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Absolute ages of migmatization in the polymetamorphic, parautochthonous basement of the Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden, have been determined using U–Pb ion probe analysis of zircon domains that formed in leucosome of migmatitic orthogneisses. Migmatite zircon was formed by recrystallization whereas dissolution–reprecipitation and neocrystallization were subordinate. The recrystallized migmatite zircon was identified by comparison of zircon in mesosomes and leucosomes. It is backscatter electron‐bright, U‐rich (800–4400 ppm) with low Th/U‐ratios (generally 0.01–0.1), unzoned or ‘oscillatory ghost zoned’, and occurs as up to 100 μm‐thick rims with transitional contacts to cores of protolith zircon. Protolith ages of 1686 ± 12 and 1668 ± 11 Ma were obtained from moderately resorbed, igneous zircon crystals (generally Th/U = 0.5–1.5, U < 300 ppm) in mesosomes; protolith zircon is also present as resorbed cores in the leucosomes. Linkage of folding, synchronous migmatization and formation of recrystallized zircon rims allowed direct dating of south‐vergent folding at 976 ± 7 Ma. At a second locality, similar recrystallized zircon rims in leucosome date pre‐Sveconorwegian migmatization at 1425 ± 7 Ma; an upper age bracket of 1394 ± 12 Ma for two overprinting phases of deformation (upright folding along gently SSW‐plunging axes and stretching in ESE) was set by zircon in a folded metagranitic dyke. Lower age brackets for these events were set at 952 ± 7 and 946 ± 8 Ma by zircon in two crosscutting and undeformed granite–pegmatite dykes. Together with previously published data the present results demonstrate: (i) Tectonometamorphic reworking during the Hallandian orogenesis at 1.44–1.42 Ga, resulting in migmatization and formation of a coarse gneissic layering. (ii) Sveconorwegian continent–continent collision at 0.98–0.96 Ga, involving (a) emplacement of an eclogite unit, (b) regional high‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism, (c) southvergent folding, subhorizontal, east–west stretching and migmatization, all of which caused overprint or transposition of older Mesoproterozoic and Sveconorwegian structures. The Sveconorwegian migmatization and folding took place during or shortly after the emplacement of Sveconorwegian eclogite and is interpreted as a result of north–south shortening, synchronous with east–west extension and unroofing during late stages of the continent–continent collision.  相似文献   
Two raised marine sequences from Prins Karls Forland, western Svalbard, interpreted to have been deposited during part of isotope substage 5e (Eemian) and substage 5a, were studied for foraminifera content. Time constraints are given by 14C ages, infrared stimulated luminescence age estimates and amino acid ratios in subfossil marine molluscs. A diamicton (unit B) separates the two marine sequences and reflects an advancement of local glaciers sometime late in isotope stage 5. The two marine sequences contain diverse benthic foraminiferal faunas, indicating periods of a relatively warm and seasonally ice-free marine shelf environment. Compared to the lowermost sequence (unit A), the upper marine sequence (unit C) seems to reflect a more shallow environment that could have resulted from the global lowering of the sea level towards the end of isotope stage 5. Our results further emphasise the problem of biostratigraphic distinction between interglacial and interstadial deposits at high latitudes, with temperature conditions for substage 5a close to those of substage 5e and present conditions.  相似文献   
Intra‐urban cooling rates were monitored for a year in the centre of Göteborg on the Swedish west coast. Five sites with different building geometry ‐ from dense canyon to open space ‐ within a radius of 300 m were analysed. Results showed two modes of cooling during the night. In the first mode, the cooling was site‐dependent ‐the open space cooled the most and the dense canyon the least. In the second mode, which began about 3–4 hours after sunset, all sites cooled at the same rate. Our hypothesis is that in the early part of the evening both radiative divergence and sensible heat dominate the cooling. However, as the evening progresses, a spatially homogeneous inversion is established which controls the radiative cooling, making the cooling independent of both surface geometry and surface type. From April to November the sites cooled rapidly around sunset and the cooling slowly decreased during the rest of the night. However, between December and March, the cooling was less intense, with an almost constant rate during the entire night. It has been suggested that this might be the result of the draining of stored solar heat during the summer and a continuous flux of anthropogenic heating during the winter.  相似文献   

