were twofold: first, to provide age estimates for lichen colonization, and hence, deglaciation of the moraine ridges, and second, to examine the potential of applying lichenometry more widely to provide deglacial age constraints on South Georgia. In the absence of lichen age-size (dating) curves for South Georgia, we use long-term Rhizocarpon lichen growth-rates from recent studies on sub-Antarctic Islands and the western Antarctic Peninsula to calculate likely age estimates. These data suggest ice retreat from the two outermost moraines occurred between the end of the 'Little Ice Age' (post c. 1870) and the early twentieth century on South Georgia. Lichen colonization of the innermost moraines is probably related to glacier retreat during the second half of the twentieth century, which has been linked to a well-defined warming trend since c. 1950. Patterns of possible nineteenth- and twentieth-century glacial retreat identified in POH need to be tested further by establishing species- and site-specific lichen age-size (dating) curves for South Georgia, and by applying lichenometry to other mountain cirques across South Georgia.  相似文献   
The recognition of terminal fluvial systems, otherwise termed 'terminal fans' or 'distributary fluvial fan systems', preserved in the ancient rock record is based primarily on the recognition of facies characteristics indicative of a progressive downstream decrease in: (i) fluvial discharge; (ii) channel depth and width; (iii) lateral and vertical connectivity of channel-fill elements; and (iv) evidence for channellized flow and a systematic increase in: (i) evidence for sheetflood deposition; (ii) aeolian and/or playa deposits; and (iii) channel bifurcation. However, despite these criteria having been applied previously to a variety of outcrop successions, there is still no unifying facies model that adequately accounts for the complex stratigraphic architectural relationships expected for such systems, based on the varied styles of fluvial activity and system interaction known from modern examples. Moreover, few previous studies have given significant consideration to the long-term temporal evolution of terminal fluvial fans. These issues are addressed by this study of the Permian (Leonardian/Artinskian) Organ Rock Formation of the Paradox Basin, South-east Utah. A detailed stratigraphic framework based on 84 sedimentary logs demonstrates proximal to distal variations in sedimentary style. Integration of these data with high-resolution architectural panels depicting the geometry and facies characteristics of individual fluvial elements has enabled the development of a series of depositional models that account for both the spatial and temporal evolution of the system and which are representative of: (i) initial progradation of the fluvial system into the Paradox foreland basin; (ii) retreat of the fluvial system and expansion of a distal aeolian dune system; (iii) the final phase of fluvial progradation following aeolian dune deflation; and (iv) the final retrogradation of the fluvial system back towards the hinterland.  相似文献   
Experimental turbidity currents entering two-layer density-stratified water behave differently from similar currents flowing over the same topography into non-stratified water. Experiments were designed as analogues for flows entering Mediterranean hypersaline pools. In both the hypersaline pools and the experiments, the water density changes abruptly across a pycnocline. Turbidity currents generated on a platform at the level of the pycnocline behaved in one of three ways as they flowed from the platform into deeper stratified water. (1) When the bulk density of the current was less than the dense water layer, the current spread at the pycnocline. The head of the current advanced rapidly when it lost contact with the bed. Grains settling out of the current fell through the dense water layer forming an extensive deposit. In nature this behaviour will lead to ‘turbidites’ with sharp but non-erosive bases, strongly developed grading and no traction features. (2) When the bulk density of the current was greater than the dense water layer, the current continued as an underflow, plunging into the deeper water. Sedimentation lowered the bulk density of the current and the low-density interstitial fluid caused the head to loft. Low-density interstitial fluid convected from the body of the current, lofting particles into the water column. These particles were hydraulically sorted during upward transport and subsequent settling to the floor. The resulting turbidites had a more limited extent than the deposits of either non-lofting underflows or interflows. By inference from the experiments, natural deposits of this type may have local (proximal) erosion and traction features at the base and strongly graded tops. (3) In some of the currents with high bulk density, the rising turbid water reached the pycnocline and spread at that level as a secondary interflow. The tail of the turbidity current, which was less dense than the head and body of the current, flowed above the pycnocline adding momentum to the secondary interflow. The thin non-erosive graded deposit from the secondary interflow may extend beyond the deposits of the primary underflow. In all three cases (but more pronounced in cases 2 and 3) the interaction of the current with the pycnocline displaced that surface and generated a wave that was reflected back and forth from each end of the pool. The waves remobilized sediment on the ramp.  相似文献   
