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High-temperature–pressure experiments were carried outto determine the chlorine–hydroxyl exchange partitioncoefficient between hornblende and melt in the 1992 Unzen dacite.Cl in hornblende and melt was analyzed by electron microprobe,whereas OH in hornblende and melt was calculated assuming anionstoichiometry of hornblende and utilizing the dissociation reactionconstant for H2O + O = 2(OH) in water-saturated melt, respectively.The partition coefficient strongly depends on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)ratio of hornblende, and is expressed as ln K1 = (Cl/OH)hb/(Cl/OH)melt= 2·37 – 4·6[Mg/(Mg + Fe)]hb at 2–3kbar and 800–850°C. The twofold variation in Cl contentin the oscillatory zoned cores of hornblende phenocrysts inthe 1991–1995 dacite cannot be explained by the dependenceof the Cl/OH partition coefficient on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)hb ratio,and requires c. 80% variation of the Cl/OH ratio of the coexistingmelt. Available experimental data at 200 MPa on Cl/OH fractionationbetween fluid and melt suggest that c. 1·2–1·8wt % degassing of water from the magma can explain the required80% variation in the Cl/OH ratio of the melt. The negative correlationbetween Al content and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio in the oscillatoryzoned cores of the hornblende phenocrysts is consistent withrepeated influx and convective degassing of the fluid phasein the magma chamber. KEY WORDS: chlorine; element partitioning; hornblende; oscillatory zoning; Unzen volcano  相似文献   
多环芳香烃由于诱发突变和致癌的性质威胁着人类的健康,近年来,其降解问题得到了广泛的关注。笔者研究了在没有光照的条件下,改变相对湿度(5%至30%之间),苯并芘(一种典型的多环芳烃物质)在石英,矾土,蒙脱石,高岭石,腐殖酸和吸附了腐殖酸的石英上的稳定性,继而可以检测出矿物表面催化多环芳烃降解的效果。苯并芘的稳定性主要是由吸附剂的物化性质决定的。石英表现出很好的催化效果,即便其表面被腐殖酸所包覆。在整个实验过程中(3天)吸附在蒙脱石和腐殖酸表面的苯并芘依然很稳定。实验装置中的湿度影响在某些特定的矿物中的苯并芘的稳定性。特…  相似文献   
Arsenic is usually associated with sulphide minerals formed in the geothermal environment. However, sulphide minerals are prone to dissolution after contact with meteoric water under surface oxidizing conditions. Secondary precipitates that form from the dissolution of the primary sulfides exert a greater influence on arsenic mobility in the geothermal environment. Fe-hydroxides have very good affinity with dissolved arsenate and are stable under most surface oxidizing conditions. Both amorphous silica directly precipitated from geothermal fluids and possibly a kaolinite alteration can host a small significant amount of arsenic. These silicates are also more stable under a wide range of pH and redox conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract: Age of magmatism and tin mineralization in the Khingan‐Okhotsk volcano–plutonic belt, including the Khingan, Badzhal and Komsomolsk tin fields, were reviewed in terms of tectonic history of the continental margin of East Asia. This belt consists mainly of felsic volcanic rocks and granitoids of the reduced type, being free of remarkable geomagnetic anomaly, in contrast with the northern Sikhote‐Alin volcano–plutonic belt dominated by oxidized‐type rocks and gold mineralization. The northern end of the Khingan‐Okhotsk belt near the Sea of Okhotsk, accompanied by positive geomagnetic anomalies, may have been overprinted by magmatism of the Sikhote‐Alin belt. Tin–associated magmatism in the Khingan‐Okhotsk belt extending over 400 km occurred episodically in a short period (9510 Ma) in the middle Cretaceous time, which is coeval with the accretion of the Kiselevka‐Manoma complex, the youngest accretionary wedge in the eastern margin of the Khingan‐Okhotsk accretionary terranes. The episodic magmatism is in contrast with the Cretaceous‐Paleogene long–lasted magmatism in Sikhote–Alin, indicating the two belts are essentially different arcs, rather than juxtaposed arcs derived from a single arc. The tin‐associated magmatism may have been caused by the subduction of a young and hot back‐arc basin, which is inferred from oceanic plate stratigraphy of the coeval accre‐tionary complex and its heavy mineral assemblage of immature volcanic arc provenance. The subduction of the young basin may have resulted in dominance of the reduced‐type felsic magmas due to incorporation of carbonaceous sediments within the accretionary complex near the trench. Subsequently, the back‐arc basin may have been closed by the oblique collision of the accretionary terranes in Sikhote–Alin, which was subjected to the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene magmatism related to another younger subduction system. These processes could have proceeded under transpressional tectonic regime due to oblique subduction of the paleo‐Pacific plates under Eurasian continent.  相似文献   
The fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) residing in the atmosphere has received enormous attention in recent years due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic risks on human health. In this context, the stability of pyrene (as a representative PAHs) on quartz, alumina, montmorillonite, kaolinite, humic acid and quartz coated with sorbed humic acid was investigated at controlled relative humidity (RH: i.e. 5% and 30%) without light irradiation in order to detect the presence of catalytic effect of mineral surface on PAHs decomposition. The stability of pyrene was found to depend strongly on the physicochemical properties of the substrates. Quartz showed a strong catalytic effect for the decomposition of pyrene even though it was coated with sorbed humic acid. Pyrene sorbed on montmorillonite and humic acid remained stable during the experimental period (i.e. 3 days). Moisture in the experimental cell also affected the stability of pyrene in particular minerals. Especially, pyrene sorbed on alumina was rapidly decomposed at higher RH. However, there were almost no effect in the case of quartz, kaolinite and humic acid. Depending on the physicochemical properties of aerosols and RH, PAHs associated with minerals in the atmosphere would be decomposed and/or stably reside in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The interpretation of electrical sounding data for a subsurface with monotonic continuous variation of the resistivity with depth is becoming increasingly necessary. The contribution of this article is the derivation of the solution for the Wenner and the Schlumberger apparent resistivity functions for a resistivity varying as a real power of a linear positive function of the depth. The interpretation of sounding data in these cases can be used to estimate the variation of the porosity or the salt content of the pore water with depth.  相似文献   
The Cretaceous Abukuma metamorphic terrane consists of the oceanic Gosaisyo Series overthrust onto the terrigenous Takanuki Series. Although the dominant mineralogy defines one of the classic areas of andalusite–sillimanite type progressive metamorphism, there are several lines of evidence suggesting an earlier higher-pressure (up to c . 12  kbar) history of the Takanuki Series and the nearby Gosaisyo Series. These are: (1) the occurrence of rare although widespread relic kyanite in sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade pelitic rocks; (2) the high grossular content of garnet interiors (up to c . 30  mol %) overgrown by Ca-poor rims ( c . 2  mol % grossular) in pelitic rocks containing Al2SiO5 minerals (sillimanite±relic kyanite±retrograde andalusite), plagioclase and quartz; (3) the occurrence of rutile as inclusions in garnet in pelitic rocks; and (4) the occurrence of relic corundum+almandine association in silica-poor and Al–Fe-rich rocks. Garnet in the Takanuki Series pelitic rocks commonly shows textural sector zoning and preserves growth zoning despite the high metamorphic grade, suggesting rapid changes in P–T  conditions and a relatively short duration of high-temperature conditions. Combined with radiometric dating, these observations suggest that the Abukuma sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade rocks underwent a clockwise P–T  path with very fast (>4  mm  y−1) average burial and exhumation rates.  相似文献   
全天空成像观测是目前极光地面观测和反演磁层结构与动力学行为最有效的手段之一,本文介绍在参照WDC-C2极光数据中心ADPRS(AuroralDataProcessing&RetrievingSystem)系统功能的基础上,采用视频图像采集技术,首次在微机上开发成功的一个极光全天空视频图像分析系统.该系统在图像处理用户界面的构建上采用了视窗编程技术,在全天空图像到地磁坐标/地理坐标的投影变换中首次引入了强度修正因子,其功能可与ADPRS系统媲美.  相似文献   
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