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Plio-Pleistocene volcanism in the Golan and Galilee (northeasternIsrael) shows systematic variability with time and location:alkali basalts were erupted in the south during the Early Pliocene,whereas enriched basanitic lavas erupted in the north duringthe Late Pliocene (Galilee) and Pleistocene (Golan). The basaltsshow positive correlations in plots of ratios of highly to moderatelyincompatible elements versus the concentration of the highlyincompatible element (e.g. Nb/Zr vs Nb, La/Sm vs La) and indiagrams of REE/HFSE (rare earth elements/high field strengthelements) vs REE concentration (e.g. La/Nb vs La). Some of thesecorrelations are not linear but upward convex. 87Sr/86Sr ratiosvary between 0·7031 and 0·7034 and correlate negativelywith incompatible element concentrations and positively withRb/Sr ratios. We interpret these observations as an indicationthat the main control on magma composition is binary mixingof melts derived from two end-member mantle source components.Based on the high Sr/Ba ratios and negative Rb anomalies inprimitive mantle normalized trace element diagrams and the moderateslopes of MREE–HREE (middle REE–heavy REE) in chondrite-normalizeddiagrams, we suggest that the source for the alkali basalticend-member was a garnet-bearing amphibole peridotite that hadexperienced partial dehydration. The very high incompatibleelement concentrations, low K content, very low Rb contentsand steep MREE–HREE patterns in the basanites are attributedto derivation from amphibole- and garnet-bearing pyroxeniteveins. It is suggested that the veins were produced via partialmelting of amphibole peridotites, followed by complete solidificationand dehydration that effectively removed Rb and K. The requirementfor the presence of amphibole limits both sources to lithosphericdepths. The spatial geochemical variability of the basalts indicatesthat the lithosphere beneath the region is heterogeneous, composedof vein-rich and vein-poor domains. The relatively uniform 143Nd/144Nd(Nd = 4·0–5·2) suggests that the two mantlesources were formed by dehydration and partial melting of anoriginally isotopically uniform reservoir, probably as a resultof a Paleozoic thermal event. KEY WORDS: basanites; lithospheric heterogeneity; magma mixing; amphibole peridotite; pyroxenites  相似文献   
四川沐川县民主-太平-带含钼砂岩为一新矿化类型——沉积砂岩型铼钼(锇)矿点。X-射线粉晶衍射分析结果表明其中微-细晶鳞片状含钼矿物为晶质辉钼矿;高精度质谱分析发现辉钼矿中分散元素Re和铂族元素Os含量很高,具有重要的综合利用价值;高精度Re-Os同位素测年证明辉钼矿形成年龄与含矿的中生代红物学和矿床学均具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   
One of the early problems with the Storegga tsunami deposit was how to distinguish it from deposits of the midHolocene (Tapes) transgression. An excavation on Harøy, an island on the outermost western coast of Norway, shows a distinct, clean sand bed embedded in peat and clearly separated from the overlying Tapes beach deposits. This sand bed continues in the peat landwards of the beach ridge for at least 60 m. Radiocarbon dates of the peat show that the sand was deposited some time between 6900 and 7700 yr BP. The sedimentary structures of the bed, the 14C dates, and the fact that this is the only sand bed in the peat, suggest that the sand bed was deposited by a short-lived event, the Storegga tsunami. On the neighbouring island, Fjørtoft, a Stone Age settlement, dated to 7500 yr BP, was discovered in the early 1970s. The settlement was found underneath a sand bed that later had been covered by the Tapes beach ridge deposits. When discovered, the sand covering the settlement was inferred as eolian sand. However, this investigation shows that the Storegga tsunami deposited a widespread sand bed on the land surface around this time with a similar grain size distribution to eolian sand. It is therefore suggested that the sand bed covering this settlement was deposited from the Storegga tsunami. Both the stratigraphy and 14C dates demonstrate that the Tapes transgression maximum was reached well after the Storegga tsunami on Harøy, between 6500 and 6100 yr BP.  相似文献   
Presumed deposits of the Storegga tsunami have been recognized in a coastal lake situated 4 m a.s.l. on the island of Suðuroy, the Faroe Islands. The stratigraphy in the lake reveals a major erosion and redepositional event. The deposited material ranges from sand and sandy gyttja, with marine shell fragments and foraminifera, to gyttja with rip-up clasts, wood fragments and thin sand layers. Diatom analysis indicates that the deposit contains 5-8% polyhalobous (full marine) species, decreasing to 1-2% in the undisturbed lacustrine gyttja above. The tsunami event was dated to some time between 7300 and 6400 14 C yr BP. Lithostratigraphic profiles in the lake suggest that at least two large waves inundated the basin. The first and largest wave eroded most or all of the sediments previously deposited in the basin. The next wave caused minor erosion of the redeposited material. The waves deposited two generations of sand overlain by organic conglomerates, after which followed a unit of suspension material and normal lacustrine gyttja.  相似文献   