Chromite compositions in komatiites are influenced by metamorphicprocesses, particularly above 500°C. Metamorphosed chromiteis substantially more iron rich than igneous precursors, asa result of Mg–Fe exchange with silicates and carbonates.Chromite metamorphosed to amphibolite facies is enriched inZn and Fe, and depleted in Ni, relative to lower metamorphicgrades. Relative proportions of the trivalent ions Cr3+, Al3+and Fe3+ are not greatly modified by metamorphism up to loweramphibolite facies, although minor Fe3+ depletion occurs duringtalc–carbonate alteration at low temperature. SignificantAl is lost from chromite cores above 550°C, as a resultof equilibration with fluids in equilibrium with chlorite. ElevatedZn content in chromite is restricted to rocks with low (metamorphic)Mg/Fe ratios, and is the result of introduction of Zn duringlow-temperature alteration, with further concentration and homogenizationduring prograde metamorphism. Cobalt and Mn also behave similarly,except where carbonate minerals are predominant in the metamorphicassemblage. Chromite at amphibolite facies is typically extensivelyreplaced by magnetite. This is the result of incomplete metamorphicreaction between chromite and chlorite-bearing silicate assemblages.Magnetite compositions at the inner chromite–magnetiteboundary are indicators of metamorphic grade. KEY WORDS: chromite; komatiite; spinel; metamorphism; Zn  相似文献   
Basin‐floor topography influences the flow path of hyperpycnal plumes and delta morphology during progradation of the Red River delta in Lake Texoma, USA. The Red River discharge is typically a hyperpycnal plume due to elevated total dissolved solids. Because the river plume is a bottom‐hugging hyperpycnal flow, lake bathymetry and topography strongly influence deposition and subsequent delta morphology. In addition to elevated total dissolved solid concentrations compared with Lake Texoma water, the density contrast of the Red River outflow is increased by high suspended‐sediment concentrations during high‐discharge events. Steep lateral slopes in the Lake Texoma basin deflect hyperpycnal river plumes and, subsequently, change the delta progradation direction before the delta reaches the opposite bank of the lake. Analysis of multi‐temporal aerial and satellite images indicates that the hyperpycnal delta follows the steepest lake‐bottom gradients, corresponding to the pre‐impoundment river thalweg (i.e. bypassing shallow parts of the lake). An analytical model for the hyperpycnal‐plume trajectory indicates plume deflection during low‐discharge or high‐discharge events, towards the deepest part of the basin. The magnitude of plume deflection is a function of river discharge and basin‐margin gradients. Plume deflection can vary between 10° and 80° from the channel axis towards the old river thalweg. The high deflection appears in the case of maximum basin side gradients of 12·8° and in conditions of low river discharge. During low‐discharge periods, the Red River delta builds a lobate shape with multiple terminal distributary channels whereas, during high‐discharge periods the Red River delta builds an elongate shape with a single large distributary channel. The elongate morphology of the delta is formed through the development of a single distributary channel and abandonment of the other distributaries. Therefore, the lobate shaped delta is expected to be preserved in the rock record.  相似文献   
The Generation of Granitic Magmas by Intrusion of Basalt into Continental Crust   总被引:49,自引:15,他引:49  
When basalt magmas are emplaced into continental crust, meltingand generation of silicic magma can be expected. The fluid dynamicaland heat transfer processes at the roof of a basaltic sill inwhich the wall rock melts are investigated theoretically andalso experimentally using waxes and aqueous solutions. At theroof, the low density melt forms a stable melt layer with negligiblemixing with the underlying hot liquid. A quantitative theoryfor the roof melting case has been developed. When applied tobasalt sills in hot crust, the theory predicts that basalt sillsof thicknesses from 10 to 1500 m require only 1 to 270 y tosolidify and would form voluminous overlying layers of convectingsilicic magma. For example, for a 500 m sill with a crustalmelting temperature of 850 ?C, the thickness of the silicicmagma layer generated ranges from 300 to 1000 m for countryrock temperatures from 500 to 850?C. The temperatures of thecrustal melt layers at the time that the basalt solidifies arehigh (900–950?C) so that the process can produce magmasrepresenting large degrees of partial fusion of the crust. Meltingoccurs in the solid roof and the adjacent thermal boundary layer,while at the same time there is crystallization in the convectinginterior. Thus the magmas formed can be highly porphyritic.Our calculations also indicate that such magmas can containsignificant proportions of restite crystals. Much of the refractorycomponents of the crust are dissolved and then re-precipitatedto form genuine igneous phenocrysts. Normally zoned plagioclasefeldspar phenocrysts with discrete calcic cores are commonlyobserved in many granitoids and silicic volcanic rocks. Suchpatterns would be expected in crustal