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Dissakisites from Trimouns dolomite mine, France, have two kinds of single crystals: chemical-zoned and homogeneous types. Back-scattered electron microprobe (BSE) images of these dissakisites reveal both Ca–Al rich dark zones and Fe-ΣREE rich bright zones. Crystal structures of three dark and two bright zones in a chemical-zoned dissakisite and of a homogeneous zone in unzoned dissakisite were refined to individual R indices (about 3.0–5.0%) based on 1,400 observed [|F 0| > 4σF 0] reflections measured with MoKα X-radiation using the single crystal diffractometer. The differences in brightness between their BSE images arise from those in coupled substitutions of the elements occupying A2 and M3 sites. The main reason for these differences is that ten-coordinated A2 polyhedra and M3 octahedra are directly linked through their shared edge, which creates a great potential for making this coupled substitution. This zoning indicates that formation of the whole zoned crystal, where each zone could be grown steadily with its crystallographic axes mutually parallel to each other, may be identified as autoepitaxy.  相似文献   
Gastropods and bivalves were collected at 15 sites at Vancouver and Victoria, Canada between 24 May and 7 June, 1999, to establish tissue concentrations of butyltin and phenyltin compounds, to record imposex symptoms in gastropods, and to assess the present status of organotin contamination around Vancouver. No neogastropods (such as Nucella lima) were found around Vancouver. Neogastropod populations could have been extirpated by severe TBT contamination in Vancouver, as relatively high concentrations of TBT were detected in tissues of Mytilus trossulus from Vancouver, and the neogastropods distributed in Vancouver might be sensitive to TBT. Recovery from imposex, however, was observed in neogastropod populations from three sites at Victoria and Mission Point. TBT contamination has continued around Vancouver, arising from continuous use of TBT in antifouling paints for vessels larger than 25 m in length; however, TBT has decreased around Victoria and Mission Point. Different patterns of TBT accumulation in tissue were observed among the bivalve species from Vancouver. The highest TBT concentration detected in Tresus capax suggested some possible adverse effects. TBT was the most predominant butyltin component in almost all bivalve specimens surveyed, suggesting a low rate of TBT metabolism. Phenyltin compounds were not detected in any molluscan specimens in this study.  相似文献   
Abstract. Near-infrared (NIR) and visible light microthermometry was applied to the fluid inclusions in sphalerite from a possible southeast extension of the Toyoha polymetallic deposit. Sphalerite occurs as euhedral-subhedral crystals or collo-form aggregates with a variety of color, which contain a well-developed growth banding. Combined with morphological observations, fluid inclusions in dark-colored sphalerite were examined using a near-infrared light microscopic technique, whereas those in light-colored sphalerite and quartz were examined by a conventional visible light microscopy.
Salinities of fluid inclusions in dark-colored sphalerite have a wide variation (1.0–10.3 wt % NaCl equiv.) compared to that in light-colored sphalerite and quartz (0.0–3.4 wt % NaCl equiv.). These variations suggest that the conventional microthermometric data from light-colored sphalerite and quartz were inadequate to interpret the ore formation process. Dark-colored colloform sphalerite and a dark core of subhedral sphalerite formed from high-salinity fluids (6.5–10.3 wt % NaCl equiv.) under highly supersaturated conditions with respect to sphalerite.