A major shift from Urgonian oligotrophic carbonate accumulation to orbitolinid‐rich mixed siliciclastic–carbonate deposition is observed near the Barremian–Aptian boundary in many sections both within and outside the shallow‐marine Tethyan Realm. This important facies change in the Swiss Helvetic Alps is documented here and interpreted in the context of general palaeoenvironmental change. To achieve this, a detailed micropalaeontological, sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical study has been carried out on six sections across the upper part of the lower Schrattenkalk Member (Late Barremian), the Rawil Member (formerly ‘Lower Orbitolina Beds’, earliest Aptian) and the lowermost part of the upper Schrattenkalk Member (Early Aptian). The sediments of the Rawil Member exhibit inner‐platform facies with rudists, miliolids, orbitolinids and dasycladals to outer‐platform facies characterized by small benthic foraminifera, orbitolinids, crinoids and bryozoans. Stratigraphic trends in microfacies environments and the composition of microfossil assemblages, indicate that the Rawil Member includes a transgressive systems tract and the base of a highstand systems tract which are composed of an increasing number of parasequences in distal directions (five to nine in the sections studied here). The sea‐level rise discerned in the Rawil Member is coeval with increased detrital input and phosphorus burial, with maximum values up to 80 times and 21 times the background values in the subjacent part of the lower Schrattenkalk Member, respectively. Furthermore, the Rawil Member records the appearance of kaolinite, indicating a change towards tropical and more humid climate conditions. This change may have led to an increase in continental weathering rates and an associated increase in detrital and nutrient fluxes towards the ocean. The phase of climate change observed near the Barremian–Aptian boundary may have been triggered by a phase of intensified volcanic activity linked with the onset of the Ontong Java large igneous province and the Rawil Member may be the expression of a precursor episode to Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in the shallow‐marine environment.  相似文献   
The organic matter (OM) preserved in Arctic Ocean sediments is of great importance to the global carbon budget. How-ever, works that apply multiple proxies to determine the distribution and concentration of organic carbon (OC) in the surface sedi-ments of the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas remain limited. Here a multiproxy approach based on bulk OM parameters and the branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index was used to investigate the distribution and sources of OM in the surface sediments of the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Binary and ternary mixing models were applied to trace the contribution of different OC sources to the total OC in the study area. The δ13C values of the sediments provided by the binary model showed that the proportion of terrestrial OC fell in the range of 27.4%–79.8% (46.2% on average). The BIT index returned the lowest fraction (4.8%–27.3%, 12.0% on average). The ternary mixing model was employed to determine the plant-, soil-, and marine-derived fractions of the total OM. The ternary model showed that 11.5%±6.3%, 31.4%±9.5%, and 57.1%±12.4% of OM in the sediment of the study area was derived from soil, plants, and marine sources, respectively. The differences in OM composition between the west and east sides of the Chukchi Sea were controlled by OM inputs from key water masses (i.e., Anadyr Water and Alaska Coastal Water), river discharge, and the nutrient supply from the Pacific inflow that supports marine productivity.  相似文献   
The statigraphy in 25 coastal lakes shows that most of the Norwegian coastline was impacted by a large tsunami about 7200 14C BP. The methodology has been to core a staircase of lake basins above the contemporary sea level in several areas and to map the tsunami deposit to its maximum elevation. The tsunami was identified in the sedimentary record as an erosional unconformity overlain by graded or massive sand with shell fragments, followed by redeposited organic detritus. The greatest recorded runup along the coast (10–11 m above high tide) is found in areas most proximal to the Storegga slide scar on the Norwegian continental slope (Sunnmøre). To the north and south, runup is less, about 6–7 m at Bjugn (250 km north of Sunnmøre) and about 3–5 m in Austrheim (200 km to the south of Sunnmerre). This runup pattern supports the suggestion that the tsunami was generated by the Second Storegga Slide. The recorded runup heights are consistent within and between the investigated areas, and imply that the tsunami wave was not significantly influenced by the local topography, suggesting a very long wave length. The mapped runup estimates are in good agreement with a numerical model of the tsunami generated by the Second Storegga slide, and indicate that the slide was a single major event rather than a set of smaller slides.  相似文献   
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