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Dipeptide hydrolysis and amino acid decomposition appear to follow a first-order rate law. The hydrolysis rate increases exponentially with increasing temperature in aqueous solution at both 265 atm and water steam pressures over the temperature range of 100 to 220 degrees C. Dipeptide hydrolysis has a lower apparent activation energy at 265 atm (44.1 KJ/mol) than at water steam pressure (98.9 KJ/mol). At lower temperatures (<200-220 degrees C), the rate of peptide bond hydrolysis is faster at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. At higher temperatures (>200-220 degrees C), however, peptide bond hydrolysis is slower at 265 atm than at water steam pressure. In aqueous solution, amino acid decomposition rates also increase exponentially with increasing temperature. Amino acid decomposition rates are much higher at 265 atm than at water steam pressure over the entire temperature range investigated.  相似文献   
H2 is the most abundant molecule in the universe. We demonstrate that this molecule may be an important component of interstellar and possibly intergalactic ices, both because it can be formed in situ, within the ices, and because gas phase H2 can freeze out onto dust grains in some astrophysical environments. The condensation-sublimation and infrared spectral properties of ices containing H2 are presented. We show that solid H2 in H20-rich ices can be detected by an infrared absorption band at 4137 cm-1 (2.417 micrometers). The surface binding energy of H2 to H2O ice was measured to the delta Hs/k = 555 +/- 35 K. Surface binding energies can be used to calculate the residence times of H2 on grain surfaces as a function of temperature. Some of the implications of these results are considered.  相似文献   
用中国数字地震台网(CDSN)记录到的来自中国周边地区中深源地震的长周期多重ScS波形,使用频域分析(相位归一和叠加)及时域分析(波形反演)技术,估算了多重ScS的衰减算子和走时差。理论计算和使用合成数据进行的数字实验表明,在大陆地区,频域分析可以得到比时域分析更稳定的关于整个地幔衰减(QScS)的结果,而时域分析对于整个地幔走时(TScS)的模拟效果更好。将这两者结合起来,可以得到关于大陆传播路  相似文献   
中深中温热液金-石英脉的一些结构特征,利用非晶质硅胶(胶体)的早期沉淀来解释可能量合理,这种硅胶随后会结晶成石英。非晶质硅胶可产于在粘滑断裂期间流体压力大大下降的脆性-韧性剪切带中。由于存在有利用的动力学条件,这一过程使热液与非晶质SiO2快速达到过饱和,结果是发生非晶质SiO2沉淀而不是石英沉淀。降压作用通常也导致流体发生不混溶和可溶金配合物不稳定。但是,胶态SiO2的存在却能使交粒稳定,从而使  相似文献   
Levels of organochlorine pesticide residues (p,p′ DDT, DDD, DDE, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Lindane, Heptachlor and BHC) were analysed in the dry and wet seasons in four organs (muscle, liver, gut and egg samples) of Ganges Perch, Lates calcarifer, collected during October–November–December, 1996 and May–June–July, 1997 from the Ganges–Brahmaputtra–Meghna estuary. The residues were analysed by using gas-chromatography (GC) in electron capture detector (ECD) mode and were verified by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Among the four organs analysed, the residues were found in the order egg > gut > muscle > liver. The pesticide residues were found in the order ∑DDT > Heptachlor >Dieldrin > Aldrin. Higher levels of residues were found during the dry season due to high lipid content in fishes. A positive correlation was observed between the pesticide residues (∑DDT and ∑OCs) and lipid contents of fish, and the correlation was found to be linear. The concentrations of pesticide residues in muscle, liver and gut were below the FAO/WHO (1993) recommended permissible limit except in eggs.  相似文献   
An overview of toxicant identification in sediments and dredged materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of toxicants affecting aquatic benthic systems is critical to sound assessment and management of our nation's waterways. Identification of toxicants can be useful in designing effective sediment remediation plans and reasonable options for sediment disposal. Knowledge of which contaminants affect benthic systems allows managers to link pollution to specific dischargers and prevent further release of toxicant(s). In addition, identification of major causes of toxicity in sediments may guide programs such as those developing environmental sediment guidelines and registering pesticides, while knowledge of the causes of toxicity which drive ecological changes such as shifts in benthic community structure would be useful in performing ecological risk assessments. To this end, the US Environmental Protection Agency has developed tools (toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) methods) that allow investigators to characterize and identify chemicals causing acute toxicity in sediments and dredged materials. To date, most sediment TIEs have been performed on interstitial waters. Preliminary evidence from the use of interstitial water TIEs reveals certain patterns in causes of sediment toxicity. First, among all sediments tested, there is no one predominant cause of toxicity; metals, organics, and ammonia play approximately equal roles in causing toxicity. Second, within a single sediment there are multiple causes of toxicity detected; not just one chemical class is active. Third, the role of ammonia is very prominent in these interstitial waters. Finally, if sediments are divided into marine or freshwater, TIEs perforMed on interstitial waters from freshwater sediments indicate a variety of toxicants in fairly equal proportions, while TIEs performed on interstitial waters from marine sediments have identified only ammonia and organics as toxicants, with metals playing a minor role. Preliminary evidence from whole sediment TIEs indicates that organic compounds play a major role in the toxicity of marine sediments, with almost no evidence for either metal or ammonia toxicity. However, interpretation of these results may be skewed because only a small number of interstitial water (n = 13) and whole sediment (n = 5) TIEs have been completed. These trends may change as more data are collected.  相似文献   
Sediment chemistry and meiofaunal samples were collected in the Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia, to examine the relationship between sediment variables and meiofauna diversity across near- and far-field gradients surrounding several finfish aquaculture operations. The sediment variables examined consisted of free sulfide concentrations, redox potential (E(NHE)), organic content, and sediment grain size. A strong trend between sediment texture and organic content was observed across all sampling locations, which reflected a wide range of sediment types (sand-silt) that exist within the Broughton Archipelago. The abundance of certain meiofaunal groups (kinorhynchs, crustaceans, polychaetes) declined in an asymptotic fashion with increasing free sulfide concentrations, an indicator of benthic organic enrichment. Within these relationships, low meiofaunal abundances occurred in fine sediments associated with higher organic contents. Although other groups (nematodes, foraminifera) showed a slight decline in abundance with increasing organic enrichment, a high amount of variability in abundance was observed at high free sulfide concentrations, rendering these groups not suitable as indicators of organic enrichment. This study reports both horizontal and vertical trends in meiofaunal distributions relative to free sulfide concentrations. The abundance of nematode and crustacean taxa decreased with sediment depth as well as increasing sulfide concentration, while polycheate abundance increased with increasing free sulfide concentration. The ratio of nematodes to copepods was also shown to represent the degree of organic loading associated with aquaculture operations and its application as an indicator of benthic impact is discussed.  相似文献   
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