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Thermal zoning of the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka has been delineated using the Fe2+–Mg distribution coefficient between garnet and biotite from garnet–biotite gneiss samples collected with wide geographical distribution. In order to minimize the potential for retrograde Fe–Mg exchange and maximize the potential for retaining peak equilibrium KD (garnet–biotite) and temperature, garnet and biotite included within feldspar and quartz without other mineral inclusions have been selected. The calculated results indicate four distinct temperature contours with KD values varying from 1.84 to 6.38 and temperature varying from 996 to 591 °C. From the present results, it is possible to divide the Highland Complex into two major metamorphic zones: a high‐temperature area in the central region and a low‐temperature area in the south‐western and north‐eastern region. In conjunction with the metamorphic pressure variations estimated from the granulites of the Highland Complex in previous studies, it is shown that the high‐ and low‐temperature areas are complemented by a high‐pressure region towards the eastern side and a low‐pressure region towards the western side of this complex. This thermal dome is interpreted to be an artifact of the different crustal levels exhumed following Pan‐African metamorphism.  相似文献   
SAJEEV  K.; OSANAI  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(9):1821-1844
Mg- and Al-rich granulites of the central Highland Complex,Sri Lanka preserve a range of reaction textures indicative ofa multistage PT history following an ultrahigh-temperaturemetamorphic peak. The granulites contain a near-peak assemblageof sapphirine–garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz–K-feldspar,which was later overprinted by intergrowth, symplectite andcorona textures involving orthopyroxene, sapphirine, cordieriteand spinel. Biotite-rims, kornerupine and orthopyroxene-rimson biotite are considered to be late assemblages. Thermobarometriccalculations yield an estimated PT of at least 1100°Cand 12 kbar for the near-peak metamorphism. Isopleths of Al2O3in orthopyroxene are consistent with a peak temperature above1150°C. The PT path consists of four segments. Initialisobaric cooling after peak metamorphism (Segment A), whichproduced the garnet–sapphirine–quartz assemblage,was followed by near-isothermal decompression at ultrahigh temperature(Segment B), which produced the multiphase symplectites. Furtherisobaric cooling (Segment C) resulted in the formation of biotiteand kornerupine, and late isothermal decompression (SegmentD) formed orthopyroxene rims on biotite. This evolution canbe correlated with similar PT paths elsewhere, but thereare not yet sufficient geochronological and structural dataavailable from the Highland Complex to allow the tectonic implicationsto be fully assessed. KEY WORDS: central Highland Complex; granulites; multistage evolution; Sri Lanka; UHT metamorphism  相似文献   
T he first finding of low‐temperature eclogites from the Indochina region is reported. The eclogites occur along the Song Ma Suture zone in northern Vietnam, which is widely regarded as the boundary between the South China and Indochina cratons. The major lithology of the area is pelitic schist that contains garnet and phengite with or without biotite, chloritoid, staurolite and kyanite, and which encloses blocks and lenses of eclogite and amphibolite. The eclogites commonly consist of garnet, omphacite, phengite, rutile, quartz and/or epidote with secondary barroisite. Omphacite is commonly surrounded by a symplectite of Na‐poor omphacite and Na‐rich plagioclase. In highly retrograded domains, diopside + tremolite + plagioclase symplectites replace the primary phases. Estimated peak‐pressure metamorphic conditions based on isochemical phase diagrams for the eclogites are 2.1–2.2 GPa and 600–620 °C, even though thermobarometric results yield higher pressure and temperature conditions (2.6–2.8 GPa and 620–680 °C). The eclogites underwent a clockwise P–T trajectory with a post‐peak‐pressure increase of temperature to a maximum of >750 °C at 1.7 GPa and a subsequent cooling during decompression to 650 °C and 1.3 GPa, which was followed by additional cooling before close‐to‐isothermal decompression to ∼530 °C at 0.5 GPa. The surrounding pelitic schist (garnet–chloritoid–phengite) records similar metamorphic conditions (580–600 °C at 1.9–2.3 GPa) and a monazite chemical age of 243 ± 4 Ma. A few monazite inclusions within garnet and the cores of some zoned monazite in garnet–phengite schist record an older thermal event (424 ± 15 Ma). The present results indicate that the Indochina craton was deeply (>70 km) subducted beneath the South China craton in the Triassic. The Silurian cores of monazite grains may relate to an older non‐collisional event in the Indochina craton.  相似文献   
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