melting, where simultaneouscrystallization is an inevitable consequence of the fluid dynamics. The time-scales for melting and crystallization in basalt-inducedcrustal melting (102–103 y) are very short compared tothe lifetimes of large silicic magma systems (>106 y) orto the time-scale for thermal relaxation of the continentalcrust (> l07 y). Several of the features of silicic igneoussystems can be explained without requiring large, high-level,long-lived magma chambers. Cycles of mafic to increasingly largevolumes of silicic magma with time are commonly observed inmany systems. These can be interpreted as progressive heatingof the crust until the source region is partially molten andbasalt can no longer penetrate. Every input of basalt triggersrapid formation of silicic magma in the source region. Thismagma will freeze again in time-scales of order l02–103y unless it ascends to higher levels. Crystallization can occurin the source region during melting, and eruption of porphyriticmagmas does not require a shallow magma chamber, although suchchambers may develop as magma is intruded into high levels inthe crust. For typical compositions of upper crustal rocks,the model predicts that dacitic volcanic rocks and granodiorite/tonaliteplutons would be the dominant rock types and that these wouldascend-from the source region and form magmas ranging from thosewith high temperature and low crystal content to those withhigh crystal content and a significant proportion of restite.  相似文献   
Several possible effects of blowing snow on the atmospheric boundary layer are investigated, mostly within the general framework of the Prairie Blowing Snow Model (PBSM). The processes of snow saltation and suspension are first described. Variations to the drift density profile are tested and the effects of stratification and density variation calculations are evaluated. Despite high density gradients of blowing snow, stratification effects on turbulence and the velocity profiles can generally be neglected. However, with saltating or suspended snow in a constant shear stress layer, part of the shear stress is carried by the particles. A highly simplified, single-phase approach, based on the density variation of the air–snow mixture coupled to a simple turbulent stress–strain relationship, is used to illustrate this. Sublimation rates in a column of blowing snow are calculated using the PBSM and results are compared with those obtained with a modified formulation which incorporates a spectrum of sublimating particles of varying sizes at each height in a steady-state surface boundary layer and different specifications of the ventilation velocity.  相似文献   
Engels, S., Helmens, K. F., Väliranta, M., Brooks, S. J. & Birks, H. J. B. 2010: Early Weichselian (MIS 5d and 5c) temperatures and environmental changes in northern Fennoscandia as recorded by chironomids and macroremains at Sokli, northeast Finland. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 689–704. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00163.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A 25‐m‐long sediment record spanning the time from the Eemian to the Holocene was recovered from Sokli, northeast Finland. This study focuses on a 6‐m‐long sediment interval that is dated to the Early Weichselian period (MIS 5d and 5c) and consists of lacustrine and fluvial deposits. Using chironomid remains, botanical and zoological macroremains as well as sediment lithology, we were able to reconstruct past changes in the environment, including climate. The results indicate that the site was situated on a flood‐plain during the latter stages of MIS 5d (Herning Stadial) and that summer temperatures might have been ~6 °C lower than at present. Although this value should be treated with caution, as numerical analysis shows that it has a very poor fit‐to‐temperature, this low reconstructed value concurs with several other reconstructions that are available from western Europe. During MIS 5c (Brørup interstadial), the depositional environment changed into a lake system, initially with stratification of the water and subsequently with complete mixing and a strong influence of streams. Both chironomid‐based and macroremain‐based temperature inferences indicate past July air temperatures that were significantly higher than at present. This result is in contrast to other (low‐resolution) reconstructions from northern Fennoscandia that indicate past temperatures 6–7 °C lower than present using fossil coleopteran assemblages. However, several central European sites indicate that there was a phase during the Brørup interstadial that was characterized by high summer temperatures, and a comparison between the high‐resolution reconstructions from western Europe and the results presented in this study suggests that the north–south July air temperature gradient between the mid‐ and high‐latitudes was much weaker during the Brørup interstadial than it is at present. High solar insolation values (particularly the obliquity) during the Brørup interstadial might explain the low summer temperature gradient over the European continent. A return to fluvial conditions occurred in the upper parts of the sediment sequence, and, after a brief interval of gyttja deposition under cooling conditions, the site became glaciated during MIS 5b.  相似文献   
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