The NIR and visible light microthermometry of fluid inclusions in sphalerite combined with its morphological observations is an invaluable method to infer the formation conditions of sphalerite. The NIR and visible light microthermometry is useful to reveal how the nature of ore fluids changed with time.  相似文献   
基于U型卷积神经网络的航空影像建筑物检测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
经典的卷积神经网络结构在前向传播过程中分辨率不断下降,导致仅采用末层特征时难以实现建筑物边缘的精确分割,进而限制目标检测精度。针对该问题,提出一种基于U型卷积网络的建筑物检测方法。首先借鉴在图像分割领域中性能出色的神经网络模型U-Net的建模思想,采用对称式的网络结构融合深度网络中的高维和低维特征以恢复高保真边界;其次考虑到经典U-Net对位于特征金字塔顶层的模型参数优化程度相对不足,通过在顶层和底层两个不同尺度输出预测结果进行双重约束,进一步提升了建筑物检测精度。在覆盖范围达30 km2、建筑物目标28 000余个的航空影像数据集上的试验结果表明,本文方法的检测结果在IoU和Kappa两项关键评价指标的均值上分别达到83.7%和89.5%,优于经典U-Net模型,显著优于经典全卷积网络模型和基于人工设计特征的AdaBoost模型。  相似文献   
The chemical composition of native gold and electrum from auriferous vein and gold-silver vein deposits in Japan has been analyzed and summarized. The Ag/Au ratios of native gold and electrum from these two types of deposits are distinct, i.e., 10–20 Ag at % (auriferous vein) and 30–70 Ag at % (gold-silver vein). Thermochemical calculations suggest that the Ag/Au ratio of native gold and electrum should decrease with increasing chloride concentration and temperature. This is consistent with analytical results of native gold and electrum and fluid inclusion studies. Based on the Ag content of native gold and electrum, the Fe content of sphalerite, and the estimated temperatures, it is deduced that the sulfur activity for auriferous vein-type systems was lower than that of gold-silver vein-type systems.  相似文献   
Stannite and sphalerite coexisting with iron sulfides (pyrite and/or pyrrhotite) from Japanese ore deposits associated with tin mineralization were analyzed. Based on the iron and zinc partitioning between stannite and sphalerite, the formation temperature and sulfur fugacity for this mineral assemblage were estimated. A good correlation between stannite-sphalerite temperatures and filling temperatures of fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope temperatures was obtained. This good correlation suggests that the stannite-sphalerite pair is a useful indicator of temperature and sulfur fugacity. It is deduced that the formation temperatures are not different for skarn-type, polymetallic vein-type and Sn-W vein-type deposits, whereas the sulfur fugacities are different; sulfur fugacities increase from the skarn-type through the Sn-W vein-type to the polymetallic vein-type deposits.  相似文献   
Some absorption features in the ultraviolet spectrum of Venus observed by the OAO-2 cannot be interpreted in terms of H2SO4. Carbon suboxide polymer has a yellow colour and absorption at 2000 Å. Fine graphite grains have an absorption band at about 2175 Å as is well known in the case of the interstellar extinction curves. A mixture of these substances which is inevitably formed in the Venus atmosphere by photochemical reactions is the best candidate for explaining the Venus absorption features in the ultraviolet.  相似文献   
Direct current measurements by a shipboard and bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler and concurrent hydrographic observations with a CTD were conducted off southeastern Hokkaido, Japan, between January and May 2005 to reveal temporal variations in the current structure and volume transport of the Coastal Oyashio (CO). The CO, which has a baroclinic jet structure with southwestward speeds exceeding 90 cm s?1 and a width of 7–8 km, was associated with a surface-to-bottom density front and was formed on the offshore side of the shelf break. The volume transport of CO (T CO) was estimated by integrating the fluxes of lower-density water that was trapped against the coast along the density front represented by the 26.2 σ θ isopycnal line. This transport decreased monotonously from 0.79 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s?1) in January to 0.21 Sv in March and subsequently to 0.12 Sv in May, possibly due to the decay of the East Sakhalin Current Water in the Okhotsk Sea. Accompanied by a decrease in T CO, the location of the jet structure associated with the density front moved toward the coast while the maximum speed of the jet decreased and the tilt of the front became more horizontal. Consequently, more saline offshore Oyashio water flowed into the deep part of the shelf area, and the current structure altered from relatively barotropic in winter to baroclinic in spring. This study is the first to estimate the observed volume transport of the CO from direct current measurements.  相似文献   
The joint Japan/US/UK Hinode mission includes the first large-aperture visible-light solar telescope flown in space. One component of the Focal Plane Package of that telescope is a precision spectro-polarimeter designed to measure full Stokes spectra with the intent of using those spectra to infer the magnetic-field vector at high precision in the solar photosphere. This article describes the characteristics of the flight hardware of the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter, and summarizes its in-flight performance.  相似文献   
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