The Swedish Land Data Bank System has been developed in order to rationalize handling of data on real properties and land. The system replaces earlier manual systems for property and land registration. It interacts regularly with other EDP-based information systems and serves as a land information system (LIS) in a broad sense. The system is being steadily extended to cover all parts of the country. The costs for design, implementation and maintenance of the system are covered by reductions of costs for property and land registration.  相似文献   
Ribeiro, S., Moros, M., Ellegaard, M. & Kuijpers, A. 2012 (January): Climate variability in West Greenland during the past 1500 years: evidence from a high‐resolution marine palynological record from Disko Bay. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 68–83. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00216.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Here we document late‐Holocene climate variability in West Greenland as inferred from a marine sediment record from the outer Disko Bay. Organic‐walled dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs were used to reconstruct environmental changes in the area through the last c. 1500 years at 30–40 years resolution. Sea ice cover and primary productivity were identified as the two main factors driving dinoflagellate cyst community changes through time. Our data provide evidence for an opposite climate trend in West Greenland relative to the NE Atlantic region from c. AD 500 to 1050. For the same period, sea‐surface temperatures in Disko Bay are out‐of‐phase with Greenland ice‐core reconstructed temperatures and marine proxy data from South and East Greenland. This is probably governed by an NAO‐type pattern, which results in warmer sea‐surface conditions with less extensive sea ice in the area for the later part of the Dark Ages cold period (c. AD 500 to 750) and cooler conditions with extensive sea ice inferred for the first part of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) (c. AD 750 to 1050). After c. AD 1050, the marine climate in Disko Bay becomes in‐phase with trends described for the NE Atlantic, reflected in the warmer interval for the remainder of the MCA (c. AD 1050–1250), followed by cooling towards the onset of the Little Ice Age at c. AD 1400. The inferred scenario of climate deterioration and extensive sea ice is concomitant with the collapse of the Norse Western Settlement in Greenland at c. AD 1350.  相似文献   

Spatial rainfall patterns and seasonal variability were assessed for a mountainous river basin with monsoon climate. Factors were identified that could explain this variability, and a GIS-supported method to determine the areal distribution of precipitation was developed. To find acceptable regression equations, a division had to be made between rainfall stations dominated by the southwest-monsoons and the northeast-monsoons, respectively. Distance to the southwestern border was the main explaining factor for precipitation at southwest-monsoon dominated stations. For northeast-monsoon dominated stations, altitude and slope were the most important factors. The basin was divided into pixels with characteristics typical for northeast- or southwest-monsoon dominated rainfall stations to allow calculation of spatial rainfall. The difference when comparing regression-based estimates with Thiessen-based estimates was small when considering the annual estimates for the whole basin. However, when analysing seasonal rainfall or sub-catchments, the differences between Thiessen-based and regression-based estimates were significant.  相似文献   
月球表面构造对于理解和重建月球地质构造演化具有重要意义,月岭、月溪等线性构造的形态及分布特征与月球内动力构造运动密切相关。极为有限的样品和难度极高的野外勘察使得遥感成为行星科学研究的最主要手段。中国、美国、日本、印度等国先后发射的多颗新型探月卫星获取了大量高质量数据,尤其是高分辨率的数字地形数据(DTM,Digital Terrain Model)。高分辨率的DTM为月球表面构造特征的自动提取带来了新的机遇与挑战。文中利用多种分辨率的DTM数据,基于多尺度数字地形定量分析方法,识别和提取月球表面的线性构造。使用的地形数据包括500 m分辨率“嫦娥一号”激光高度计数据,100 m分辨率LRO-WAC广角相机数据,60 m分辨率的LRO-LOLA激光测距仪数据以及分辨率高达5 m的LRO-NAC窄视角相机数据。文中使用地形曲率来识别月溪月岭等线性构造,并利用不同滑动窗口大小和阈值进行线性构造的自动提取。对研究区试验结果的定量分析表明,文中提出的基于地形曲率的月表线性构造自动提取方法是有效且可行的,其结果可为月球表面线性构造解译提供重要参考,提高构造解译时效性和精度。  相似文献   
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